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Branko Bashing will not solve all our problems.

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    South Korea , did change thier caoch, when we should have....although,we did not, yet, we must have supported Branko any way, once he was not about to go, which was not any conspericy.....
    for those, who are very mad....I must ask, what the big deal is ?
    Did you all rather to have " godly " luck,like head of "stealy",who scored against USA ?....did you want that can of Victory ?, or like south Korea against france ?on this wc ?.....
    All asian teams got eliminated....we had some bad luck, some bad preparations, and may be little less efficient coach......but, the out come would not have been far better other wise...
    15 teams other teams along with us got eliminated also...some even more embbaresing.But, none,had all the handicaps our system had....not even african countries federations run like iranian mafia, or its thrifty mentalities.
    We were better than how we looked, but the point is....NOT BY MUCH !!!!


      soheil jan, most of us knew of all these problems between IFF and ...,
      we also knew of our short comings in mnay fundamental areas
      we also were aware of our culture and ...

      but we shd NOT confuse short term goals with long terms ones.

      we shd not intermingle issues that needed a little effort to get right, with those of infrastructural needs.

      I doubt you'd find any fan anywhere who wouldnt know about our fundamental lacks .
      but that shd NOT be used as an excuse to cover up shortcomings and lacks in issues that could have easily been handled with a little intelligence and knowledge.

      as I said earlier, our lacks in stadia, youth programs, lack of pro culture ... didnt have such a major role in the coach keeping useless players on the pitch, or showing such devastatingly weak tendency in substitutions, or his years of inducing a fear and over-cautious tactic into the team or his inability to extract even a semblance of teamwork from players under him for 5 years or .... !

      these issues could have been handled far far better, inspite of our lacks in infrastructure and ... .

      so lets not mix the two categories here.


      on dadkan and branko keeping "trust-worthy" ppl:

      so basically you are agreeing as long as dadkan or branko kept ppl they "trusted" , they were doing the gith thing?

      I'd love to see how you will defend me ( as incompetent as I am in coaching football teams ) when I become head of IFF or TM coach , and keep my cousins and neighbors in charge of various posts , since I trust these guys more than those professional experts who know more about the job.
      I expect you to defend this as vehemently as you have now.
      will you?

      you will not question me and my judgement in appointing my cousin as TM's assistant coach.

      you will not ask why I appoint my neighbor as physical trainer.

      ay baradar, .... soheil jan, keeping "trust-worthy" ppl is one thing, refusing to include ppl who are USEFUL to the team or organization is another.

      you just PROVED how wrong and biased both dadkan and branko were in appointing these ppl and settling on inferior ppl for these vital posts.
      thank you very much.

      yes, we have to blame ourselves to some extent.
      but it shd NOT distract from the fact that "familiarity" and "docility" was the criteria for appointments, rather than profession, expertise and usefulness !

      and you expect ppl to understand and accept this horrible, selfish act?

      dadkan, just to gather all his kind of ppl and supporters around him, to save himself ... even at the cost of compromising the country's football ... shd be defended?

      branko , for allowing and appointing a bunch of useless and inferior ppl , just so he would feel "safe" and not be under any threat, ... at the cost of compromising and weakening TM, ... shd be defended?

      am I supposed to agree to this?
      am I supposed to feel sorry for dadkan and branko , and sympathize with them?
      or am I supposed to feel sorry for TM and Iran that fell victim of such insecurity and criminal use of power ?

      for me, TM and IRAN are more important , than making sure dadkan or branko feel safe !


      enough, is indeed, enough.

      we could have prevented this disaster.... and we didnt.
      now, there is no use talking about these ppl.

      I only hope we all learn from these mistakes, and maybe next time, we'd not repeat them.
      ( but , then again, it is iri we're talking about !!!! )

      as for the larger picture of infrastructure and fundamentals ... I agree with everyone , that we need to strenghten these and some , even may need rebuilding.

      as I said earlier, I am not going to be writting for sometime, as I just dont feel like it anymore.
      we all can have our views on things, our own issues, and our own priorities.
      I just hope all this helps Iran's football in anywhichway, no matter how small.

      I hope we all learn from this, and become better , .... and I, personally wish for more self-importance and self beleif ... more daring and desire to progress and push our boundries ( no matter what "numbers" dictate ).


      side note:
      tonite, on Iran's channel 3 , Mr. Majeed Jalali had a wonderful talk on what needs to be done in terms of basic structures and infrstctre , as well as long term planning in football.
      simply wonderful.

      he also had many stats and diagrams on many issues, such as passing ( short ones, and long ones ), shooting, and crosses and set pieces, ........ comparing 98WC, 2002 qualifiers, and 2006 WC.
      and in all but one ( set pieces ) in 2006 we had done miserabely!

      very eye opening talk.
      I wish everyone had watched it to learn about our football and its goods and follies.
      Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 06-25-2006, 04:33 PM.


        Originally posted by smanhoobi

        Nobody is asking anyone to be nice to people you do not approve of. Dont say you hate them. Dont say you love them either. But you can be reasonable with them for the sake of the progress of your country.
        I am being reasonable and by being so I Hate Fu*king branko,Dadkan e Haramzadee and all hose that helped these 2 in hurting Iran and TM That is how I feel. ( saving people money on essential services. )

