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Discussion after the Iran - Korea game

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    I know I am biased but ......

    I like the way things are turning out, GN came but it wasn't a total destruction of past and Branko'w work. Dai is gone and despite my utter respect for Dai and all he did for Iranian soccer, I think it was a good thing.
    GN took a big risk when he chose the head coach job. Jalali didn't maybe because he wasn't ready to risk. Who knows, I am not in Iran. But the fact that GN accepted it, suggest he is a risk taker. I rather see a man like him than a coach with a conservative outlook toward life in general and soccer specifically.
    GN is evolving and improving. Even his manners during the game is improved. He is calmer comapred to the time he took over Esteghlal. He isn't over coaching as much as I can see from the TV cameras.
    All in all he seems to be an intelligent man that has learning capacity and is doing it.
    Now we have a coach that is hungrier want prove himself, has better phsycological connection to players (he speaks farsi, knows Iranian soccer, and based on the way TM reacted after being scored on at the 45th minute.)
    He kept a lot of what was built by the past system, yet he is injecting more energy, desire and attacking soccer to it. He is gaining confidence as well and knows players better.
    One area, it seems to be there is an improvement, is the area of palyer's discipline and desire. I was impressed the way Karimi chasing Koreans all over the place. This is the night and day differnce between this Karimi and WC Karimi.
    Soccer is a funny game so is life, the same way Syrians scored on us at the 90th minute we scored on Korea and who knows what happens in Syria. So, I am not going to change my mind based on the result of the Wed game.
    Too soon to judge but it seems the TM under GN is evolving. This won't be progress all the way (no doubt). He probably is nowhere as sophesticated as a European coach in the tactical aspects of the game. I hope he compliments and learns in that aspect as well.
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


      Well .....I don't know how you came with your assumption about Ghalenoei in the game with Korea or what events you based your theory on...But ...hey ...good luck to him if you think he is improving.

      As far as I am concerned , he is a few hundreds miles away from what Team Melli wants in an experienced coach.....I dont know why people consider TM to be a training ground for coaches !!!!!



        Originally posted by maij
        Well .....I don't know how you came with your assumption about Ghalenoei in the game with Korea or what events you based your theory on...But ...hey ...good luck to him if you think he is improving.

        As far as I am concerned , he is a few hundreds miles away from what Team Melli wants in an experienced coach.....I dont know why people consider TM to be a training ground for coaches !!!!!
        Maij Jaan, I don't want to TM to be the training ground, but it is pretty simple. Either get another vitch (second rated coach from Eastern Europe) or GN or Jalali or likes of them. Between these two options I choose the second. If it was choosing between Lippi or Guus Hidding and GN I definitly would have choosen Lippi or Hidding.

        It is really quite simple. So, now within the realistic choices we have this guy GN is doing his work and I am trying and hoping to support him and took the emotional pressure off the team and him as little as I can.
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          The game started with this formation:


          Which was a very conservative formation, in this formation, neither of Kia, Nikki and Nekonam (the second 3) were not allowed to be in risky attack formation, however they were going up in few occasions.

          The 2 formation (Teymourian, Madanchi) was good except I like to see Kia in that position instead of Teymourian. Madanchi also was too much in the back, These two were the main reason Korea built up too much pressure on us. We didn't have deep formation to extend Korean as well, When they were coming back too much, the Korean players who were responsible for them (DMs) were adding to the attack and made us too difficult to breath.

          Karimi had one of his quite days, that's why I can' t rate him, however after adding of Majidi and bringing back Karimi one level back, he started to perform much better. So, by seeing how Majidi and Hashemian covering each other and moving in empty spaces, I like the combination of these two, however nothing came out this time.

          Ebram tala (Mirza) had a very good day, I am trying to rate him as a national keeper, but still too hard for me.

          We have to change our defender formation to 4 defenders, the best combination would be:

          Ka'abi, Nosrati, Rezaei, Nikki.

          By adding Ka'abi, Kia becomes alive too, Nikki also needs to come back to his best, however he had a very good day in Korea's match against the best Korean player in that day. He can shut down the left side defensively, he just needs to improve his offensive performance and co-ordinate more with Madanchi.

          Fekri, however had a good day, is too old to invest on, plus he acts as a sweeper, and stays too deep. I don't like it. Nosrati instead is very active and reliable.

          I would choose such a formation in Syria match:

          Ka'abi---Nosrati---- Rezaei--- Nikki




          Last edited by Hajagha; 09-05-2006, 09:30 AM.


            Merci Hajji for your input. Haven't heard of 3-3-2-1-1 before. Guess old dogs like me can learn new tricks.

            I liked your point about Madanchi and Teymorian were pulling back too much and taking away the depth (which caused Korea totally dominate in the first half).

            What is your take on Madanchi, the guys plays brilliant in PP but nada in TM? Is it just higher level competition? Or he is not used in the right way in TM?

