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My reasons why Ghale-noei is the best option!!!

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    The rest of it I don't reply to because It is going no where. But let's just stay on this. If you are going to reply please just stay on this topic.
    Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia

    lastly and most important of all, u are trying to tell me u prefer ghalenoi to branko? u think ghalenoi will get us a better result than branko? if this is true, then i have nothing to talk about with u anymore...
    I am not saying GN is better or worst than Branko. All I say is give him time to do things in TM and then compare them togeher. But you, Xorstar, X, Persian man and tons of others have made your mind already. Why? Because his name is Amir GhalehNoei and he is from Nazi Abad. If his GhalehNovitch from Croatia you yourself would have given him at least 6 months.

    Ok, so you clearly saying Branko is better than GN. Why you say that? You making an statements without supportin facts.
    As a matter of facts we have 5 years of Branko and he failed in where it counted the most in WC 2006. Iran came 4th (and please for heaven sake keep that Portugal got 4th and Mexcio was seeded first and confederation ..... blah blah). We couldn't even beat Angola or play a good game agains them. I know I know they are black and strong and run and the whole 70 man masnavi. So that guy failed.

    Let's look at GN. He took over in a very tough situation. He is experimenting and trying to establish his mark and find his way. I learned from living in this country (USA) that one is assumed innocnet until proven guilty. All I am asking is 6 months without *****ing and criticizing him left and right and 68% of you want him to be romved with a 2-2 in record in 3 away games.
    With this pressure you are putting on him, you are turning him to another Branko. The guy hasn't lost a game and 68% want him gone (based on PFDC polls). Imagine if he looses one game. OMG. His blood is Mobah.

    I am feeling like a broken record here. For heaven sake "give this guy 6 months" left him finish AFC qualification. Let him play a few friendlies and see what is his vision. If we felt he is giving our soccer nothing, get rid of him. Make Simoez a here that he is on the way he it to become and later kill Simoz too. In summary, I am not saying GN is better than Branko, but for sure I don't assume GN is worst than Brnako either. I need data to judge someone.

    On a side note, if you ask KKK members if they are racist they say no. They just want seperation of races. I am not accusiing anyone of anything, point is at times one is infected with worst forms of prejeduce, and other symptoms and there is a possibilty that person himself/herself isn't aware of it.

    I used this example to make a piont and I am not implying in this issue, any side of this argument (national team coaching) is blatently evil or good.
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


      Originally posted by xoraster
      Ali Agha, in terms of saying that someone like Simoes is prefered to Ghalenoie by me ( and many other fans) just becuase we prefer foreigners is just insane.............please, take away their nationalities and put their CV's next to each other..........its a WORLD of difference.
      Simoez has coached Jamaica hardly a world soccer power They can't make it out of CONCACAF. Where else? I am not against Simoz and respect the man tremendously. But besides him being Brazilian and coaching Jamaica his resume doesn't have WC championship or Brazil league championship. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying Simoz is bad, my point is CV wise this guy doesn't have anything spectecular. To be honest I prefer Simoes TO GN myself. But I have a problem with people bashing GN as the TM head coach while the guy hasn' tbeen there for 6 months. For that matter remove GN's name and put X. If X is the coach we need to give him at least 6 months before evaluating his peroformance. It is not the person it is the system that we are destroying with out taste and preconceived perceptions.

      GN coached Esteghlal from 9th place in the league, dealt with numerous side issues of EsEs (Hasheeyeha) and consistantly for 3 years coched EsEs among the top three teams.

      Originally posted by xoraster

      In terms of Ghalenoie, if you think that he and other coaches need time to prove themselves, I agree. In Iran, we must learn to give coaches time and encourage clubs/coaches to think and plan long term insted of living and planning as if every game will be there last
      Amen/Praise the lord brother. That is all I am asking.

      Originally posted by xoraster

      ........ but.................. many of us believe that Ghalenoie was not the right choice to start with and that inside connections/politics had to to with it. That is why we have a negative outview.
      This is what I call a bias then. The guy can be an idiot (which he is not), but we need to give him time. At least be in chrage for 6 months and see if he can do a half decent job. Then ask for his head.

