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<<Zidane Incident>> Some thing should be done by FIFA!!

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    <<Zidane Incident>> Some thing should be done by FIFA!!

    After watching a moment when a legend ruined his career and made the darkest moment in his career. Watching a moment a world cup being called "Zidane World Cup" not because of all his glories and superb ability with the ball but for butt heading. I can not simply accept and put 100% fault and guilt on Zidane's shoulders.

    When I think, I sat behind the TV like the other 1 billion people on the earth to watch a player like Zidane. We, One sixth of earth population, didn’t sit behind the TV to watch How Materazzi uses his dirty mouth.

    I can’t accept this is part of the game, I should do some thing about it, we should do some thing about it. We have to use all our power to protect a player like Zidane, after all he is the icon of beautiful game. FIFA uses all his power to protect a player for being injured, then what's the difference between kicking a player to end his career or doing some thing to let him suicide (by red card)? To protect a player like Zidane, should we ignore what he did by closing our eyes? No, we can't fix a mistake (zidane act) by another mistake or ignoring it. Zidane deserved what he got, he shouldn’t do that, but the question is “what did we do to protect him?” Is he the only guilty party?

    We should just get a bit dipper and punish harshly the other player(s) who let a superstar acting like that. I don't think any one in the world misses Materazzi , no one even remember him except the story how he single handed managed to ruin a legend like Zidane. How? It was obvious by using his filthy mouth.

    FIFA should do some thing about it. Zidane was not the first player who lost his cool and won't be the last one. At least we, Iranians, are the all time victims of dirty mouth from our southern neighbors.

    I, for one, condemn Zizo actions, but I hate to see such a player like Materazzi again on the pitch.

    No need to introduce Zidane, but you need to know a bit more about Materazzi, watch who he is:

    Last edited by Hajagha; 07-10-2006, 09:06 AM.

    Materazzi told Zidane that his sister was a prostitute. He insulted his sister twice before insulting Zidane himself...

    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


      I fully agree Hajagha. Whilst there is no defending Zidane's response, and the fact that he did deserve a red card it is a shame to see an animal, a real thug like Materazzi get away with that.

      Zidane was defending his honour, and I know I would have reacted the same if a team were constantly fouling me the whole game and then to receive such abuse from their players throughout the game. To those who still don't grasp the scale of the problem, (like it was said in another thread) think back to Bahrain matches when they utter the dirtiest insults to our players in Farsi.


        Hajagha I agree with you and Fifa should react to such cases with care

        Originally posted by Hajagha
        No need to introduce Zidane, but you need to know a bit more about Materazzi, watch who he is:

        This link that you have provided does not work for me and I really want to see it, can you double check and see if the video still works?!

        If not please post the correct one whenever time permits


          Originally posted by Juev
          Hajagha I agree with you and Fifa should react to such cases with care
          This link that you have provided does not work for me and I really want to see it, can you double check and see if the video still works?!
          If not please post the correct one whenever time permits
          Check this:

          if not working google Materazzi, the first thing comes is this video.



            I think , calling this insident as , " Ruining a career " is a over statment....
            Zedan has been far more,than that !, and his name will survive....
            As a matter of fact, it may even be ,something to respect zedan ,even more.
            ......How ever, this was not the first time, Zedan did,something like he had done it in Italy club level well as 1998 game with saudi arebia.......more over, Italian players ,aside from being mostly racist ( as number of articles stated this ), made even Ballak,the captain of Germany
            to react very similar to zedan's in this very wc.
            more over, blameing France's loss on zedan ,is also not there was only,10 minutes left...and one missed gole could have happened,even when Zedan present.
            I personaly, with all due respect to likes of pele,maradona,ronaldo,ronaldinho.etc.......Zedan, based on my judgement, has been greatest ever.......not because of his fancy footwork,....not because of makeing the game complecated......but because he made look so easy !!!!.....he made it easier for his team mates, and what he did always counted !!!......................Materrazi,is far smaller than being able to ruin such act !!!!


              I agree with ZZ. Zidane's name is so big that it'll not only survive, but this action will find some symphaty among lots of people (like me).

              He just showed how gheyrati he is and that pride is much more important than a football match (even if it's the WC final).

              Also see

              Here you can discuss about International sports and the Olympics (Including the Iranian Olympic team)

              for more.
              Persian Pride running through my veins!

              Esteghlal for life!!


                By the way, had matrrazi was not so tall, that head was meant for his head !!


                  he cald him a terrorsist zidane went fuk this is my last game and went nutz
                  Humanity. Love. Earth.


                    Originally posted by Hajagha
                    funny that you make a saint out of "Zizo". and don't remember how he stepped on the poor guy in the world cup. He has gotten a lot of red cards for his bad behavior on the field. Why don't you mention that!?

                    Your post remind me of the Mola's justifications! "We are holy people and we never make mistakes!"

                    BTW, I have a coworker who is a strong fan of American football and calls soccer "the sissy sport". I guess he is right!

                    stop your double standard and teach your man "Zizo" to be a man. not a bull!


                      Originally posted by VivaItalia
                      funny that you make a saint out of "Zizo". and don't remember how he stepped on the poor guy in the world cup. He has gotten a lot of red cards for his bad behavior on the field. Why don't you mention that!?

                      Your post remind me of the Mola's justifications! "We are holy people and we never make mistakes!"

                      BTW, I have a coworker who is a strong fan of American football and calls soccer "the sissy sport". I guess he is right!

                      stop your double standard and teach your man "Zizo" to be a man. not a bull!
                      Your post is full of controversial comments. Where did I justify Zidan? besides, this game is sissy game or not? We have to incident, cussing and butt-heading, which one is sissy, which one is the "man's game"? Where did I make double-standard remarks? Well reading your post, no one has any doubt why your name is "Viva-Italia".

