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Ghalehnoyi is a mistake

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    Ghalehnoyi is a mistake

    My stance on the TM coaching issue is this:

    Amir Ghalehnoyi or any other Iranian coach for that matter, is not a suitable long term solution for TM. Why? Simple:

    Coaching, just like many other things is like an industry. Europe is far more advanced than us in the football industry and coaching, so naturally their coaches are better than ours. This is no shame. Look at Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia and even Australia. They also have a similar situation. Despite enormous advances in their football, they still make use of foreign coaches because they know foreign coaches still have more to teach and give compared to their demostic counterparts.

    I also strongly oppose those who say we MUST train top domestic coaches alongside a good league and football. This is not a must. Coaches are just like tools: like balls, nets, pitches. They can be imported and used to improve our football. One should not neccessarily build them from scratch.

    After the world cup, political and emotional forces joined to create a strong hatred for Dadkan, Branko and foreign coaches. The result was appointing Ghalehnoyi, the recent winner of the domestic league as the coach.

    Here are the reasons why I think Ghalehnoyi just like other recent Iranian TM coaches will fail:

    We all know that Ghalenoyi is the charismatic coach. He is the coach who everyone sees and is apparently in charge. He is the young, x-player, popular coach. He is like Klinsmann or Van-Basten. But Klinsmann and Van Basten didnt do the real work. There were other people in the background doing the analyzing, thinking, planning, training.

    But now, our main master-mind is just a coach who only has 4 years of club coaching experience. And the stranger thing is his dreadful staff:
    Nasser Ebrahimi who was about to become a taxi driver after he didnt find a job and was sacked by Perspolis. Not even a second division club would want him near their team. He is just about the worst choice for the TM coaching position.
    Second assistant is Afshin Peyrovani who does not have a single minute of coching experience. Their goalkeeper coach is an unknown coach who has worked in Estetghlal Ahvaz and is considered as a second rae coach.

    Another thing was his list. Nobody invites 40 players to a NT camp anymore. It is obvious he did it just to make people happy and his 22 player selection is already decided.
    And some of the players he invited are questionable to say the least, like: Fekri, Bagheri, Badamaki, Ghorbani, Mirzapor, Abbasfard, KAzemi, Bakhtiyarizadeh etc. who are either average IPL players or are too old to be invested on.

    And then we see the absence of players like Zandi, Samereh, Pashazadeh, Hosseini, Jamshidi etc.
    Obviously Zandi wont play anymore for TM because the new people in charge dont like him and consider him as a mistake of Dadkan and Branko.

    Anyway my prediction is that this will be the most ALI ASGHARI TM in recent years. We were moving towards a professional and world class football but now we have gone back to a ALI PARVINI style of coaching and management again.

    Remember what happened with Shahrokhi. He was also a league winner and had more experience than Ghalehnoyi. Our TM was a disaster when he was in charge.

    Khoda Be Kheyr Kone!

    I can't say i agree.

    I think he may be a new breath of fresh air, and depending on how he does in the short term may be a good addition to the long term. I thought his players selection was slightly biased, but we can never be 100% happy.

    He has also finished top 3 in Esteghlal for a long time now and seems to know the way to create chemistry between older and younger players.

    Realistically, no one is saying he is perfect by any means. But if it wasn't going to be a foreign coach, who better than an experienced IPL coach? I too want a world class European coach but the dreadful truth is that they just won't come, especially after the Branko debacle.

    I wish him much luck and I think we need to give everyone an equal and fair chance before saying they're mistakes or not.

    Just my 2 cents
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


      Faraz jan my point was that we should 100% go for foreign coaches as long term solution. But even if we are stuck with domestic coaches, there are way better coaches than Ghalehnoyi.

      Zolfagharnasab, Ali Doosti, Korbekandi or even Kazemi and Jalali are wiser choices than Ghalehnoyi in my opinion.


        Originally posted by Hadi
        Faraz jan my point was that we should 100% go for foreign coaches as long term solution. But even if we are stuck with domestic coaches, there are way better coaches than Ghalehnoyi.

