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What do you think about Branko's answers in Navad?

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    What do you think about Branko's answers in Navad?

    I would like to hear the reaction of folks in the forum to Branko's comment on Nov 15th Navad's program. I know there is strong feeling for and against Branko in the forum. So please let's don't make it another Branko Bashing to Branko defender's tribune. Let's just focus our discussion about his comment in Navad. Again as hard as it might be let's just focus on his comments on Navad (i.e. if you haven't seen his interview in Navad please refrain from expressing your general opinion).
    I watched the game against Macedonia and Togo twice to get a better idea about team Melli. I found it one can have a somewhat objective opinion when the whole excitement of the game situation is not there. Then I listened to Branko's comments on 90, I was somewhat disappointed.
    I am a high school and a youth level soccer coach (USSF C excitement) and I by no means think I am that the level to compare myself with Branko or anyone his level. But even for a Joe like me I was hoping he addresses the following issues:
    1- Mirzapoor's and future of Iran's goalie situation: He has played him for both serious and friendlies 99% of the times. What if he injures in WC06. Remember how Abbed Zadeh was injured in our first game on WC98, Nakisa had to play against Yougouslaves and he goofed up on that free kick. As a coach even at high school level you try to build depth in every position. I think he has not done that at least at the goalie position. Again I don't think I am the one who has the answer but atleast I would like to hear his logic. But he just didn't address the issue.
    2-Team line up & player development: Lot of people who are serious soccer fan and I would like to hear his philosophy about team development. why against Togo (after loosing to Macedonia) or even Macedonia in the first game our first team players have to play. How long we will play the same 13-14 players that we have played for the past 2-3 years? By player development I am not suggesting he has to develop players at the Teame Melli level (for technique and tactics). But he still is responsible to develope the sense of self confidence and encourage positive constructive competition within Teame Melli. I don't think his policy of fixed players play 90% of the time is conducive to grow self confidence and competition among the Teame Melli players in the camp.
    3- What is his goal for the WC06? Decent show in the first round only? Second round? Higher up?
    4- Tactical predictability: To be fair, Iran's soccer (Teame Melli) under his Dame has improved. As someone who knows a little bit about soccer tactics and team speed, Iran now plays overlap with Kaabi and Zarre. Number of consecutive passes in the middle third is pretty good. In both Macedonia and Togo game there was a lot of switching of the game. So good things are happening. Having said that, Teame Melli can not penetrate against the packed defenses. Macedonia was a great example. There are no tactical variety in our team. Teame Melli can not change (or maybe I don't see it at least) during the game. As soon as our team plays against packed defenses, Team Melli gets bugged down. Our national team could not break the Macedonia defense. Against Togo we scored 2 goals. But African teams despite having good physical strength, speed and technique and good offensive soccer style, they lack defensive tactics. As a proof of my claim (weak Togolies defense) I remember Hashemian twice dribbled the Togo's right defender in the penalty box one on one and there were no Togolies stooper or sweeper to cover (support)Togo's right back . A half decent defense would not allow that specially within the box.
    5- Teame Melli's weakness against counter attack. When our team losses the ball, most of our players (who are not directly in the area the ball is) are slow to come back. I don't have stats and videos to prove but I bet you a lot of goals against Iran is scored that way. Even in Togo's game, there were 2-3 times when one or two Togolies attacked us on the coutner and GolMohammadi or Nekonam were not to pressure and slow down and rest of the team was too slow to get back to their position.
    One of the things Branko said that kind of disappointed me was that he had the team for only 3 days. Ferdoosi poor should have asked though, the Iranian National team more or less has played wit this line up for the past 3 years. Players like Rahman , Golmohammadi, Nekonum, Zarre, Kaabi, Kia, Karimi has been in the team for more than 4 years now. This time the camp was only three days, but as a coach he probably has submitted log term training plan to IFF (God even at the stupid high school level) I have to give long and short term plans to the Athletic director. So Teame Melli coaching staff must know almost every player inside out and be able to improve aspects that specific player need rework. For example; Mirzapoor has been his player since (2002 WC), he should be able to demonstrate Mirzapoor's progress (footwork, tactical read of the game, leadership skills, timing of his coming outs, etc.) and doesn't say he only had Mirzapoor or rest of the lads for three days.
