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<<Zidane Incident>> Some thing should be done by FIFA!!

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    Originally posted by VivaItalia
    For your information.
    It was a mild insult and the stupid Zidane couldn't control his temper.
    Dear VIVAITALIA,......although ,I had previously enjoyed most of your comments in the past....and agreed with them...But, your position on this thread escapes me.........It is one thing being fan of Italian football, yet, ignoring the ever important racisem issue,that exits so widely is another...
    How long have lived in Italy ?.....have you not seen the Suasticas in the stediums ?......have you not seen " hi hitler guestures "?..........
    have you not seen the African players leaving the stedium during the games ?
    have you not been denied of going to a club ? have you not been talked to like you are peice of dirt ?.......have you not been denied of better job ?..
    have not seen the class of football players in Italy and what is going atmospher ?...........
    Where in Italy have you lived ??......
    .......................Do you realy believe this Ass hole's comment ?


      Originally posted by zzgloo
      Dear VIVAITALIA,......although ,I had previously enjoyed most of your comments in the past....and agreed with them...But, your position on this thread escapes me.........It is one thing being fan of Italian football, yet, ignoring the ever important racisem issue,that exits so widely is another...
      How long have lived in Italy ?.....have you not seen the Suasticas in the stediums ?......have you not seen " hi hitler guestures "?..........
      have you not seen the African players leaving the stedium during the games ?
      have you not been denied of going to a club ? have you not been talked to like you are peice of dirt ?.......have you not been denied of better job ?..
      have not seen the class of football players in Italy and what is going atmospher ?...........
      Where in Italy have you lived ??......
      .......................Do you realy believe this Ass hole's comment ?
      I hope you start enjoying my comments again

      I am absolutely against racial comments. If this dickhead! has called Zidane a terrorist, then he must be punished, I'm all for it. I am 100 times more Zidane's fan than Materazzi, believe me.

      But if he has said something about his sister or wife, then it's Zidane's to be balmed. Materazzi is a thug. He is the only player in Italy's squad that I don't like! But in this case, I'll back him if his insult hasn't been racial. Verbal challenge and insults are part of the game and no one can control it. Not that I approve it, not at all, but it's part of the game. I personally never use it. It's the professional player that needs to control himself and ignore the provoker.

      I wish Zidane had not been ejected. Italy would have won, no matter what. They wanted it badly. but at least now, french and France fans have an excuse to moan about!


        oh, by the way, about the racism, it's all over the world not in Italy only, you and I can't do anything about it. and unfortunately it's getting worst day by day!

        Whether you call it descrimination or racism.
        It's sad.


          Originally posted by VivaItalia
          I hope you start enjoying my comments again

          I am absolutely against racial comments. If this dickhead! has called Zidane a terrorist, then he must be punished, I'm all for it. I am 100 times more Zidane's fan than Materazzi, believe me.

          But if he has said something about his sister or wife, then it's Zidane's to be balmed. Materazzi is a thug. He is the only player in Italy's squad that I don't like! But in this case, I'll back him if his insult hasn't been racial. Verbal challenge and insults are part of the game and no one can control it. Not that I approve it, not at all, but it's part of the game. I personally never use it. It's the professional player that needs to control himself and ignore the provoker.

          I wish Zidane had not been ejected. Italy would have won, no matter what. They wanted it badly. but at least now, french and France fans have an excuse to moan about!
          I was about to start to enjoy your comments again,untill you said the Italy was better that day !!
          I also agree that normal insults does not matter much.....but, although zidan has had similar reactions in the past....I have hard time,believeing,that in the WC final, and zidan ,a vetran of so many championships,and lots of dirty talking in the past, would loose it in that situation......
          ...........based on my judgment, France played a superior game and played better....more over, the materrazi's gole should have been a foul,as he pushed down the french defender to jump up and head.....more over,the secound half was totaly france's game.....and the Trrazssiogier, or what ever his name was, had not wormed up enough to take the penalty and missed it, and Zidan would not have missed it.
          .................................................. ....
          But all said my dear friend......this issue of arrogance and racisem in Europe has gone far too long without any deterrance.....the Governments do not do anything about it, the people do not stop eachother, and has become an ordinary act,and totaly accepted as part oof life in Europe...and it is far more important than football.......................
          And at last, you will see,in future, that zidan is not as stupid as you think.....his act in this WC, will be more famouse than maradonna's " hand of GOD "......and yet another reason to remember him by !!!, while after makeing millions of Dollars , he will leave football, by doing something for his fellow minoreties and exploited people of European gettos.


