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2 Million Dollars ... totally wasted !!

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    2 Million Dollars ... totally wasted !!

    well, looki here now.

    it appears dadkan didnt pay only 500 K to this miserable fool from croatia for his services.
    he was paying him 500K for EVERY YEAR he was in Iran !!
    which makes it a whopping 2 Million Dollars !

    talk about waste of money.
    talk about attrocious mismanagement.

    by God, dadkan shd be crucified for all these crimes !

    اختلاس‌ 500 ميليون‌ تومانى‌ در قرارداد برانکو

    همانطور که‌ مى‌دانيد بازرسان‌ ويژه‌ سازمان‌ تربيت‌بدنى‌ از دو روز پيش‌ در محل‌ فدراسيون‌ فوتبال‌ مستقر شده‌ و پرونده‌ حضور تيم‌ ملى‌ در جام‌جهانى‌ 2006 آلمان‌ را مورد بررسى‌ قرار مى‌دهند. يکى‌ از اين‌ پرونده‌ها بحث‌ قرارداد مالى‌ برانکو ايوانکوويچ‌ طى‌ مدت‌ چهار سال‌ هدايت‌ تيم‌ ملى‌ است. شنيده‌ها حاکى‌ است‌ او طى‌ هر سال‌ حضور در اين‌ تيم‌ مبلغ‌ 500 هزار دلار دريافت‌ کرده‌ که‌ جمعاً‌ دو ميليون‌ دلار مى‌شود. با بررسى‌ اين‌ پرونده، احتمال‌ پانصد ميليون‌ تومان‌ اختلاس‌ ديده‌ شده‌ و بايد ديد اين‌ موضوع‌ در روزهاى‌ آينده‌ چه‌ تبعاتى‌ را در پى‌ خواهد

    Branko made some easy money. He is lucky. He took advantage of us, of our stupid federation, and now he is rich. He came, uneducated and unexperienced, and he took the chance. What a *****!


      Originally posted by NiMjAY
      He came, uneducated
      You do realize he has a PhD? Now you're making up facts...

      Then again, judging from your avatar, what can i expect....
      Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


        If this is your idea of his work (no matter good or bad), what should the Brits say after Eriksson's 5 years of masgharebaazi? Do you know how much he has been paid during these years? The British FA even had to pay him a large amount of money to be able to release him from his remaining 2 years of service. No matter how lousy TM performed in the WC finals and no matter how much I and every other Iranian supporter questions his decisions during these years he has still contributed to our football. He brought us to the WC, which in itself means that IFF is awarded with money which hopefully will be used in a proper way. Now that he's gone I think everyone should drop the Branko thing and look to the future, because I believe it's a bright one.
        No matter what kind of ozgal coach we'll have, gherti or rishoo it's also up to our players. When all can't show the same level of gheyrat as a certain Andranik Teymourian then we should question these players precense primarily.
        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

        "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
        And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


