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What is behind the poor performance?

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    What is behind the poor performance?

    I did not see the whole game, but I can't help it but to think we played a poor game as a team, lack of a game plan was kind of evident, I thought there were some players who whether did not care or were tired, did not deserve a spot in the team, I have nothing against Ghalenoe and the rest of the coache, they should perhaps stay around untill the end of the year, but the sooner we bring in a decent coach, the better our chances at bringing back the Asian Cup next year...remember, teams like Austriallia, KSA, Japan, Korea, China will be our worry, not Syria or Taivan.

    Ghaleonoe and the rest of the vatani coaches in charge right now must be replaced before the cup.
    Player's lack of motivation
    Coaching staff and their lack of knowledge
    Othe reasons
    We did what we had to, therefore, I am satisfied

    The poll is expired.

    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.

    Branko and Dadkan undermined our football for years. We now have to pull ourselves out of the ditch they created for us. The lack of a proper head of federation and good international coach is slowing our progress.

    That said too many players were walking the pitch today, so I have heavy doubts whether or not they gave it their all or just wanted the win by a satisfactory margin. Perhaps fasting played a role as well and tm were tired as a result.
    The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


      1- BIG Names ; which means lack of concentration and motivation for these players

      It's madness and idiocy to drag all these big names from their european clubs here, to play against taiwan.
      I am dead sure if we had the recent L.G. line up, we'd have done far better . at least these new faces would have been determined and motivated to do well.

      2- Gutless approach by GN ( ala branko ) who used TWO defensive mids against such a pisspoor team ( see? I make no distinctions between coaches. no partiallity )

      teymoorian shd NEVER be used in games where we are the better team, or when we have to win.
      his usefulness is to be restricted to games against better teams than us.

      what was the point in his running around, helter skelter, tackling and .... when there was hardly anything to be tackled?
      what was the use of a destructive player when there was almost NOTHING to destroy?
      a player like Rajab-zadeh or Shoja'i or .... would have boosted the team's potential.

      GN's gutless and risk-averseness peaked when taiwan lost a man, and instead of taking out a def mid, GN takes out a forward !!!!
      I mean this is as pathetic as branko's wimpy tactics.

      3- no left side for the team. this could be becoz of both Taiwanis & Iranian officials' idiocy AND GN's lack of plannng for the side, in case of madanchi-niki combo missing the game.

      so, I'm voting for the first 3 options
      Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 10-11-2006, 09:42 AM.


        I havent seen the whole match yet, but I think it was lack of motivation. the first goal was scored too easily.
        afterwards the players had no motivation to create some great scoring oppurtunities. they saw that they could get that with only low effort.
        also they became arrogant and thought that they were too good to waste any energy on such an opponent


          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
          1- BIG Names ; which means lack of concentration and motivation for these players

          It's madness and idiocy to drag all these big names from their european clubs here, to play against taiwan.
          I am dead sure if we had the recent L.G. line up, we'd have done far better . at least these new faces would have been determined and motivated to do well.
          I think that GN wanted to use that match to have his team together. he hasnt found his team yet (especially not the first 11). also the team hasnt found itself.
          so he wanted to gather them to have them train together. you cant have that with a national eam really often.
          the team and the coaching staff have yet to grow together


            Let the coaches work. GN and his staff remained unbeaten in the first 7 matches. I doubt any Iranian coach of the past 25 years had a record like that.

            No matter what we think of this staff, you can't fire any coach with such a record.


              Originally posted by Martin-Reza
              Let the coaches work. GN and his staff remained unbeaten in the first 7 matches. I doubt any Iranian coach of the past 25 years had a record like that.
              No matter what we think of this staff, you can't fire any coach with such a record.
              MR jan, you are right, but just look at who played against in the past 7 games,,,and, I don't have to remind you how we tied the only real team we played against and ...

              the point is, there is no problem with letting a coach and his assists do their work, except that we have a year till the asian cup, and if we going there to win, we can't trust the currect coaches, if we are going just to participate, then GN is the best man for the job!
              Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                Originally posted by The-Red
                MR jan, you are right, but just look at who played against in the past 7 games,,,and, I don't have to remind you how we tied the only real team we played against and ...
                the point is, there is no problem with letting a coach and his assists do their work, except that we have a year till the asian cup, and if we going there to win, we can't trust the currect coaches, if we are going just to participate, then GN is the best man for the job!
                I wouldn't have hired GN in first place nor am I totally convinced of his qualities, but once he is hired and then delivers the results, firing him just like that is simply no option. It would be unprofessional and unfair and it would put you in worse position for future negotiations with coaches, because they'd know they might be fired for no reason as well and you'd financially have to make up for that risk.


                  First let's answer the question, did TM have a sub-par performance?
                  The answer to that question is clearly a YES, based on Syrias 4-0
                  and Koreas 8-0 result against Taipe. But if that does not convince you,
                  go directly to the TM coach Mr.Ebrahimi:


                  Ebraihimi is admiting that TM underperfomed in failing to score more
                  goals. Then he sites some factors from the long trip, lack of
                  sleep for players, tight schedules and even players exhausation and inability
                  to stay alert during practices as the reasons for poor results. All of which
                  are valid.

                  When we add the fact that a player like Madanchi (regardless of what you
                  think about him) could not even get VISA and did not make it, this all point
                  to one thing:

                  Lack of planning, which falls entirely on IFF. In a different thread, I
                  asked some basic questions about why LG cup was held in Jordan and
                  none had the answer. Issues like players VISA and planning to make sure
                  the schedules makes sense when you have players come half way around
                  the world all fall on IFF lap. It is not like we
                  found out about the game against Taipe last week is it? Unfortunately
                  issues like this don't get properly scrutenized. As a result most of the
                  blame (as indicated by this thread) is falsely put on coaching staff, or players.

                  Fortunately, we did ok this time around, but if we didn't people would be
                  after the head of every player and TM coach, and wrongly too!

                  IFF must start planning and be held accountable for what is their responsibilty.


                    here's what i am saying...if GN decides to go in with full force, meaning inviting all the european based players for such a game, then he better make sure his team demolish the weak apponent so we get a better goal average and win the group...NOW, if he just wants to win the game and gurantee us a spot in the asian cup, then do we not trust the IPL based players to beat Taiwan by 2 goals? why not just field a team that perhaps lacks international expreince but can get the job done and bring the points back.,,,,but GN not only fileded a team with all the stars and did not get the result we should have,,,most IPL players invited to the Jordan tournament did not even play a min.
                    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                      As for GN, I see early warning signs that is worrying. In an interview about
                      the TMs lackluster performance he was putting blame on some players
                      motivation, which is the worst thing a coach should say. So I am completely
                      on the fence as far as GN as the head coach, although so far he has done
                      a reasonable job. Professionalism of a coach will show in adversity and not
                      when results are achieved, so he has yet to be tested in this regard.

                      Having said that, in Taipe game GN was caugth between a rock and hard
                      place. If he took the Iranian based players only, may be we would have
                      even tied. Then we would be here blaming him why he did not take the A
                      team when this was an official FIFA date. So I would not want to at all
                      second guess him on that. (Put yourself in his shoes). The reason behind
                      players excessive tiredness stems from their travel from Iran to Jordan and
                      back and then to Taipe in a course of less than a week and not enough
                      time for players to adjust. Unless GN was
                      responsible for planning LG cup which I very much doubt, then the
                      responsibility is with IFF which presumably made all the arrangment and "planning". This can also explain why GN did not use all of his subs, may
                      be he felt the bench was not any more ready.