            Originally posted by VivaItalia
            For your information.
            It was a mild insult ...
            So did Zidane head-butt. Wasn't it MILD? Materazzi walked away himself, wasn't he?

            It seems you don't get the picture, do you? The insult was harsh enough to get into Zidane, that's enough in my book. It's like the suspect calimed in the court room "your honor, the stone I threw was small, it's not my fault the victim's head was soft and got killed."

            For once, please try to get that this is not about Italy, this is about football.


              Originally posted by Hajagha
              So did Zidane head-butt. Wasn't it MILD? Materazzi walked away himself, wasn't he?

              It seems you don't get the picture, do you? The insult was harsh enough to get into Zidane, that's enough in my book. It's like the suspect calimed in the court room "your honor, the stone I threw was small, it's not my fault the victim's head was soft and got killed."

              For once, please try to get that this is not about Italy, this is about football.
              Haji what are you talking about baba!?!?

              If I call you faggot, and it gets into you. what do you do? you come beat me? then I sue you and ... It is my personal opinion and my freedom of speach to call you whatever I want and you have no right to beat me! you can walk away and ignore me or you can defend yourself by verbal challenges. This is called civilization!!

              So, be asbe shah goftan yaaboo!?
              If it was not a racial insult, then Zidane Goh khordeh hamchin ghalati kardeh! end of it baba!


              Your mentality of the game is becoming like them! Latif, Mehraban, naznazi, moaddab, doost, rafigh, dast-nazan behem ookh misham!

              Get over it baba...Wait and see what the real story was then make your comments.

              Disclaimer: I NEVER approve of any insult during any games. NEVER. but this is the world and this is sports, you can't stop it. so, I try to learn how to live with it. and a BIG NO to racial comments.


                Even if it was racial, Zidane's reaction cannot be justified anyway you look at it.
                We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                  Originally posted by VivaItalia
                  Haji what are you talking about baba!?!?

                  If I call you faggot, and ...
                  and I can sue you for harrassment.

                  Faraz and Ali jan,

                  No one wants to justify Zidane action, why you don't get the bigger picture, I don't want accpet such a harrassment is "part of the game". It's not.

                  i know it's hard to control it, it's a very complex issue, but at least we can try and condomn such an action/insult and ask for the reaction by offical boddy.

                  Why are you aganist it? Is it hard to accept what Materazzi did was also wrong. I swear we don't categorize you into "Zidane supporters".

                  P.S.: Ali joon, nice try with the 12 year old girls, FYI, they are 14 now and beat every single team by at least 4 goals, you know why? Bcz I understand football better than people like you.


                    Didn't read the whole thing but it seems this unfortunate incidence is getting a well deserved attention by FIFA. Mattazarri or whatever his name is denied that he called him a terrorist but I read in CNN that lip reading experts believe he did that among other things.

                    According the version I read, mattzaratzi grabbed his shirt before the incidence and Zidane tells him, If you want the shirt, I give it to you after the game. Then again according the Mattzaratzi, he insults Zidane. He doesn't say exactly what he said nevertheles. Zidance gave him a condecending look and then headbutts him.

                    Regarding Zidane's action, I don't think he did a good thing. But sometimes, a shockign event needs to occur (as unfortunate it is) to cause change. Remember tree huggers and initial gay pride parades, how shocking they were to most of us. Their action was not the solution but their shocking action in a way helped to create a debate and in an indirect way moved the cause forward.

                    So, here maybe this unfortunate event, will expedite and put the whole ugly face of racisem by some fans( specially in Italy and Spain (in these two coutries fans were openly making monkey signs when black players got the ball)) in front of the whole world.

                    In summary again, Zidan's action is not justified, but in a totally coincidental way, his action may result in some good things to happen. I read FIFA will investigate this and of course Zidance will get suspension, but Marco guy won't go without punishment either.
                    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                      Originally posted by Hajagha
                      and I can sue you for harrassment.