      Originally posted by xoraster
      You cant just bring people with zero experience coaching in Asian Cup and then finding out that he is not the real deal.
      Idealy, you bring someone who has been there done that and see if they can implement their previous succesful receipe toward TM.
      We have not done that, so this is not an ideal situation.
      GN has some exeperince, plus I don't see tens of thousands of qualified coaches lined up to take over our TM right now. Point is not even GN to be honest. Problem is that many of us fans think our team is the best team in teh world and have to beat every team 5-0 and kill them in each game. And if that doesn't happen it is the coaches fault. Specially if he is an Iranian coach. Then fohshe khahare madar. GN will be gone but thsi lack of pateince and desire to tolearte weak result for a while until the team can find its place will hurt our football.
      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


        Originally posted by Ali Chicago
        Simoez has coached Jamaica hardly a world soccer power They can't make it out of CONCACAF. Where else? I am not against Simoz and respect the man tremendously. But besides him being Brazilian and coaching Jamaica his resume doesn't have WC championship or Brazil league championship. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying Simoz is bad, my point is CV wise this guy doesn't have anything spectecular. To be honest I prefer Simoes TO GN myself.
        You seem like an reasonable guy but you need to read my posts more carefully because your answers is irrelevant and dont adress the points that I raised.

        I never said that Simoes is gods gift to football and cant be compared to Mourinho, Lippi and co.
        I said that his CV (meaning amount of titles, teams and tournamnets) is faaaaar greater than Ghalenoies.
        Now you can say what ever you want about him but in every department, Ghalenoie is inferior.......titles (Simoes has even more titles i middle east than GH), international games, international tournamnets, teams, countries, big name players, amount of years n the game etc.

        So my point is that Simoes is a better coach and has a immensly better track record than, if Simoes is not as good as Wenger, that is another deal.

        Also, in my opinion, taking Jamaica, who was an amatuer team, to WC and even winning a game with them is almost just as impressive (if not even more) than reaching semi finals with a team like Germany or france.


          Originally posted by Ali Chicago
          The quote that you attributed to GN isn't a sing of grudge. Either you don't use the grudge loosley or this doesn't mean grudge. There is a huge difference btween grudge and differing prioritiets. Yashar jaan, this is not a grudge. A coach has a vision for a team and certain player doesn't fit that role. I dont' want get into bahese moola loghati with you here about the defenition of grudge. Grudge is I don't like your face kind of. Vs. A differnce of vision.
          Let me give you an example, right now you and I have a different vision about what needs to be done in Iranian soccer. If you come to power I don't expect you give a guy like me a chance. Not beacuse you have a grudge against me, it is because our priorities are different.
          I myself were demoted to bench when I played in early 90s in Canada (Ottawa priemier division). And without BS I was one of the best player then about 25 pounds lighter and 13 years younger. I was demoted because, coach talked to me and told me that club has a 5 year plan and they want to relye on youth for long term where I am at teh end of my soccer playing time. So I will have a support role, can I deal with it or not. They guy liked me and all. I had to make a decision and of course being an Iranian (too proud) I opted out and played for a weaker team (a mostly arabic team) as a starter!!!! LOL.
          So as u can see it is matter of vision not grudge.
          i know wat ur saying, its always been there. sometimes teams leave out players because of plans. i think rivaldo's career also got screwed that way in milan.
          but. ghalenoi is a hezbollahi, and zandi is a european born and bred player who hardly speaks farsi, che berese be namazo in chiza..
          just my opinion, its a grudge, not against zandi, but against most european bred and cultured iranians ghalenoi/maeilli kohan and other hezbollahis of this gang have.

