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lets talk about FREEKICKS ..... again.

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    if you actually think VH came becoz of branko and not thousands of fans and others asking him, then we have nothing more to discuss .

    same with zandi.

    it would be nice to think a little harder and consider all the periphery before we make claims.


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
      if you actually think VH came becoz of branko and not thousands of fans and others asking him, then we have nothing more to discuss .

      same with zandi.

      it would be nice to think a little harder and consider all the periphery before we make claims.
      Well you did not understand

      Hashemian wouldbnt even be linked to team melli if Branko did not insist on him and made all thoose trips there

      Same goes with Zandi..

      So without branko Hashemain and Zandi would not of been team melli players and thats it


        Mobali = Freekicks, Freekicks = Mobali, no player has any doubt on this. Even if his angkle is injured he can still score on freekciks.(like he did vs Al-nasr).


          Originally posted by Mr.Good
          Let me list you some names:
          Zandi, Daei, Kia, Vahid, Nekounam, and most recently Karimi, are all capable and do play fast combinational game.
          One other point not related to your question. How many goals did you see Mobali score from freekicks on International level. All the freekick gaols he scored in IPL are against crappy goalies. once I saw him score a free kick from very long distance, the keaper reached the ball easily, but he could not control it. Do you think international goalies are like IPL ones.
          Even in UAE, so far Mobali scored nothing out of free kicks. UAE lacks good goalies similar to us (Their best keaper plays in Mobali's team). a couple of games i saw him play in Al-Shabab, he got many free kicks around the box, he took almost all of them and he scored non.
          We have four midfield positions. Mobali cannot play defensive mid, or left mid. That leaves us with two position AM and RM. Do you really believe that mobali can replace Karimi or Kia, even as a sub we have other players that can play that position better for example Navidkia.
          Thats cuz he never gets the chance to play versus Internationals, and when he does play for TM, he plays so short that TM doesn't get a freekick. He scored a goal from 35 meters against Jordan, who had a VERY good goalie probably best in Asia. He scored on Abedzadeh when he was like only 18-19 from BEHIND the box, so don't say he only scores on crappy goalies. Besides why can't nekonam, navidkia, etc score on freekicks as much as him if you say IPL goalies are crappy? HE just scored on a freekick in UAE 2 days ago, where were you, sleeping??


            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
            if you actually think VH came becoz of branko and not thousands of fans and others asking him, then we have nothing more to discuss .

            same with zandi.
            Yet, please do acknowledge that Branko played a MAJOR role in their inclusion in the team.

            I don't doubt there were other reasons, but without Branko's persistance, there is no way they'd be on the team today.
            We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


              Originally posted by faraz
              Yet, please do acknowledge that Branko played a MAJOR role in their inclusion in the team.
              I don't doubt there were other reasons, but without Branko's persistance, there is no way they'd be on the team today.

              ANY other coach ( unless we get someone really stupid and backward ) would have shown interest and persuaded VH and zandi.

              yes, faraz jan, branko did have a hand in it ... just as any other coach would have too.

              but to twist reality and make it look as if ONLY branko would have done so, and no other person would have been inclined or desires , is a bit hard to digest.


                I understand what you are saying, but you are missing my point:

                The fact that he actually hauled his *** to Germany and got these players to play for TM deserves credit, whether or not another coach would have done the same thing. The "other coach" argument is irrelevant, because firstly, it is purely speculation (yes, most coaches would obviously do it, but then again, WHO KNOWS?), and secondly, there IS no other coach.

                Branko sought them out; hence, he deserves credit, regardless of the situation.

                However, back to freekicks: There are specialty players out there (like Juninho of Brazil) who's main priority is to convert set-pieces. Now, since Mobali has only scored against weak IPL goalies (look at Enayati's header off the beautiful Akbarpour cross - what goalie in the world wouldn't have stopped that??), it is safe to say that we have NO clue how he'll take freekicks against the likes of Mexico, Portugal and Angola. I, for one, have not seen him convert a free-kick in the senior team, but I do have faith in Mobali's abilities on the field, as well as set-peices to know that he deserves a bench spot. Anything other than that is ludicrous, in my opinion.
                We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                  Originally posted by faraz
                  I, for one, have not seen him convert a free-kick in the senior team, .....

                  never mind converting one, Have you ever seen him TAKE a free kick with the senior team?


                    Originally posted by behzadb
                    never mind converting one, Have you ever seen him TAKE a free kick with the senior team?
                    To be honest, I can't remember the last time he did, now that you mention it. Hence, why I said "we have no clue how he'd do". However, scoring against the weak IPL goalies does not prove anything. Just look at Enayati - an efficient scorer in the IPL but he can't do much of ANYTHING (and yes, he's had some good scoring opportunities here or there) on the international stage.

                    Come to think of it, I have no clue how Mobali would do. Again, he seems very talented and is doing well in the UAE but in no way, shape or form does he deserve a starting role as some have suggested. He is simply bench material at this point.
                    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                      Originally posted by behzadb
                      never mind converting one, Have you ever seen him TAKE a free kick with the senior team?
                      YES!!! OPEN YOUR EYES TM fans!!! If he's in the field, he takes Freekicks over Kia, Daei, and Nekonam. In Waff he took the freekicks when he played. In AC vs Japan, he took that one awesome freekick from WAY out far that kawaguchi sent to corner. Remember that Daei, Kia, nekonam etc., were all in the field when he took the freekick, this shows how much they trust his freekick powers.