    I don't think life is black or white. There is a strong shade of grey. So our team Melli is not all gloom and doom or deserve to be the world champion like some of our countrymen suggest.
    I personally was disappointed with Branko's explanations. This was his chance to telling everybody and critics about team melli situation and his plans. I was somewhat disappointed in Ferdoosi poor's performance (since he did not ask hard questions).
    I don't want him to get fired and all. I am merely saying I was disappointed with his comment. I think he had an opportunity to come clean and explain his thinking to Iranian fans. But instead he just complained mostly about the Media (which he is somewhat justified to be pissed off about). I strongly suggest to make this a dialog (try to read the post and rationally think, not to read with a pre-determined attitude for or against Branko) not argument among the forum members. So, hopefully this will be a process in which we all learn things.
    In summary, I hope Iranian sport media and football coaches and experts ask specific questions from Branko. That way we know what is going on in his head. If he sees the same challenges and has a plan to overcome them or he is just merrily go around to do his job and collect his salary (which I don't blame him for that).
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)

    Originally posted by Ali Chicago
    I would like to hear the reaction of folks in the forum to Branko's comment on Nov 15th Navad's program. I know there is strong feeling for and against Branko in the forum. So please let's don't make it another Branko Bashing to Branko defender's tribune. Let's just focus our discussion about his comment in Navad. Again as hard as it might be let's just focus on his comments on Navad (i.e. if you haven't seen his interview in Navad please refrain from expressing your general opinion).
    I watched the game against Macedonia and Togo twice to get a better idea about team Melli. I found it one can have a somewhat objective opinion when the whole excitement of the game situation is not there. Then I listened to Branko's comments on 90, I was somewhat disappointed.
    I am a high school and a youth level soccer coach (USSF C excitement) and I by no means think I am that the level to compare myself with Branko or anyone his level. But even for a Joe like me I was hoping he addresses the following issues:
    1- Mirzapoor's and future of Iran's goalie situation: He has played him for both serious and friendlies 99% of the times. What if he injures in WC06. Remember how Abbed Zadeh was injured in our first game on WC98, Nakisa had to play against Yougouslaves and he goofed up on that free kick. As a coach even at high school level you try to build depth in every position. I think he has not done that at least at the goalie position. Again I don't think I am the one who has the answer but atleast I would like to hear his logic. But he just didn't address the issue.
    2-Team line up & player development: Lot of people who are serious soccer fan and I would like to hear his philosophy about team development. why against Togo (after loosing to Macedonia) or even Macedonia in the first game our first team players have to play. How long we will play the same 13-14 players that we have played for the past 2-3 years? By player development I am not suggesting he has to develop players at the Teame Melli level (for technique and tactics). But he still is responsible to develope the sense of self confidence and encourage positive constructive competition within Teame Melli. I don't think his policy of fixed players play 90% of the time is conducive to grow self confidence and competition among the Teame Melli players in the camp.
    3- What is his goal for the WC06? Decent show in the first round only? Second round? Higher up?
    4- Tactical predictability: To be fair, Iran's soccer (Teame Melli) under his Dame has improved. As someone who knows a little bit about soccer tactics and team speed, Iran now plays overlap with Kaabi and Zarre. Number of consecutive passes in the middle third is pretty good. In both Macedonia and Togo game there was a lot of switching of the game. So good things are happening. Having said that, Teame Melli can not penetrate against the packed defenses. Macedonia was a great example. There are no tactical variety in our team. Teame Melli can not change (or maybe I don't see it at least) during the game. As soon as our team plays against packed defenses, Team Melli gets bugged down. Our national team could not break the Macedonia defense. Against Togo we scored 2 goals. But African teams despite having good physical strength, speed and technique and good offensive soccer style, they lack defensive tactics. As a proof of my claim (weak Togolies defense) I remember Hashemian twice dribbled the Togo's right defender in the penalty box one on one and there were no Togolies stooper or sweeper to cover (support)Togo's right back . A half decent defense would not allow that specially within the box.
    5- Teame Melli's weakness against counter attack. When our team losses the ball, most of our players (who are not directly in the area the ball is) are slow to come back. I don't have stats and videos to prove but I bet you a lot of goals against Iran is scored that way. Even in Togo's game, there were 2-3 times when one or two Togolies attacked us on the coutner and GolMohammadi or Nekonam were not to pressure and slow down and rest of the team was too slow to get back to their position.
    One of the things Branko said that kind of disappointed me was that he had the team for only 3 days. Ferdoosi poor should have asked though, the Iranian National team more or less has played wit this line up for the past 3 years. Players like Rahman , Golmohammadi, Nekonum, Zarre, Kaabi, Kia, Karimi has been in the team for more than 4 years now. This time the camp was only three days, but as a coach he probably has submitted log term training plan to IFF (God even at the stupid high school level) I have to give long and short term plans to the Athletic director. So Teame Melli coaching staff must know almost every player inside out and be able to improve aspects that specific player need rework. For example; Mirzapoor has been his player since (2002 WC), he should be able to demonstrate Mirzapoor's progress (footwork, tactical read of the game, leadership skills, timing of his coming outs, etc.) and doesn't say he only had Mirzapoor or rest of the lads for three days.
    I don't think life is black or white. There is a strong shade of grey. So our team Melli is not all gloom and doom or deserve to be the world champion like some of our countrymen suggest.
    I personally was disappointed with Branko's explanations. This was his chance to telling everybody and critics about team melli situation and his plans. I was somewhat disappointed in Ferdoosi poor's performance (since he did not ask hard questions).
    I don't want him to get fired and all. I am merely saying I was disappointed with his comment. I think he had an opportunity to come clean and explain his thinking to Iranian fans. But instead he just complained mostly about the Media (which he is somewhat justified to be pissed off about). I strongly suggest to make this a dialog (try to read the post and rationally think, not to read with a pre-determined attitude for or against Branko) not argument among the forum members. So, hopefully this will be a process in which we all learn things.
    In summary, I hope Iranian sport media and football coaches and experts ask specific questions from Branko. That way we know what is going on in his head. If he sees the same challenges and has a plan to overcome them or he is just merrily go around to do his job and collect his salary (which I don't blame him for that).
    branko said he wants to take this team to 2nd round ferdoosie poor and all others like him in iran have been told for some time now what questions they are toask branko and they can not ask him any other questions as question have to go through I.R.I.F.F. frist and only if it get the ok then they can ask.
    Branko did his job and wants his salary. to him it does not matter if we win the cup or are out in the frist round.
    I did not see the program that your talking about but what I can tell you is from what I have seen of branko and dadgan it looks like they are playing a game they point to our ranking or to the fact that we are going to the world cup as if that is the answer to all qouestions. then they point to each other to say it's all up to him.
    and then they say well the players are playing bad and I did not have time
    just so that no one comes and says when did the two of them point fingers at each other I will tell you one time
    Branko said we don't have top teams to play with. that means dadgan and his staff did not get us any games with teams like Italy, brazil....
    after the macidonia game dadgan says he is sorry for how the team played. that means he does not know why branko picked such players to play so bad in front of such a weak team and lose.
    at the same he is saying the players are bad.
    so we can't do anything to stop them funny how some people support branko and dadgan
    don't gorget those 2 call any one that has a question about TM a khaen so if you ask them these questions thenyou will join me and about 40,000,000 - 50,000, 000. other iranes around the world in the khaen group. isn't that just nice of them to call us that. ( saving people money on essential services. )