                      Faraz and Ali jan,

                      No one wants to justify Zidane action, why you don't get the bigger picture, I don't want accpet such a harrassment is "part of the game". It's not.

                      i know it's hard to control it, it's a very complex issue, but at least we can try and condomn such an action/insult and ask for the reaction by offical boddy.
                      I am not against it. But lets say we forbid this and punish it (which is alreay forbidden). The next you need to think of is that if someone kicks someone else out of frustration then come and lie about it that "He insulted me and called me Fag!". How are you gonna prevent that? It's so easy to lie about that. Isn't it?

                      Why are you aganist it? Is it hard to accept what Materazzi did was also wrong. I swear we don't categorize you into "Zidane supporters".
                      I am a Zidane fan/supporter, but not in this case! Whatever Materazzi has said, Zidane had no right to take action like that. Are you "daayeye mehraban-tar az maadar"? Read what Frech papers say about this. he is a role model to little kids. are you telling me that he did a right thing to butthead another player on a live show!?

                      Yes, I said it 100 times, I condomn Materazzi's foul language. but there is nothing you can do about it. the utmost punishment he may get is to be banned for a few games. But Zidane's foul was a 6-months ban!

                      P.S.: Ali joon, nice try with the 12 year old girls, FYI, they are 14 now and beat every single team by at least 4 goals, you know why? Bcz I understand football better than people like you.
                      Congrats, they are 14 now.
                      That I don't know. 15 years from now, when I have a kid, boy or girl, I'll be coaching his/her team. then you can say I understand football better or not. (by the time you are retierd or fired!) but it's for sure that I'm not as coc-ky as you are, about the knowledge of football.


                        Originally posted by VivaItalia
                        Yes, I said it 100 times, I condomn Materazzi's foul language. but there is nothing you can do about it. the utmost punishment he may get is to be banned for a few games. But Zidane's foul was a 6-months ban!
                        I haven't given up on you and you showed improvement, keep up taking your pills and participating the treatment meeting. I am proud of you, I know the pills are too big and bitter, I know the meeting is far and lengthy, but look at you, you improved, you talk sense now.

                        Next step "to believe we can do some thing about foul language".


                          LOL look at this:

                          پيام فدراسيون ورزش هاي جانبازان و معلولان براي بهترين بازيكن جام جهاني 2006 آلمانگروه آراد-فدراسيون ورزش هاي جانبازان و معلولين ايران، امروز طي بيانيه اي ضمن تقبيح آنچه از جانب "ماركو ماتراتزي" مدافع تيم ملي ايتاليا به "زين الدين زيدان" بازيكن مسلمان تيم ملي فرانسه در فينال جام‌جهاني 2006 آلمان نسبت داده شده، پيامي براي بهترين بازيكن اين مسابقات ارسال داشته كه متن آن در ذيل از نظرتان مي گذرد.

                          زين الدين زيدان

                          مسلمان فوق ستاره فوتبال جهان

                          ما ورزشكاران و مسئولان فدراسيون ورزش هاي جانبازان و معلولين ايران كه در روزهاي پرتب و تاب جام جهاني، شاهد هنرنمايي شما در ارائه يك فوتبال زيبا و با اخلاق بوده ايم، بر خود وظيفه مي دانيم كه اعلام كنيم توهين به شما را به عنوان يك فرد مسلمان، نه فقط اهانت به تمامي مسلمانان، كه توهين به همه دينداران جهان مي دانيم و تاكيد مي كنيم كه فيفا بايد با بازيكن ايتاليايي كه مسبب اصلي آن برخورد تلخ در مسابقه فينال جام جهاني شد، برخورد كند.

                          با توجه به اين كه چنين برخوردهايي با روح اخلاق و جوانمردي منافات دارد و توهين به شخصيت ديني، اعتقادي و نژادي افراد را شامل مي شود، شايسته است كه فدراسيون هاي جهاني با عنايت بيشتري، متوجه عامل اصلي بروز چنين واكنش هايي باشند.

                          زين الدين زيدان

                          با تأثر زياد از بروز اين حادثه، لازم است كه تاكيد كنيم كه به عنوان برادر ديني از شما كه ناجوانمردانه مورد اهانت قرار گرفتيد، حمايت مي كنيم و شما را همچنان بازيكن اسطوره اي فوتبال و اخلاق ورزشي مي دانيم.

                          فدراسيون ورزش هاي جانبازان و معلولين جمهوري اسلامي ايران
                          __________________________________________________ ________________________________________
                          We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented

                          __________________________________________________ ________________________________________


                            Originally posted by Hajagha
                            I haven't given up on you and you showed improvement, keep up taking your pills and participating the treatment meeting. I am proud of you, I know the pills are too big and bitter, I know the meeting is far and lengthy, but look at you, you improved, you talk sense now.

