There is not one team that reaches the World Cup Finals that can be regarded as weak. All the teams getting there have battled against a lot of other good teams in their corresponding continents. Mind you, Europeans had the toughest job of all.
Asia has probably been one of the weakest continent in the world football if not the one. Looking at the distribution of stats along continents and their achievements, Asia is at the bottom of the list, probably one better than Oceana. Thanks to some good displays by S. Korea, Japan and Saudi's , Asia has showed a few sparkles, but that effort has prooved to be insufficient to bring the continent up in world football stats.
However, the question that needs to be answered is whether or not "names" in world cup finals has any influence on the outcome of a game? To me, at that stage, names do not matter a bit. Generally speaking, names should not matter in any stage. The only thing that matters is "Tactics" , "Respect" and "Tactical Conflicts". Apart from that there is something called the "Spirit of a Champion" vs " The Real Champion" which is beyond the scope of this article and I would deal with their meanings later.
USA has mostly beaten Mexico whenever they played with them in important games. If you ask me whether USA is a better team than Mexico, my answer would be a big "No". However, then the question occurs to me. Then why? The answer is rather easy in football. Its about "Tactical Conflicts".
When one looks at the two teams in Iran's group a very scary, unfortunate reality hits the face of not a sensitive fan, but a realistic one. One important feature shared between the Portugal and Mexico is their impacible speed they play a football game. Portugal is known for that speed apart from their incredible talents displayed during World Cup Qualifiers. Mexico, however, has always had speed as one of their features, if not all they have.
I dont know much about Angola. But Angola is an African team. One thinks of them as a typical African football, with physical strength and long balls using their height advantage. But are they? Well, Angolians speak "Porteguese" if you dont mind.
Therefore, one thinks whether their footballing spirit and skills is a replica or aspirated from Porteguese football or one played in Spain. If thats the case, then our troubles are three-fold.
Iran has always struggled in many aspects of the game. You cant name either a very strong point in the team, nor can you spot a single weak point. Its all scattered around. But if there is one thing that Iran has ALWAYS had problems with is "speed" of the opponents. Please consider the basic fact that S.Korea and Japan are not the names that Iran has ever had fears about. Its their "Speedy" game which has always hunted us big time.
This is where "Tactical Conflicts" plays a major role in the draw which looks to be an easy one for us, but deep down, it is the worst draw for Iran.
I am sure that apart from this conflict, Iran will be prepared. But I definitely feel that we will be very defensive minded. Iran can not expose its defense at all in any of these games. We need to slow down the game and try to play at our own pace. And that always means, "Some boring ones" , but tactically sound ones. Patience is going to be "Key" in these games. Not nice games, but tactically sound games.
I just hope that TM crew will study all the games USA has played against Mexico , so far. There are a lot of lessons to be learned there.
Go Iran
Go Branko and ofcourse, my good friend Human.
Asia has probably been one of the weakest continent in the world football if not the one. Looking at the distribution of stats along continents and their achievements, Asia is at the bottom of the list, probably one better than Oceana. Thanks to some good displays by S. Korea, Japan and Saudi's , Asia has showed a few sparkles, but that effort has prooved to be insufficient to bring the continent up in world football stats.
However, the question that needs to be answered is whether or not "names" in world cup finals has any influence on the outcome of a game? To me, at that stage, names do not matter a bit. Generally speaking, names should not matter in any stage. The only thing that matters is "Tactics" , "Respect" and "Tactical Conflicts". Apart from that there is something called the "Spirit of a Champion" vs " The Real Champion" which is beyond the scope of this article and I would deal with their meanings later.
USA has mostly beaten Mexico whenever they played with them in important games. If you ask me whether USA is a better team than Mexico, my answer would be a big "No". However, then the question occurs to me. Then why? The answer is rather easy in football. Its about "Tactical Conflicts".
When one looks at the two teams in Iran's group a very scary, unfortunate reality hits the face of not a sensitive fan, but a realistic one. One important feature shared between the Portugal and Mexico is their impacible speed they play a football game. Portugal is known for that speed apart from their incredible talents displayed during World Cup Qualifiers. Mexico, however, has always had speed as one of their features, if not all they have.
I dont know much about Angola. But Angola is an African team. One thinks of them as a typical African football, with physical strength and long balls using their height advantage. But are they? Well, Angolians speak "Porteguese" if you dont mind.

Iran has always struggled in many aspects of the game. You cant name either a very strong point in the team, nor can you spot a single weak point. Its all scattered around. But if there is one thing that Iran has ALWAYS had problems with is "speed" of the opponents. Please consider the basic fact that S.Korea and Japan are not the names that Iran has ever had fears about. Its their "Speedy" game which has always hunted us big time.
This is where "Tactical Conflicts" plays a major role in the draw which looks to be an easy one for us, but deep down, it is the worst draw for Iran.
I am sure that apart from this conflict, Iran will be prepared. But I definitely feel that we will be very defensive minded. Iran can not expose its defense at all in any of these games. We need to slow down the game and try to play at our own pace. And that always means, "Some boring ones" , but tactically sound ones. Patience is going to be "Key" in these games. Not nice games, but tactically sound games.
I just hope that TM crew will study all the games USA has played against Mexico , so far. There are a lot of lessons to be learned there.
Go Iran
Go Branko and ofcourse, my good friend Human.