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What changes are in order, for the korean game ?

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    What changes are in order, for the korean game ?

    as a hypothetical question, if you were the coach, what changes would you want for the next game ?

    my opinion is :

    1- Niki OUGHT TO be benched.
    Mani'ee seems a far better option for his position.

    2- Bring in Kaabi as RB

    3- we MUST have a "playmaker" starting the game ( not coming in at minute 70 ).
    Mobaali or Shoja'ee could do it.
    Karimi would be a far better option, if he can recouperate in time and reach the game.

    4- Bring in Rezaei and VH.
    Rezaei, since koreans will come at us with full force, and we need his height, experinece and talent at the back.

    VH, since we NEED to score goals to have a hope at a draw ( or a win? )

    5- Maintain the WIDTH of the team, irrespective of the score-line.
    never, ever take out our wings ( as kia and madanchi were taken out ) without replacing them with players as potent and efficient.

    6- Have at least 2 friendlies , even if it is our domestic or IPL clubs, before the korean game.
    this team , more than anything else, need coordination.
    and the more they play together, the more they coordinate.

    7- FORCE the IFF to arrange for the shortest possible routes TO korea and Back from it.
    even if it takes twice the amount of money.
    it is imperative that our players are rested enough for the return leg at Syria.

    Iran will do better in Korea

    A big part of it probably is the fact that we as a nation do great when we are underdogs. Remember Melburn? Comapre that with Bahrain's fiaso that we only needed a tie I think to get in WC2002.

    At thsi stage the biggest change is to take the emotioanl pressure away from TM. Our players aren't as professioanl, so they buckle under emotioanl pressure. The way they did in WC. Very few players in our team has the Kia's ability to get benched in Hamburg and despite that has the foresight to set a goal and work harder to acheive that. The way I see it, Asian games isn't that important Ok hold your horses before lynchign me here). Even if we don't do well, we still can go to the next round as the second team in our group behind Korea. The same way we went to the WC as second team from our group. So let's don't make the tie against the Syria as a disastar and put undo pressure on the TM. A professioanl team like Germany or England have the emotional depth and know how but our team doesn't have it and it will buckle.
    Let's remember this is a new team from the old team only 4 players (kia, Madanchi, Ando and nekonam) are still here. Even Ando and Madanchi were newcomers to the old team. So it takes a while for them to adjust to each other.

    According to the press the team came from Physical conditioning (Badansazi), so it is natural that team was slow. I think by that time, our team will be in better shape and much more coordinated. These players haven't played with each other in game situation. That is what they need, to get used to each other.

    I definitly like to see Kaabi Kia duo.

    Definitly a lot of friendlies, specially against teams that has high team speeds (play like Korea and Japan). I will try to get a game against teams from British style. Wales, Scotland, Ireland. S.Korea style isnt' exactly like these teams, but they play a pressing and fast transition game like teams from Britain. If we can't play these team which probably we can't due to lack of planning, we should find teams in Iran that play this style in Iran (granted in lower scale). I am not in Iran and don't follow all the teams, so I dont' know which teams play this style.

    I like to see Karimi as a free roamer and play maker in TM. The way Hajji was playing in Romania. Let him improvise and do his thing. In a way I think Karimi will be destroyed in Germany with this Germany's regimented soccer. I think he would have been much more successful in Spain or Italy. In WC 2002 Zidane was limited to a certain role and couldn't use his free wheel and roam around and do his things. In 2006 he was pretty much given no specific duties and team was in his service. I think this is the role Karimi can really fill. We also need to invest on Shojaie and to a lesser degree on Mobali as a potentail successor for Karimi.

    Bring Ooladi to TM. He is the type of the guy we need upfront. He is big, strong can fight off challenges. He is also very selfish. That is a great thing for a forward. Not for a midfielder or defender but good for a forward. I like to see him start. To be hoenst I would like to see a pair of VH and Ooladi upfront. These two guys can raise hell. Now VH probably gonna Naaz again and all. In that case I like to see Akbarpoor Ooladi.

    Nikki isn't at the level for the TM for now. Even Madanchi isn't at that level yet. He needs to be worked on though for the future. I really liked Badavi, after his thing with Rezaii all of a sudden he disappeared from TM (party due to his injury) but he must be recovered by now.

    Upfront, If VH won't come again and Naaz for us and Enayati plays, I rather see Akbarpoor rather than Khatibi. After all Akbarpoor and Enayati played in EsES and know each other much better than khatibi Enayati.

    More than anything else, I think our TM and our soccer at present need to forget about the WC and all the consequences of it. There is this pain from WC still around. We just need to forget about WC for now (without forgettign the lessons) and carry on.

