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No killer instinct in offense.

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    No killer instinct in offense.

    There may be many reasons that we goffed at the game with syria, and Ghalenoee ,may or may not be the problem.....but, what he said as the one of the problems, may be very important.....he said, we had chances,but we did not have a finisher !!
    As far as I remmember......We ,in our history , have never had a out of ordinary forward with a " Killer instinct ".....
    We had, Homayoon shahrokhi, Hossain kalani, Hassan Roshan, danayeefard, ghafoor jahani,Adelkhani,...Masood mojdehi, Gholamhossain mazloomi, etc,etc.....of the past.....and Ali daei, hashemian ,karimi, enayati...etc,etc, of today's.......................................
    We have never had , a forward with....opportunism of Mazloomi, speed of Mojdehi, Intelegence of hashemian,Heading ability of daei,and dribling skills of Karimi,Instinct of roshan, and percision of parvin....all together.....
    More than anything, we historicaly have had problem with Percision on kicks,as well as oppertunism.................I wonder why is that !!!, I know,that such players are hard to come by......but, we particularly have had problems with Kicking..either power kicking,or percision kicking....I wonder why is that.

    ZZ jan,

    To add to your llist, we had Karim Baavi whom to me was the best Head-zan of Iran's history, even better than Daei whom I like the most.

    Also, we had Mehdi FonooniZaadeh who his shots could kill 3 cows in a row! or even Karim Bagheri'e khodemoon!

    We have periodically had some good players, and I'm sure we keep producing a lot more in the future as well.


      ZZ Jaan

      Dont' mean to be Molla Loghati but by Homayoon Shahrookhi you mean Homayoon Behzadi right? I am not sure how old are you and if you saw these guys play or it is based on historical facts.
      As far as I remember, Shahrrokhi played on defense for Pas all his life. Whereas Homayoon Behzadi was from Shaheen and then Perspolice and he was known as Hoomayoon Sar Talayee. Hossein Kalani was Hossein Pa Talayee.
      God only knows how many times we got beaten by the Shaherebani Ajans in Amjadeeyeh those days. Good old days.

      For the recods I really like Ooladi. He has everything (potential) for becoming a good forward. Granted not much killer instinct yet, but that is something that can be developed, if he is under good coaching.
      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


        This is correct statement of the problem, we did not have good finishers:

        I think we lack in 3 areas in order of importance:

        1-Good header makers. TM currently does not have anyone to do this. Hashemian,
        Nosrati, Yahya and yes even Bakhtiarzadeh have scored goals at crucial moments.
        This has been our bread and butter and where the bulk of our offense has come from.
        we did not see anyone with this ability yesterday. Look at the number of corner
        kicks and set pieces we had. Without a doubt the above players could have capitalized
        yesterday. Unfortunately our forwards in general, are weak in that department, but
        previously on set pieces our tall defenders contributed greatly, not to mention Daei's
        decoy role.

        2-Khateebee simply (and I want to be really rude about it) sucks! I have no idea
        why he is on TM, but he shouldn't be. Reza Enayati was disappointing. No
        finishers in simply tapping the ball in, or someone who can avoid the obvious offside!

        3-We don't have anyone who can take shots from 20-25 meter out. This goes back to
        our early childhood syndrom, where due to lack of enough footballs on the field, kids
        used to hog the ball. The "phenomena" we take credit for as "good dribbling skill" is
        really nothing but players inability/unwillingness to pass the ball. Once you pass the
        ball, you stop enjoying having it in your possession! (think about it).


          Not only our strikers don't have killer instincts, but they are physically weak.
          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


            Originally posted by Ali Chicago
            Dont' mean to be Molla Loghati but by Homayoon Shahrookhi you mean Homayoon Behzadi right? I am not sure how old are you and if you saw these guys play or it is based on historical facts.
            As far as I remember, Shahrrokhi played on defense for Pas all his life. Whereas Homayoon Behzadi was from Shaheen and then Perspolice and he was known as Hoomayoon Sar Talayee. Hossein Kalani was Hossein Pa Talayee.
            God only knows how many times we got beaten by the Shaherebani Ajans in Amjadeeyeh those days. Good old days.
            For the recods I really like Ooladi. He has everything (potential) for becoming a good forward. Granted not much killer instinct yet, but that is something that can be developed, if he is under good coaching.
            ali-chicago aziz....
            i do not want to reveal my age ,yet, I just tell you I have seen all those players play except homayoon behzadi ( I made a mistake,thanks for correction ).......he was just before me.......
            and as far as amjadeeh is concerned, i also remmember those hard boild egg sandwiches,that had very little things in it, and the sandwich sellers used to through them from far lower stands !! ......I always used to go with my friends whom where perspolicy,and I was tajy...I had to shot up all during the game, since we were in front of jaygah and among perspolice fans !!!

            but on the subject......based on analysis of previouse good forwards, it seems, a good finisher should be some one arrogant,and gifted...some one who is playful and the same time, intelegent..........................
            The gifted forward, should be a poker player and a casanova at the same time, he should believe he is far smarter than the defensive backs,and feel the situation...
            he should have the killer instinct,and have the composure, that in a split secound interval of opportunity, he makes the right decision,as well as , keeping cool , so he acts with precision.....The opportunities happends to his mind, in a slow motion !!!


