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My reasons why Ghale-noei is the best option!!!

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    My reasons why Ghale-noei is the best option!!!

    Here is my reasons that he is NOT only a "good" option but the best option:

    1, He is the selection of a committee who all the members are the pro's involved in Iranian football.

    2, He has been the most successful coach in the last three IPL seasons.

    3, He has been TM captain.

    4, He is young and recently trained for the job in Germany.

    5, He needs no time to get familiar with the players, atmosphere, IFF, culture.

    6, He can't escape incase of intention of ripping us off like most recent international coaches with care-less decisions as long as the contract is valid, and in a safe place, namely Blazevich, Ivankovich, Arie Haan and coaches like them.

    7, There is immediate need for a coach for next two months.

    8, He has the respect for most of the fans and media as he never talks trash and non-sense.

    9, He is a very good manager and can remove all the no-football-issues (hashieh) around the team as he proved with the most "hasieh-dar" team like EsEs.

    10, He doesn't bend for the players no matter how big they are.

    11, He is straightforward for talking about his team, his players, his problems and all the issues people want to know.

    12, He never bring excuses for his lost some thing like weather, ground, this or that as he never brought it when he was in EsEs.

    13, His team EsEs is the most entertaining team in IPL to watch.

    14, He execute attacking style, so incase of losing we are at least seeing a good football.

    15, He is one of the smartest coaches in IPL. His trade-mark is changing the tactic of the team during the game and bringing super-sub to change the result.

    16, All the players under his command, have improved, he never ruined any player.

    17, Iran is not the place most "World-Class" coaches with proven resume want to coach.

    Saying all above, he may fail, but deserve a chance. Is that enough for you to give him a chance and not executing him before trail?

    Last edited by Hajagha; 07-17-2006, 12:52 PM.

    Let's hope you are right. He deserves a chance. "Khoda ra shaakeram"!!!!


      i partially agree,,,,
      amongst the Iranian coches, he is one of the best options....even though the best thing would be to hire a world class coach, but i guess no world class coach is willing to work in iran...anyhow,,,ghalenoe should get his chance and what I like about him is that his offensive mentality, and that is good to see in TM, after 4 years of conservative branko football.
      Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


        Also add:

        18. His salary is 5% of a world class professional coach and IFF bosses could use the other 95% for personal spending.

        19. He could be a great scapegoat for all the press and PFDC members once we fail again. If we bring in Scolari and fail then there is nothing else to complain about.


          Originally posted by zand
          Also add:
          18. His salary is 5% of a world class professional coach and IFF bosses could use the other 95% for personal spending.
          19. He could be a great scapegoat for all the press and PFDC members once we fail again. If we bring in Scolari and fail then there is nothing else to complain about.
          hehehe, it's pitty we don't respect our own product only bcz he talks like us.

          I really hope they pay him good salary, why not?

          As long as we are not able to bring coaches like Scolari, Mourinho, Leppi, our own vatani coaches for TM are the best option.

          The other un-proven coaches must be tested in IPL, then they can be a good option too. Some coaches like Denzili, still I prefer Ghale-noei.


            You have mostly valid points, and one or two not so valid one like:

            "13, His team EsEs is the most entertaining team in IPL to watch."

            But given the time constraint, you are absolutely correct. I just hope he
            continues his training and learning. One thing he will be quickly tested on, is
            how he deals with veteran players in Europe. The one area of concern in my
            view is Karimi. I think the rest have proven themselves to be professional enough
            to treat him with respect he deserves.

            Since this whole thing will probably cost IFF next to nothing, I hope they help him with
            contribution of quality game analyzers (against Korea), trainers and scouts.


              lets see if he is going to use his goal keeper rotation plan in TM as well!
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                A request from Yashar

                I have no opinion at the moment about Ghale Noei (although I am Blue supporter all my life), but the reason for my posting is the signature in Yashar's posting, which is allegedly from Sohail.
                Would you read you signature one more time? Maybe you would like to condier removing it.
                I am not saying we Iranian are saint and all, but your posting gave me the feeling of putting Iranian players,system, everything down, to justify Branko's poor performance. I am not sayign he is the only one who was guilty, but like it or not Coaches always get the biggest blam. To be honest, I think your signature is unfair and close to being stubborn to defend Branko.