                      Reading mine, I guess every one agrees that I love Zizo and the players like him for the game and how they play, not bcz of the color or logo of the jersey. I love these kind of players, that's why I try to protect them from guys you probably defend their action no matter what as far as they keep wearing the shirt your love.

                      We see the game with two different views.
                      Last edited by Hajagha; 07-10-2006, 11:09 AM.


                        Originally posted by Hajagha
                        Your post is full of controversial comments. Where did I justify Zidan? besides, this game is sissy game or not? We have to incident, cussing and butt-heading, which one is sissy, which one is the "man's game"? Where did I make double-standard remarks? Well reading your post, no one has any doubt why your name is "Viva-Italia".

                        Reading mine, I guess every one agrees that I love Zizo and the players like him for the game and how they play, not bcz of the color or logo of the jersey. I love these kind of players, that's why I try to protect them from guys you probably defend their action no matter what as far as they keep wearing the shirt your love.

                        We see the game with two different views.
                        Well, I'm sure if they let the two fight some where, Materazzi will beat the hell out of Zidane. Marco is a street boy!

                        No, I don't defend Materazzi's action. No, I fu8cking don't. do not make me raise my voice. But unlike you, I don't defend animal actions like what Zidane did. Zidane is not a saint either. He has gotten so many red cards for his stupid actions on the field before too. so many.

                        So don't try to make him look innocent. He certainly did say something provokative to Materazzi. watch the video and his sarcastic face. His face says it all.

                        and btw, I am a Zidane lover too. but I don't make a saint out of him.


                          Originally posted by VivaItalia
                          Well, I'm sure if they let the two fight some where, Materazzi will beat the hell out of Zidane. Marco is a street boy!

                          No, I don't defend Materazzi's action. No, I fu8cking don't. do not make me raise my voice. But unlike you, I don't defend animal actions like what Zidane did. Zidane is not a saint either. He has gotten so many red cards for his stupid actions on the field before too. so many.

                          So don't try to make him look innocent. He certainly did say something provokative to Materazzi. watch the video and his sarcastic face. His face says it all.

                          and btw, I am a Zidane lover too. but I don't make a saint out of him.

                          I don't see any thing in your post that I am against. So, that's a good sign for you, you can reduce one of your pills then.

                          In a serious note, the whole point of this thread is the root of the action which apparantly seems to be a racism comment. We gotta stop this, sorry to be against your team this time, I really don't care though.

                          We have to punish such a palyer to not ruining the game.


                            Originally posted by Hajagha
                            I don't see any thing in your post that I am against. So, that's a good sign for you, you can reduce one of your pills then.

                            In a serious note, the whole point of this thread is the root of the action which apparantly seems to be a racism comment. We gotta stop this, sorry to be against your team this time, I really don't care though.

                            We have to punish such a palyer to not ruining the game.
                            He said he didn't say any racial insults. I too am against racial comments and if he has said anything like that, he has to be punished.

                            But yet, Zidane has no right to take the action himself. He is a great player and probably a great human, but he has a bad temper. You should know it by now.
                            VIVA ITALIA VIVA MILAN VIVA MALDINI


                              Haji jaan:

                              Up untill a few days ago, I was having a debate with one of those "pfdc specials" in football forum. A typical creature who had two made phrases and repeated it a million times. As we moved forward, he started to fill the gaps with personal stuff too (again, very typical). When we really reached that point, I decided to stop. Because, if I would to continue, I would aggrevate a creature further. His views were not bothering me at all. But his language, his methods of reaching the outcome and degrading (so so typical of his kind) by mixing irrelevant issues was quite sad of a scene to witness. I mean I wondered and I said to myself, "oh gosh, this is what we have in this world and we have tons of them". Now what this has to do with your thread subject?

                              I would support Zidane IF I knew that his actions woud in any way help the cause in eliminating cusses, swears to ones mother or .... or even racial comments. Zidane's action on the pitch may be very "gheyrati" ( as you can see so many praise it for that), but its outcome will not only have "no effect" , but it will also aggrevate that creature (materazzi) and will be a sign that "great things" can happen using them. Hope I could relate this with the above paragraph in my incident. There are tons of people like Materazzi in world of football today. These stuff happens in football like "noghl o nabaat" (I mean verball stuff). If that much of an importance is given to it, we only flare up its popularity as a method of play in football.

                              Now, you asked what FIFA should/can/must do? I dont think FIFA can do anything more than they are doing now. I mean there is no way you can punish or prevent it in this generation of footballists. This world in one way or another is actually promoting Racism. Whereever we look, we can see how devided this world is getting. And there are lots of people ( and i mean quite a lot) who are using/misusing this opportunity to their favor , regardless of how dirty it might be.

                              FIFA is trying to educate all people and especially the younger generation of football fans and lovers. But, I think thats about it. there is no logical way to do this and prevent it from happening. I think its rather the "mokhaatab's" job to slow it down with ignoring (sometimes, ignoring is a better weapon against a wrong than reacting to it). The more we have people like Zidane who react, the more we let such thing have an effect.

                              And I also agree with Viva. Zidane is a great player in my book too. But, in those matters he is and was never a saint.

                              Zidane got the golden ball. But with that, he missed a chance of being a great embassador of football in world of football. Just like Maradona. Dont get me wrong. Zidane is in a much higher class than Maradona in that sense. I just think, he wont get the recognition that he trully deserved after this incident.

                              Just as a footnote. Zidane had internal problems with his own country and fans too. Lets not forget that either.

                              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

