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My reasons why Ghale-noei is the best option!!!

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    We need to understand football is not a one man show. No matter who's Italy/Germany/Iran/Maldives coach, their performance might change max 10%.



      Originally posted by ird28
      I do!

      what are you trying to reach with that comment anyway?
      you still wanna know why I brought this up?


        Originally posted by xoraster
        Are other people reading this?
        You go lengths to discredit Simoes but you have not answered my question.
        I love the whole, GN knows the ins and outs of Iranian foootball. Simoes has been in Iran for ,more than a year now.
        Still lots a words, no answer.
        Xorastar, I am not trying to discredit him. Why do you think I am agaisnt him. I respect the man and I really like him to be succesful. Having said that I realize his level. I am not trying to make a god out of him and act like he will come and Iranian soccer will be changed overnight.

        I spend so much time to research all that and by doing that, I was hoping you to see that this guys' highteset acheivement have been coaching Jamaica and Hondours and T&T and even there (except Jamaica) he was there only a year. None of these countries are considered a power house in football.

        I have no fear of saying Simoez has more technical and tactical knowledge than GN. But please consider the followings:

        One. GN is younger than him, so GN will need time to add to his experience and hopefully success or demise as a soccer coach. So comparing these two right now is applese Vs. Orange. Simoze is in late cycles of his coaching life where GN is at teh begining.

        Secondly, when I say he knows the ins and outs of Iranina soccer, and you find that comic. Your proragetive. But I think it is very important. Give you an example, GN undrestood quickly, there is a sensetivity toward him inviting too many blue players to the TM and he reacted to it. I am not saying it is a right thing, but it is a reality in our football. A forgien coach who hasn't lived in Iran can't comprehend this. And even if a consultant or his interpreter tell him that, he won't really appreciate it becauase he hasn't lived in Iran.

        Ideally to me is we need to have an Iranian coach with a very knowledgable technical team behind him. Someone like Youachim Lou who was behind Klinesman. I think currently Ebrahimzadeh is playing that role behind GN. I am not in Iran, but follwing Ebrahimzadeh' work since he was in ZobAhan and now Sepahan, I think he is the one who is the think tank behind the team.

        Plus, our TM coaching staff isn't GN only. Afshin Peyroovani passed a lot of cocahing courses (the very latest in Paris Saint German) and lot of other people. I Know everyone in this forum makes fun of Ebrahimi, but this guy despite being older type of guy, constantly tryign to update himself with the latest soccer. I have a few friends in Iran that have told me this. Ebrahimi get books brouchours, etc, etc and try to devise immitate newer practice methods.

        At the end, you keep asking I didn't answer the question. I am confused, what question I am supposed to answer? The whole thing started when you said Simoez has a far superior CV compared to GN and as you can see from his CV (although lengthy) you don't see anything like coaching Mexico's national team or bringing Jamaica to the seconud round of WC or making Honduras to the WC. So my point was granted Simoez has a long history of coaching, but there aren't many (excpet Jamica WC qualification) huge super success storieis his CV.
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          Originally posted by Ali Chicago
          .I have no fear of saying Simoez has more technical and tactical knowledge than GN.

          I think so as well, that is one of the reasons why I prefer Simoes instead of GN.
          You say that Simoes is tecnically and tactically superior but you also attack people who prefer him by labelig them as khareji parasts.

          Also, to be a great coach, you dont have to coach Barcelona or Brazil.
          You say that Simoes has not coached big teams but again, taking Jamaica to WC is one of the most impressive things a coach can do.

          The arguement that GN is young can be used against any coach........for example, it would be unfair to compare Estily to Trapatoni because Estily has only coached for 2 years!!!!
          If GN's Cv is not long enough to be compared to someone whom you are not that impressed by, then GN should gather experience before taking the TM post.

          If Simoes is not that impressive ( as you say) and GN Cv is not even as good as his, then GN has no business coaching the national team.

          National team is a place you go to when you have paid your do's, not a place to experiment with young coaches.