    Finally, I think GN needs to stand firm against Bazikoon Salari, even if it means we not gonna make the Asian Cup. There are tons of rumors in Iranian Sport Press how players Ghahr after they realize they aren't in the starting lineups. There is the rumor that is why Majidi left before the Syria game and also the same about Ghorbani, Rahmati and Amirabadi. I think if GN and IFF stand up against this Bazikon Salari they have done a great thing for Iranian soccer in general.
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


      The most effective change that can yield good result is to change....GHALENOEI



        Originally posted by maij
        The most effective change that can yield good result is to change....GHALENOEI

        but majid jan, isn't it a little too early to fully wish for a coaching change? isn't it reasonable to give him 3 more games as head coach to really see if he has a positive impact on the team?

        and in terms of changes, i can think of one off the top of my head:

        kick khatibi off the team as soon as possible...he does nothing but nag and miss chances

        i think changing back to a 4 back and including kaebi and a natural playmaker (Zandi, Mobali, Shojaei, Karimi, etc.,) would be a good idea...but i'll leave it up to ghalenoie to choose what to do. i just hope whatever he does works
        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


          Originally posted by faraz

          but majid jan, isn't it a little too early to fully wish for a coaching change? isn't it reasonable to give him 3 more games as head coach to really see if he has a positive impact on the team?
          Faraz Jan , Majid knows that well. I think what he is saying is that, Anke hajat be ayan ast, che vajeb be bayan ast. (or something like that)

          Until the IFF decides who the new "Dadkan" is going to be, we get to see Mr. Mostafavi, Hashemi, GN, Ebrahimi, ..etc do their thing while it lasts.

          Once we have the head of IFF in place, then the question is when do we start our 2010 plan. That would be the first thing that has to happen. our WC coaching staff has to be determind as soon as we "possibly" can. It could take IFF another year to find our WC coaching staff. Hell, it will just be another wasted football year, but our vatani coaches gotta get some experience too. Might as well be in the wasted years. We have had many of those wasted year though out the times, and it's just part of us and we have to live with it. However, once the 2010 fever starts, these coaches will be gone for sure.

          Of course I would rather have a top coaching staff at all times, but, I have been wishing that for about 40 years and nothing happend, so I am not holding my breath. if we are lucky we get a good coach to take our team a year or 2 before the WC and run it through the WC. If we are not so lucky someone like GN or Branko will.


          What can GN do to improve:

          1. tell some of his staff not to sit at the bench like choghondar, sit at the stands or watch the game at home. they take all the seats ,while players are sitting on the ground. (Only in Iran) , why is the Old man with our players when they are warming up?

          2. What I didn't like about GN's interview was that he actually said that NIKI played well. I would have torn Branko apart for saying that. I let it go this time GN khan. Anybody but NIKI. (Khak bar sareh PP for picking him up, they are going to have the same problem as TM does with the Niki -Madanchi combo, if they don't use Madanchi as a forward)

          3. As I have said before the WC, Kaabi is not needed. The formation is messed up. what the hell is the formation anyways? There is a huge green Park behind our right defender. Koreans are gonna have a feast there if GN doesn't take care of it. The right defender is not the problem, he is a good player. Better than Kaabi. The formation is messed up.

          4. Madanchi is a gift from Haan who is being misused. Put him in Khatibi's place and boom, we get a scorer. Like Haan did with him in PP. It's defenitly worth a try. madanchi as the second forward next to, whomever, VH, Enayatee ..etc.

          5. GN has to let go of SS if he wants to give his TM coaching experiment a real chance.


            Faraz Jan.....

            I was joking .



              Originally posted by maij
              Faraz Jan.....

              I was joking .
              lol...i know, which is why i put the " " smiley...

              but in all seriousness, you haven't really been behind this coach by any means (maybe an understatement...), nor have you given him a chance to do much (even before his first match, i remember reading some posts)...let's see what changes he makes in the next 2 or 3 games and then judge him. that is all i'm saying.

              of course, i know more than well that you know all of this and that you know more than I do about him and his coaching experience and plans and such, so maybe you're right...i don't exactly know...but from what i saw, he needs more time to effectively carry out his "plans"...if indeed he has any
              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                what is our objective of that gameAgha Human Kojaei ??). He thought he is going to turn up with his men , slam dunk them with 3 or 4 goals , bow to the cheering crowds and then focus on the main game against Korea. He did not even bother to view a recorded match of Syria!!!!!

                Lesson ONE for Amir Agha ....DO NOT UNDER-ESTIMATE YOUR OPPONENT.

                Anyway , In my opinion , Iran should build a team around a solid defense.I know it is not pretty , and comp up with at least one valuable point.



                  some very useful points.

                  now, I ask this:
                  given the circumstances and the points we lost in tehran, also the extreme lack of coordination within the team and all the rest of the problems in the team, how many of you chaps think we should adopt an attacking formation, with two forwards ?
                  and how many think, we'd better play it safe ( I dont like it , but remember the problems we have right now ) with something like 4-5-1 while having madanchi and kia serving as runners during our ( hopefully ) quick counterattacks ?

                  remember, getting one point from korea at their home, means we make a huge jump over syria who WILL definitely lose at korea.


                  ali jan, in a team that suffers from extreme lack of coordination, is it wise to add yet another new face up front?

                  I dont think eneyati or borhani are such bad options to pair up with VH - if we're to play two forwards, and if VH doesnt do naaz, that is.