          Originally posted by Ali Chicago
          God. Germany league isn't that great in the first place, Kaisarulautern isn't a great team secondly, the guy had almost 2 years to earn a place and couldn't come among the 18 players for the game day. What is it that as soon as someone played in a forgien coutnry everyone thinks he must be bah bah and chah chah. I see everyoen want Dejagheh or X or Y to play for National team becuase they play for a second division or first division team in Germany. What a joke. Plus it can be certain post. For example when King Dai was in TM, no matter how good you were, u had no chance. We even sacrificed Hashemian for him. So Zandi can be great but if someone or few better we have in the same post. he won't get invited.
          uhm..german league isnt that great?? then wat baout IPL?? wat baout UAE league??
          ali agha, we are comparing germany league wit UAE league and IPL..theres a big difference, however poor geman league maybe.
          Let the bottom ranked team of the german bundesliga play the top teams of UAE and IPL, wat do ut hink will happen?
          and again, no, its not because he is european so bah bah and chah chah, us hould get this idea out of our head please, atleast when ur talking to me because its not true and i keep repeating it. i never asked for Dejagaha in TM, but zandi yes. because zandi adds different dimensions to the team. he might be slow, but he is a more professional player than most of our players. he has amazing crosses which only kia's can match. he has good freekicks and good shots on goal. how many of our players have all this attributes? specially our lefties??
          Madanchi? Nikbakht?? lol! all they got is speed, nothing else.
          or u wanna compare him to our AMs?? except karimi, all have been total failures. mobali, shojaei (he hasnt been given much chances but in the few chances he got, he didnt do much), jabbari & navidkia both injured, rajabzadeh was the only decent guy in them that too he is too weak and small for an international game, his physique is worse than mobali's! and when ghalenoi realized this, he invited aghaei..oh god.. how pathetic was he against jordan
          doesnt zandi deserve a chance too??
          u are telling me we have better options than him,, name them plz..

          Originally posted by Ali Chicago
          To be honest, in my opinion he isn't. I am not saying this now, If search my posts u see that was my opinion from teh begining. He is a David Beckham in smaller scale. Pretty body who girls wil giggle for, which teams needs to sell jersey, but in term of footballing he is a very average player. And this is my honest opinion so I don't udrestand why you say I shoudln't be deceivign myself. Maybe it is the problem of you and I two Iranian are discussing this in English and words come across wrong. I never accused you of deceiving yourself. I simplay see it as your opinion and u are entitled to it.
          when i said deceviing urself, i meant about ghalenoi not liking zandi not anything else. so sorry if i couldnt send my true words across.
          zandi isnt top 40 players of iran, thats ur opinion but remember, david beckham has certain qualities that no other member in the english team has, and thats why he is invited. zandi too has certain qualities than many iranian players dont have, atleast the ones who play the same position zandi does!

          be har hal..u and me cant change the situation about ghalenoi and zandi in TM right now, but oh well..inshalla watever happens, happens for the best of TM!
          Originally posted by siavasharian

          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


            Originally posted by Ali Chicago
            I am not saying GN is better or worst than Branko. All I say is give him time to do things in TM and then compare them togeher. But you, Xorstar, X, Persian man and tons of others have made your mind already. Why? Because his name is Amir GhalehNoei and he is from Nazi Abad. If his GhalehNovitch from Croatia you yourself would have given him at least 6 months.
            Ok, so you clearly saying Branko is better than GN. Why you say that? You making an statements without supportin facts.
            As a matter of facts we have 5 years of Branko and he failed in where it counted the most in WC 2006. Iran came 4th (and please for heaven sake keep that Portugal got 4th and Mexcio was seeded first and confederation ..... blah blah). We couldn't even beat Angola or play a good game agains them. I know I know they are black and strong and run and the whole 70 man masnavi. So that guy failed.
            Let's look at GN. He took over in a very tough situation. He is experimenting and trying to establish his mark and find his way. I learned from living in this country (USA) that one is assumed innocnet until proven guilty. All I am asking is 6 months without *****ing and criticizing him left and right and 68% of you want him to be romved with a 2-2 in record in 3 away games.
            With this pressure you are putting on him, you are turning him to another Branko. The guy hasn't lost a game and 68% want him gone (based on PFDC polls). Imagine if he looses one game. OMG. His blood is Mobah.
            I am feeling like a broken record here. For heaven sake "give this guy 6 months" left him finish AFC qualification. Let him play a few friendlies and see what is his vision. If we felt he is giving our soccer nothing, get rid of him. Make Simoez a here that he is on the way he it to become and later kill Simoz too. In summary, I am not saying GN is better than Branko, but for sure I don't assume GN is worst than Brnako either. I need data to judge someone.
            On a side note, if you ask KKK members if they are racist they say no. They just want seperation of races. I am not accusiing anyone of anything, point is at times one is infected with worst forms of prejeduce, and other symptoms and there is a possibilty that person himself/herself isn't aware of it.
            I used this example to make a piont and I am not implying in this issue, any side of this argument (national team coaching) is blatently evil or good.
            ali agha, first of all, we couldnt even beat angola,, ok,.,, did mexico beat them?? NO, wat about portugal, beat them by a meager 1-0 goal from pauleta.. Angola knocked out nigeria..
            so dont underestimate them, although yes, we COULD HAVE WON THE MATCH AS WE WERE CLEARLY SUPERIOR but wat should be done when daei heads the ball outside an empty goal? when zandi couldnt score that 1-on-1 with their keeper..these things happen and sometimes players dont amek use of their chances. remember how u were saying oh if this guy hadnt missed and that guy hadnt missed we could clearly win the match against syria and iraq by 3 or 4 goals?? well..this is the same case..
            and wat do u mean leave out mexico and portugal 4th place, etc?? u really are doubting their powers now?? why?? u really doubt they are stronger than us??
            but again, i agree with u, we could have had a better worldcup campaign.