            Originally posted by xoraster
            I think so as well, that is one of the reasons why I prefer Simoes instead of GN.
            You say that Simoes is tecnically and tactically superior but you also attack people who prefer him by labelig them as khareji parasts.
            I didn't say whoever who prefers a better forigne coaches to an Iranian coach is Khareji paraste. But there are people in this forum who cheer lead for whoever who was a foriegn name. Remember when Arie Haan came. What a chah chah bah bah? See what a big deal they make about Lorant leaving. These are the people who beleive if the guy is a forigner, he must be a better as a caoch (not just soccer knowledge) for us. Look at the way Haan treated PP. Is that a responsible way? Haan's knowledge is much more than Iranian coaches, but does that make him a more qulifed to coach in Iran (based on his attitude and behavior). Look at recent example of Lorant. That is the most unprofessional thing a coach can do. If Iranian clubs do that, we criticize them and truly we should. But do you see the so-called supporters of forigen coaches now talk about how these 2nd and 3rd grade forigen coaches treat our football and nation.

            As an example of this attitude, is a poll on the first page of PFDC. Do you want a forigen coach or an Iranian coach? That is a wrong question to ask. Since when the natioanlity of the coach is the deciding factor in choosing him?

            Look at the unsccessful transcript of Roland Koch, Sobel, Drabinian, sokhomorof, Ghaddeh, Beghovitch (he was a great Youth developmental coach for example, but not a coach for competetive adult clubs. He wasn't succesful in UAE either when he left Iran to coach there). All of these guys were failure. They all failed. So, the attitude of bringing the guy because he is a forigner and learned the football in the proper way and is organized doesn' work. See the example of coaches I mentioend eariler in Iran.

            Don't get me wrong, we need forigen coaches, those like Raykoof, Alan Rogers. They came and helped us. These guys know we do have raw talent but no organization and no strucuture. So they don't come here and constanlty nag and ***** and aaah aahhh, peef peef. There was an interview with Denizli. This guys seems to be a guy who realizes working in Iran isn't easy, but despite that he made a decision to do it and he is not goign to rub it in our face every day. They asked him why Loernet left. He said he doesn't know, but a forigen coach who comes to Iran has to realize the situation is different and make a decision. Denizli added that he made a conscious decision to coach in Iran despite all the short coming. This is kind of attitude and hopefully the man we need. So all I am saying we need to forigen coaches based on certain criteria. This post as it is too long so, I don't list what my criteria are.

            In choosing a coach there is his soccer coaching is only one factor. Other factors are:
            • his managment style
            • his soccer vision and his general value system in life
            • and knowledge of the environemt (culture, language, background) that you are coaching in.
            • Coach was a club level, youth level, or a national level coach.

            Managment style: Post WC in TM maybe needs to be running a tight ship. Havingt an Iron man managment style like Magath Vs, being closer to the players like Raichard in Barcelona.

            As an example of second factor Johan Kruyf laments for lack of offesive soccer, where as most teams in Europe now play with 1 forward. So there are coaches who go for offensive Vs. Defensive.

            As an example fo third element is knowing the culture, knowing the language will tremendously help. Knowing how to motivate a player. For example, If I want to motivate a German probably I need to give him a lot of data and stats, cause Germans generally are less emotional cool and logical people. With Iranians playing Iraq for example, if one knows the histroy probably one doesn't need that.

            Another factor is the fact that is he a youth developmental type of coach or an adult club level or an adult, national (TM level) coach. See the example of Beghovitch and how he was successful as a youth developmental coach Vs an Adult Super league coach.

            Originally posted by xoraster
            Also, to be a great coach, you dont have to coach Barcelona or Brazil.
            You say that Simoes has not coached big teams but again, taking Jamaica to WC is one of the most impressive things a coach can do.
            Please read all my posts in this regard. I always said his greatest acheivement was Jamaica. That was my whole question to you. Base on what other elements (besides Jamaica) you say Simoez has a brilliant soccer CV. Look at his record, Jamica is his highlight. Hopefully Iran's U23 will be the next one, I truly hope so for our team and his sake. I read Simoez's interviews and he sounds like a really good humn being as well.