                    Originally posted by faraz
                    but in all seriousness, you haven't really been behind this coach by any means (maybe an understatement...), nor have you given him a chance to do much (even before his first match, i remember reading some posts)...let's see what changes he makes in the next 2 or 3 games and then judge him. that is all i'm saying.
                    You are right of course...



                      although,I believe we need a top of the line coach !!from Europe !!
                      Yet, I also think, Ghalenoee should be given a fair chance...and he has not been given that yet !!


                        Not that GN is superb but just to clarify

                        Maji Jaan,

                        Maij mentioned Syria wasn't analyzed. He is right, but it wasnt' beacaue TM did not try. Markar Aghajanian (TM Analyzer) was supposed to go to see Syria's game against Lybia but for some reason it couldnot be done (maybe due to the lack of organization in IFF or due to Lebenoan Isreal war or whatever other reason).

                        IFF tried desperately to get a film of the Syria's games but they couldn't cause Syria's game wasn't broadcasted on any satellite or national TV.

                        GN is not god and he has a lot of flaws that some of you clearly listed (Lajbaaz and all that) or poor subs in my opinion in Syria game. But they are trying. We live in US or Europe and due to amazing level of infrarstructures available in US or Europe we don't realize sometimes getting the basics in Middle East (specially Iran) is really not easy.

                        I also want to make another point. Coaching is a subjective matter. Look at Pekerman in Argentina who he kept that right midfielder out of TM. Or Italian coach how he prefered Toni over other forwards. Point is, there is not right or wrong. It is taste of coach. There is no sceince, to prove coach is right or wrong. The same way that GN didn't like Samerh, it is his right. Now I am not saying coach should be lajbaz and illogical. But, remember coaches are human like rest of us and not every move by them is the most logical choice. It is accompanied by biases and emotions.

                        If you bring 10 different coaches they probably come with 10 different formation and players. What is the most optimum one? No one can really say, cause soccer games are won and lost due to so many unknown variables like (just luck or a referee mistake or a personal mistake by the goalie or defenders on the other team).

                        Point is not all the decisions by the coach is the most logical one and one can't infer from a couple of seemingly illogical(what seems to us as illogical at least) undermine the coach.

                        I am sure If Iran's team is in good shape emotionally they will do well in Korea. We can be a good underdog, even in WC despite the whole situation if our team was approaching it as we have nothign to loose and world to gain they would have done well. Unfortuanately, our team went to the world cup with a huge expectation and they buckled under that pressure.
                        To me the biggest thing right now is to build the team emotionally in parallel to tactical work, physical conditioning, increasing team speed and couple of changes in line up (getting kaabi paired up with Kia even if not in the right defender role).
                        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                          Originally posted by Ali Chicago
                          Maji Jaan,

                          Maij mentioned Syria wasn't analyzed. He is right, but it wasnt' beacaue TM did not try. Markar Aghajanian (TM Analyzer) was supposed to go to see Syria's game against Lybia but for some reason it couldnot be done (maybe due to the lack of organization in IFF or due to Lebenoan Isreal war or whatever other reason). .
                          Ali Jan... Whatever the reason , or the excuse....Ghalenoei did NOT analyze the Syrians and worse than that he admitted that he knews very little about Syria..... For God Sake , Iran has played Syria more than PP played SS , Where was he during all this time ??!!!
                          C'mon , what kinds of a professional coach has so little interest in international football....

                          Anyway....I don't want to repeat my self. I have to defferentiate between support , which Ghalenoei will have until he really and truely screws up and between beleif in ability , which I firmly think he lacks at international level.

                          Give him more time , Branko was worse , Peckerman had an odd idea , Lippi also made mistake...etc...These arguments , even if true , makes very little different to the subject of Ghalenoei's ability.

                          What will make me a convert is when I see him get good results , improves his communication , play smart football , STOPS SELECTING THE WHOLE OF ESTEGHLAL & EX-ESTEGHLAL PLAYERS in the squad , keeps his distance from football politics , improves his information and tactical planning by research and last but not least select his players and assitant coaches based on ability and standard rather than ......



                            We need one very simple change -
                            Get rid of all akhoonds and their filth.


                              We need a formation change, 3-5-2 is not our thing.

                              3-5-2 is a huge mistake...the only benefit is that this system allows us to use our talented midfield at all time. For now it has proven to be pointless as the players in midfield don't flow together and the rhythm of the team is ruined. Will it improve, only time will tell.

                              Also an important issue is that Kaebi cannot be used in defence and I don't think the mid-field will have a spot for this bright prospect of TM...therefore he can warm the bench for us under this formation.

                              3-5-2 is OLD fashion system, we need to keep up with modern football. Modern football suggest 4-4-2. 4-4-2 diamond will work the best for our team as we have players like Shojaei and Karimi who have high ability of distributing balls to flanks and forwards with simple dribbles.

                              From the sound of it, GN is another stubborn coach who will stick to his failing system till he is fired:

