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FIFA suspension

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    FIFA suspension

    Regardless of what you may think, and one must be naive to think this
    is strictly football, the path ahead for IFF can be rough or very straight

    There are many forces that do not want Irans foortball to be successful
    both inside as well outside Iran.

    Outside Iran, countries who have direct conflict of interest or dispute with
    Iran will certainly not benefit from seeing Iran to enjoy a positive image at
    world stage, that's very straightforward to understand. The effort to eliminate
    Iran from WC even before this issue is the best example (mostly driven
    by Israel).

    Inside Iran, some at the very top do effectively the same thing. They hate
    for Football to be successful. Anything that prevents them from getting the
    attention of people is deemed bad. That's why for many years football
    was sort of banned all together, and even today some inside the regime
    probably LOVE the suspension and would like it to last for ever.

    In my humble view, IFF or whoever is in charge MUST comply with what FIFA
    says for the following reasons:

    1-To be a part of an global organization like FIFA (or WTO ) member countries
    Must abid by the rules. The time or the place to object to selected enforcment
    of these rules is NOT now.
    2-Agreement to FIFAs rule on seperation of Football and government is very
    good for Irans football. It will add the transparency and accountability needed
    to advance football.
    3-Once Iran is accepted back to the FIFA community, it can then as a member
    state, ask very legitimate questions, like how can Lebanon be eliminated from
    Asian Cup due to Israeli invasion and yet Israel continue to particpate in
    Football without any reprecussions?

    It is not time to duel on the purpose behind FIFAs demands nor why IFF has
    pretty much ignored these demands and let it get to this stage. It is time
    to act quickly and reasonably to insure we are not eliminated from one of the
    worlds greatest stages, one where we can show one of our many good sides.

    In the end, it would be highly useless if people inside IFF or Tarbeyat Badani
    attempted to point fingers instead of addressing FIFAs demands. Other countries
    have been banned in the past and any delay/stall tactic will only harm our
    Football and national interests.

    I have a feeling IR understands this is not good for them and will make a compromise to avoid the ban.


      Even if the non-football politics have been involved in Fifa's decision, it is one of the rare occasions that the foreign countries's interests (or FIFA's interest) is very close to our country's interest.

      Fifa's three conditions are definitely positive changes, and the mollas will have to accept them.
      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


        Originally posted by TM-Fan
        Even if the non-football politics have been involved in Fifa's decision, it is one of the rare occasions that the foreign countries's interests (or FIFA's interest) is very close to our country's interest.
        Fifa's three conditions are definitely positive changes, and the mollas will have to accept them.
        Agreed. Thats why I said IFF should quickly accept and agree they will
        comply. I would also like to ask PFDC to try and draft (would gladly help
        in anyway I can) something quickly URGING IFF to comply.
        We must not waste anytime getting engaged in silly fingerpointing that
        has started in some corners, blaming this or that individual instead of
        trying to RESOLVE the issue. FIFA is not joking, and we have the most
        to lose by any delay.
        Furthermore, I dont know if PFDC has any relationship with other football site, but
        the sooner we can get all of us to unainmously agree to FIFAs requests, NONE of
        which is harmful to our football the better.


          I do not understand, why do you think that Iran's case is any different than Greece, Kenya and a bit ago Cameroon? I do not think that there were any non-politcal forces behind the scene pushing the events. and even if there were, ALL 3 countries complied and accepted FIFA's terms, thing that IRI refused. So if anything happens it is ONLY Iran's ruling forces' fault, no one else.

          We are there because of some non educated people who got used to pass their agenda by force and think that they can do the same with the rest of the world. It was easy for them to deal with governments because they had the Oil force that they can use against any country trying to interfer in their ruling of our country, but FIFA does not need our oil, and no interest would be lost in Football wether Iran is there or not, this the truth of the story.

          I really hope that Iran will comply ASAP and somehow we can go to Doha.

          Let's pray.


            great news for dadkan groupies and floosies.
            another mission accomplished, I guess.

            on a serious note:
            I agree with GK jan.
            this goes beyond football policies.
            we see this kind of treatment , or at least a "readiness" to deal out such treatment to Iran in many aspects of politics and international dealings.