            Originally posted by xoraster
            If Simoes is not that impressive ( as you say) and GN Cv is not even as good as his, then GN has no business coaching the national team.
            If I had my way and my choice was between GN and simoez I choose Simoez as well. But the fact is that right now, It doesn't matter anymore. Right now, GN is the coach
            What GN lacks in technical tactical level, can be compensated with the followings:
            • He can make it up in the area of knowing our football much better,
            • Also better political connection with IFF ( I know it is not a football matter, but still impacts the team for example to arrange for a charter for TM for the next game to East Asia if one is connceted to the government)
            • GN deals with stars with firm hands (Esteghlal's example).
            • He doesn't play names and beleive in Youth. LG cup as an example. Although, I was disappointed with him taking the Legioners to Taiwan.
            • In the process, Iranian coahing staff learn something as well. Until Asian cup we have some time and he got the job done to get us qualified. This by itself. This is something that stays for Iranian soccer in general but Branko left and his experience will help Croatia or whoever or whereever he will coach.
            • While GN isn't as experienced as Simoez, but he has a large supporting staff like Ebraheem Zadeh, Peyroovani that are trained and familair with the latest coahcing classes and helping him as well. Peyrroonvani just recently came back from the Paris Saint German coaching classes and spend some times in Paris. In this day and age of Internet, one can easily get exposed to the latest and greatest of soccer coaching. If you don't beleiev me, do a google search or say 4-2-3-1 line up. 10 years ago, people paid top money to go to coaching classes to learn this stuff. I coach in US and these stuff was thaught in C license coaching only in United State Soccer Federation USSF courses. Now I can sit in my boxer and get the article, ( I think Human Afazali even has an article about that or maybe it was 4-4-2.

            Right now he is the coach. We can have two attitudes. Either give him some time and then if he can't deliver we fire him. Or put him under tremendous criticizem based on the fact that we think he can't do the job. Ghasase Ghabl Az Ghonah. Although we have some supporting justifiable doubts.

            If we choose the second method, I am worried we will trun this guy to another Branko. To be fair I can see why Branko was afraid of a simple loss and was running away from frinedlies against big teams. In Iran a simple loss for the TM isn't accpetable and people think we should win all the time. Not only that, we have to dominate every game too. This whole attitude is wrong. GN is not my family and have nothing for him, what bothers me is this super criticial attitude toward coach of the TM.

            Read my posts, I was a member of PFDC from March of 05. Despite the whole pro anti Branko, I reserved judgement until the WC. In WC he in my opinion failed and made our team fail as well. Point is I wasn't quick to the gun to criticize every Branko move. When he failed in WC that is a different story. I hope we all learn to give the coach whoever he/she is some time and judge them based on a trend (an objective one too) rather than our own perceptions.
            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


              Ali Chicago,

              Nasser Ebrahimi is a liability and if Iran was a well run country, he would be coaching 4th division Tehran teams, not telling players from Osasuna and Bayern what to do.

              I am not sure if you have the pulse of Iranian football but Ebrahimi is not only beeing made fun of here at PDFC, he has become a joke of iranian football. At one hand, you are saying that Iran has many young and talented coaches, on the other, you say that GN has gathered an experience and competent staff........... To qoute Iran Verzeshi, "Ghalenoie's staff is filled with a bunch of people (Ebrahimi, Mazloumi, Monajati kamasi, Pour Heydary) who would struggle to get a job in second division.

              This is just another case of somone bringing in his good times buddies, even the most hardcore and ardent GN fans agree that his staff is beyond weak, at best, it can be justified as an "politically correct" move but I am not buying into that one.
              The distance between this old timers and modern, well paid overly-hyped "professionals" is too much.

              In regards to Peyrovani, if it is true that he has been at PSG, that is a great move for him. All I know is that after the Korea game, his technicall analysis was that "the Korean grass was bad".................How am I supposed to judge him after a brilliant comment like that.

              You can have your opinion but you are clearly out numbered, most of us are dismayed to see TM in the hands of people who's major achievments was back in early 90's.

              This coaching staff is like an Iranian version of "entourage", just a tad less glamourous.


                Originally posted by xoraster
                Ali Chicago,
                Nasser Ebrahimi is a liability and if Iran was a well run country, he would be coaching 4th division Tehran teams, not telling players from Osasuna and Bayern what to do.
                I am not sure if you have the pulse of Iranian football but Ebrahimi is not only beeing made fun of here at PDFC, he has become a joke of iranian football. At one hand, you are saying that Iran has many young and talented coaches, on the other, you say that GN has gathered an experience and competent staff........... To qoute Iran Verzeshi, "Ghalenoie's staff is filled with a bunch of people (Ebrahimi, Mazloumi, Monajati kamasi, Pour Heydary) who would struggle to get a job in second division.
                This is just another case of somone bringing in his good times buddies, even the most hardcore and ardent GN fans agree that his staff is beyond weak, at best, it can be justified as an "politically correct" move but I am not buying into that one.
                The distance between this old timers and modern, well paid overly-hyped "professionals" is too much.
                In regards to Peyrovani, if it is true that he has been at PSG, that is a great move for him. All I know is that after the Korea game, his technicall analysis was that "the Korean grass was bad".................How am I supposed to judge him after a brilliant comment like that.
                You can have your opinion but you are clearly out numbered, most of us are dismayed to see TM in the hands of people who's major achievments was back in early 90's.
                This coaching staff is like an Iranian version of "entourage", just a tad less glamourous.
                If your source is Iran Varzeshi, then I guess we don't have much to discusss anymore. I know I am outnumbered and for the recoreds I am not a die hard GN fan. My posts cleraly says that. All I said is give them time, if they fail kick them out. I listed the points for choosing a coach and all.
                You choose your judgement of Peroovani based on a 10 sec clips of Iranina news. If a forgein guy was saying that, would u say the same? I am sure he said a lot of other stuff too. Plus a coach won't do a detailed technical analysis in front of a TV camera news for 1 minute. When I say we put our own kind down, this is an example. You are so biased against anything that is Iranian that all u need is a 5 second TV clip and then make it an Alllame Osman.
                If all that writing of mine, didn't impact you and you think I am a die hard GN fan, either my writing is too poor or you just not very logical.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  Originally posted by Ali Chicago
                  If your source is Iran Varzeshi, then I guess we don't have much to discusss anymore. I know I am outnumbered and for the recoreds I am not a die hard GN fan. My posts cleraly says that. All I said is give them time, if they fail kick them out. I listed the points for choosing a coach and all.
                  You choose your judgement of Peroovani based on a 10 sec clips of Iranina news. If a forgein guy was saying that, would u say the same? I am sure he said a lot of other stuff too. Plus a coach won't do a detailed technical analysis in front of a TV camera news for 1 minute. When I say we put our own kind down, this is an example. You are so biased against anything that is Iranian that all u need is a 5 second TV clip and then make it an Alllame Osman.
                  If all that writing of mine, didn't impact you and you think I am a die hard GN fan, either my writing is too poor or you just not very logical.
                  Well Ali agha, regarding Peyrovani, that 5 second clip is all I got.
                  Give me something more so that i can judge him.
                  Has he coached a team?
                  Has he worked with the youth?
                  What is his trackrecord as a coach?
                  Just that you know, before this, he was trying to be a dalal, he was involved in the kaabi's transfer to Al Saad.
                  This is my national team to, you ask us to trust Peyrovani, I say why, what has he done.

                  Give us something before you use the sam line over and over again about foreigners.
                  Just that you know, the answer is yes. If a foreign coach would say that the grass in korea was bad, I would think that he is semi retarted because A; Its a lie, pitch seemed perfect,
                  B; Even if it was the truth, bad picth usually hurts the more offensive team and effects the quality of the passing. Since Iran had jam packed its D and we have never been a quality passing side, "bad grass" would hurt the Koreans more than us.
                  C; Half of IPL teams have below standard grass while Korean teams play in WC standard stadiums, compare Foolad, Abo Moslem and Yazds fields to those of WC 2002. Any bad grass would be to our advantage.
                  That 5 second comment proves that he is clueless, a liar and just looking for excuses. If he has said other things somewhat more substansial, please share.

                  Also, since you are so critical of my source, how do you know that Peyrovani has been in Paris? Through the PSG website? Were you in Paris yourelf? What is your source?

                  By the way, IV was not my 'source" of news, I just qouted their line which rings true. If Ghalenoie had not brought his friends to sitt on the bench, Ebrahimi, Pour Heydary and Mazlomi. Kamasi would have a hard time to get a job in the first division.
                  In fact, Mazloumi was fired by Naft ( 2 second division), Pour Heydary has not had a work since 2002 ( now coach of second division team) and Ebrahimi.......


                    Originally posted by xoraster
                    Well Ali agha, regarding Peyrovani, that 5 second clip is all I got.
                    Give me something more so that i can judge him.
                    Has he coached a team?
                    Has he worked with the youth?
                    What is his trackrecord as a coach?
                    Just that you know, before this, he was trying to be a dalal, he was involved in the kaabi's transfer to Al Saad.
                    This is my national team to, you ask us to trust Peyrovani, I say why, what has he done.

                    Give us something before you use the sam line over and over again about foreigners.
                    Just that you know, the answer is yes. If a foreign coach would say that the grass in korea was bad, I would think that he is semi retarted because A; Its a lie, pitch seemed perfect,
                    B; Even if it was the truth, bad picth usually hurts the more offensive team and effects the quality of the passing. Since Iran had jam packed its D and we have never been a quality passing side, "bad grass" would hurt the Koreans more than us.
                    C; Half of IPL teams have below standard grass while Korean teams play in WC standard stadiums, compare Foolad, Abo Moslem and Yazds fields to those of WC 2002. Any bad grass would be to our advantage.
                    That 5 second comment proves that he is clueless, a liar and just looking for excuses. If he has said other things somewhat more substansial, please share.

                    Also, since you are so critical of my source, how do you know that Peyrovani has been in Paris? Through the PSG website? Were you in Paris yourelf? What is your source?

                    By the way, IV was not my 'source" of news, I just qouted their line which rings true. If Ghalenoie had not brought his friends to sitt on the bench, Ebrahimi, Pour Heydary and Mazlomi. Kamasi would have a hard time to get a job in the first division.
                    In fact, Mazloumi was fired by Naft ( 2 second division), Pour Heydary has not had a work since 2002 ( now coach of second division team) and Ebrahimi.......
                    Ok dada. You call Peyroovani Dallal, but if he was a forginer, his label would be player's agent. It is the same logic that I hear from Iranian in Northern California mostly. When they go to an Iranian store they expcet to get thing for super cheap or the Iranian guy is trying to rip them off and ahhah ahha and peef peef. Now if they go to Albertson or some other stores all of a sudden it is perfectly ok that Albertson (alhtough a pretty shitty store) is a for profit business and most Iranian loose that talabkar attitude. As if it is ok for Albertson to make money, but the Iranian store owner shouldn't make any money. I assumed you are in California and that is why I used this example. If not disregard that example.

                    As for the source of the news, I didn't criticize your source. It is just I am surprised that you quote tham as if they are an authority in soccer. They just want to sell more papers so they want contraversy. I work full time and in my free time play and coach soccer and read stuff about Persian soccer at this site. I also know many ex players from my era who are in US now directly or through other friends. Khalilian brother, mehdi Ghazal, Weggen Zainali etc. etc. I don't have any specail sources to quote u my source. My sources are Iranian newspapers and Peryroovani taking coaching clinics in PSG was that. He was supposed to get a coaching job in PP but for whatever reason, stilli remained and Peyroovani didn't get the job. Despite what most Iranians outside Iran think, Iranian inside Iran are very capable and aware people. Actually much much more than Iranian outside Iran credit them. Soccer is a part of that too. Khakhpoor had a soccer institute in US and now is back to Iran. Wish you could listen to him. Or if you are in California in LA area, see what Heroos Baghoomian is doing with Armenian kids ( I think he has an Arrarat club youth level program). Last time I saw them was in Jaam Doosti in LA and they had a under 14 team from Armenian kids. Listen to guys like him that were in Iran's soccer in the past and they are involved in soccer here as well. When they compare the soccer level in two countries (talent wise).