            and secondly about ghalenoi, i never asked for his head, atleast not yet. im just saying we wont be able to do better than him than we did with branko. infact, ghalenoi, just like branko before the worldcup had the statistics in his support, but the difference is that time, branko bashers said "dont let the numbers fool u.. u can see the quality of football we are playing.. etc" but now they dont say the same about ghalenoi.
            Yes ghalenoi deserves more time, and i for one didnt say he should be fired, all im saying is we wont be able to do much better than him and i say this because clearly, he hasnt had much of a positive impact on the team. the team hasnt developed or atleast shown any signs of development in any area,
            neither stamina, nor passings, nor offense, nor defense, nor morale, nothing..
            the only thing ghlanoie has done right now is try out different playes (and come to the same conclusions that the same mobalis and kazemiyans are actually useless for TM) and give a few youngsters a chance, yes this he did more than branko and he deserves credit for this. inshalla he will continue this trend, but ali agha, just trying out new youngsters will not suffice, we need to develop in other areas of football as well to make sure we are progressing compared to the past and i dont see this happening because i dont see any signs of it!

            ghalenoi has proven he was a good coach in this 3 years with esteghlal and he just like zandi deserves a trial, but in my opinion, we wont develop much under him, and no im not saying we should bring an east european ex-balkan national coach, i would be happy if someone like farhad kazemi or majid jalali take over as well, i think they are more experienced and have had equally good performances in these years, so they arent anything less than ghalenoi.
            ghalenoi can have all the time he wants, the next worldcup is 4 years away, the asian cup 1 year. but let me ask u one quesiton ali agha, considering the asian cup is in 1 year, and 1 and an half years will be enough time for ghalenoi, plz tell me from now itself wat position should iran achieve under ghalenoi for him to be acceptable??
            is the semi finals enough (like branko?) or iran deserves a better place so a place in the finals?? or nothing less than the cup is justified??
            please temme in advance, so i can know wat ur expectations are from now on.
            Originally posted by siavasharian

            بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
            بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


              Originally posted by xoraster
              You seem like an reasonable guy but you need to read my posts more carefully because your answers is irrelevant and dont adress the points that I raised.
              I never said that Simoes is gods gift to football and cant be compared to Mourinho, Lippi and co.
              I said that his CV (meaning amount of titles, teams and tournamnets) is faaaaar greater than Ghalenoies.
              Now you can say what ever you want about him but in every department, Ghalenoie is inferior.......titles (Simoes has even more titles i middle east than GH), international games, international tournamnets, teams, countries, big name players, amount of years n the game etc.
              So my point is that Simoes is a better coach and has a immensly better track record than, if Simoes is not as good as Wenger, that is another deal.
              Also, in my opinion, taking Jamaica, who was an amatuer team, to WC and even winning a game with them is almost just as impressive (if not even more) than reaching semi finals with a team like Germany or france.

              You call my answer irrelevnt, ok thanks. Mr relevent, I asked you a simple question and either answer it or have the decency of saying you made a claim without knowing your facts. Forget GN and all that.

              You said Simoz Cv is far better, ........ See you post below.

              Ok I asked besides Jamaica what is this guy's CV? Answer the question Mr. Relevent.
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                To be honest, this will be my last post on this GN thing. I feel exhasuted and as if I am talking in a vaccume. I know it won't make a difference. But as a closing note couple of comments.