            I mentioned "readiness" as we , like it or not, are pariahs in the international scene. and the international community waits for some excuse to exert pressure.
            now, it is up to us to either deny them or try our best to avoid giving such excuses to them.
            something that we havent done and dont have the brains to even consider !
            either due to internal politics, selfish agenda by ppl ( like dadkan on this case ), naive political views of ppl, or outright and very dangerous disregard for international laws and communities !

            If the past records of iri is anything to go by, all those who think this will eradicate corruption from IFF, are sorely wrong.

            We have been on the back foot in almost every issue in international community, and yet the corruption persists in iri !
            so any thought of "clean up" shd be discarded.
            all this does is hit Iran's football very VERY hard and the repercussions will persist for quite some time !!!

            yes, IFF may shuffle things around and severe any gov't ties ( didnt mind it a bit when gov't was aiding them financially , eh ? ) , or even re-appoint that scum, dadkan ... but one has to be extremely naive and immature to think this will stop corruption and mismanagement at IFF !
            All it will be, is a superficial rewriting of laws at IFF to please Fifa ... but once it starts its working day, it is the same old same old.
            Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 11-24-2006, 01:57 AM.


              Good Post.


                great post...this is a type of topic that can really only be discussed in this forum....
                I agree that there are some outside forces influencing this ruling, but as eshgheiran pointed out,,,IR can do itself a big help by compling with these demands, but all that said I am not exactly sure what those demands are,,,I would love to know what the so called demands of FIFA is that is being rejected by IFF? I mean, the big picture is that the government should not intefer with the football federation, as these federations are suppose to be NGO's and have no connection with the government and politics, but what are the specific demands?
                Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                  I really dont get it.

                  the IFF administration was fired and a provisory administration was appointed. their task was to organize elections for a new administration, which they did. they even asked FIFA to watch the elections and FIFA agreed. everything seemed to be fine.

                  suddenly iran gets dropped from FIFA.

                  FIFA didnt accept dadkans resignment and now they even tell IFF to hold elections

                  I cant explain it in another way than either dadkan or zionists being behing that.


                    I eally do not understand this consiparacy mentality. I really dont understand why we do not accept that IFF has blew it NOBODY but IFF

                    Yeah...Israel or USA politicians may be giggleing , but FIFA is not UN that is controlled by these two countries........ FIFA and AFC respect Iranian football and footballers....In fact a few minutes ago I reicved an email enquiry from FIFA requesting info about Team Melli....even when the team is banned...

                    Read this.....




                      Although I don't think we needed to be banned to correct things, I have a feeling this is the best thing that has happend to Iranian football in 28 years.

                      This will open up a bag of "crap" that has been kept shut for 28 years. The Islamic Repulic of Iran has to decided, once and for all, what it wants to do with Pro Football.

                      let's see what comes out of it.



                        بيانيه‌ شماره‌ يک‌ فدراسيون‌ فوتبال‌ ايران‌ حقايق، وارونه‌ جلوه‌ داده‌ شده‌ است‌
                        بسم‌ الله‌ الرحمن‌ الرحيم‌
                        ملت‌ شريف‌ و بزرگ‌ ايران‌
                        اکنون‌ که‌ با بيانيه‌ فيفا، فدراسيون‌ فوتبال‌ جمهورى‌ اسلامى‌ ايران‌ از فعاليت‌هاى‌ بين‌المللى‌ محروم‌ گرديده‌ است‌ وظيفه‌ خود مى‌دانيم‌ برخى‌ حقايق‌ را در اين‌ رابطه‌ به‌ اطلاع‌ مردم‌ بزرگوار کشورمان‌ برسانيم: براى‌ اين‌ فدراسيون‌ در فضاى‌ بعد از مسابقات‌ جام‌جهانى‌ بازگرداندن‌ آرامش، استقرار نظم، پرهيز از خودمحوري، استفاده‌ از آرا و نظرات‌ خبرگان، تکيه‌ بر توان‌ مربيان‌ داخلي، جلوگيرى‌ از حيف‌وميل‌ و از همه‌ مهمتر عمل‌ به‌ قانون‌ سرلوحه‌ کار قرار گرفت‌ ليکن‌ برخى‌ از مغرضين‌ و سودجويان‌ منفعت‌ از کف‌ داده‌ با استفاده‌ از روابط‌ غلطى‌ که‌ در ساليان‌ گذشته‌ ايجاد کرده‌ بودند بدون‌ توجه‌ به‌ سرنوشت‌ فوتبال‌ مملکت‌ با ارسال‌ اطلاعات‌ غيرواقعى‌ و رايزنى‌هاى‌ متعدد تصميمى‌ را براى‌ فوتبال‌ کشور رقم‌ زدند که‌ به‌ شدت‌ مورد علاقه‌ دشمنان‌ کشور و فوتبال‌ بود.
                        مردم‌ بزرگوار ايران‌ بهتر است‌ بدانيد که:
                        -1 در پنج‌ ماه‌ گذشته‌ مکاتبات‌ متعدى‌ باFIFA وAFC صورت‌ گرفته‌ و وضعيت‌ فوتبال‌ ايران‌ تشريح‌ گرديده‌ است.

