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Admiring Daei

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    Originally posted by smanhoobi
    My blinds are not on perspolees jaan.
    Iranians "DO" a lot of things to their heros. The attached is a proof of it. Mind you, this is from a person you adore (I like him for other reasons, this is not sarcasm). I bring you a history:

    Now, Iranians are always right? Abedzadeh was not a hero, ha? Or is it Parvin who does not know a thing?
    Tamashagar Namaha, ha? As long as the issue is "Daei" , we dont have Tamashagar Namaha?
    I dont know. I leave it to people to decide the attitude of the Iranian football fans and their "vision".
    You are right Soheil Jaan,

    But I think two things are getting mixed up here. People in Esfehan insulted Abedzadeh the keeper of PP who was playing against an Esfehani team. Not the Abedzadeh that was TM keeper. Of course I amnot defending what they did but I am separating the two.

    1. the issue of belittling our heros
    2. the bad environment in our stadiums which has been there for ever.

    my point is that if instead of Abedzadeh , there was another keeper in goal , he would get the same treatment from those Esfehani fans. Even parvin used to hear it from the crowd from time to time (as coach and player). I remember that hitting players of the visiting team with rocks to be the normal thing to do in our stadiums, specially in smaller cities.

    so the issue of Disrespectful and degrading chants in our stadium is the bigger concern than protection of OUR TM Heros against the chanters.
    We must attack the root problem instead of defending a leaf on top branch.

    I guess what I am saying is, if Parvin who had seen many of these situations in his time, along with other members of football community had made an effort to change the Nasty state of affairs in our Stadiums altogether and for everyone and NOT JUST for Abedzadeh or Daie or our Heros, we would have achieved the goal by now. And I promise you untill ALL players, coaches, Referees get respected in our stadiums, we WILL NOT see the day that our heros are respected they way the deserve it.

    So we have to take the approach and change it from a let's respect our Heros to Let's respect ALL to get result. I don't care if a player has played One or 100 games for TM, both must be respected in our Stadiums.


      Originally posted by behzadb
      You are right Soheil Jaan,

      But I think two things are getting mixed up here. People in Esfehan insulted Abedzadeh the keeper of PP who was playing against an Esfehani team. Not the Abedzadeh that was TM keeper. Of course I amnot defending what they did but I am separating the two.
      Behzad jaan. I just bring this quote to mention a little thing. Actually it is to emphasize what you mentioned in the end of it. As for the rest of your comments, we are in full agreement.

      What difference does it make if it is Esfahani fans, Persepolisi fans, or if the player is playing for TeamMelli, Persepolis or Saipa for that matter? Besides, I can remind you of many incidents before and after that Esfahan game against Abedzadeh in different form an shapes. The thing is, we have problems. I brought this quote to prove how a person whom we all accept as the best goal keeper Iran had ever had is being treated by "us". So, we DO things to our heros.

      The second thing is how one is getting defended for actions, fans are criticised for committing them and chants of support floats from the mouth of Mr. Parvin for a "TeamMelli" hero. While the same person does different when it comes to another hero TeamMelli player, Daei.

      I say, this is not obsurd. We are obsurd.

      Branko comes. In some eyes he sucks. But , the least he does is that he brings in some respect. Respect when talking, respect for hierarchy, respect for works done in the past, respect of wearing a national jersey by any particular player, respect for ........ and many other things.

      Baba, if we suck anyways, lets at least lay the foundations of a few things where change can emerge from.

      I suggest everyone to read that news piece from 2 posts ago. Its a clear example of our "vision".

      Behzad jaan. Thats for the rest of it. I learned quite a bit from the wisdom put into a few sentences you put in your reply.
      Last edited by smanhoobi; 01-24-2007, 06:00 PM.
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


        Originally posted by smanhoobi

        What difference does it make if it is Esfahani fans, Persepolisi fans, or if the player is playing for TeamMelli, Persepolis or Saipa for that matter? Besides, I can remind you of many incidents before and after that Esfahan game against Abedzadeh in different form an shapes. The thing is, we have problems. I brought this quote to prove how a person whom we all accept as the best goal keeper Iran had ever had is being treated by "us". So, we DO things to our heros.
        thanks soheil jaan for your reply. I first want to clarify that by refering to Esfehani fans, I did not mean to say it's just them. Not at all. since the issue of Abedzadeh in that piece of news you had put up took place in Esfehan, I used that example in my post.

        You are absolutely right, it does not matter who the fans are or who the player or the hero is. People MUST accept a simple fact that respecting our players, coaches , referees is no different than respecting our teachers in classrooms.

        I don't ever recall students in a classroom chanting , shireh folan tooy oonjaye moalem, ya nazem ya modeer. never.

        Why? not because we loved the teacher so much, actually hated them often, but we never acted that way in a class room, because we were afraid of the consequences.

        So, huge punishments for clubs, management AND individual fans who chant profanities or degrade or throw rocks at our players , coaches or referees in ALL stadiums, is the way to go.


        you touched on another, yet bigger issue in your second point:

        Originally posted by smanhoobi
        The second thing is how one is getting defended for actions, fans are criticised for committing them and chants of support floats from the mouth of Mr. Parvin for a "TeamMelli" hero. While the same person does different when it comes to another hero TeamMelli player, Daei.
        I don’t even know where to begin with this one.

        After Parvin had made that comment about Abedzadeh , IF the Esfahani club had released an statement condemning the action of their fans, don’t you think it might have had some positive effect? Has that ever happened in Iran ? A club or a coach or manager releasing a statement, condemning their own fan’s behavior and apologizing for their fans? NO. Instead, the men in charge of teams and clubs have always either defended or have limited their comments to one phrase: “tamashagar namaha”!

        Which is more deplorable? Parvin’s hypocrisy over Abedzadeh and Daie or our football leaders’ double standards with their pretentious demand for respect and the questionable silence about what our fans have done to our referees and their mothers for so many decades now?

        Therefore, as I have said before, I hold the leaders of our football community (players, coaches..) and the decision makers of our leagues and men in charge of sports administration, responsible for not facing up to the challenge and stepping up pressure on fans to either rid of this nasty habit or else! But it has to be done at all levels.

        I think the reason our leaders have not been very successful in doing that is because they don’t really respect each other in the first place.


          Nice discussion. I like it.


            Originally posted by smanhoobi
            My blinds are not on perspolees jaan.
            Iranians "DO" a lot of things to their heros. The attached is a proof of it. Mind you, this is from a person you adore (I like him for other reasons, this is not sarcasm). I bring you a history:

            Now, Iranians are always right? Abedzadeh was not a hero, ha? Or is it Parvin who does not know a thing?
            Tamashagar Namaha, ha? As long as the issue is "Daei" , we dont have Tamashagar Namaha?
            People said everything they wanted to Abedzadeh and they did it for a long time. And Mr. Parvin says:" Well, if you say stuff like that to the man, he is eventually going to react". (in other words, "Naachareh")
            Now, the same "tamashagar" who virtually and constantly cursed at Abedzadeh ( A teamelli hero that we ALL admire) is doing the same to Ali Daei. In Mr. Parvin's mind, Abedazdeh was entitled to react. For heaven's sake, Daei does not even react that way.
            I dont know. I leave it to people to decide the attitude of the Iranian football fans and their "vision".
            Come on Perspolees jaan. We are not always right.
            This is the quote from Mr. Parvin in this piece. An EYE OPENER:
            "What is this mess you guys in media created? Wasnt this the same Abedzadeh who sacrificed his head in fron of Australia and USA just few months ago and you all cheered up for him? This is what you do to such player? Lets support him. If you don’t, I ll assure you, you will never see a healthy game in any stadium in Iran."
            Well, for once, he is completely right on the red portion of this quote.
            Come on baba. Thats our problem. You claim, perspolees jaan, that our fundamentals are not correct. You fail to mention that fundamentals are paved by "us". And this is who we are. A bunch of unfair people who act based on where the wind is blowing and not based on what we think is right, regardless of whether our father, mother, sister or brother or friend is involved.
            Thats why, we are not "capable". And to fix that, we need to "LEARN". And for learning bits and pieces, we need a "teacher". And this teacher needs to be "qualified". And Daei is "going" to be one of them. Branko, was another sample. Not for his "techniques and tactics" as we adore to have. But because of many other things he and people similar to him can bring.
            You needed vision. Thats vision for you. Without a single blind on.

            but trying to relate this and make it the same thing stick with Daei is unrealistic to say the least!