                    It is funny, on one hand you guys (rightly) criticize the lack of theorectical knowledge of the old guard coaches in Iran. Then when the new blood, Peyroovani, GN , Estilli, come and try to give it a try, barage them with criticizem. GN next month is going to Brazil for one month coaching classes after the Korea game. It was in Iranian papers. Do they get support and credit to do their job without 500k salary and best hotel in Iran and translator and unlimited trips to Europe for supposedly seeing Iranian players play? No, What Peyroovani gets? He get's labaed as Dallal. I don't know if he had a role to send Kaabi to Ghatar. IF he did, what is wrong with that? Tell me, what is wrong with that?
                    If an arab guy or whoever else does that, it is a legitimate business but if an Iranian does it, it is Dallali?

                    You see, poople like you and I came outside Iran, and got a chance to see new things and learn new things. Now we have two options. Either we can develope this attitude of everything in Iran is bad and I am much better than those inside Iran attitude. Or, we can help them, encourge those who despite that conditions try to do something for the country and improve things. Maybe they are not as elquoent or don't have tons of papers to flash to our face. But they are trying to improve things. Under the pressure of Mullahs and all the ignorance that exists in Iran. Likes of Jallali, he is from Qom he is religious, so is Ghaleh Noei. I am not religious and I probably totally disagree with a lot of their belief. But these two guys are trying to help Iranina soccer. I personally here coach, who am I coacching? An American kid, not an Iranian. I choose the comfort of living in the West and use my energy and knowledge to help American kids. Those guys maybe don't have a choice to come and live in the West, but despite that, they are coaching Iranian kids. The same that you and I cheered for in France 98 and beat USA 2-1. I suggest while we criticize them, appreciat the as well. Hope I find you on the right side of this equation one day. You seem like a reasonable person and Iran's future needs people like you.

                    Anyhow, thanks for your posts, obviously this is going anywhere. I hope one day, we Iranian cant throw away this infeoririty complex away, without any anti western rehthoric and appriciate ourselves without exaggerating our abilites.To me we have dicsussed this and couldn't find any common points it seems, so let's just agree to disagree. I won't pursue this topic anymore.

