Mohammad Gholamin ate with his former teammate after the game.(Malavan vs Peykan)

I saw such a pic several times.
For example,Hosseini go back Anzali when nowrūz? and wear Malavan's Jersey before the game.Shirzad,Pejman Nouri,Mirtoroghi...They were also similar.
Why Are all of Malavan players love his club like Sirous Ghayeghran?
Is there something a special reason?

I saw such a pic several times.
For example,Hosseini go back Anzali when nowrūz? and wear Malavan's Jersey before the game.Shirzad,Pejman Nouri,Mirtoroghi...They were also similar.
Why Are all of Malavan players love his club like Sirous Ghayeghran?
Is there something a special reason?