                            Next step "to believe we can do some thing about foul language".
                            Don't try to be funny! the pill joke is copy righted by me!

                            Good luck to you, I know you think you can change the world and you try, it's good though. Don't give up. You have a good will and God helps you.
                            VIVA ITALIA VIVA MILAN VIVA MALDINI


                              Originally posted by webmaster
                              LOL look at this:

                              پيام فدراسيون ورزش هاي جانبازان و معلولان براي بهترين بازيكن جام جهاني 2006 آلمانگروه آراد-فدراسيون ورزش هاي جانبازان و معلولين ايران، امروز طي بيانيه اي ضمن تقبيح آنچه از جانب "ماركو ماتراتزي" مدافع تيم ملي ايتاليا به "زين الدين زيدان" بازيكن مسلمان تيم ملي فرانسه در فينال جام‌جهاني 2006 آلمان نسبت داده شده، پيامي براي بهترين بازيكن اين مسابقات ارسال داشته كه متن آن در ذيل از نظرتان مي گذرد.

                              زين الدين زيدان

                              مسلمان فوق ستاره فوتبال جهان

                              ما ورزشكاران و مسئولان فدراسيون ورزش هاي جانبازان و معلولين ايران كه در روزهاي پرتب و تاب جام جهاني، شاهد هنرنمايي شما در ارائه يك فوتبال زيبا و با اخلاق بوده ايم، بر خود وظيفه مي دانيم كه اعلام كنيم توهين به شما را به عنوان يك فرد مسلمان، نه فقط اهانت به تمامي مسلمانان، كه توهين به همه دينداران جهان مي دانيم و تاكيد مي كنيم كه فيفا بايد با بازيكن ايتاليايي كه مسبب اصلي آن برخورد تلخ در مسابقه فينال جام جهاني شد، برخورد كند.

                              با توجه به اين كه چنين برخوردهايي با روح اخلاق و جوانمردي منافات دارد و توهين به شخصيت ديني، اعتقادي و نژادي افراد را شامل مي شود، شايسته است كه فدراسيون هاي جهاني با عنايت بيشتري، متوجه عامل اصلي بروز چنين واكنش هايي باشند.

                              زين الدين زيدان

                              با تأثر زياد از بروز اين حادثه، لازم است كه تاكيد كنيم كه به عنوان برادر ديني از شما كه ناجوانمردانه مورد اهانت قرار گرفتيد، حمايت مي كنيم و شما را همچنان بازيكن اسطوره اي فوتبال و اخلاق ورزشي مي دانيم.

                              فدراسيون ورزش هاي جانبازان و معلولين جمهوري اسلامي ايران
                              Doesn't PFDC want to publish a message in this regard?

                              Something like: Soccer is a delicate sport. What the guy! did damaged the spirit of this kind sport. It is absolutely against the law of humanity to provoke the legendary players, especially Zidane. the vice versa situation, however, is tollerated.

                              PFDC management appreciates your help to identify those rude players who use bad words such as "cow", "monkey", "rat", "goozoo", "shashoo", "ridemoon", "an-tarkib", "ghoorbaagheh", "topol", "khepel (againt Ronaldo)", and the likes of this nature.

                              Thank you

                              How is it?
                              VIVA ITALIA VIVA MILAN VIVA MALDINI


                                Originally posted by Hajagha
                                Is he sure if Zidan didn't do that, they would win the cup?
                                How about this scenario? Materazzi insulted, Zidan didn't do any thing, Italian won the cup and Zidan lost double.
                                What Materazzi did was wrong and we need to do some thing about it. Zidan act was only a "reaction" which easily can be contoroled as it is. We don't see many players head-butting or slapping or stuffs like that any more, but we see insults are going on and on and on.
                                if zidane did nothing and still lost he could report it to the media and to FIFA, but if zidane didnt do anything he wouldve finished a classy finish, his image is not ruined 100% but this sure didnt help it either, i just dont think he shouldve acted the way he did, when a person acts violently it means he's run out of things to say and has let the other person get to him, very unprofessional......but do not get me wrong, i think materazzi should be punished if racist comments were made as FIFA is against racism and this is very sad and inappropriate and has no room in our beautiful game