                        -2 مشکل‌ اساسنامه‌ فدراسيون‌ فوتبال‌ از چهار سال‌ پيش‌ در جريان‌ بوده‌ ليکن‌ تا قبل‌ از جام‌جهانى‌ هيچ‌ اقدامى‌ نشده‌ بود و تا 10 دى‌ ماه‌ 85 نيز فرصت‌ براى‌ اصلاح‌ آن‌ وجود داشته‌ و اين‌ فدراسيون‌ نظير 43 کشور ديگر آسيايى‌ که‌ چنين‌ مشکلى‌ را دارند در حال‌ اصلاح‌ اساسنامه‌ خود مى‌باشد.
                        -3 در جلسه‌ 24 آبان‌FIFA و در صورتجلسه‌ مربوط‌ درخصوص‌ برخى‌ فعاليت‌هاى‌ فدراسيون‌ ايران‌ اطلاعات‌ درج‌ شده‌ که‌ مشخصاً‌ از يک‌ منبع‌ داخلى‌ مورد وثوق‌FIFA ارسال‌ شده‌ و عجيب‌تر اينکه‌ در آن‌ حقايق‌ وارونه‌ جلوه‌ داده‌ شده‌ است. از جمله‌ اينکه‌ درخواست‌ نمايندگان‌ محترم‌ مجلس‌ براى‌ تغيير ساعت‌ يک‌ مسابقه‌ در ماه‌ مبارک‌ رمضان‌ دخالت‌ در فوتبال‌ جلوه‌ داده‌ شده‌ است.

                        -4 در تمام‌ سال‌هاى‌ گذشته‌ موفقيت‌هاى‌ فوتبال‌ مديون‌ حمايت‌ها و کمکهاى‌ مالى‌ و معنوى‌ دولت‌ مى‌باشد، هزينه‌هاى‌ ساخت‌ و ساز و تعمير و نگهدارى‌ ورزشگاه‌ها، اعتبارات‌ باشگاه‌هاى‌ دولتى‌ و کمک‌ مالى‌ مکرر به‌ فدراسيون‌ متضمن‌ بقاى‌ هيأ‌ت‌ فوتبال‌ بوده‌ و مطمئناً‌ بدون‌ اين‌ کمکها فوتبال‌ هيچگاه‌ به‌ اين‌ درجه‌ از موفقيت‌ نمى‌رسد.

                        -5 با همه‌ جفايى‌ که‌ به‌ فوتبال‌ پرآوازه‌ و پرافتخار کشورمان‌ آن‌ هم‌ بيشتر از ناحيه‌ برخى‌ مغرضين‌ داخلى‌ رفته‌ است‌ اين‌ فدراسيون‌ با استفاده‌ از همه‌ ابزار و امکانات‌ و مذاکرات‌ در رايزنى‌هاى‌ خود براى‌ رفع‌ ابهامات‌ و احقاق‌ حق‌ فوتبال‌ کشور ادامه‌ داده‌ و معتقد است‌ از طريق‌ مذاکره‌ مشکلات‌ قابل‌ حل‌ است‌ هرچند حق‌ خود را در مراجعه‌ به‌ دادگاه‌ حکميت‌ ورزشى‌ که‌ مورد تأ‌ييد فيفا نيز مى‌باشد محفوظ‌ مى‌دانيم.
                        در پايان‌ وظيفه‌ خود مى‌داند مراتب‌ تشکر و قدردانى‌ را از حمايت‌ها و پشتيبانى‌ رياست‌ محترم‌ جمهور و هيأ‌ت‌ محترم‌ دولت، مجلس‌ محترم‌ شوراى‌ اسلامي، مسئولين‌ محترم‌ نظام‌ و ملت‌ شريف‌ و انقلابى‌ ايران‌ اعلام‌ داشته‌ و بر استوارى‌ قدم‌ و استقلال‌ رأ‌ى‌ فدراسيون‌ در دفاع‌ از حقوق‌ فوتبال‌ مملکتمان‌ تأ‌کيد نمايد.
                        روابط‌ عمومى‌ فدراسيون‌ فوتبال‌ جمهورى‌ اسلامى

