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As we look back

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    As we look back

    Time really flies away. Sometimes 4 months seem like 1.

    It's almost 4 months since that devastating game against Mexico. But relax, I'm not posting this in order to bring back bad memories. It's merely a discussion for the more sophisticated elite of the PFDC forums.

    Branko left 3 months ago. Since then, many of us have been sceptical about the things going on regarding our football.

    For instance, when Ghalenoi was appointed, I thought it would mean the end for Iranian football. I saw TM being filled with Esteghlali players. Now don't get me wrong, even though I sympathize other teams, it wasn't the fact that the players were from Esteghlal, but that our national team had turned into a club team. If our club teams would have been strong in the first place, I wouldn't have bothered. But we haven't really been successful the latest years in the AFC Champions League (except for PAS' campaign 2 seasons ago).

    Is there anything to positive about? Well, I'm worried, I can't deny that.
    When Teymourian was transferred to Bolton I saw a great opportunity for him to improve, just as Javad Nekounam has improved in Spain lately. I think it's great beacuse Javad had started to stagnate in his development after our qualification for the World Cup in June of 2005. Now all of a sudden he's back on track, and I'm very happy for it. Also Vahid hashemian has started to score some goals again, and his goal against South Korea once again confirmed the fact that he is one of our best strikers. We must be patient with him, as he is also one of very few true gentlemen in today's football!

    In the menatime, some other players who also have a big impact on our national team have started to perform poorly. I'm talking about Mahdavikia and Karimi. To be honest with you I haven't seen all their games, but I've been following news, articles and even highlight clips from here and there.
    I don't know if Ghalenoi is the right man to fit these players into our national team. I don't see what he could to to have them more integrated in our team.

    Rahman Rezaei's move from Messina to Livorno has only done him good. Great to see him in pictures beside Kaka and other international superstars. He's a keyplayer in our defence!

    Finally, I must praise Ghalenoi for one move though. I don't wish to say that Mirzapour is a great goalkeeper now. But the way I see it, he has improved ever since Ghalenoi showed him that he isn't guaranteed a spot like during Branko's reign. What we saw in the South Korea game was a solid performance, and hopefully we will see more solid performances from one of 2 weak links in our team (the other one used to be the left back position).

    I don't know how long Ghalenoi will stay as our headcoach, but I hope it won't be too long. I hope we'll have a new coach for the upcoming WC2010 qualifications. And hopefully by then, we'll have a stable left back, an 90 minutes/week performing Teymourian in Bolton and a happy Ali Karimi in harmony with the rest of the team and staff. And of course, a Mehdi mahdavikia in the form of his life.
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

    "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
    And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


    Good read Sia jaan, thanks.

    Although I wouldn't credit Ghalenoei for Mirza's performance, but motivation is an important ingredient in athletes progress. Branko was not much of concern about this department and some of these players did need the shock therapy. Mirza's performance however was no different in WC though.

    As for Karimi, unless we see a major overhaul in attitute that he has established since his move to Bayern, we will not see the old Karimi again.

    As for Ghalenoei, time will solve the mystery. The more he stays, the more clear it will become whether he is fit for the job or not. He does have some potential specially in intelligence department but lack of exposure to world football in his career, playing or coaching, is his biggest enemy and most likely will surface once we face world class teams & wrestle against international coaches. I am almost certain he will be our coach for the Asian Cup as he fullfilled his job to qualify Iran in a tough situation, and the Asian Cup will be a good test to see how he does in relatively easy (to world class competition) competition against couple of second rated world class teams and bunch of "no world class" teams. The Korea match in Tehran will also be a good test as he will not have any excuse about "time" and will have the home field advantage to put a good show for Iran. If not, the mega debate will begin.
    Last edited by Mansoor; 10-04-2006, 05:36 AM.
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
    Go IRAN!


      Mokhlesim Mansoor jaan. Thanks for your reply.

      I think the mega debate has begun already though .
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

      "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
      And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."



        Hafez jan,

        on the matter of ss players filling the TM roster as soon as GN took over:
        it is extremely natural for such an event.
        we must remember GN was their coach, which means he knows them and how they play far far better than any other player in Iran

        it also meant with the new TM which would lack coordination ( due to missing legioners and an overall change in roster ), we could at least utilize 5-6 or even 7 players from ONE CLUB who are already coordinated.
        so this reduces the total chaos in TM's movement.

        I think now that his team is a bit more settled we see lesser and lesser ss players in the team, which is testament to what I explained above.
        we dont see the likes of ghorbani, akbarpoor, even sadeghi finds it hard to get fixed.
        so I wouldnt have worried about ss players , even at that time.


        2- absolutely spot on on the matter of "creating an atmosphere of competition" among the TM players.
        something that was missing in previous fellow's reign of 5 long years.

        3- another point I'd like to add to your very good post is how GN has re-ignited the fire in the belly of all IPL players .
        the previous fellow's methods literally killed any sort of motivation and encouragement among the IPL players who were left out, as he rarely called anyone in, and even less, KEPT them ( examples are less than a handful in his last 2 years ).
        Many players complained no matter how hard they practice, no matter how well they perform, they will NOT get the nod.
        and that killed any motivation any aspiring player would have!
        but now, the players left out KNOW and BELIEVE they have a chance to join the team if they perform well.
        in a matter of a couple of months we have seen many aspiring and talented players get the chance to show their stuff.
        for example, sheiss rezaei, kiyanoosh rahmati, shafi'ee , sadeghi, talebloo, .... are noteworthy in this isssue.


        4- having said all that, and despite my appreciation and commendations for the job well done, I still maintain GN is NOT the right coach for the AC2007 and beyond.

        we need a more experienced and more wiley coach like Denizli ( notice how pp plays its football, which is far better than what we've seen from them in the past many years ).
        Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 10-05-2006, 04:43 AM.


          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
          I think now that his team is a bit more settled we see lesser and lesser ss players in the team, which is testament to what I explained above.
          we dont see the likes of ghorbani, akbarpoor, even sadeghi finds it hard to get fixed.
          so I wouldnt have worried about ss players , even at that time....
          just a small comment doctor jan..
          -akbarpour is injured otherwise most probably he would be there..
          -sadeghi might not be invited but ansarian might replace him instead. however if marfavi had played sadeghi againt saba, maybe sadeghi would get invited too..
          -ghorbani and amirabadi were only invited by ghalenoi the first time when he had no time to make a team but they both got crossed off the list that time itself..
          -fekri will most probably still be there
          -kazemi is still there
          -talebloo will most probably be there
          Originally posted by siavasharian

          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
            Hafez jan,

            on the matter of ss players filling the TM roster as soon as GN took over:
            it is extremely natural for such an event.
            we must remember GN was their coach, which means he knows them and how they play far far better than any other player in Iran

            it also meant with the new TM which would lack coordination ( due to missing legioners and an overall change in roster ), we could at least utilize 5-6 or even 7 players from ONE CLUB who are already coordinated.
            so this reduces the total chaos in TM's movement.

            I think now that his team is a bit more settled we see lesser and lesser ss players in the team, which is testament to what I explained above.
            we dont see the likes of ghorbani, akbarpoor, even sadeghi finds it hard to get fixed.
            so I wouldnt have worried about ss players , even at that time.

            Chakerim Dr.
            If we are to look at this issue from that point of view, you are absolutely right!
            Thanks for your very good reply.
            We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

            "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
            And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."



              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
              3- another point I'd like to add to your very good post is how GN has re-ignited the fire in the belly of all IPL players .
              the previous fellow's methods literally killed any sort of motivation and encouragement among the IPL players who were left out, as he rarely called anyone in, and even less, KEPT them ( examples are less than a handful in his last 2 years ).
              for example, sheiss rezaei, kiyanoosh rahmati, shafi'ee , sadeghi, talebloo, .... are noteworthy in this isssue.
              Off the list announced for Taiwan, 11 are legioners! The most ever. That is a match against a "non-existing" Taiwanees team but still half of the invitees are not IPL players. Off your example, none are invited that were not there before(Talebloo has been), even for a game against Taiwan
              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
              Go IRAN!


                It's a good thing to see more legioners in these games. We should never underestimate the weaker opponents. It's also a chance for many of our "fixed" TM players to find more coordination and becoming better together. On the other hand, this closes the door for IPL players to try to enter TM. It could also lead to a more passive and lame attitude among the IPL players as they might feel that "it doesn't matter how hard I try, I won't get in anyway".
                We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

                "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
                And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."



                  personally, I would have liked to see the IPL + UAE players against taiwan.

                  Taiwan is scarcely tougher than Guam or ..., and I dont think dragging the likes of karimi, kia, VH, ... for this game is needed at all.

                  the only thing that I can think of as an excuse to bring these players is the "goal difference", which may come into play .

                  now, I am not sure how the seeding of the groups are done for the AC 2007, and for all I know the seeding wil not follow the qualification round at all.
                  but if ( and other members can check if it is true ) the topping teams in their respective groups are seeded as #1 in the grouping, then I can understand why GN is not leaving any stones unturned, to maximise our chances.
                  but this depends on the seeding, and I am not too sure about that one.

                  we failed to capitalize on taiwan's trip to azadi and scored a measely 4 goals.
                  whereas Korea scored 8-0 AT taiwan ( I think ).
                  so I guess GN has to compensate for this also.


                  the other reason for dragging most legioners for this EASY game may be to become more coordinated for the very crucial Korean visit at Azadi, upon which hinges the topping of the group only.
                  which brings us back to the idea of seeding and ... at AC 2007
                  Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 10-06-2006, 08:18 AM.


                    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                    personally, I would have liked to see the IPL + UAE players against taiwan.

                    Taiwan is scarcely tougher than Guam or ..., and I dont think dragging the likes of karimi, kia, VH, ... for this game is needed at all.

                    the only thing that I can think of as an excuse to bring these players is the "goal difference", which may come into play .

                    now, I am not sure how the seeding of the groups are done for the AC 2007, and for all I know the seeding wil not follow the qualification round at all.
                    but if ( and other members can check if it is true ) the topping teams in their respective groups are seeded as #1 in the grouping, then I can understand why GN is not leaving any stones unturned, to maximise our chances.
                    but this depends on the seeding, and I am not too sure about that one.

                    we failed to capitalize on taiwan's trip to azadi and scored a measely 4 goals.
                    whereas Korea scored 8-0 AT taiwan ( I think ).
                    so I guess GN has to compensate for this also.


                    the other reason for dragging most legioners for this EASY game may be to become more coordinated for the very crucial Korean visit at Azadi, upon which hinges the topping of the group only.
                    which brings us back to the idea of seeding and ... at AC 2007
                    Dokki, I think GN is afraid for his job. Imagine if Syria gets lucky to beat Korea in Seoul, I know long shot but they can get lucky like how they got lucky against us in Tehran and Taipe gets a draw or younger inexperince Iranian players chocke against Taiwan in Taiwan in Taipe, now Iran will be in tough shape and game against Korea becaomes a win or die, since Syria will kill Taiwan in the last game sepcially if they feel they have a chance to go to the next round.
                    Iran won't make it to the Asian cup and that is the end of the GN at TM. So I think it is more politics and he is trying to save his skin/job.
                    I wish he was showing more vision and less risk averse and bascially play IPL team from LG plus maybe Nekoonam and Karimi to act as playmaker and lead the team against Taiwan.
                    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                      GN is afraid to lose. this was his chance to show his gutts and use younger players instead of kia,karimi, rezaei and the rest
                      Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
                      O.G from '97 & still here


                        I don't see a problem with a fear to lose . But the will to win must always be bigger and stronger than the fear of losing .
                        A problem TM has had for as long as I can remember is the lack of teamwork on the field. Even though we hav ehad coaches for several years, for instance Branko we haven't seen anything that indicated a 5 year reign because the team parts were not syncronized. I'm not bashing Branko though, so don't get me wrong. I was a fan of him. But what I'm trying to say (again) is that it is good that GN uses the good player, because when we faced the big teams in the past, we all wished for a better calibrated and syncronized TM.
                        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

                        "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
                        And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