            I have a hunch he is over rated but like to hear a different opinion and give the guy more chance to prove himself (maybe it is all the psychological pressure he can't deal with at the national level).

            I think Akbarpoor Hashemian upfront will be much more succesful than Majidi Hashemian. Plus Akbarpoor is young and can help us in longer term. What is your take?

            What is your predication for tomorrow's game. I think Iran will play well and win in Damescus.
            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


              heheheh, I guess it was supposed to be 3-3-3-1 or 3-6-1, but Madanchi and Teymourian pull too mcuh back and made it 3-3-2-1-1.

              1, Madanchi: He is just nerves, that's why he pull back too much. He becomes better and better when he gain confidence. If you rememebr Nekonam at the begining, you know what I am talking about. Madanchi, is good and can compete, just needs time.

              2, Akbarpour: mmmmm too much dribbling, not yet being at international level, but certianly won't rule him out. He also needs time, more than Madanchi though plus he got heavy competition, he may not survive in this race.

              3, Iran-Syria: If Karimi/Kia will be their usual, we will come back with minimum 3 goals. Syria is not a team competeing with us, we just need to be ourselves.

              Last edited by Hajagha; 09-05-2006, 02:46 PM.


                Originally posted by Hajagha
                heheheh, I guess it was supposed to be 3-3-3-1 or 3-6-1, but Madanchi and Teymourian pull too mcuh back and made it 3-3-2-1-1.
                1, Madanchi: He is just nerves, that's why he pull back too much. He becomes better and better when he gain confidence. If you rememebr Nekonam at the begining, you know what I am talking about. Madanchi, is good and can compete, just needs time.
                2, Akbarpour: mmmmm too much dribbling, not yet being at international level, but certianly won't rule him out. He also needs time, more than Madanchi though plus he got heavy competition, he may not survive in this race.
                3, Iran-Syria: If Karimi/Kia will be their usual, we will come back with minimum 3 goals. Syria is not a team competeing with us, we just need to be ourselves.
                Nice Save Haji with 3-3-2-1-1.

                I saw Madanchi tried to nutmeg (Layee) Korean's twice close to our 18 yard (which wasn't a good decision btw) line, so it seems he is not short in confidence department, but I hear you about being neverousness.

                Totally agree about the tough race for Akbarpoor. I like him over Majidi becaue of his size also. Too much dribbling you are right on, but he is young he is 21 only. Rather invest on him than Majidi.

                Kia hasn't been himself lately. To be honest I admire GN for subbing him in Syria game. It showed Bazikon Salair and names playing is over. Anyways back to Kia, I don't have high hopes for him tomorrow though. Hopefully I am wrong. He needs a lot of space to make his runs (that is how he makes his living).
                I have a good hunch about Karimi though.

                What is your take about all this gloom and doom? Did you see posts that predicated 3-1 for Korea and we get hammered by Koreans? Speakign of Koreans how did you like them? I thought they showed nothing, Iran's transition game was much better than them from defense to offense at least. Granted their transition was harder partly due to pakced Iran's midfield and defense. But still they showed nothing. They tried to come from the wings, but the guy who plays in Man United Seoun or whatever just dirbbled a few times and the other one who is Man city's defender on right peneterated a few times that was it. No quality centers nothing. So much for the so called forign coaches and organization and blah blah (Ghotbi as well btw).
                Number 35 who scored the goal picked Nikki's pocket a few times on their right as well, but again no connection between him and his mids to join as the second line of attack. No pass backs to the attacking midfielders.
                Sad Rahmat be football Ali Ashari Khoodemoon.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  Well, our transition from defence to offence could have been much better if we had Kia handling the ball instead of Teymourian in those occasions. But our biggest problem was the lack of presure by the midfiled (Madanchi and Teymourian) specially Madanchi. He was closing the space instead of the pressing the player with the ball. Well, some one should tell them, as a attacking mid you need to press and don't afraid of being passed, just put the pressure on the ball holder and make him to not giving 100% healthy passes.

                  As I said else where, we have the right players now, we play with 11 players unless before where had Daei hanging over. We just need to adjust a few thing here and there and we are OK. Remember, in a day we lacked our stars' best performance, Korea couldn't creat even one single danger. We just needed one of our lions awaken, well Hashemian showed them what we are made and how much we needed time to let them pay.

                  About their right side, actually they played fantastic in the right, thanks god we had Nikki with the very good performanace in defence, if you have time, count how many times Nikki tackle in that side, he had a good day.


                    I think it is safe to say after 3 horrible games by madanchi & niki, GN shd give a chance to guys like Mani'ee.

                    things can certainly not go as wrong as they have until now, in the past 3 games.


                      I think it is safe to say after 3 horrible games by madanchi & niki, GN shd give a chance to guys like Mani'ee.
                      things can certainly not go as wrong as they have until now, in the past 3 games.

