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Do you think Javad Kazemian has a chance of becoming a star?

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    Do you think Javad Kazemian has a chance of becoming a star?

    Kazemian is an gifted and versitile player. He is fast, he is a great dribbler, a great passer, decent at free kicks, and a smart player. The only thing that he really lacks is the ability to finish. He creates so many chances for himself but wastes a lot of them. He is also 25, pretty old in soccer years.

    The age may not be an issue as much; there have been a lot of late bloomers, Toni for example. But can you really LEARN how to finish at this point? Is it something you can coach? Because if Kazemian could finish, i really believe he could be one of the best in asia.

    If you would have asked this question some years ago, the answer would have definitely been yes. but at this time, i doubt he can really get going. he is not too old by any means, but if he was to make a decent move to a decent club, it would have probably been earlier.

    i dunno, let's just wait and see i guess
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


      I dont think so, he doesnt play with his brain like Mehdi does. And he lacks consistency majorly.


        I think he could have been if he moved 2-3 years ago.. he can still become something good, but never a star.. its a little bit too late.

        BTW, he is 24.


          He never improved in last 6 years. I had a lot of hope of the guy. But ...


            He will progress and he can improve as in footballing term he has not reached his peak yet.

            I think Kazemian shortcoming is his mentality. He made the wrong choice by his move to Perspolis at the time when the club was facing many problems. There was nobdy to improve on his potential there. He is also one of the players that consistently tries to fool referees instead of playing like a real sportman.

            I see him as a wasted talent , although one good move to a decent European club or under a professional European coach , might work wonders for his career.....I surely hope so.

            At the moment , it is far fetched, although Haan can possibly improve him.



              I love this guy, he plays the game with a lot of passion, but as far as becoming a star, probably I would say that even though he can still get better, but he is already 23/24 and I doubt that he can become a STAR at world class stage.
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                He's at his best now and that's definitly far from a star status, not even in asia. So the answer is unfortunatly NO. When I saw him few years back when he was playing Asian Youth Champion in IRAN, he was really promissing. People talked about the next Mahdavikia but...


                  the loss of his brother must have taken a toll on him. He was "unlucky" to be playing for PP with Parvin and Ebrahimi. those years were the biggest waste in his career. Haan may awaken something in him. I hope Kazemian learns that scoring goals is not his best talent. He would be more successful if he accepts that he is best at playing a Kia-Type role, a passor as oppose to a scorer.

                  If he can do that, he has all the talent to become a star.


                    How is 25 old in soccer years guys.. Its actually quite young

                    But still going to the point i do belive Kazemian has potentioal and he needs to show it in a fantastic season under Arie Haan not only in IPL but also in AFC CL

                    If he can get his chances and do good in team melli i belive after this season we might see him going to a Europen club. I do belive he has the potentioal to become a good player but a star

                    I think thats out of his reach out of the moment, probably above average player YES.

                    But he should concentrate on this season its crucial for him. Under Haan he can learn quite alot of things and if successful as i said

                    Europe should be the next option for him

                    But he is very talented no doubt about it


                      Originally posted by KasraKhan
                      I dont think so, he doesnt play with his brain like Mehdi does. And he lacks consistency majorly.
                      Not an international star but he can be at least as good as MKia. Remember the poor guy hasn't had a single chance to play a full game for TM for a long time. Him and Mobali next to each other will make a very good combination.



                        Yes,I think he is international level player.
                        My favorite Duo:Karimi & Kavianpour


                          Originally posted by nyc3469
                          Kazemian is an gifted and versitile player. He is fast, he is a great dribbler, a great passer, decent at free kicks, and a smart player. The only thing that he really lacks is the ability to finish. He creates so many chances for himself but wastes a lot of them. He is also 25, pretty old in soccer years.
                          The age may not be an issue as much; there have been a lot of late bloomers, Toni for example. But can you really LEARN how to finish at this point? Is it something you can coach? Because if Kazemian could finish, i really believe he could be one of the best in asia.
                          I don't think so. He's upper average for Asian standards, but I'm afraid not more.

                          As usual in such negative predictions about Iranian players, I hope I am wrong.


                            His move to Al-Shahab just put the nail in the coffin dat We should not be expecting a Star out of Kazemian

                            A player who is already 25-26 years old should be thinking of a serious mve to Europe and not sign contract in the UAE

                            He will still remain a very good player but he will never be a star
                            Not with these stupid decisions


                              Originally posted by karimi_nr1
                              His move to Al-Shahab just put the nail in the coffin dat We should not be expecting a Star out of Kazemian
                              A player who is already 25-26 years old should be thinking of a serious mve to Europe and not sign contract in the UAE
                              He will still remain a very good player but he will never be a star
                              Not with these stupid decisions
                              you speak as if Kazemian had dozens of offers from Europe lined up for him!

                              baba, put urself in his position before judging...kazemian will NEVER start in TM as long as kia is here so he'll never get the exposure he needs to get a European contract, especially at his age.

                              if anything, he's made the best move possible for himself to earn some money and create a good life for him and his family (either wife or parents or w/e)

                              we need to stop judging situations until we're in them
                              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