                Shame on those that with their misguided so called expert put it in the mind of younger generation of Iranian like you that we can't beat Angola or Mexcio or Potugal. Don't get me wrong, mexico and Portugal are stronger than us. But If we play 10 times against Mexico maybe they win 7 times and tie 2 times and we win once. Same with Portugal. But that is the point, in the world cup we played them once and guess what the first half we gave them run for their money. But the half time came and a team came back to the field which was scared to death from Mexican.

                That is the Biggest crime of Branko that under a right precondition that Mexico is stronger than Iran, made the conclusion that we gonna loose them in WC regardless all we need to do is make it respectable and sold that crap to younge generation of Iranian like you. Bunch of poeple in this forum still beating their chest under that alam.

                Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia
                ali agha, first of all, we couldnt even beat angola,, ok,.,, did mexico beat them?? NO, wat about portugal, beat them by a meager 1-0 goal from pauleta.. Angola knocked out nigeria..
                I swear to god, I would have supported TM and coachign staff had Iran lost all three games but Iran played in such a way to earn respect for our soccer. If we wanted to defend even, do it in a passionate way, like T&T. Our team sucked even in their defending. Look at Mexcio's 2nd goal. 2 or 3 consecutive mind you consecutive defensive mitakes. So don't tout me Angola beat Nigeria. I persoannly would have defneded Branko if iran lost all its three games, but played in such a way to earn respoect for out football.
                Look at yourself Yashar. What the hell is Nirgeria. What are you talking about? Angloa defended to their last drop of their blood like against Portugal and Mexico. They didn't play any decent soccer againt those two teams and nothign against us either. Then you say you don't have inferiroty complex. I know next comes they are black they are big, next thing I need to hear you know black are big if you don't beleive me ask the girls!!!!!
                This is a god damn coutnry who was in civil wars. Doesn't have shit to eat. Their GNP, average age, number of football teams and clubs and everythign they are lower than us and you keep saying they eliminated Nigeira????

                I know you will keep coming with some other explanation too, but really down to those who sold their crap as scientific and logical to the younger generation of Iranians like you.

                I really like you and see the potenail that you have. I am really sorry that you made such poor choices in this specific issue. God bless you.

                Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia
                the team hasnt developed or atleast shown any signs of development in any area,
                neither stamina, nor passings, nor offense, nor defense, nor morale, nothing..
                The guy is trying to find his palyers. After 4 games u want him to do miracle.... Yashar if this is not double standard what it is? The guy has a list of 40 players to choose from for AFC qualification. 30 or 32 of them already chosen by Branko (most of them are best players right now I accpet ). However, GN has 8-10 players to bring. Both Bakhteeyari Zadeh and GolMohaammadi retired so for now inviting Fekri as a back up for central defense makes sense. I know he is 36 or whatever, but as a back up the guy is solid and he is ok in that post. So remains 7-9 players GN could choose. What do u expect the guy can do after 40 games????

                Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia
                the only thing ghlanoie has done right now is try out different playes (and come to the same conclusions that the same mobalis and kazemiyans are actually useless for TM).
                Thanks for being fair in this one department, but I disagree with your evaluation of Kazemain or Mobali. They are the future of our soccer and needs to be supported and we need to give them time. Both of these guys are weak in the confidence department in the TM, because a coach needs to give them that. That they are the future and we trust them and they are not there to be judged by 25 minutes of a sconed half. Even for 5 -10 days they need to see coach beleive in them and then you will see what these guys can do. All they need is a shot of confidence by starting and not even being subbed when they don't shine for a few game until they get their mojo back in tm. They got their mojon in their own clubs. They are the man in their own clubs and they shine.

                Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia

                ........and give a few youngsters a chance, yes this he did more than branko and he deserves credit for this. inshalla he will continue this trend, but ali agha, just trying out new youngsters will not suffice, we need to develop in other areas of football as well to make sure we are progressing compared to the past and i dont see this happening because i dont see any signs of it!
                ghalenoi has proven he was a good coach in this 3 years with esteghlal and he just like zandi deserves a trial, but in my opinion, we wont develop much under him,
                You are entitled to your opinion but unless u tell me you have a crystal ball and can see future, I request you withhold the judgement and let the time show.
                Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia

                is the semi finals enough (like branko?) or iran deserves a better place so a place in the finals?? or nothing less than the cup is justified??
                please temme in advance, so i can know wat ur expectations are from now on.
                Top three finish is a good reasult. But I won't judge GN based on that only. You see I hate this looking into crystal ball. In the last cup Iran was 2-0 down agains Oman and could have been eliminated. So what does that mean? Fans will swear at the caoach and all. But I look at the way the coach is doing thing. Is he playing Mirza and Dai if hell freezes? Or he is creating competetion for the spots. Is he saying shut up and put up or he is within reason (of his jobs being on the line) is accepting its team played poor.

                I never heard Branko says we played poor. Maybe he did once here and there, but generally when we played shitty, he went , oh we won and that is all it matters.

                So to answer your question top three finish is success anything else is failure.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  hehehe..ok ali jan..
                  i read ur last post, im not laughing because i find ur post funny or something, i am just laughing cos i can imagine u sitting behind ur computer yawning and stretching, repeating the same arguments again and agian..
                  i dont blame u, such tiresome repetitive arguments have been going on in PFDC among different members, over the same limited topics..

                  but oh well..since this was ur last message, i would refrain from arguing against it.
                  inshalla harchi kheyre pish biyad, afterall, this is wat we all want right?
                  Originally posted by siavasharian

                  بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                  بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                    Originally posted by Ali Chicago
                    You call my answer irrelevnt, ok thanks. Mr relevent, I asked you a simple question and either answer it or have the decency of saying you made a claim without knowing your facts. Forget GN and all that.
                    You said Simoz Cv is far better, ........ See you post below.
                    Ok I asked besides Jamaica what is this guy's CV? Answer the question Mr. Relevent.

                    Yes, you are irrevelant.

                    I say, who has a better CV, Simoes OR GH, you answer me that Jamica is not that good.

                    Its like me asking you who is better, PAS or Sepahan and you tell me that you dont like the public trasnport system of Esfahan...........

                    You still have not given a response......WHO HAS A BETTER CV?

                    Since you dont even have a clue ( and this is the second time you ask me this question, I have some weeks ago, in detail, explained to your self about Simoes, and his legacy for the last 20 years) of what Simoes has done, just google his name and his CV will come up, then you can compare.

                    In terms of Ghalenoie, it says, 3 years with Esteghlal, one league title.

                    Usually we get to this point where you cant/wont answer and we dont hear from you......then you come back after a couple of days and use the same rethoric.

                    For the last time, I am not asking you who you prefer or who should be the coach of question is, who has a better CV
                    ( meaning experience, results, longivety, titles, etc) ?


                      Originally posted by xoraster
                      Yes, you are irrevelant.
                      I say, who has a better CV, Simoes OR GH, you answer me that Jamica is not that good.

                      Its like me asking you who is better, PAS or Sepahan and you tell me that you dont like the public trasnport system of Esfahan...........

                      You still have not given a response......WHO HAS A BETTER CV?

                      Since you dont even have a clue ( and this is the second time you ask me this question, I have some weeks ago, in detail, explained to your self about Simoes, and his legacy for the last 20 years) of what Simoes has done, just google his name and his CV will come up, then you can compare.

                      In terms of Ghalenoie, it says, 3 years with Esteghlal, one league title.

                      Usually we get to this point where you cant/wont answer and we dont hear from you......then you come back after a couple of days and use the same rethoric.

                      For the last time, I am not asking you who you prefer or who should be the coach of question is, who has a better CV
                      ( meaning experience, results, longivety, titles, etc) ?
                      Hold your horses. I am not the one who has to answer that question. Posts are here. You said Simoez has a better CV than GN. I asked why u say that? Since then, you are tieing reesmoon to Usemoon to not answer. One more time, why you claim Simoez CV is better than GN? Go cut and paste your great aricle and teach me then.

                      Don't know whta is the word, either u don't get it or pretend u don't get it,. U said Simoez CV is better than GN. I asked why u say that? Simoez besides Jamica has nothing else on his resume and Jamica isn't considered world soccer force. Stop the non sense about Isfahan public transport. Eitehr answer why you say Simoez CV is better or be man enough to say you said soomething and didn't have supporting facts about it.
                      And if you really wanna know what is going on in your mind read the following:
                      Majority of Iranian fall in two groups. Either they are Anti foigeners/West or forigners(west in particular) worshipers. There are a very very few Iranians that try to say we need to learn from west but underestimate ourselves and we need to use and rely our own forces as well.

                      I feel you without knowing apparently much about Simoez CV assume he is better than GN cause he is Brazilian and GN is Iranian. I said that once and you denied it earlier, but couple of posts after that, I keep pressing you tell me what is better in Simoez's CV and u keep bringing ISfahan's public transport exampel (Mr. Relevent). Wake up and smell the roses.
                      What infurates me is that many people in this forum are young and inexperice and isn't expected much of them. There are many who are older and more experinced and know how sound knowledgable and falsify their true color.
                      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                        Originally posted by Ali Chicago
                        Hold your horses. I am not the one who has to answer that question. Posts are here. You said Simoez has a better CV that simoez. I asked why u say that. Since then, you are tieing reesmoon to Usemoon to not answer. One more time, why you claim Simoez CV is better than GN. Go cut and paste your great aricle and teach me then.
                        Don't know whta is the word, either u don't get it or pretend u don't get it,. U said Simoez CV is better than GN. I asked why u say that? Simoez besides Jamica has nothing else on his resume and Jamica isn't considered world soccer force. Stop the non sense about Isfahan public transport. Eitehr answer why you say Simoez CV is better or be man enough to say you said soomething and didn't have supporting facts about it.
                        And if you really wanna know what is going on in your mind read the following:
                        Majority of Iranian fall in two groups. Either they are Anti foigeners/West or forigners(west in particular) worshipers. There are a very very few Iranians that try to say we need to learn from west but underestimate ourselves and we need to use and rely our own forces as well.
                        I feel you without knowing apparently much about Simoez CV assume he is better than GN cause he is Brazilian and GN is Iranian. I said that once and you denied it earlier, but couple of posts after that, I keep pressing you tell me what is better in Simoez's CV and u keep bringing ISfahan's public transport exampel (Mr. Relevent). Wake up and smell the roses.
                        What infurates me is that many people in this forum are young and inexperice and isn't expected much of them. There are many who are older and more experinced and know how sound knowledgable and falsify their true color.

                        Here we go.

                        Simoes was the U-23-20 coach of Brazil in 1987. in 1988 he made the Brazilian u-20 team south American champions.
                        Many of those players went om to win silver in 88 olympics and Gold in USA 94.

                        Later on, he worked with the Brazilian FA as an advisor, one of his main legacy there was to introduce alternative phusical training methods.

                        After tha he worked in Qatar when he won 4 tiltes with 2 different teams

                        Copa do Qatar(Al Haiah)([[1989)
                        Campeonato Catariano(Al Rayan SC Doha),(1990)
                        Copa Sheik Jassim(Qatar)(Al Rayan SC Doha)(1990)
                        Copa do Al Rayan(Qatar)(Al Rayan SC Doha)

                        He then went a build up Jamaican football from scratch, they went from being amatuers to qualifieng for U-20 WC but most imporatantly, he took Jamaica to France 98 where they beat Japan.

                        In Between, he has coaced TOP teams like Flumienese, Vasco and he was the General manager of Brazils biggest club Flamengo.

                        After Jamaica, he did pretty much the same thing with T&T, he was their technical director, he qualified T&T 's youth team to WC and build a fundation for Leo Beenhaker to work on ( you can read about hos program here)

                        Before he came to Iran, he agreed to coach the Brazilian female team in the olympics.
                        Brazilian female football is light years behind that of USA, China, Sweden, Norway, Germany and Canada but Simoes took the team to the Olympic final where the got the silver medal.

                        To back this up, here is his CV,

                        Like I said, Ghalenoie has one one league title in IPL and 3 years of coaching.

                        I am sorry to hear that people have been racist towards you, but it does not mean that you have to be the same and not acknowledge other people just becuse they are not Iranian.
                        If Ghalenoie would have won silver medal in the olympics, 4 titles in Qatar, coached some of the biggest teams in Brazil, coached future world chamions, made his youth team to Sout American champions and take a team full of street footballer and amatuers to the world cup while Simoes would have only coached in 3 years ( one title), I wonder what you would say.

                        I have now answered your question regarding what Simoes has without making this a clash of east against west, please answer my question.......who has the a better CV?


                          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)



                            Are other people reading this?

                            You go lengths to discredit Simoes but you have not answered my question.

                            I love the whole, GN knows the ins and outs of Iranian foootball. Simoes has been in Iran for ,more than a year now.

                            Still lots a words, no answer.


                              ok, I havent read the past 3-4 pages , due to rather long(-ish) posts .

                              but I gather some ppl are saying Simoez deserved the job, rather than GN.
                              I dont know about Simoez's intentions, but I know this much; not many coaches would have taken the reigns of TM after branko's screw up.

                              considering the emptying of interest and enthusisam among players and fans and ... after the WC.
                              the air of "anti-foreigner" at TM bench that prevailed all over Iran, which increases Simoez's risks 10 fold.
                              also the atmosphere of gloom and failure due to some horrible games at the WC
                              plus the risk of failure with some really eff'ed up planning by previous fed'n ( 5 days , 2 games , one in extreme east of asia, next in extreme west of asia ),
                              plus ...

                              and logically speaking, if I were simoes, I wouldnt have agreed, as this would have been a recipe for disaster for a coach, as a lot of things can go wrong.
                              and if this coach has borne a lot of hardship , biding his time to get to the top, even if it means first going through lower levels to strenghten his position ( all apply to simoez ), then I doubt he'd risk it in this manner.

                              so if we go up, or come down, it doesnt change the fact that :
                              1- there werent many coaches daring enough to take on the job
                              2- GN had balls of steel to accept, as his own reputation AND 3 years of hard work in building this reputation would be at risk.

                              like it or not, he has done ok.
                              not enough to justify his presence in AC2007, but for what was neede at that time, he did ok.

                              now, live with it.


                              what now?
                              after gettign rid of GN, which I hope is soon, who shd take over?

                              Simoez, for all the credits given to him, has not shown what he's capable of and his first REAL test is the Doha games.
                              so no matter how he has done elsewhere, he is not a "proven" entity in Iran.....yet.

                              but Denizli HAS PROVEN his capabilities within the deficient Iranian football.
                              and that makes him far more logical and prime candidate to take over TM.
                              Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 10-16-2006, 07:57 AM.


                                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                                ok, I havent read the past 3-4 pages , due to rather long(-ish) posts .

                                but I gather some ppl are saying Simoez deserved the job, rather than GN.
                                I dont know about Simoez's intentions, but I know this much; not many coaches would have taken the reigns of TM after branko's screw up.

                                considering the emptying of interest and enthusisam among players and fans and ... after the WC.
                                the air of "anti-foreigner" at TM bench that prevailed all over Iran, which increases Simoez's risks 10 fold.
                                also the atmosphere of gloom and failure due to some horrible games at the WC
                                plus the risk of failure with some really eff'ed up planning by previous fed'n ( 5 days , 2 games , one in extreme east of asia, next in extreme west of asia ),
                                plus ...

                                and logically speaking, if I were simoes, I wouldnt have agreed, as this would have been a recipe for disaster for a coach, as a lot of things can go wrong.
                                and if this coach has borne a lot of hardship , biding his time to get to the top, even if it means first going through lower levels to strenghten his position ( all apply to simoez ), then I doubt he'd risk it in this manner.

                                so if we go up, or come down, it doesnt change the fact that :
                                1- there werent many coaches daring enough to take on the job
                                2- GN had balls of steel to accept, as his own reputation AND 3 years of hard work in building this reputation would be at risk.

                                like it or not, he has done ok.
                                not enough to justify his presence in AC2007, but for what was neede at that time, he did ok.

                                now, live with it.


                                what now?
                                after gettign rid of GN, which I hope is soon, who shd take over?

                                Simoez, for all the credits given to him, has not shown what he's capable of and his first REAL test is the Doha games.
                                so no matter how he has done elsewhere, he is not a "proven" entity in Iran.....yet.

                                but Denizli HAS PROVEN his capabilities within the deficient Iranian football.
                                and that makes him far more logical and prime candidate to take over TM.

                                Simoes as technical director ( which he almost is) and Denizli as head coach would be out of this world.
                                A truly amazing combo.