                I am sick and tired of Branko debate, but(with all the respect, I have for you and Sohail), I think that signature of yours is condecending toward our players, our culture and our country.
                I played soccer in at least 5 coutries and based on what I have seen so far most soccer players in these countries were not the brightest or most cultured people in that country. On the contrary they mostly were from undeducated, poor, lower class folks among the people in that country. Iran is the same, so to use that to justify Branko's fiasco is not fair and even not honest in my opinion. Maybe that is not your intention, but sure it sounds that way.

                Let me put it in a different way, I still haven't seen you ever post something to the point of saying Branko's performance was poor or at least not optimal. All I am seeing is using all other reasons (IFF, Karimi's misbehavior, corrupted players as you put in that signature, (some of which are fair) to somehow maybe subconciusoly justify Branko's poor performance. How do you know Branko has no insecurities? How do you know he was not corrupted? Maybe he was and maybe he wasn't? Please this is really really fresh wound with a lot of people. I dont' see what is the point of posting something like that. If you were Branko's agent or advertiser or you were a Croat, at least I could have undrestood (still not agreed) but nevertheles appreciate your point.

                Iran has a lot of problems, so does a lot of other places, I live in US and I can list you a millions of problems about US. But being self depricating, putting what we have down and down right condecending toward a country (in this case Iran, as the signature suggests), I don't think will solve any problem and help any cause.

                Just my honest thoughts and feelings.

                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  Originally posted by Ali Chicago
                  I am not saying we Iranian are saint and all, but your posting gave me the feeling of putting Iranian players,system, everything down, to justify Branko's poor performance.
                  You are right. That's exactly what they are doing. At all costs, defend Branko and his action by putting down everything else. But remember , Putting Down players DOES NOT included DAIE in their view. Putting down culture DOES NOT include the Totalitarian Culture of Dadkan. Putting down system DOES NOT include the management of IFF and the Assistant Coaches of TM.

                  IT ONLY INCLUDES, those who did not 100% support Branko, Dadkan and Daie.

                  Other than that, there is a lot of truth to what they are saying. We do have an under developed System, Culture and and Society.

                  It is funny because the very same people used to praise BRANKO as the winningest coach in IRAN just a year earlier. All the success was "due" to Branko. This is the same Branko, the same Team, the same players, the same system, the same culture , the same media. The failure is on US. The winings were on Branko/Dadkan/Daie.

                  I look forward to the future. No Branko, No Daie , sounds good to me already.
                  P.S: I like this new guy (Ghaleh Noei), but 2 months is not enough. Branko had 5 years. Ghale Noei at least needs 1. why I like him? Well, He is a young Iranian Coach, and HE TAKES NO CRAP from players. I hope he stays that way.


                    Well enough choice if you ask me, lets just hope success follows the wise decision...however I prefer Troussier as the next option if Ghalenoii is temporary.

                    Delam mikhad be Esfahan bargardam...


                      Originally posted by zand
                      Also add:
                      18. His salary is 5% of a world class professional coach and IFF bosses could use the other 95% for personal spending.
                      19. He could be a great scapegoat for all the press and PFDC members once we fail again. If we bring in Scolari and fail then there is nothing else to complain about.
                      very, very good points. it's sad but I only see this as a cost cutting measure

                      when do we ever pay for a foreign coach to develop a team over several years? we just get them in before the big tournaments or else when we look like we're not gonna qualify or are in trouble.


                        Originally posted by Behrooz
                        Let's hope you are right. He deserves a chance. "Khoda ra shaakeram"!!!!
                        im happy as him being our tm coach.
                        Humanity. Love. Earth.


