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Analyzing criticisms .

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    Analyzing criticisms .

    After,and even before our TM failear in WC,we have had all kinds of criticisms,from all angles...Some fair,some not so fair.....and although,all eliminated countries in the WC ,have similar things going on in thier countries as well, but lets see again,what our's has been,and if they are valid.
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    1-Ali Daei...................this may have been valid,yet does not answer all short commeings.

    2-mirzapour...............Although,he had been inconsistant,yet,he did enough to be forgiven.

    3-wrong player selection.................there does not appear,that other player selection would have made that much of difference.

    4-Branko..................He was indeed under qualified,but he did what he thought was best.

    5-Branko was "lazbaz"...............This,may not be valid,since he did his out-most to succeed,( According to his abilities),and he would not have made a wrong decision,just to be lajbaz.

    6-Fans......................This criticism is not valid at all, as our fans,are just as logical,and as ellogical,good and bad,,like all other fans in the criticism should be toward the fans.

    7-Our culture.............this again is not valid,and although,there is no claim of master culture by us Iranians,yet, we are unique,just as any other culture is,and there can always be a system that fits any culture.

    8-IFF................This may be the most valid criticism, as there had not been any planning,or management,nor efficiencies.....from choosing a stupid logo of federation to choosing a third rate coach,to saveing money in hireing coach,expences,friendlies,etc,etc,etc.

    9- Islamic republic..............This is even more valid criticism,as the engin of our country is working with no cylender, there unqualified managements at all aspects of iranian governement, from,economy,to traffic,to management,to modernity,to lack of intelegence,etc etc etc.............
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    We shall be back in 4 years!!!, hopefuly, with new and better,players,coach,IFF,and yes..Government !!!!!!!