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Anyone else having problems understanding GN's selection?

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    Anyone else having problems understanding GN's selection?

    Not necessarily meant as critisizm, but he invites 20 players, of which three are keepers. Of the 17 field players, 4 are strikers (ok), 4 are defenders (considering that we play a threeback only one reserve defender might be a bit risky, but since we face weak Taipei it's hopefully ok) and 9 are midfielders.

    The 9 mfs are the 5 probable starters (Kia-Nekounam-Karimi-Teymourian-Nikbakht) plus 4 reserves. Now the 4 reserves are 3 rightwingers (Kaabi, Rajabzadeh, Kazemian) and then Nouri to cover the other mf postions alone basically.

    It looks like a pretty imbalanced squad. One defender sub, no real leftwing sub, no real dm sub (know Nouri can play it, but he's more an offensive mid) but three rightwing subs...

    Not a big deal against Taipei, but I for my part am surprised...

    Squad: Ebrahim Mirzapour, Hassan Roudbarian, Vahid Taleblo, Siavash Akbarpour, Mohamad Nosrati, Hadi Shakouri, Alireza Nikbakht Vahedi, Mehdi Mahdavikia, Ali Karimi, Farhad Majidi, Hossein Kaabi, Mehdi Rajab Zade, Rahman Rezaie, Pejman Nouri, Ali Ansarian, Javad Nekounam, Andranik Teymourian, Javad Kazemian, Reza Enayeti, Rasoul Khatibi

    the only thing that branko has over ghalenoei is his player selection. They were a LITTLE more logical. I have no idea what ghalenoei is doing with his players.


      Ghale Noi Sekke mindaze va Estekhare mikone


        Originally posted by nyc3469
        the only thing that branko has over ghalenoei is his player selection.
        That is absolutely not true. A case could be made that they are equal, but Branko is definately not superior to GN in player selection.

        I don't think GN realistically needs another defensive midfielder. In my opinion Nekounam and Teymourian shouldn't even be played togather, especially not against a team like Chinese Taipai.

        If Kaebi is to be used he will probably be used to create a fourback, as he was used for that purpose previously by GN.

        Mirzapour appears to be injured all the time recently so that would explain why there are three goaltenders.

        The real area which is problematic is our forward line. Khatibi, and Majidi definately do not deserve to be in tm. Borhani and Oladi do deserve a spot and are not given the chance to perform.

        I think the selection is a little light in the playmaker department. Considering Karimi is not performing, it would have been reassuring to have Mobali or Shojaei in the team, not just Rajabzadeh.

        Nikbakht should also not have been invited.
        The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


          I dont understand why we are using our A team vs Taipei, GN was always quick to criticize Branko because he used the A-team too often, but it seems that GN is doing the EXACT same thing


            You are very correct Martin-Reza in that player selections and back up
            seems very uneven for left vs right.

            Originally posted by KasraKhan
            I dont understand why we are using our A team vs Taipei, GN was always quick to criticize Branko because he used the A-team too often, but it seems that GN is doing the EXACT same thing
            He is using the A team, for exactly the same reason Domenech called Zidane
            out of retirement against 134th rankded Faroe Island for WC qualification.
            Because he does not want to look like a fool, and can you blame him?

            If GN uses the full squad against Korea (assuming a win over Taipe) then
            your criticism would be very valid. Altough in the unimportant LG cup
            he let a lot of players play and gain experience.

            Just found out, England tied Masedonia in 2008 Euro cup qualifier.


              I mean i understand the problems with his selections but wat can he do? he is at the mercy of not only our euro legionnares clubs, but at the mercy of our players who play abroad in the arab countries b/c they want to and i think rightly so make some money before they get injured or too old for football.

              What can GN do? He ends up picking random selections of euro, and arab based players mixed with a few IPL players and none of these players have had more than 3 training sessions together.

              We cant make a team out of this. The whole structure of player priorties must change. until then every coaches selections will look very similar.

              PFDC 10 Years & Counting
              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
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                wasnt hossein kazemi invited too??
                Originally posted by siavasharian

                بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                  I don't think this is Ghalenoei's fault. The initial list was different than this. He is facing sudden change of plan. They are still trying to get visa for those left out, that is Madanchi & Kazemi. IFF has filed complained w/ AFC against Taiwan for not issuing the visa for them.

                  Here is the original list, and if there was no problem I think it was a complete list:


                  Rezaei, Fekri, Nosrati(Shakouri, Ansarian, Kaabi*for 4 men defense switch).
                  Since Nosrati can play all three positions, then there was no need for the third one.
                  Also, Kaabi is a reserve for the defense when they switch to 4 men defense as they did in Korea.

                  Kia(Kazemian)(Kaabi if necessary)

                  Enayati-Majidi(Khatibi) *Hashemian didn't show up.

                  Then, we ran into problem. Madanchi & Kazemi are having visa problems. We still have Nouri for defMid. Don't forget he played both defMid & defender(both sweeper and left) which he did so well in Perspolis. But we might be out of options for left wing of 3-5-2 in this case. If that becomes the case that we need one during the match for Vahedi, then Kia moves there and we still have Kazemian & Kaabi for right wing. Also, Ghalnoei likes to switch formations which means if he needs to get Vahedi out, then he can switch to 4 men midfield and put Karimi in left midfield as he did against Korea. This is the most likely scenario if Vahedi leaves the game. Look for him switching to 3-4-3 to put more offense. That is why he has replaced Madanchi (if he doesn't get visa) w/ a forward (Akbarpour) conditionally, that is if Akbarpour covers on time for the match & Madanchi doesn't get visa. He has more options to switch to 3-4-3 during the match.
                  We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                  Go IRAN!


                    GN isn't the coach TM needs, as time past by, you will see more 'evidence' of his lack of quality to be a coach of a National Team.....
                    Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
                    O.G from '97 & still here


                      I do have a problem with his selection.

                      till today, he could and did enjoy a bit laxity from the fans due to the time constraints and circumstances.
                      but i, personally, am running out of patience with haphazzard selection and line ups.

                      I guess the KOREA game is THE one for me to decide if he's worth my support anymore, or not.


                        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                        I guess the KOREA game is THE one for me to decide if he's worth my support anymore, or not.

                        Khoda be dadesh berese doktor joon HAMLE HAMLE


                          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                          I do have a problem with his selection.

                          till today, he could and did enjoy a bit laxity from the fans due to the time constraints and circumstances.
                          but i, personally, am running out of patience with haphazzard selection and line ups.

                          I guess the KOREA game is THE one for me to decide if he's worth my support anymore, or not.
                          hmmmm, does "not selecting Mobali" for the squad incidently has anything to do with it?
                          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                          Go IRAN!


                            actually at the time of that post I was not aware mobali was not invited.

                            and NO. that had nothing to do with my views.

                            it's just that we are suffering from extreme styles selection .
                            one was branko who closed the door to almost every player outside his favorite cricle ( unless one of his favorites really got injured or ... ).
                            and now we see wholesale changes with each and every game, under GN !

                            testing new faces is good.
                            but there ought to be some order and method to such acts.


                              I don't mind the testing new players. I think as long as he is competent enough to find the correct talent that will in the end fit well together in tm it is okay to test so many new players.

                              However, his constant calling up of Madanchi and Nikbakht, as well as the forwards who have not proved capable is what is disturbing. I hope to see an end to such behavior sooner than later.
                              The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.

