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Syria-Iran: What if we lose?

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    Originally posted by Hadi
    Whatever Branko was,

    Still: Branko>Ghalehnoyi
    There we go again, so this is what it is all about. Amazing how after the whole WC fiasco, you even bring that guy up. You probably heard how many of our players in WC supposedly didn't even talk to him, this is how the atomsphere under his leadership was and still you lamant his departure.

    If that guys still was in power, Dai was still our forward and short of a heart attack on the field (nothing would have stopped Dai to play for ever). LOL
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


      Originally posted by Hadi
      Whatever Branko was,

      Still: Branko>Ghalehnoyi
      Hadi jaan, Branko didn't even realize that a team needs to attack and score goals to win games. Every commentator in the world mentioned this during the world cup. Under his term a powerful irani attack withered away to relying on defenders and set peices to score goals. His defense was a joke as well. At least Galenoei has been abe to fix one of the problems branko was not able to fix in 5 years, that is our defense which looks and peforms as a stable unit. Given more time I'm sure he will improve our offense from what it is now.

      Ghalenoei > Branko
      The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


        Originally posted by Ali Chicago
        Italia jaan,
        I am not fooling anyone. Please go and read PFDC general forum before Korea game. See how a lot of people thought Korea gonna route us. 3-1 was prediction of young Yashar (which is among one of the most knowledagable fans in yours truly opinion).
        How did we get to all this negativity and lack of self beleife Italia jaan? Soccer in all over the world has improved and gaps are shrinking, more and more these days, psychological condition of the players is the determining factor.
        Remember Iran Bahrain. How our players buckled under the do and die situation in Bahrain on 2001?
        This atmosphere of gloom and doom that is created around TM (follows TM even before WC) is impacting us (coaches, fans, players, everyone). It is the continuation of the atmosphere and what Parvin called "Hasheeyahe" that is imapcting TM.
        You sound a serious soccer fan did you watch Arg -Brazil on Sunday? Did yousee Brazil? Did you see what they did to Argentina? Mind you they were Argentina?
        This Brazilian team is far more improved compared to WC team under Priyera.What happened? It is a new era, many of the players are the same yet, it is new era new vision and all of a sudden players feel, react, act differetnly (same players Lucio) but watch him yesterday.
        No dada, no Iranian TM players had PDA and care to check PFDC, but the so called media atmosphere in general which we are part of it impacts the team.
        Italia Jaan, a coach has short and long term goals, I am not in GN head to know what is his short term gaol for the center defense. Maybe Fekri is the short term goal and in long term is Sayed jalal Hosseini or someone else. Who knows.
        Finally, no matter what the arrange by the coach, someone will be unhappy. I personally prefer to see Akbarpoor or Ooladi upfront to pair up with Hashemian. Having said that, I realize GN is closer to the team, watches the practices, sees how the player respond to the pressure etc etc. Does this mean I should allow myself to question the whole team and Coach? GN isn' tthe most qualified coach in the world, but I am not ashamed to say he knows a heck of a lot more about soccer than you and I ( at least heck of a lot more than I for sure). Point is we as a fan can disagree with Coache's decision but let's realize the guy is probably in better situation and has a good reason to make a certain decision.
        Italia Jaan, I myself coached high school youth travel soccer in Canada and USA. I played competetive soccer as well. Three knee surgeries (2 ACLs and 1 MCL and couple of Knee scoping later, I had say goodbye to competetive soccer. I have a USSF D license in coaching. So, If I am talking I am not just talking from "Bokhare Meddeh" and played a little goal kocheek in iran or with a team in Jaam Doosti in Calif and now feel I am qualified.
        My background in soccer doesn't mean I won't make mistake and I am always right, but please take my words a bit more seriously. It is not a back and forth argument over the internet.
        Ali khan,

        Thanks for the long reply, athough you didn't actually answered my questions straight forwardly.
        I never questioned your credibility, what sort of degree you hold and how experienced you are in the football area and coaching. who am I to ask you anyway! But now that you mentioned, I am really pleased that we have such members in PFDC and we can actually have some good constructive discussions based on the laws of the game and the existing facts.

        Before I open up the discussion again let me bring this as a disclaimer that Branko has gone and he is history. No one (at least me) is not comparing Ghalenoee with Branko. They are not even comparable! Whenever Ghalenoee could at least win 3rd place of AC, win 70% of his games and qualify the team for the WC, then we can compare them. So this is not about Branko at all.

        Now, lets go back to the main topic: Is Ghalenoee a good choice? Are his fundamental decisions up-to-date and based on a modern football?

        to continue with that, let me ask you again the questions I need straight answers for:

        1- Is his system 3-5-2 or not? before you answer No again please read this:
        2- Who is the better last defender: Rezaei (playing for Messina/Livorno and 31 years old) or Fekri (playing for ss and 37 years old)?
        3- Did Ghalenoee make a sub at min 91-92 to change the system to 4-3-3 to attack or just to use his sub and save his rear end? How useful his sub was? Did he even touch the ball?

        Thank you

        PS. about your last sentence, I take everyone seriously, but I stop doing it when I feet they try to impose their opinion or taste on me rather than facts and logic.


          Originally posted by VivaItalia
          Ali khan,

          Thanks for the long reply, athough you didn't actually answered my questions straight forwardly.
          I never questioned your credibility, what sort of degree you hold and how experienced you are in the football area and coaching. who am I to ask you anyway! But now that you mentioned, I am really pleased that we have such members in PFDC and we can actually have some good constructive discussions based on the laws of the game and the existing facts.

          Before I open up the discussion again let me bring this as a disclaimer that Branko has gone and he is history. No one (at least me) is not comparing Ghalenoee with Branko. They are not even comparable! Whenever Ghalenoee could at least win 3rd place of AC, win 70% of his games and qualify the team for the WC, then we can compare them. So this is not about Branko at all.

          Now, lets go back to the main topic: Is Ghalenoee a good choice? Are his fundamental decisions up-to-date and based on a modern football?

          to continue with that, let me ask you again the questions I need straight answers for:

          1- Is his system 3-5-2 or not? before you answer No again please read this:
          2- Who is the better last defender: Rezaei (playing for Messina/Livorno and 31 years old) or Fekri (playing for ss and 37 years old)?
          3- Did Ghalenoee make a sub at min 91-92 to change the system to 4-3-3 to attack or just to use his sub and save his rear end? How useful his sub was? Did he even touch the ball?

          Thank you

          PS. about your last sentence, I take everyone seriously, but I stop doing it when I feet they try to impose their opinion or taste on me rather than facts and logic.
          Thanks for your reply.
          To answer your questions.

          First in my opinion, a coach picks a system based on his players, not the other way around. so is 3-5-2 right or wrong depends on types of players we have. That was a question in my job interview for a high school coaching job I took three years ago and I gave the same answer then and now.So I swear to god I am not giving you this answer to be evasive. Having said that 3-5-2 is not a modren system. But 4-4-2 was first implemented by Brazilians in 1958 I think, yet still is widely used with minor changes Diamond 4 Trapezoid mid four, Triangle, etc. etc. Because it is old it doesn't mean it is not good.

          Maybe at first I misundrestood your question. I thought you are asking if 3-5-2 is a good system or not. I am a bit puzzled by your question still? Are you asking if Iran played 3-5-2 in Korea or against Syria? I think against Korea Iran palyed with 4defenders at least practically in the field. GN probably meant to paly 3-6-1 until he pulled out Madanchi and brought mjidi which then we changed to 3-5-2.Against Syria we played played 3-5-2.
          To be honest it is unrealistic for me to see Iran's formation from TV Unless TV cameras get a wide angle shot and show the whole defnse and mid and forwards line in a wide angle shot. Plus becuase players are moving all the time a snap shot of formation of players isn't enough. One needs to look for 5-10 minutes to really figure out what is the formation. To top that you add that lack of tactical and postional discipline in Iranian players and it makes it very difficult. My comment about Iran not playing 3-5-2 in Korea was based on where Nikki was playing. He was playing so much back, that he almost played like a left Defense. Even Madanchi in Korea game was playing so much back that Hashemian was left alone and had to cover the whole Koran side of the field with his endless runs.
          Maybe GN wanted to play 3-5-2 I don't know but formation of players in Korea game in the field wasn't 3-5-2 as far as I could see from TV screen. It was a 3-6-1 until Madanchi left and Majidi came which then changed to 3-5-2. That is the beauty of soccer when the ref blows the whistle you as a coach better just sit down observe and take notes. That is all you can do, players are the one who are going to take real time decisions. So what GN or any coach for that matter tells them in the dressing room maybe not quite be implemented that way.Again please remember formation won't do heck for one. It is all if one has the players that are fitted to teh system. For example, Nikki on his top days definitly fitted for the 3-5-2 left piston.

          Is Rezai better? I can't answser that question. Rezai is a very good player and he play in Italy but he is not god. He makes really serious mistakes in key game. To list only two: Look back in Irland Iran game in Dublin, he is the one who did a totally useless tackle from behind and brough the Irish player down in 18 yard box and give them the penalty. He is not a play maker type from defense either. In World cup second goal agains Mexico was like 80% his fault.

          Right now at this stage, to be honest I think Fekri playes better than him. Don't get me worng Rahman is a rock and I love and respect him. He plays in Italy, who am I to criticize him who could not get a pro contract. But point is don't make a god out of this guy.

          A player over another player is a very personal issue, one coach likes one player over another. It is not fair but it is how it is. The same way, Branko liked Alavi over so many other defensive mids.

          I know it is not fair, but that is how life is a coach likes one type of player over another.

          I watched the Korea game again. Akbarpoor comes in before the goal that Iran socred. I am not god and not in GN head or heart, but to me the circumestances suggests he brought him to add a third forward. He pulled Ando out and watch the tape , Akbar poor is by the line around 2-3 minutes befor he comes in. GN in my opinion is going for the Hail mary using football analogy. Now if you have a reason that suggest he brought him for time wasting that I missed, I will be more than willing to lesson.

          As far as GN Vs. Branko. Branko was a forigner and maybe he is better educated soccer wise, but he wasn't a good coach. I know it may sound stupid of me to make such a claim, but his result for the past 2 year wasn't successful. To be a good soccer coach one needs to be knowledagable about soccer which he was (at least more than GN), but it is much more that. A coach need other things which I call intangialbes, it demands personality, a balanced combination of authority but still a lot of listening skils, gaining the respects of players. In my opinion Branko faild on all of these stuff. Players didn't respect him (Karimi story based on Mansoor is an example). He was stubborn by playing Dai constantly. Even when media mentioned why Mirza has to play against every team and Roodbarian or someone else doesn't get a chance maybe Mirza got injured he didn't listen. So in all those intangaibles (in my opinion).

          And let me clarify my position as far as forgien Vs. Iranina coach. To me the nationality of the coach is not the most improtant thing. If we can get a high level international coach instead of GN I am for sure will choose him over GN. But if it is a half arse Eastern European defensive minded coach likes of Branko and his brother who took over Barghe Shiraz, I rather an Iranian took over. Even if he screws up at least an Iranian learn not another Ovitch gets Iranian money and at the end of contract nothing is gained. So bottom line I am not supportin GN at any cost, but right now with the a shade of war and international sanctions against Iran. To make things worst, limitations of personal freedom (drinking Alchohol or open relationsship with females )makes it even more difficult to attract a quality forign coach.

          GN accepted the job when a wise persoan might have npt risked as Jalali didn't. Maybe he is not smart and didn't know what is he getting into? But if he knowingly accepted the TM head coaching at this moment, I admire him for his guts and sense of accpeting responsibility and patriotisem.

          Again GN is not god and he has a lot of short comings I am sure, but he is learning.

          Thanks for your time and I am looking for a true dialogue without any biased and you on that side I on this side.
          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


            Ali agha,

            Lets discuss it one by one then.

            About the formation, I truely believe that formation makes a huge difference in the game, IF the players stick to their positions. To me, 3-5-2 is an old system which no teams (except for some 2nd rated EPL teams) use it anymore. It's proven to be flawed in many areas, such as low number of defenders, too many midfielders in the middle and also causing shortage in breath for the wingers. This is a system mostly used by the teams who have two excellent wingers and a pair of head-master forwards. We played 3-5-2 in 90s when we had Karim Bavi and Ali Daei who were the best head-zan of Iran's all time. You are right, a coach selects his team based on what he has (although it applies to the clubs only, since you have a wide range of players to pick as a National team head coach), but you tell me who are the head-masters in our team? Hashemian and Enayati? sure Vahid is the Helicopter, and Enayati is okay heightwise, but how long has it been that they have not scored by header? the last one I rememeber was Vahid's goal against Japan. When Daei was at his pick, there was this arguement that he can score only by head! That proves how strong we were on air.
            But looking at the Syria game, how many headers they had toward the goal? How many successful crosses made on the 18? our best chances were created from the middle of the field. if so, what's the use of this system? why send so many midfielders to make confusions? Our players run into eachother often, do you know why is it so?
            Every powerhouse in the world is using a kind of a 4 defender formation and it can be very attacking. i.e. Milan is playing 4-3-1-2, a very similar system that Marhoom Branko'e Faghid was trying to implement. Do you think it's a deffensive system? wrong! it's not. Milan has Kaladzeh at left and Cafu at right and in the attack, Milan plays with only 2-3 defenders and 2 DM in the back, leaving 5-6 players to attack! They scored more than 80 goals last season utilizing the same system.
            3-5-2 system to me looks like a oneway freeway. look at the free space behind Nikbakht and Kia. did you know why Koreans targeted our left side? because they knew that neither Nikbakht nor Madanchi is a defender. If they go forward, you need a crane to bring them back! and you think Gahlenoee picked the formation based on the players he has? I think if he says so, he is BSing us. so he means that we have no players in Iran who can fit in 4-4-2 system? doesn't sound funny to you?

            Ali agha, it might be only me though, but I can even distinguish the system by looking at the line up knowing which player plays where the best. as I said, neither Niki nor Madanchi are LB. so I can automatically guess that the formation was a 3 defender formation. In the games against these 2nd, 3rd and 4th rated teams, we can use whatever formation we love to use and still get the result. heck with it, we can even do 2-3-5 against Maldives and still win 19-7! but you can't do it againt Korea, Japan or stronger teams. We tied the game against Korea because:

            1- Ghalenoee changed the system to 4-4-2 in minute 68 when Kabi came in, Nosrati moved to left and Kabi to right ---->Kaebi--Fekri---Rezaei---Nosrati
            So we didn't concede any more goals when Korea was pouring balls on our goal!
            2- Hashemian is damn good! and Korea was damn unlucky!

            Nothing else! absolutely nothing.

            as a conclusion, I think his first decision to use an obsolete formation is wrong. and there is a saying in our rich culture that says:
            Khesht'e avval chon nahad memaar kaj, Ta sorayya miravad ammaar kaj

            Our players learned to play in 4 defender system in four years, and he is changing it back to an old and useless formation. going back to 15 years ago! I'm sorry for that.


              Regarding Branko,

              No matter how good of a coach he was and no matter how knowledgable he is, he was still a third rated, wimpy, Croat assistant coach to some people!!! They look down to him. He was under consistant criticism from day 1. He had no time to prove himself. whenever he achieved something there was bah bah chah chah for a few days then again there came the nasty parts! No break for the guy. It's not anybody's fault that we are racist. It's coming from our insestors. Yes we are racist. We look down at East Europians, Mexicans, Arabs, Afghans, Chinese and ... We worship Germans, Italians, Americans, French and ... (I'm not talking about you and me, I'm talking about our people in general)
              You criticise your kid in front of his friends and see if he will have any respect in their eyes or not. Now, how do you expect Karimi the big EGO to respect the guy after so many biased criticism? I wish you were in LA and I would come to criticize you in front of your students to examine this. That's what happend to him. The same thing that made Ari Haan to run away!

              Anyways...I think Branko was a successful coach in some extents and served us a lot. We'll be benefiting from his stubborn decisions in the future (ie, playing and trusting Nosrati) and we all should be thanking him.

              But let it be finished right here, cuz I know this discussion won't get to anywhere.


                Regarding Akbarpour substitution, yes, he was hanging around from minute 89 and he was in by minute 91-92.

                But tell me please, is Akbarpour a superstar to change the game's result in 1-2 minute? What was Ghalenoee thinking really? you are a coach, now tell me: your team is under consistant pressure from a powerful team on their opponent's field, and you are 1-0 down, what would you do?

                Here is my version of what Ghalenoee did: He changed the system to 4-4-2 in minute 68 to strengthen the defense line by getting rid of an unshape Niki and a dizzy Madanchi, at minute 88, he thought of waisting time and losing by only one goal which could be considered as an achievment for him when you compare it with 2-0 loss of our main team before the WC. He didn't know there will be 3 minutes of extra time cuz they announce it at min 89. He was thinking about bringing the Media the excuses of: we didn't have our main players in time, we were tiered, I made a sub to play 4-3-3 to tie the game but it didn't work!
                But all of a sudden, the Korean defender and goalie make that pure s-t-u-p-i-d mistake and welllaaaaaa

                Now he is on the clouds, fans love him and demand trusting his decisions!

                No aziz, Akbarpour never participated in any attacks since he stepped in. even in the goal scene, he was behind Kia, behind the middle circle! He was meant to be for saving the result not to score!

                So, I do think that he made the sub to:
                1- waste the remaining time and keep the result
                2- saving his back by saying "I used all my subs, I subbed in another forward to play 4-3-3"
                But when????did he think that we were going to play 120 minutes???

                No Aziz. He is just another Iranian BSer 3rd rated coach and I am not going to cheer for his backward decisions.


                  He brought a very good dribbler in the dieing minute, hoping his fresh leg and high technique make a miracle.

                  This is not a home made scenario, since you probably don't follow football, you may not have seen many chnages in the dieing minutes, one I can recall was last season Zandi's sub in his club which ended up in a penalty on him and a goal for his team mate. You may find a link even now in PFDC if you really wanna know what happened.

                  make your mind, you are Daei/Branko's fan or Iran's fan? it seems you are too disturbed by not seeing them in your team.



                    Originally posted by Hajagha
                    He brought a very good dribbler in the dieing minute, hoping his fresh leg and high technique make a miracle.

                    This is not a home made scenario, since you probably don't follow football, you may not have seen many chnages in the dieing minutes, one I can recall was last season Zandi's sub in his club which ended up in a penalty on him and a goal for his team mate. You may find a link even now in PFDC if you really wanna know what happened.

                    make your mind, you are Daei/Branko's fan or Iran's fan? it seems you are too disturbed by not seeing them in your team.

                    Did I talk to you? I don't remember!

                    So, you may wanna talk for those 14 year old girls who don't know anything about my signature! Poor girls.

                    babye then!

                    PS. I will still talk to you IF you stop your lame ass sarcasm language, stop labeling, respect my opinion and talk like an educated civilian.


                      If you wanna talk to certain people use PM instead of public forum. Besides, you are loaded with the same thing you load people for a while. can't you take it? Get a bigger radiatior to chill you down.


                        Originally posted by VivaItalia
                        Regarding Akbarpour substitution, yes, he was hanging around from minute 89 and he was in by minute 91-92.

                        But tell me please, is Akbarpour a superstar to change the game's result in 1-2 minute? What was Ghalenoee thinking really? you are a coach, now tell me: your team is under consistant pressure from a powerful team on their opponent's field, and you are 1-0 down, what would you do?

                        Here is my version of what Ghalenoee did: He changed the system to 4-4-2 in minute 68 to strengthen the defense line by getting rid of an unshape Niki and a dizzy Madanchi, at minute 88, he thought of waisting time and losing by only one goal which could be considered as an achievment for him when you compare it with 2-0 loss of our main team before the WC. He didn't know there will be 3 minutes of extra time cuz they announce it at min 89. He was thinking about bringing the Media the excuses of: we didn't have our main players in time, we were tiered, I made a sub to play 4-3-3 to tie the game but it didn't work!
                        But all of a sudden, the Korean defender and goalie make that pure s-t-u-p-i-d mistake and welllaaaaaa

                        Now he is on the clouds, fans love him and demand trusting his decisions!

                        No aziz, Akbarpour never participated in any attacks since he stepped in. even in the goal scene, he was behind Kia, behind the middle circle! He was meant to be for saving the result not to score!

                        So, I do think that he made the sub to:
                        1- waste the remaining time and keep the result
                        2- saving his back by saying "I used all my subs, I subbed in another forward to play 4-3-3"
                        But when????did he think that we were going to play 120 minutes???

                        No Aziz. He is just another Iranian BSer 3rd rated coach and I am not going to cheer for his backward decisions.
                        Viva Jaan,

                        Thanks for your posts. I will share my thoughts on the other two posts of yours later. But since we are being meticolus and you seem like a reasonable person. Let me point out something and you think about it.

                        I wasn't in Seoul and don't know what went on GN's head. But assuming your theory is right. If he wanted to waste time, wouldn't it be more resonable to bring Hossein Kazemi as a def mid, or add a extra defender, Shakouri or even Manieie?
                        Think about it.

                        Right now not many people in Iran think highly of Akbarpoor or Ooladi, but mark my words, these two have a very very high potential. The same way that Nikki had. Now rumors are Nikki got into girls and partying and stuff got into his little head and never acheived what he could become potentially.
                        Maybe the same happens to Akbarpoor and Ooladi.

                        Other thing is Viva Jaan, you and I aren't in the practices. GN is the one who watches the way these folks practice, sees how hungry the guy is, see how emotionally one guys reacts. So he (any coach for that matter) makes his decisions based on that. You and I like certain player more than others. I personally like Esteghlal but don't like Majidi, however, when GN brings him in, I think coache's decision at that moment is more relevant than my taste. I know GN or any TM (Branko included) coach for that matter is thinking of winning the game (becuase he at least wants to look good in front of everyone).

                        Certain subs doesn't make sense (as far as I can undrestand). For example, when GN subs (thrid one bringing Kazemi in Syria game in Tehran). That I said didnt' make sense when GN already made two offensive subs.

                        However, if subs are consistant, all offenseive or all defensive (based on game situation) then I won't duel much about hassan over Taghi. I know I am biased and try to remind myself that it is my bias that prefers X over Y and respect coache's decision.
                        Now don't forget if Coach screws up he will be on hot seat. It is not like we give him all the power and no responsibility and accountability. Bottom line, Subs are very subjective issue and we better accept Coache's decision and judge the suitability of subs after the game.

                        I reply to other two later.

                        Sorry to everyone else, if this exchanges b/w Viva and I bothers you guy. Although, this is kind of and exchange b/w two of us, I would love to hear your comments if you care or find it interesting.

                        I have no illusion about GN's limitations, but life is not perfect and at times one has to accept the lesser of two evils. At this stage, no decent coach will be ready to take over TM and live in a country with so many limitations. Plus TM is just started to recover from WC emotional let down. Whoever is going to be the coach now, I think TM needs to be supported until players get the WC monkey off their back. That is why right now, I think our boys need to be supported and isn't the time to focus on negative stuff. If you like I suggest you read couple of books that Anson Torrence (former US women coach and founder of the women soccer program in N.C. university Tarhill program) wrote about coching and how establishing a personal relationship with players (it doesn't mean lee be la lashoon ghozashtan by anymeans) is important. I really respect the guy and beleive in his teachings.

                        One of the things made me really happey yersterday was to see that players started to build confidence and get ****y against Syrina. Enayati was trying to slide the ball between three Syrian defnders to pass it to someone on the left flank. Or his pass to Majidi that he couldn't finish. Nekonam, Kia all of them in the second half, were confident. Watch the game again and look at their body language.

                        Viva Jaan, If you don't mind, I am not a formal person, so drop the Agha term. Guess I lived too long in West and not into all that formality that exist in Iran. Ali is good. Thx.
                        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                          Originally posted by Hajagha
                          He brought a very good dribbler in the dieing minute, hoping his fresh leg and high technique make a miracle.
                          This is not a home made scenario, since you probably don't follow football, you may not have seen many chnages in the dieing minutes, one I can recall was last season Zandi's sub in his club which ended up in a penalty on him and a goal for his team mate. You may find a link even now in PFDC if you really wanna know what happened.
                          make your mind, you are Daei/Branko's fan or Iran's fan? it seems you are too disturbed by not seeing them in your team.
                          Haji joon,

                          nobody here is a Daie/Branko fan. I never wanted Daie to play in TM after the Asian Cup. And I also was hoping for a good replacement for Branko because he just wasnt good enough in my eyes. but what I am getting in return these days, makes me want to go back to Branko's time and this is what is sad for me.

                          Do you honestly think we played a football with promising signs in the last 3 matches?

                          The last 5 matches Branko played with TM were with Costa Rica, Bosnia and 3 WC matches and all of them showed how progressed or football was and how we needed a change to get a better coach to develop our potential further, but now we have gone back at least 6 years to Porheydari's time.


                            Originally posted by Ali Chicago
                            There we go again, so this is what it is all about. Amazing how after the whole WC fiasco, you even bring that guy up. You probably heard how many of our players in WC supposedly didn't even talk to him, this is how the atomsphere under his leadership was and still you lamant his departure.
                            If that guys still was in power, Dai was still our forward and short of a heart attack on the field (nothing would have stopped Dai to play for ever). LOL
                            lol @ lamenting his departure.

                            It was obvious for the reasons you mentioned that he HAD to go. But I am comparing him (and the likes of him, so called "3rd class Croatian coaches") with Iranian coaches like GN.

                            Let me be clear on this, and this is just a personal opinion. The only Iranian coach right now who is qualified for leading our TM is Zolfagharnasab. Other than him, the best option was to get a foreign coach and give him 1 year time to prepare the team for the Asian Cup.


                              Originally posted by Hadi
                              Haji joon,
                              nobody here is a Daie/Branko fan. I never wanted Daie to play in TM after the Asian Cup. And I also was hoping for a good replacement for Branko because he just wasnt good enough in my eyes. but what I am getting in return these days, makes me want to go back to Branko's time and this is what is sad for me.
                              Do you honestly think we played a football with promising signs in the last 3 matches?
                              The last 5 matches Branko played with TM were with Costa Rica, Bosnia and 3 WC matches and all of them showed how progressed or football was and how we needed a change to get a better coach to develop our potential further, but now we have gone back at least 6 years to Porheydari's time.
                              Hadi joon, Check the latest Japan's result. Or check Italy, Spain, Portugal,..., it's very usual to be down after a big tournoment. Besides, which big coach? Who dares to come and stays for a long period to learn how the system
                              works to be able to perform?

                              I believe for now, we need a domestic coach and we should stick to that to let them learn how to manage internationally, we need to improve in this department as well.

                              ....and I don't think we went back to Porheydari's era. I see every game we have a huge progression, and I am not alone on that, most papers in Iran support such an idea.

                              Oh, I know you are not Daei's fan, some are though.


                                Ali jan (lol at formality!),

                                To re-answer to your question, as I mentioned he wanted to kill two birds with one stone, not predicting that he not only will kill two birds but also his main hunter (Vahid) will kill the eagle!

                                Please note that I never questioned his decision regarding the other subs.

                                Now that you bring up the Kazemi's, It might be that Ghalenoee has a theory of "I have 3 free substitutions, why not using it all! here you go head is Akbarpour, Tale is Kazemi!" Because his subs not only did not impact the game a bit, but also were made in the most inefficient time! maybe he wants to give them experience! If so, then he had given up on getting a good result. Donadoni made a strange sub at min 87 against France too. He replaced Gilardino with De Rossi. I think he did it just for the sake of using his subs. Every single kid in Italy knows that De Rossi is not a player to determine the game in 5 minutes! Yes, Donadoni had given up after the third goal. He just wanted to maintain the result or have another consolation goal. or he wanted to give some confidence to his young and tallented player.That's it.
                                VIVA ITALIA VIVA MILAN VIVA MALDINI