                          with the short time we have untill our next games, ghalenoe is the best choice, but not for long term of course.
                          Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                            Originally posted by Ali Chicago
                            I have no opinion at the moment about Ghale Noei (although I am Blue supporter all my life), but the reason for my posting is the signature in Yashar's posting, which is allegedly from Sohail.
                            Would you read you signature one more time? Maybe you would like to condier removing it.
                            I am not saying we Iranian are saint and all, but your posting gave me the feeling of putting Iranian players,system, everything down, to justify Branko's poor performance. I am not sayign he is the only one who was guilty, but like it or not Coaches always get the biggest blam. To be honest, I think your signature is unfair and close to being stubborn to defend Branko.
                            I am sick and tired of Branko debate, but(with all the respect, I have for you and Sohail), I think that signature of yours is condecending toward our players, our culture and our country.
                            I played soccer in at least 5 coutries and based on what I have seen so far most soccer players in these countries were not the brightest or most cultured people in that country. On the contrary they mostly were from undeducated, poor, lower class folks among the people in that country. Iran is the same, so to use that to justify Branko's fiasco is not fair and even not honest in my opinion. Maybe that is not your intention, but sure it sounds that way.
                            Let me put it in a different way, I still haven't seen you ever post something to the point of saying Branko's performance was poor or at least not optimal. All I am seeing is using all other reasons (IFF, Karimi's misbehavior, corrupted players as you put in that signature, (some of which are fair) to somehow maybe subconciusoly justify Branko's poor performance. How do you know Branko has no insecurities? How do you know he was not corrupted? Maybe he was and maybe he wasn't? Please this is really really fresh wound with a lot of people. I dont' see what is the point of posting something like that. If you were Branko's agent or advertiser or you were a Croat, at least I could have undrestood (still not agreed) but nevertheles appreciate your point.
                            Iran has a lot of problems, so does a lot of other places, I live in US and I can list you a millions of problems about US. But being self depricating, putting what we have down and down right condecending toward a country (in this case Iran, as the signature suggests), I don't think will solve any problem and help any cause.
                            Just my honest thoughts and feelings.
                            so ali jan, we meet again? how u been doing?

                            anywayz, im not putting my own country and hamvatans for a croat who i have no relations with. i am agreeing to wat soheil thinks is the truth.
                            This is the truth about iran unfortuantely.
                            iranians, not only in football, but in general are way too self oriented that it even enters their professional life and spoils it. i have seen it here in dubai as well, not only in football but in general life as well. im sure its the case in USA as well because i have relatives there who come here often and tell me stories about their lives!

                            For example, u wanna know who are the biggest "kolah bardars" of dubai??
                            and u wanna know who are they tricking and fooling THE MOST?
                            again IRANIANS!
                            iranians are one of the few people, atleast in this part of the world(and im sure in the west too) who dont mind back stabbing their fellow friends/relatives forget "hamvatans"
                            Its no coincidence that khale zanak bazi is so extraordinarily high not only among women but men too. No wonder there are tons of rumours spread in iran daily, even the news papers!!!
                            here in UAE, i just graduated out of American University of Sharjah. Its an international university and arguably the best in UAE and even persian gulf (excluding iran). I made a lot of friends in here iranians, arabs, canadians, americans, even chinese! and u wanna know who were the ones i hated to hang around the most with?? THE IRANIANS! because they kept back biting about each other and u know the rule - when they back bite about a friend to u, u think they wont back bite about u to a friend? How many misunderstandings, arguments, troubles i went through because of my iranian "FRIENDS"!
                            U go to the cafeteria, u see guys and girls all joining tables chit chatting and having fun EXCEPT IRANIANS! the iranian guys will sit in one corner, with their legs on the table as if its their own house, proudly talking about the classes they miss and fail! the iranian girls in the other corner, sitting and making fun of the guys or the girls because of the way his nose looks or the clothes he wears!

                            However, u go to a company in dubai here, u will see a new indian employee in ur office. withing the next 1 year, i can guarantee u, u will see another indian in the same office and guess wat? they are friends or they know each other!u wanna know how?No, its not coincidence because unlike our iranian hamvatans here, the indian guy tries to find a job for his fellow indian country man instead of back stabbing him, setting him up in evil plots or watever of that crap!!!

                            iranian people find it hard to work in a group among team mates, mostly the ones who were born and brought up in iran! they are used to such a shrewd cunning "bokhor bokhor" environment that they unconciously adapt themselves to such an environment and become part of this evil yet existing system. You may blame it on the government, on religion, on a tough era of the middle east or watever, but the fact is this is modern iran.

