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A Major Missed Upportunity !!!

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    A Major Missed Upportunity !!!

    Four years of built-up
    Direct WC qualification
    Highest number of legioner players
    strongest TM ever.
    very weak group ,
    beatable mexico
    beatable Angola.
    Everthing ready.
    Inguries to mahdavikia,
    inguries to karimi,
    inguries to zandi,and illness.
    inguries to hashemian.
    inguries to satar Zare.
    under qualified coach.
    Ali daei.
    karimi,and other's bench and 'Rakhtkan ' issues.
    Missed first half uppertunities with mexico.
    missed chances with angola.
    coaching secound half mistakes with mexico.
    lucky angola gole for them.
    millions dollars ,undeserved, to IFF.
    more legioners to Eroup.
    winner,player..daei ( money,and living in USA ), millions of millions of Euros to more than 13 players playing outside of iran.
    happy players....
    The real fans !!

    Just give it up, man. Move on. Are you going to talk about it for another 4 years?


      so true, and so sad.

      also, with all of our fire power, it was our defence that scored! our strikers/midfielders didn't score a single goal...we also didn't score during play, 2 set peices.

      it's life,

      we'll get over it in due time
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


        It is said that we failed in every departement.....Planning, coaching,federation,playing,choosing, ticketing, flags,fans,etc,etc,etc....
        ......................But,I see some possetives................
        It was actualy the very first time,that we demanded to go to the secound round...never had we have such audacity........and in order to do that, we founded out that so many things,need to be corrected and so many things needs to be planned.........we now, know more about what it takes...and that is for the first time, something, japan and south Korea knew before we did.......but we do now.


          Originally posted by faraz
          so true, and so sad.
          also, with all of our fire power, it was our defence that scored! our strikers/midfielders didn't score a single goal...we also didn't score during play, 2 set peices.
          it's life,
          we'll get over it in due time
          this was not a surpirse to those of us who were paying attention to Iran during wcqs. When in the final round we could only muster goals from the likes of Nosrati and Rezaei with great difficulty against minnows.
          The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


            if only ppl , instead of looking at meaningless "numbers" and false claims, noticed the quality of football being displayed, it wouldnt have surprised them at all.


              Doctor doom e aziz.......where have you been man ?.....
              Are you seriouse with your Ideal Coaching team for iran ?
              Remember,what Ideal has a different meaning than practical.
              How about.....
              1-Heshmat Mohajerani .......... head of IFF.
              2-Afshin Ghotbi....................manager and assistant coach.
              3-Raymond D.(Coach of france )...head coach.
              .............Malyat ke nadareh ..............


                The French coach? the same man that defended with a team like FRANCE? If he was to coach Iran we won't even have a striker!


                  Originally posted by Kian
                  The French coach? the same man that defended with a team like FRANCE? If he was to coach Iran we won't even have a striker!
                  why would you say such a thing?
                  france unlike Iran is not a very stronge attacking team they are more of a diffening team.
                  france has some good players but hey are not all top strikers.
                  we have a team that even our deffence is taking shots on net.
                  a real coach would coach Iran as an attacking team not a deffending team.
         ( saving people money on essential services. )


                    zz jan , I dont see much point in writting anymore, as once again, we saw how we Iranians are so bloody lazy, laj-baaz and plain dumb that we never learn ( and some even REFUSE to learn ) from past mistakes and experiences !!
                    we never are in the habit of "PREVENTION".
                    we let the disease run rampant and ruin everything, and when all is lost, we suddenly wake up and talk about "cure" !!
                    hah !

                    indeed "nooshdaroo pass az marg-e sohrab.." !

                    I agree with heshmat khan getting either the head of IFF or TM's manager post.

                    he'd be an excellent staff BEHIND the coach.

                    but R. Dumenec ?
                    what does he know about Iran and its players?

                    let me explain:
                    by "ideal", I considered and weighed in the limited amount of time we have to re-mold and rejuvenate our TM for the asia cup qualifiers, less than 2 months away.
                    which in this context, makes the idealism a practical issue as well.

                    I am not going to be dellusional to talk about lippi or cappello or .... coz it is as apparent as daylight that such coaches just wont come to Iran.

                    but Denizli, from what we have seen from him, and considering his experience, his knowledge & familiarity of iranian football and .... seems to fit right in.

                    I have also explained why I would like Jalai to be his assistant coach ( altho' it may not materialize ), and how parvin ( inspite of my dislike of him ) can help reorganize and discipline the hurt TM.


                      Originally posted by zzgloo
                      Four years of built-up
                      Direct WC qualification
                      Highest number of legioner players
                      strongest TM ever.
                      very weak group ,
                      beatable mexico
                      beatable Angola.
                      Everthing ready.
                      Inguries to mahdavikia,
                      inguries to karimi,
                      inguries to zandi,and illness.
                      inguries to hashemian.
                      inguries to satar Zare.
                      under qualified coach.
                      Ali daei.
                      karimi,and other's bench and 'Rakhtkan ' issues.
                      Missed first half uppertunities with mexico.
                      missed chances with angola.
                      coaching secound half mistakes with mexico.
                      lucky angola gole for them.
                      millions dollars ,undeserved, to IFF.
                      more legioners to Eroup.
                      winner,player..daei ( money,and living in USA ), millions of millions of Euros to more than 13 players playing outside of iran.
                      happy players....
                      The real fans !!
                      Under Ivankovich + Daie we had no chance. 2010 will be much better for TM.



                        Dear Doctor Doom.....
                        You can never ever live in Iran, if you think that way......wellcome to the culture of Inefficiencies all around...
                        I thought like you for a while, then I thought, the right thing to do was to support the TM,even though things did not add up....yet,to my belief it was the right thing to do......
                        This .world cup, was the first time,we had expectations,....we need to go to WC at least 4 more times with expectations,untill we come up with a satisfactory results.


                          sorry zz jan,
                          I cant share this beleif , since I have seen teams do it in their third, second, or even on their debut to the WC.

                          cameroon, senegal, saudi arabia, japan .... examples are aplenty.

                          so I cannot accept the notion of waiting for our 6th or 7th time 'round so we can advance !

                          as for inefficiencies, I agree.
                          they do exist.
                          but so does our tremendous potential, so does our im-measurable talent, and a lot of other factors.

                          for example, with a little insight and average management, even THIS TIME, we could have advanced.
                          what kept us at bay was:

                          most disasterous team managment by IFF
                          a constrained and incompetent staff on the bench
                          a moron with limited abilities as coach

                          and beleive me, if a few proper steps were taken 5-6 months to the games ( we all know which ones and have discussed the earlier ), I am sure we would have had a shot at the second round.
                          so there is no need for this waiting period.

                          only a little insight, and a pro-active attitude ( as opposed to the reactive one we adopted ).


                            DD JAN,
                            Attending WC often ,and expecting will teach us to not make mistakes like :
                            1-We did not have a fan club, hence our fans did not cooperate, and were not able to find tickets,or be a force...( south Korea had it )
                            2-We should have had the camp in germany instead of Switzerland,,,so, our german legioners could have attended the camp more easyly.
                            3-The tickets given to IFF by fifa, were sold to mexican fans.
                            4-many players were injured.or got sick.
                            5-choseing weak friendlies only hurt us,and not helped.
                            6-bad managements.
                            7- wrong coach.
                            success in wc needs doing lots of little things right.and it is not just us....look at GHANNA !, they could have done much better,had they have more experince about WC.