        Zolfagharnasab, Ali Doosti, Korbekandi or even Kazemi and Jalali are wiser choices than Ghalehnoyi in my opinion.
        Hadi Jan,

        That could be 100% right. I'm not acquanted with many of these coaches, their styles or anything else about them really. Therefore, I really can't comment due to knowledge

        All I know is that it could have been MUCH MUCH worse. I've liked this guy's recent comments, and I like his attitude (minus the whole stupid Zandi thing which couldn't possibly be more absurd) toward TM.

        I just hope that there is no one who is pulling the strings from behind the curtain and that Ghalenoie is allowed to do the job with help from his assistants, and only his assistants.

        I am probably asking for far too much though knowing our football.

        Anyways, the only point I was trying to make is that it is difficult to really know how he'll do or if he'll be a mistake so early in the campaign. I just hope people give him the support that Branko once had way back in the day so that he can work with one thought in his mind - TM.
        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


          hadi jan , dont worry mate.

          GN's tenure will not last long.

          while I agree, at this point in time, he seems a good choice ( considering all those factors you mentioned on the general mood of ppl and officials against foreign coaches [ curses on that wretched moron, branko] ), but I also think he's good for the immediate qualifiers only.

          once we reach the main competition, against teams like aussies, japan, korea, ..., he will be found wanting in tactical and technical departments.
          this is obvious to everyone.
          and I am sure IFF is aware of it as well.
          hence, I seriously think they are after a good foreign coach once we reach the main asia cup compt'n.

          but lets just assume that in some bizzarre circumstances the IFF ppl persist with him, like TM performing beyond anyone's expectations and ... ( personally, I highly doubt it ), and he remains till the asia cup comp and he and his team actually show progress and good quality football.
          my question is "why not" ?
          if he CAN pull this rabbit out of the hat, why not persist with him?

          but personally, I think he is not tactically and technically adequate to go against the top coaches in this region.

          having said that, I dont agree with you on the matter of keeping a good vatani coach next to a good foreign one.
          I am all for such a time that we'd have a few proficient and efficient vatani coaches who CAN take the helm of TM.
          to reach this, we MUST keep a few prospects ( GN included ) alongside good foreign coaches , while we ( IFF, actually ) persists and encourage enough classes, training, tours, ... for these coaches to learn the trade from their european counterparts.

          what's wrong with grooming guys like jalali, derakhsha, GN, ahmadzadeh, kazemi, ..... for future TM coaching?
          Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 07-24-2006, 12:23 AM.


            Where is Dr. Doom, I wonder what he thinks about all this...

            By the way, 32 today.



              Originally posted by Paradigm
              Where is Dr. Doom, I wonder what he thinks about all this...
              By the way, 32 today.

              already done that
              look above.

              and btw, happy B'day bro.
              "100 years" beh een "years"
              Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 07-24-2006, 12:26 AM.


                Originally posted by Hadi
                Anyway my prediction is that this will be the most ALI ASGHARI TM in recent years. We were moving towards a professional and world class football but now we have gone back to a ALI PARVINI style of coaching and management again.
                Well. Thats what many want in this board. Some paved the way for it.

                Our problem is that we do not have balance. We fail to use a little logic and see what really goes on in Iran. We take everything that a nobody (many already part of new coaching staff) says for granted and buy it at its face value.

                Once a few try to point out these stuff, we keep accusing them left and right for being "pessimistic". Or for a lack of anything factual, we consider them "blind" supporters of this and that.

                Again, we need to "baademoono bekhaboonem" and without being too much ashamed of flawed sociopolitical aspects of our country, and flaws in our mentlities and cultural values, start thinking of what we need to support. We need to check ourselves and see who we need to choose. Without being in the dream of a higher status than we really have in world and asian football, we need to "improve" and "follow" a professional trend.

                This Mr. Branko who many of the people in this board basically hate brought a lot of professional values to our football. Even his so called "laj baazee" was a message to all that TeamMelli should have one person in charge to decide on his and his team's faith. Certainly not 70 million.

                Current TM is a complete joke from top to bottom. And to the people who would still accuse some with rather ridiculous notions, I would say this team would still be ridiculous even if Daei wa also among the 40 players.

                What fans did to TeamMelli brought our football back to at least 6 years ago. We just love to do this all the time to our nation. Dont we?