                        this shd clear a few issues for ppl.
                        especially when they find out such problems with IFF laws and reg's did exist while dadkan was in charge. and didnt do jack about it ( despite the repeated warnings by fifa ) until it boiled over now.
                        this problem has been there for the past 4 years, and we never saw dadkan take one step to correct it.
                        "qualified IFF" , huh ?

                        or the fact that despite dadkan's "complaint letter" to fifa, on the matter of gov't involvement, major funds and budgets for IFF was supplied by the gov't ( as dadkan was obviously incapable of doing what farahani did in a more graceful manner ).

                        and most importantly, the issue of dadkan himself communicating with fifa and adding to the list of problems by injecting his own series of complaints , based on his own personal agenda , which brought things to the boil.

                        dadkan the savior?
                        how about "the vengeful instigator"?
                        Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 11-25-2006, 12:28 AM.


                          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM

                          بيانيه‌ شماره‌ يک‌ فدراسيون‌ فوتبال‌ ايران‌ حقايق، وارونه‌ جلوه‌ داده‌ شده‌ است‌
                          بسم‌ الله‌ الرحمن‌ الرحيم‌
                          ملت‌ شريف‌ و بزرگ‌ ايران‌
                          اکنون‌ که‌ با بيانيه‌ فيفا، فدراسيون‌ فوتبال‌ جمهورى‌ اسلامى‌ ايران‌ از فعاليت‌هاى‌ بين‌المللى‌ محروم‌ گرديده‌ است‌ وظيفه‌ خود مى‌دانيم‌ برخى‌ حقايق‌ را در اين‌ رابطه‌ به‌ اطلاع‌ مردم‌ بزرگوار کشورمان‌ برسانيم: براى‌ اين‌ فدراسيون‌ در فضاى‌ بعد از مسابقات‌ جام‌جهانى‌ بازگرداندن‌ آرامش، استقرار نظم، پرهيز از خودمحوري، استفاده‌ از آرا و نظرات‌ خبرگان، تکيه‌ بر توان‌ مربيان‌ داخلي، جلوگيرى‌ از حيف‌وميل‌ و از همه‌ مهمتر عمل‌ به‌ قانون‌ سرلوحه‌ کار قرار گرفت‌ ليکن‌ برخى‌ از مغرضين‌ و سودجويان‌ منفعت‌ از کف‌ داده‌ با استفاده‌ از روابط‌ غلطى‌ که‌ در ساليان‌ گذشته‌ ايجاد کرده‌ بودند بدون‌ توجه‌ به‌ سرنوشت‌ فوتبال‌ مملکت‌ با ارسال‌ اطلاعات‌ غيرواقعى‌ و رايزنى‌هاى‌ متعدد تصميمى‌ را براى‌ فوتبال‌ کشور رقم‌ زدند که‌ به‌ شدت‌ مورد علاقه‌ دشمنان‌ کشور و فوتبال‌ بود.
                          مردم‌ بزرگوار ايران‌ بهتر است‌ بدانيد که:
                          -1 در پنج‌ ماه‌ گذشته‌ مکاتبات‌ متعدى‌ باFIFA وAFC صورت‌ گرفته‌ و وضعيت‌ فوتبال‌ ايران‌ تشريح‌ گرديده‌ است.