                            no my friend, im not putting my coutnry down. im just stating the truth because my country is already down! u wanna know why?
                            because we have hundreds of iranian girls exported to arab countries for prostitution. We have thousands of farari girls hiding in iran, involved in all sorta crimes like drugs, murders, prostitution, theft etc. We have thousands of war victims who still at the age of 60 doing their daily "mosafer keshy" have dreams of receving some sorta pensions and better life improvements from the government. We have millions of brain washed uneducated narrow minded "religious slaves" who just like a robot are waiting for the orders from the higher authorities to flood forget the streets but university dorms, peoples houses and roads with chains and batons squashing not only men but also women and children to death ruthlessly!
                            forget that, lately, we have got so much guts that we even murder a canadian female reporter in prison!!!
                            Or maybe when a national hero like ali daei hits people for watever reason, when mehrdad oladi pushes a 9 year old FAN WHO HAS COME TO GET HIS AUTOGRAPH down the stairs, when a TM player like behruz rahbarifard gets down in the middle of the road in traffic and shouts out "kodum khahar K*** bud ke be man fosh dad", when our own officials are suspended for misbehaviour against refrees, when our star player punches the linesmen in an official match, when our own players slap each other infront of TV, when our people dont have the basic manners and courtesy to respect women and bloody lat lunatics walk in the roads openly touching women's breasts infront of their husbands and then threaten to stab them incase they are shouted at, when aids is spreading in the community like daylight, people are dying in parks and nobody to collect them, when our f***ing country is ready to shed the blood of its own men for a country like palestine or lebanon while the other arabs sit and f*** our girls for money,,, U WANNA BLAME BRANKO????
                            and u say, IM PUTTING MY COUTNRY DOWN HUH????IM BEING SELF DEPRICIATIVE?? I HAVE LOW STANDARDS??? Sorry to say bro, but iran doesnt even have THE BASIC STANDARDS! first get the basic standards, then talk about low or high standards!

                            When i say our country and culture has problems from the roots, this is wat i mean. as long as i dont see these things fixed, i wont go blaming a polite well mannered professional croation for all the blunders in the worldcup however incompetent he may be!
                            and plz dont temme all these problems exist in other countries as well because i wasnt born yesterday to not know there is nothing as a perfect society but im well aware of wats happening around me in the world and when i compare them with iran, i really feel ashamed not only because of the situation in iran but more importantly because i DONT BELIEVE HOW A MIGHTY PERSIAN EMPIRE WHICH ONCE EXTENDED FROM AFRICA ALL THE WAY TO INDIA could have possibly reduced to this %$#%$#%$#%# torture chamber in the middle east, i feel miserable! GOOORE PEDARE JAME JAHANIYE 2006!!

                            U know wat??? people always say to themselves, incase anything happens, the worse that can happen to me is i go back to my country where i am protected and welcomed. U wanna know how i feel when i think of wats the worse that could happen to me?? i hope nothing happens so that i dont have to go and live the rest of my life in a place where the laws of the jungle rule it!! now if this is the law of the jungle for me (an iranian), imagine wat it is for an alien like branko!!!!

                            and just to CORRECT U HERE,
                            1)i never even openned my mouth about karimis misbehaviour in the angola and portugal match! u can look up all my posts since june till today and if u find just one pots where i tried to blame karimi for anything at all, im ready to quit this website forever and leave u, doctor doom and other guys who are clearly fedup with my view/posts/opinions in eternal peace!!! so plz, if u wanna accuse me of anything wrong i did, please make sure i actually made the mistake.
                            2)u came very late to PFDC, i have been here for more than a year and a half now, and i always ALWAYS ADMITTED BRANKO HAD PROBLEMS, IS NOT A WORLDCLASS COACH, AND IM NOT ALWAYS SATISFIED WITH HIS WORK!
                            But u know wat, i still supported him, even though i wasnt pleased with certain substituions of his, certain players he chose, certain formations he used, BUT I STILL SUPPORTED HIM because between BAD & WORSE, i would always choose bad! Between khatami & nateghe nouri, i would choose khatami! i was more focused on the outcomes of this branko bashing rather than the action itself! i prefer to stay in a "bad" situation rather than going to a "worse" one!
                            u can look up my posts if u really are interested or want proof about me not being satisfied with branko many times. i always said our phsyical fitness and stamina is low, branko never uses his subs even in friendlies, but i didnt just stop at that. i wouldnt just blame and fire branko for everything, i would weigh the postives and negatives of branko, and decide wat was best for iranian football AMONG THE WORSE!
                            But many people looked at the matter like a computer, in binary language, the language of 0 and 1. Either 0 or 1. Many mis interpret "support" for "agree to". If u can understand the difference between these 2 terms, u will understand all my posts, all the arguments we had together and my view point.

                            and yea, just a reminder, our governement and nation is a corrupt one, which includes our sportsmen, our business men and our politicians. And corruption emerges from one main grain - GREED, the root of all evil. Something i remember reading during my elemntary school as moral of the blah blah blah story. My english teacher in 8th grade once said, if u can live by proverbs, u can live a successful meaningful life and i listened to him from that day on.

                            So thankyou for your feelings and honest opinion, but, with all respect, i would prefer to go with mine which are much more deeper and realistic!
                            Originally posted by siavasharian

                            بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                            بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                              I dont think he is that bad either.

                              I think he was a better choice than Mayeli or Jalili