                    Movaffagh Bahsi.
                    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                      Originally posted by Ali Chicago
                      Ok dada. You call Peyroovani Dallal, but if he was a forginer, his label would be player's agent. It is the same logic that I hear from Iranian in Northern California mostly. When they go to an Iranian store they expcet to get thing for super cheap or the Iranian guy is trying to rip them off and ahhah ahha and peef peef. Now if they go to Albertson or some other stores all of a sudden it is perfectly ok that Albertson (alhtough a pretty shitty store) is a for profit business and most Iranian loose that talabkar attitude. As if it is ok for Albertson to make money, but the Iranian store owner shouldn't make any money. I assumed you are in California and that is why I used this example. If not disregard that example.
                      As for the source of the news, I didn't criticize your source. It is just I am surprised that you quote tham as if they are an authority in soccer. They just want to sell more papers so they want contraversy. I work full time and in my free time play and coach soccer and read stuff about Persian soccer at this site. I also know many ex players from my era who are in US now directly or through other friends. Khalilian brother, mehdi Ghazal, Weggen Zainali etc. etc. I don't have any specail sources to quote u my source. My sources are Iranian newspapers and Peryroovani taking coaching clinics in PSG was that. He was supposed to get a coaching job in PP but for whatever reason, stilli remained and Peyroovani didn't get the job. Despite what most Iranians outside Iran think, Iranian inside Iran are very capable and aware people. Actually much much more than Iranian outside Iran credit them. Soccer is a part of that too. Khakhpoor had a soccer institute in US and now is back to Iran. Wish you could listen to him. Or if you are in California in LA area, see what Heroos Baghoomian is doing with Armenian kids ( I think he has an Arrarat club youth level program). Last time I saw them was in Jaam Doosti in LA and they had a under 14 team from Armenian kids. Listen to guys like him that were in Iran's soccer in the past and they are involved in soccer here as well. When they compare the soccer level in two countries (talent wise).
                      It is funny, on one hand you guys (rightly) criticize the lack of theorectical knowledge of the old guard coaches in Iran. Then when the new blood, Peyroovani, GN , Estilli, come and try to give it a try, barage them with criticizem. GN next month is going to Brazil for one month coaching classes after the Korea game. It was in Iranian papers. Do they get support and credit to do their job without 500k salary and best hotel in Iran and translator and unlimited trips to Europe for supposedly seeing Iranian players play? No, What Peyroovani gets? He get's labaed as Dallal. I don't know if he had a role to send Kaabi to Ghatar. IF he did, what is wrong with that? Tell me, what is wrong with that?
                      If an arab guy or whoever else does that, it is a legitimate business but if an Iranian does it, it is Dallali?
                      You see, poople like you and I came outside Iran, and got a chance to see new things and learn new things. Now we have two options. Either we can develope this attitude of everything in Iran is bad and I am much better than those inside Iran attitude. Or, we can help them, encourge those who despite that conditions try to do something for the country and improve things. Maybe they are not as elquoent or don't have tons of papers to flash to our face. But they are trying to improve things. Under the pressure of Mullahs and all the ignorance that exists in Iran. Likes of Jallali, he is from Qom he is religious, so is Ghaleh Noei. I am not religious and I probably totally disagree with a lot of their belief. But these two guys are trying to help Iranina soccer. I personally here coach, who am I coacching? An American kid, not an Iranian. I choose the comfort of living in the West and use my energy and knowledge to help American kids. Those guys maybe don't have a choice to come and live in the West, but despite that, they are coaching Iranian kids. The same that you and I cheered for in France 98 and beat USA 2-1. I suggest while we criticize them, appreciat the as well. Hope I find you on the right side of this equation one day. You seem like a reasonable person and Iran's future needs people like you.
                      Anyhow, thanks for your posts, obviously this is going anywhere. I hope one day, we Iranian cant throw away this infeoririty complex away, without any anti western rehthoric and appriciate ourselves without exaggerating our abilites.To me we have dicsussed this and couldn't find any common points it seems, so let's just agree to disagree. I won't pursue this topic anymore.
                      Movaffagh Bahsi.

                      We'll agree to disagree, not a problem.

                      Just to clarify some points, I dont live in northern California so I cant really relate to your exemple.

                      Regarding Peyrovani, there is nothing wrong with beeing an agent/dalal.
                      My point was that one day, he is making deals involving TM players, another day, he is coaching them. That is wrong because
                      A, its just unheard of.
                      B It is a clear conflict of interest.
                      Regarding Khakpour, I have nothing but respect for him, I am looking forward to seeing a new generation of Iranian coaches like Khakpour, Estily, peyrovani, Afazeli, Daei, Abedzadeh and co to take over but someone like Khakpour is assistan coach and will work himself up, Estily have been an assistant for 3 years now, Abed is working with the youth, Afazeli has worked his way from beeing a youth coach to now, hopefully soon, beeing a head coach in IPL.
                      You have to work youself up, getting international experience not one day selling players, another day, telling them what to. Even Ghalenoie is young and fresh. 3 years at the top flight is not enough.
                      I am happy that he is going to Brazil to take a course but I believe that when you are a head coach of the Iranian national team, you should be giving those courses, not recieving them.

                      Lastly, regarding Iranians feeling inferior, you cant apply that to every arguement. I my self am very comfortable with beeing Iranian and living in Europe, so are most of my Iranian friends, living normal comfortable lives with their old and newly adopted culture. Neither feeling inferior or superior, realizing all cultures/societies have their strong and weak points.
                      Wanting a good and qualified coach for the Iranian national team has nothing to do with feeling inferior.

                      Good luck!

