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new FIFA ranking system and AFC

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    new FIFA ranking system and AFC

    World cup ranking went through a major revision and the results were
    published on July 12th. For a brief explanation of the changes and
    frequently asked questions (FAQ) please visit:,7,00.html
    Here's a complete explanation of the ranking system: (check the pdf
    file for all the information and example),3,00.html
    finaly, the ranking published on July 12th can be found:
    A simple question that is not posted in the FAQ is what is the ranking
    used for?
    The answer to that question for 2006 world cup was pretty much nothing.
    This can be verified by examining the top seeds for each group. Czech
    Republic for instance had a top 6 or better ranking for the bulk of 2005
    yet it lost group lead to the lower ranked Italy. For the rest of the
    seedings, the emphasis appeared to be on cross continent match ups and
    the WC ranking played no role: Again Italy ranked 12, U.S 8,
    Czech Republic 2 were in the same group while Ukraine ranked 40the Spain
    ranked 6th and Tunasia ranked 28th were also in the same group.
    The ranking may however effect per continent quotas for WC participation
    in the future. Here's where Asia may be at a major disadvantage.
    The new ranking system is heavily tilted in favor of more recent results.
    Results of the last 12 months count in full and those for the previous
    years count half etc. (1st year 100%, 2nd year 50%, 3rd year 30% and 4th
    year 20%). This approach hurts the ranking of Asian teams more than
    any other continent the closer they get to WC. Based on new AFC calendar,
    Asian Cup will be played in 2007. This explains the sudden drop in ranking
    of all Asian teams, while African teams and South American teams fresh out
    of their continental matches are enjoying an improved ranking. Also some
    continent (CONCAF) holds its continental cup (Gold Cup) every two years,
    which helps raise the ranking of member teams like U.S and Mexico tremdendously.
    One positive aspect of the new ranking system is its transparency as well
    as simplicity of compution, which allows fans to determine their teams ranking
    accurately prior to their scheduled release.
    Many Asian team fans, were shokced to find out the hugely diminsed
    ranking of their favorite teams in the July ranking. Based on the
    new methodology and AFCs calender, although we will witness a sharp rise
    in the ranking of top finishers in the upcoming Asian cup, unfortunately we
    have to get used to the lower numbers. Two solutions to the problem are
    more frequent continental tournements, or a much stronger showing at the WC.



      Originally posted by Hajagha
      It's more realistic in my eyes. A glance at it, I say we lose more than 5 games of 10 to 95% of the teams ranked higher than us and win more than 5 games out of 10 to 95% of the teams ranked less than us.
      The previous one was a joke where was abused by some coaches/fans. I still laugh at Branko's comments about Iran being ranked 20th because of his "hard work" and "intelligence”.
      Still the accuracy is around 10 (which is coming from the unpredictable nature of football) where the last one was more than 50 and made it a joke than a ranking system.
      Well, let's get over Branko. I don't think he will be our coach and we all need to focus
      on the future. However, if you do the quick math, and if we finish 3rd like we did in
      the last Asian Cup, at the end of 2007 you may find us right back in the 20's if not teens.
      Same will be true for teams like U.S and Mexico. The difference is, we would enjoy
      the high ranking for a much shorter period of time for two reasons.

      1-We have fewer friendlies (thanks to Branko no one at least few with higher ranking
      than us, want to play our team).
      2-The effect of Asian Cup success (if any) will diminish over the 2008 2009 season.

      BTW, how did you come up with the 10 vs 50 accuracy model? I am curious. Certainly
      new system needs time to show its accuracy and may prove a lot more useful, but I
      don't know what mathematical/statistical model you used to come up with those numbers.?


        Originally posted by gol_kuchik

        BTW, how did you come up with the 10 vs 50 accuracy model? I am curious.
        Well, last model, any team could be much stronger/weaker than any other team with 50 ranking different. Now, such a accuracy reduced to 10. In the other words, we easily could be 42 or 52 (10 difference), with not much of compliant. In previous one we went up all the way to 20th and could have dropped to 70th again with not much surprise and just laughing at the chart.

        You are right this formula yet to prove itself. Let see what will happen with the chart next months.


          Continuing with the ranking analysis, a flaw in the formula is that average
          strength is used for both higher strength as well as lower strength teams.
          Here is an example:

          Assume both Italian team (ranked number 2 with the regional strength 1)
          as well TM (ranked 47 with regional strenth .85) play against
          Brazil and win.

          The number of points Italy would have earned in this friendly win would be


          however Iran would only earn:

          So for equal play we won't get equal points?! It is understandable the
          regional strength has to be factor for Brazil when it plays Iran and wins,
          but why should that apply to a presumably weaker region team when it plays
          against stronger region?


            The other way around makes sense. I mean any team regional strength become a facor for the other team. So, by beating a team from Europe or S.America (if they have the same factor) you get 100% of the points but beating a team from Asia you get 85%.

            In this way:

            Iran and italy both will get:


            But if Iran play Italy and lose, italy will only get 555 bcz of the 85% factor:



              Originally posted by Hajagha
              The other way around makes sense. I mean any team regional strength become a facor for the other team. So, by beating a team from Europe or S.America (if they have the same factor) you get 100% of the points but beating a team from Asia you get 85%.
              In this way:
              Iran and italy both will get:
              But if Iran play Italy and lose, italy will only get 555 bcz of the 85% factor:
              Almost! If Iran loses to Italy in a friendly, Italy will only get only 425:


              The difference is, you used 2 as the opponent strength where as Irans strength
              is (200-47)/2=1.53

              But you are correct that the formula works fine for a strong team beating weaker
              team, but not the reverse.


                This ranking is more realistic indeed