            If you believe that Daei's dislike is a minority move or something llike 2 people yelling and swearing at Abedzadeh's wife that he reacted back then then you are either too naive or you are fishing to prove a point that does not exist!

            A full stadium, followed by almost the whole nation Booed Daei, the main reason for that my friend is not a conspiracy theory or flaws within Iranina culture, it was Mr. Daei's own mistake and his lack of performance thats all. Do I believe that some writers and magazines banked on this you betcha, do I believe that some peole were just having ther personal agenda, you betcha!
            Do I think that Daei deserved being sworn at, absolutely not!

            but remember the main reason was daei himself, and as such you have never heard a full stadium doing anything but cheering for abedzade, or a whole nation saying god damn you man just freaking leave!

            yes there are incidents as you posted, but try to keep them at what they are, Daei's event as I said is not a cultural flaw nor was a national vandeta or a conspiracy theory, read the lips of a nation! He screwed up!

            last but not least, my friend you are still off by thinking that "fundamentals are paved by us" fundamentals are laid down by men and women of vision!
            vision my friend is to first realize what's wrong..then try to attack the problem and solve it,....

            if the argument here ius that swearing ( not only to daei but to anyone ) wrong, then an attempt to solve this condition is a socioeconomic and culturally bound long journey.

            but infrastructure and fundamentals of improving professional football that I am talking about is a much different topic...

            This topic here is admiring Daei, right now I am admiring him for the job he is doing with Saipa, a fact thats out there, just like another fact that is out there and the nation has spoken to it, HE SCREWED UP! PERIOD!
            Last edited by perspolees; 02-05-2007, 07:58 PM.
            deerooz, emrooz, farda
            The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
            Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


              for those who are trying to squeeze in a swearing problem that we have, please note that in shahrestans all the time the tehrani teams have been sworn at ( this goes back to takhte jamshid and shah era) to the worst possible way.
              This is a problem and needs to be attended to by not jailing peole but by educating people, many other things are attached to this discussion that is beyond this post, and needs a broad spectrum evaluation. Yes swearing is bad no doubt!

              but remeber Daei was sworn at and booed for reasons beyond the fact that in farsi calling your buddy a K-O-O-N-I is a term of endearment!! these are two different things, we are a foul speaking nation? maybe..does that need to go, absolutely...

              But Daei, HE SCREWED UP HIMSELF!PERIOD!
              Last edited by perspolees; 02-05-2007, 08:09 PM.
              deerooz, emrooz, farda
              The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
              Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                Originally posted by perspolees

                But Daei, HE SCREWED UP HIMSELF!PERIOD!
                i emphasize on HIMSELF.
                Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                  Daei didn't screw up at all. People would have liked so because they couldn't understand why an old man was still better than our young strikers.


                    Originally posted by Martin-Reza
                    Daei didn't screw up at all. People would have liked so because they couldn't understand why an old man was still better than our young strikers.
                    I am not so sure if that's true,,,but I guess we will all have our own opinions about daie and further discussions will not solve the issue on this guy.
                    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                      Originally posted by Martin-Reza
                      Daei didn't screw up at all. People would have liked so because they couldn't understand why an old man was still better than our young strikers.
                      na azizjan
                      majority of football authorities and fans in millions! did and do believe that he was not better than any of our league strikers
                      he screwed up in Dubai, then in Iran getting hammered by enayati three years in a row, he never got to show any stats , he was good in the eyes of a scared and chicken shit branko ...
                      again the reason that daei went down in iran and tm as such was because of his own wrong actions and lackluster performance and insisting on a spot to world cup..
                      deerooz, emrooz, farda
                      The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                      Future of true professional football if any in Iran!

