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Ghalehnoyi is a mistake

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    Ali chicago e aziz....

    I agree with most points on your post, specialy the ones regarding being realistic, and considering the currant poletical situations.....
    But I like to add ,some regarding the management !!
    I can not agree with you on management not being the job of the coach.
    Henry ford, the father of industries in USA, once said : " I can do anything,.all I have to do, is to hire people who can do it " !!!!!
    In many countries, they call the coaches of football : The manager !!!, including, England,where football was born..
    The coach can manage....
    1-The psycology of players.
    2-The health of players.
    3-the physical streangth of players.
    4-The skill of players.
    5-The speed of players.
    6-The strategies of the game.
    7-the intangebles of the game.
    And for all these, he can hire people who specialize in those or any other areas,he feels neccesary.
    I can exadurate a little, and tell you......If we hire a manager of a Mcdonnal's resturant,who has little knowledge of football, he may do a better job than Gallenoee.!!!!...............You may laugh ....
    But the manager at the Mcdonnald's will make them to be more efficient,will make them to put thier life on the job,will make them feel they have to fight for thier job, will make them come early and leave late, will make them think about what they should do when they go home, will give them material to study at home, matterial about the resposibilities,and matterial to change thier psycology, and matterial to make them smarter.....
    the mcdonnald's manager will make the players to think about the details as if thier life depends on it.........................
    And for the strategies, the Mcdonnald's manager, will hire an assistand who knows about it !!!


      zz jan, ironically, our vatani coach has done just that; hiring different people for different tasks such as diet, phys fitness, psychologist, ..... .
      his rather large number of assistants and staff is testament to the fact that GN has indeed thought that way.

      something that was totally missing in our previous staff , due to ...... ( enough about that has been said ).


        DD jan......I hope he is as good as advertized....yet, there is one single important point about management that I doubt he would be better than any other iranian coach......and that is " ability to get rid of players ".....
        The most useful tool for any management is " to fire players ' and hence put the fear in players mind,as this is seriouse no one's job should be safe, except the performers......I know, that you also in your comments about branko believed in this issue .


          well, he has shown enough guts in not taking in the pp players who were fined due to their club not living upto the expectations and responsibility.

          this show of force ( in terms of discipline ) may be just what you are looking for.
          altho' I am sure he will take them in later on, but this move , I beleive was necessary in laying down the law and telling all player ( hopefully inclusive of ss players ) that they have to maintain the discipline and rules.

          anyway, today TM has to meet Metsu's uae.
          good test and would like to see if the team has recouperated from the WC fiasco and has recovered in time.


            See ZZ's post is exactly what i am talking about

            ZZ Jaan,

            I don't like to make this a one on one back and forth thing. Furthremore, I am not quite sure how serious you are when you say "if they hire, a manager of a McDonald's resturant" he will be better than GhaleNoie.

            Why if someone has a forigen names and isn't even half as willing or caring we kiss his A**. As an example look at this Arie Haan situation. They guy won a few games in Jaam Hazfi agaisnt one team from Sarri and barely against AbooMoslem. Everybody is the band wagon that he is successful. Since then he hasnt' been in Iran for like 5 months to coach his team. Every time there is an excuse, one day it is his salary, one day is his assistants, one day is his heart. No one is on his case. Is this kind of forigeners who are supposedly come to Iran and teach us something?
            These guys most of them have nothing for us but disdain, lack of respect and are there to fattten their vallets.

            I am not by any means against forigen coaches, we need them to improve our soccer knowledge, but please stop putting down someone because his name is Amir or Ali or Hassan. With the current situation in Iran we won't get decent coaches (forigen ones) in Iran. So all we can do is to make the best of the situation with what we have.

            This lack of self confidence in ourselves (Iranians) is part of the problem. After the reveloution everything forginer was bad and Iran had to make everything itself (khood kafai). That was wrong, but what you, Soahil and Yashar and others who think like you also advertise is the other side of this coin (which is anything Iranian is bad and we need a forgien one which for sure is better). GN is a religous nuts that is one of the reasons he is winning favors from IFF, but It doesn't mean that he is an idiot in soccer, because he is religious or his name happens to be Amir and not Arie Haan, it doesn't mean he can't be successful. At least let's give him a chance and then ask for likes of Branko and Ariee Haan to come and chrage Iran half a million and then screw us up and leave.

            I don't know what is your soccer backgorund? I wasn't in Iran when GN was playing soccer, but if nothing, he was a top player (as I have heard) then. But nevertheles, he was in Bayern Leverkusen(not as a player but he get his initial coaching training there). He is a relgious nuts (I read in the papers, he is goign to Jamkaran every Tuesday, because supposedly that place in Ghom is where Mehdi comes and all that stuff), but he is half decent when it comes to soccer. Like I posted before he brough Bargh Tehran to first division, he coached in Esteghlal Ahwaz and was an assistnt to Roland Kock. Coached Esteghlal three years with decent standings. So, he has coaching experience and been farily successful. Even more importantly, if he screws up or do well, his experience will stay within Iran. Not like Branko that left.
            Please, this is not just proving each other wrong, please really think about that I wrote, do some of us Iranians specially the ones who came out of Iran are suffering from this inferiority complex?

            I know how chaotics things are in Iran, I dont' expect miracle from GN or IFF, but my point is if there will be progress it will be a step by step thorugh the screw ups of likes of GN.

            Thanks for your time.
            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


              Ali-chicago e aziz.....

              , no i do not think this is a one to one exchanges, as our fellow members, such as me, always read other posts, and comment,when ever they, I am not just responding to you, and talk in general.

              As I said, earlier, I agree with you that , we are not in a situation to land a good coach....yet....
              I do know what you are saying regarding the inferiarity complex and all, and what is mostly happening with people who have lived in west, constantly critisize iranian culture and its dificiencies....which I disagree.......

              I do not know,why you assume a certain way of thinking from my part,without knowing more as who I realy may be........please, do not generalize me !!!!

              The world cup 2006 had 32 teams.........16 of them, that is half of them, had a forign coach ( This is a fact,you can check )......

              My question to you is...WHY ??? why is that ?

              Do all of them have inferiority complex ?.....

              the reasons,that Euroean countries have more or less the same standard of liveing is because of exchanges !!., it is because of ever exchangeing standards......

              so is with football......we are at a point in football, that domestic coaches can no longer advance us ......we need to be constantly exchangeing knowledge and up-todate is no longer a matter of skills as much as it is matter of experinceing new ideas......

              My last word is that, I like you, am resigned to the fact that we can not have any better at this moment.......
              But, I also believe, that this is not the correct way to advance.


                This is just getting ridiculous.

                Going back to 3-5-2. Using players like Kazemi, Fekri, Sadeghi, Nikbakht, Akbarpor while players like Majidi, Oladi, Shjaie, Shakori, Manie, Hosseini are left out.

                The match against UAE was the definition of Ali Asghari. Trust me when I say this, the combination of Sadeghi-Fekri is a disaster for our defense. Why cant we try Hosseini, Taghipor, Manie or Shakori in that position? And Having Kazemi as our DM was the joke of the year. He is a below-average IPL player and definately the worst player on the pitch. And look how Madanchi went from being briliant to a "Madanchi when he played in Parvin's Perspolis". And Nikbakht, what can I say, slow and full of mistakes. Enayati was expected was solid but with a coach like Ghalehnoyi, even the likes of Mobali had problems performing.

                I wish the introduction of a good foreign coach is not delayed any longer.


                  I also strongly disagree with Ghalenoei's decisions, however, as said I wouldn't mind if he had success. Yet it is too early to judge him, however, soon it might be too late to avoid a disaster.


                    WTF was this match?

                    I just got back from a trip and did not have time to post.

                    Baba cant you see, the new IFF, the new Staff and the new coach is just a disaster. I cant even think about watching the 90 minutes of the Korea match.

                    There is mistakes, mismanagement and BI SAVADI everywhere. From Dumping the Puma jerseys just because Dadkan signed them and risking a big fine, all the way to not being able to manage Rahman Rezaie and Hashemian.

                    And I wont even bother to talk about the awful player selections and tactics because if this was not Ali Asghari football relying on long balls, fans, stadiums and dribbles and "accisents" for goals, then I am not a football fan.

                    We need changes right from Ali Abadi, to the head of federation and since we wont get it, we have to say good bye to top class football for a long long while.