                Hadi jaan. Thanks for a rathe bitter explanation of the status of TeamMelli.
                Last edited by smanhoobi; 07-24-2006, 03:51 AM.
                We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                  Thank you Soheil jan, the current TM is indeed a big joke.

                  Reading the Jahan Football newspaper in the past week, I can see many fair criticism of Ghalehnoyi and the current people in charge of the federation.

                  For instance take a look at Sunday's page 4.

                  Jalal Cheraghpoor who rejected Ghalehnoyi's call to join the TM staff has some interesting things to say: "If we want to compare the current staff with the previous staff, we reach disapointing results. I can never accept that Ghalehnoyi is a stronger coach than Branko. Sure, Branko was a weak coach compared to Scholari or Marcello Lippi but Branko is a more experienced and better coach than Ghalehnoyi. It is obvious that the people in charge were trying to make certain people happy. I am amazed why Mansoor Ebrahim Zadeh is chosen as Ghalehnoyi's assistant. Of course after every defeat one expects a big change but these changes are a step backwards for our football."

                  He goes on saying:"Parviz Komasi who has been chosen as TM's fittness trainer is a professional in the field of athletics not football. He has already showed his potential with Ali Parvin in TM when the national team had a dreadful physical condition back then." "They wanted me as an analyzer. What is my job exactly when TM has not even played a single match? They even chose an assistant for me! (Markar Aghajanian). What help can he be to me?" "I can never accept that Peyrovani and Ebrahimzadeh are better than Faraki and Shahrokhi, at least they have been with TM for years and years. The current staff of TM will never be successful since many of them have already failed in the past"

                  There is also another very interesting article called AZ CHALEH BE CHAH BA TAMAME SORAT. I think whoever wrote that article took the words from my mouth. I will see if I can scan the article for those who missed it.

                  One more thing to mention is Ghalehnoyi and Esteghlal. He insists on working with Esteghlal though it is obvious that he should not be in any way related to a club while coaching TM. Esteghlal have named him MODIR FANNI, MOSHAVER or whatever and he has also accepted this.

                  Finally, It is not apparent what the objectives of the current staff is. winning the next 2 games? qualifying for the Asian cup? How long will they be in charge? The sad thing is that every single member of the current staff is talking about the 2010 WC. That means these people are here to stay. With the people currently in charge of the federation, I doubt we will see any top class coach or professional management any time soon.
                  Last edited by Hadi; 07-24-2006, 04:53 AM.


                    Another article on TM staff.




                        to make it very simple:

                        before this barrage of accusations and underminings, I say lets wait for the next 2-3 games at hand.

                        if he fails , THEN tear him to pieces.

                        we gave 2 years AND THE WORLD CUP HONOR
                        , to that idiot branko, when all signs and signals pointed towards the downward trend of the team and an inevitable fisaco that indeed came to pass.

                        I think we shd be able to find in ourselves to give 2 games against syria and one against korea, to the new chap.
                        3 games.

                        what do you all say ?


                          Sounds good DD.


                            hadi, i didnt expect anyone on F+ forum to post something like this and surely not u..
                            what kind of supporting is this if u start bashing a coach when hes not even started yet, comparing him to coaches who failed before him, its BS man..
                            just let the guy do his work and THEN judge him...

                            AND let me tell u with this total system change he is going to make, the first matches wont be good i expect, but is our FF willing to give this man also 5 fckin years, same as they gave that olagh branco?
                            Gal'e Noii


                              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                              to make it very simple:

                              before this barrage of accusations and underminings, I say lets wait for the next 2-3 games at hand.

                              if he fails , THEN tear him to pieces.

                              we gave 2 years AND THE WORLD CUP HONOR
                              , to that idiot branko, when all signs and signals pointed towards the downward trend of the team and an inevitable fisaco that indeed came to pass.

                              I think we shd be able to find in ourselves to give 2 games against syria and one against korea, to the new chap.
                              3 games.

                              what do you all say ?
                              like i said, 3 games are not enough, hes changing the system, the players need to get used to it..
                              u can never judge him after those 3 games
                              Gal'e Noii