              I think we should mention pyous as well. Of all the Iranian forward I remember he truly had the killer instinct you look for in a forward. In that sense maybe only Ghafour would come close to him. H eknew his way around the box and as they say it in Iran "Hamishe booy e gol midad!". He was a great forward.

              All that said, Daei is the best

              By the way, this was my 1st post herein F+ forume.


                frankly speaking, our only striker who has killer instincts besides hasemian is enayati, but he too has so many other disadvantages that it brings him down to the level of our other strikers.

                he is weak, selfish and arrogant. because of this, he is not very well placed in the heart of iranians, neither the fans, nor the team mates.
                the people he is most compatible with is probably nikbakht, akbarpour and jabbari and some other esteghlalis and thats because he plays an important role in esteghlal.
                but im sure, even in esteghlal, many players bear him because he is just elder to them and he is a proven striker there. but in TM, he is neither a proven striker, nor the eldest which makes his situation entirely different from that of esteghlal's.

                khatibi is a waste of footballer, frankly, he is tooooooooo selfish, always excess dribbling which eventually leads to a turn over, not the best finishers and short.

                borhani is young yet more experienced than this useless khatibi and enayati. however, this guy still in my opinion can be used best in counter attack games if iran decides to pull back in defense or something.
                however, he is known to be a chance waster too, and not the deadliest of strikers.

                akbarpour too, is young, inexperienced and immature. the guy works his butt off running for 90 minutes pressurizing the opponent but he makes silly mistakes in passing and dribbling which clearly shows his lack of experience.
                he doesnt have the best killer instincts either and has shown signs of being a chance waster because he tries to play beautiful rather than smart!

                unfortunately, we lack a finisher like farshad pious or gholamreza mazloomi or even samad marfavi at the moment who are good in placing the ball in the net.
                and we dont have good freekick takers like nakamura in japan who can atleast cover up for our strikers weakness from freekicks.
                players like mobali, kazemiyan even zandi and nekounam are good, but their freekicks go in the goal once in every 10 shots or so and in one game, a team rarely gets 10 freekicks in dangerous areas.

                and our "sar zans" with the departure of daei, yahya and sohrab and absence of nosrati has weakened a lot. hashemian is the only good headzan in our team but he is not very tall and so he can be covered by opponents.
                nekounam and nikbakht need a lot of chances to finally place 1 header in which again is hard to obtain in 1 game.
                rezai,sadeghi and shakouri 's headers are even worse than nekounam or nikbakhts.
                and enayati although a good headzan is so weak and cry baby that he is almost always pushed around by the opponent and is of no use on high balls either.

                basically, our offense in general is neither too fast, nor too "headzan", nor have a very good finishing touch, nor are very professional and smart.
                the only noticable factor about them is their technick which also isnt of much use if its not accompanied with the "brain".
                Originally posted by siavasharian

                بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                  Being Selfish is good for a forward

                  I don't mean it as a personality trait, but with the ball in the penalty box a forwrd MUST be selfish, (cause there is no room and in the 18 yard box). Secondly, a forward must be really arrogant, it is part of the mental game against the defender, that he righly or falsly has to beleive he is the better one and take on the defender. He has to shoot from pretty much anywhere he gets a chance, one never knows what might happen.

                  So when Yashar says Enayati is selfish, I am not sure he is talking about football aspect or personality traits.

                  One thing that no one mentions it, is the fact that since 1997 our TM forwards lived under Ali Dai's shadow, so for a while we won't have that quality forward line, It will take a while until a confident forward emerge.

                  I bet you it will be Ooladi, if circumstances allow him ( military service, fame, personality). Parvin was one of the beleivers in him and I really think he is the future of Iran's attack.
                  "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                  Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                  Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                  Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                    Originally posted by Ali Chicago
                    I don't mean it as a personality trait, but with the ball in the penalty box a forwrd MUST be selfish, (cause there is no room and in the 18 yard box). Secondly, a forward must be really arrogant, it is part of the mental game against the defender, that he righly or falsly has to beleive he is the better one and take on the defender. He has to shoot from pretty much anywhere he gets a chance, one never knows what might happen.
                    So when Yashar says Enayati is selfish, I am not sure he is talking about football aspect or personality traits.
                    One thing that no one mentions it, is the fact that since 1997 our TM forwards lived under Ali Dai's shadow, so for a while we won't have that quality forward line, It will take a while until a confident forward emerge.
                    I bet you it will be Ooladi, if circumstances allow him ( military service, fame, personality). Parvin was one of the beleivers in him and I really think he is the future of Iran's attack.
                    good point ali jaan,
                    however enayati being selfish i meant that he always try to be the hero in every scene, always complaining if something somewhere goes wrong or if he isnt involved in a passing combo or an attack or watever, and at times, tries to score from hard situations when his team mates have better chances to score.

                    i too think, oladi is the best we can have now followed by akbarpour. granted none of our forwards are on top level, lets atleast give the chances to these 2 youngsters because maybe in 4 years time, in the next worldcup, they can be of real help to us! i still dont understand why oladi doesnt even get invited to TM camps!!!
                    Originally posted by siavasharian

                    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده

