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Which player is being treated most unjustly by ghalenoei?

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    Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia
    1)u never know, maybe nobody cared to point out ur previous spelling mistakes
    2)u just made a second mistake in ur 8000 posts.
    u mean "site" not "sight"
    u can correct this one urself though
    i did that on purpose, i wanted to see if anyone would catch it, and you did, rep for u




        Originally posted by pajamNL
        think thats true
        but i really dont think GN will bother calling Zandi, even when he is fit again
        I meant Kaabi, He came in as a sub in 2002 Asian game and pretty much
        did not lose his spot. He has been the workhorse of TM working very well
        with Mehdi and allowing Mehdi more freedom on the right. Considering his
        young age (just turned 22) with 50!! international caps already to his name
        GN should use this talent+experience rather than going to waste. I just hope
        this does not become another Mojahed Khazeeravee.

        As for Zandi, as soon as he is back on his feet and can deliever he should be
        allowed back in TM in my humble view. There are many football reasons for
        this, but more important than football reasons, there is a huge none-football

        Zandi is a representatvie of most of YOU! Kids born outside Iran, or otherwise
        kids who were born inside, but whose parents immegrated when they were
        young. Passionate about Iran for ever. IF one is good, he definitely deserves
        a spot in TM. Zandi took a chance but opened a door for all.


          Originally posted by gol_kuchik
          I meant Kaabi, He came in as a sub in 2002 Asian game and pretty much
          did not lose his spot. He has been the workhorse of TM working very well
          with Mehdi and allowing Mehdi more freedom on the right. Considering his
          young age (just turned 22) with 50!! international caps already to his name
          GN should use this talent+experience rather than going to waste. I just hope
          this does not become another Mojahed Khazeeravee.
          As for Zandi, as soon as he is back on his feet and can deliever he should be
          allowed back in TM in my humble view. There are many football reasons for
          this, but more important than football reasons, there is a huge none-football
          Zandi is a representatvie of most of YOU! Kids born outside Iran, or otherwise
          kids who were born inside, but whose parents immegrated when they were
          young. Passionate about Iran for ever. IF one is good, he definitely deserves
          a spot in TM. Zandi took a chance but opened a door for all.
          well spoken!

          Kaebi is in my eyes, one of the best rightback defenders in the world!
          With his talent and experience at such a young age, he MUST have a place in the starting line up....
          This is another example of GN he misjudgement and lack of recognizing talent

          Zandi, a good midfielder, but as you allready stated, there is more to it! he stands for a new time, a time where the worldis a smaller place, and iranians living globe wide!

          for people like me (left Iran at age 8) or people who were even born outside Iran, like Zandi. its a sign that we all are iranians, hamvatanis

          Goooo TM, Gooo Iran!

          But our bright future is in danger with people such as GN
          Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
          O.G from '97 & still here


            Originally posted by The-Red
            i wonder why there are so many of us who think zandi deserves a spot in our team while we have so many talents inside iran that are better than him..
            who would you put forward inside Iran as better than Zandi?

            On the left... Madaanchi? Nikbakht? Hmmmm....

            Maybe Maneei I can understand but I still think Zandi's quick decision making and accurate passing makes him the better player.

            Or if you mean as a central midfielder then I still think Zandi's European style play makes him a more valuable player than the likes of Shojaei and Mobali who still have inconsistencies and too many errors in their game.