                        faraz jan , the attitude of :
                        "I have not seen, so I dont want to see"
                        will not help and is actually in contradiction with progress & betterment.

                        imagine Alexander G. Bell saying I havent seen a device thru which I can speak to another person far away, so I think I'm going to stick and be happy with my smoke-signals !!

                        dont yuo think maybe seniority has something to do with daei or kia taking over the freekicks?
                        and if a coach puts down the rule that such angles and such situations x or y will take BECOZ he is better in freekicks, and it is not according to seniority, things would fall into place?

                        the immense INEXPERIENCE of branko in LEADING a team rears its head in almost TOO MANY places....too many places for comfort !!!!


                          DD jan - with Daie and Kia, I see 2 great free-kick takers to be honest! Not so much Daei presently, but add Zandi to the list and we have a very decent line-up when it comes to free-kicks. It is not as if we are in DIRE need of someone to take our free-kicks, and actually, it has been our strong point and is out basic scoring method. Karimi or Hashemian get us free-kicks in good positions, and Kia curls one in or Zandi curls one in, and low and behold, we score.

                          I'm surprised that Mobali's other great qualities have not mentioned instead of his freekicks! He is a good freekick taker, granted; however, he is so good at so many different things that TM needs, first and foremost before his freekick ability.
                          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                            1- if you go back and read the first page , you'd know why I discounted zandi and kia, and why Daei being our ONLY option for direct kicks is not a good tactic.

                            2- actually we WILL be in DIRE need of a freekick specialis, as ... again .... explained in the first page.

                            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM

                            1- we have drawn against two physical teams ( angola and mexico )

                            2- we have a few players who would DRAW fouls by the opponents, like karimi, borhani, kia, daei, VH, ...

                            any team would make use of such a situation and tries to bolster its freekick situation.

                            and since under such conservative mentality, our TM has almost FORGOTTEN how to play offensive football, and with the draught of goals scored by our team, it is of even more dire consequences that we SHOULD think of the few occasions and chances we get during the games.

                            3- mobaali's other great attributes are not mentioned coz the subject is "freekicks" and who are our best options, when our team proves unable to score in open play ..... which under branko , has been once in a blue moon !!!!


                              That still doesn't answer the question! Why can't we use Kia and Zandi against Mexico or Angola? Yes - these are 2 physical teams, and yes, we will win free kicks against them - why do we need new freekick takers? Have we not been successful with the ones we've had? The one TRUE success that we've had IS free kicks! If there's ANYTHING to be talked about it is our success rate and dangerous free kicks. We don't need bolstering in this area! We need bolstering in MANY different areas in which Mobali may or may not be a solution, but in terms of free kicks, we already have TWO specialists on the team. Why do we need THREE?

                              I do think he should be added to the team though. and yes, you can never have enough players behind the ball on a set-peice. But the point is, he has a lot more to offer than just free-kicks.
                              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                                1- kia and zandi would be good for IN-direct kicks.

                                2- shall I remind you the "laurels" you refer to are against : bahrain, n korea , azerbaijan, ... !
                                am I to think they are equal to mexico, portugal, angola?

                                3- if you read the original post, the DIRECT kicks are the issue here.
                                could u tell us what % of sucess we've had in DIRECT kicks?

                                4- yugoslavia never even imagined benching mihailovic.
                                and he was a constant FIXTURE in their games ( same with lazio ).
                                could u tell ?
                                was it becoz he was such a fantastic defender?
                                he was aweful as a defender !

                                isnt it becoz of something else then?

                                5- zandi?
                                aah... you mean the same zandi who is totally OUT OF FORM, and cant even get regular playing at the bottom club?
                                and what is his % in DIRECT kicks anyway?

                                ( anyone remember when many of us were asking:
                                "what if branko's favorite players lose form? WHO is to take their place?"

                                and branko cheer leaders were mum on this one !!
                                well, ... looks like such "impossibilities DO happen, afterall !! )

                                you seem to be in more of a hurry to answrr, rather than read the meaning of the original post !


                                and the best thing is that THIS issue is not about mobaali.
                                it is about a MAJOR , MAJOR option for scoring goals, especially for teams that have fewer options to score normally.

                                take kazemian, in fact.
                                why cant we use him, if some of us have problems with mobaali ( god knows what these problems are, except obedience to branko's childish and destructive laj baazi )?

                                he, also is compartively good direct spot kicker.
                                AND, he has experienced WC football.
                                something that almost 85% of the team hasnt !

                                guys like zandi, karimi, VH, rahman, nekounam, .... none of them have experineced a WC.
                                but kazemian has !

                                and btw, faraz jan, this attitude is exactly what many dont want to see.

                                the attitude of "we have "SOME"-thing at least, even if it's not exactly dependable. lets stick to that. why tax & tire ourselves, why bother?"

                                what many of us want is:
                                LEAVING NO STONE UN-TURNED.
                                which means, if there is a chance to ADD to TM's fortunes, luck, quality, ... ( call it whatever) , we better use it.... even if it is as small & minor as 0.1% .

                                and utilizing freekicks is a MAJOR option , even for huge teams.
                                for us?
                                we shdnt even doubt such issues.