                          -2 مشکل‌ اساسنامه‌ فدراسيون‌ فوتبال‌ از چهار سال‌ پيش‌ در جريان‌ بوده‌ ليکن‌ تا قبل‌ از جام‌جهانى‌ هيچ‌ اقدامى‌ نشده‌ بود و تا 10 دى‌ ماه‌ 85 نيز فرصت‌ براى‌ اصلاح‌ آن‌ وجود داشته‌ و اين‌ فدراسيون‌ نظير 43 کشور ديگر آسيايى‌ که‌ چنين‌ مشکلى‌ را دارند در حال‌ اصلاح‌ اساسنامه‌ خود مى‌باشد.
                          -3 در جلسه‌ 24 آبان‌FIFA و در صورتجلسه‌ مربوط‌ درخصوص‌ برخى‌ فعاليت‌هاى‌ فدراسيون‌ ايران‌ اطلاعات‌ درج‌ شده‌ که‌ مشخصاً‌ از يک‌ منبع‌ داخلى‌ مورد وثوق‌FIFA ارسال‌ شده‌ و عجيب‌تر اينکه‌ در آن‌ حقايق‌ وارونه‌ جلوه‌ داده‌ شده‌ است. از جمله‌ اينکه‌ درخواست‌ نمايندگان‌ محترم‌ مجلس‌ براى‌ تغيير ساعت‌ يک‌ مسابقه‌ در ماه‌ مبارک‌ رمضان‌ دخالت‌ در فوتبال‌ جلوه‌ داده‌ شده‌ است.

                          -4 در تمام‌ سال‌هاى‌ گذشته‌ موفقيت‌هاى‌ فوتبال‌ مديون‌ حمايت‌ها و کمکهاى‌ مالى‌ و معنوى‌ دولت‌ مى‌باشد، هزينه‌هاى‌ ساخت‌ و ساز و تعمير و نگهدارى‌ ورزشگاه‌ها، اعتبارات‌ باشگاه‌هاى‌ دولتى‌ و کمک‌ مالى‌ مکرر به‌ فدراسيون‌ متضمن‌ بقاى‌ هيأ‌ت‌ فوتبال‌ بوده‌ و مطمئناً‌ بدون‌ اين‌ کمکها فوتبال‌ هيچگاه‌ به‌ اين‌ درجه‌ از موفقيت‌ نمى‌رسد.

                          -5 با همه‌ جفايى‌ که‌ به‌ فوتبال‌ پرآوازه‌ و پرافتخار کشورمان‌ آن‌ هم‌ بيشتر از ناحيه‌ برخى‌ مغرضين‌ داخلى‌ رفته‌ است‌ اين‌ فدراسيون‌ با استفاده‌ از همه‌ ابزار و امکانات‌ و مذاکرات‌ در رايزنى‌هاى‌ خود براى‌ رفع‌ ابهامات‌ و احقاق‌ حق‌ فوتبال‌ کشور ادامه‌ داده‌ و معتقد است‌ از طريق‌ مذاکره‌ مشکلات‌ قابل‌ حل‌ است‌ هرچند حق‌ خود را در مراجعه‌ به‌ دادگاه‌ حکميت‌ ورزشى‌ که‌ مورد تأ‌ييد فيفا نيز مى‌باشد محفوظ‌ مى‌دانيم.
                          در پايان‌ وظيفه‌ خود مى‌داند مراتب‌ تشکر و قدردانى‌ را از حمايت‌ها و پشتيبانى‌ رياست‌ محترم‌ جمهور و هيأ‌ت‌ محترم‌ دولت، مجلس‌ محترم‌ شوراى‌ اسلامي، مسئولين‌ محترم‌ نظام‌ و ملت‌ شريف‌ و انقلابى‌ ايران‌ اعلام‌ داشته‌ و بر استوارى‌ قدم‌ و استقلال‌ رأ‌ى‌ فدراسيون‌ در دفاع‌ از حقوق‌ فوتبال‌ مملکتمان‌ تأ‌کيد نمايد.
                          روابط‌ عمومى‌ فدراسيون‌ فوتبال‌ جمهورى‌ اسلامى

                          this shd clear a few issues for ppl.
                          especially when they find out such problems with IFF laws and reg's did exist while dadkan was in charge. and didnt do jack about it ( despite the repeated warnings by fifa ) until it boiled over now.
                          this problem has been there for the past 4 years, and we never saw dadkan take one step to correct it.
                          "qualified IFF" , huh ?

                          or the fact that despite dadkan's "complaint letter" to fifa, on the matter of gov't involvement, major funds and budgets for IFF was supplied by the gov't ( as dadkan was obviously incapable of doing what farahani did in a more graceful manner ).

                          and most importantly, the issue of dadkan himself communicating with fifa and adding to the list of problems by injecting his own series of complaints , based on his own personal agenda , which brought things to the boil.

                          dadkan the savior?
                          how about "the vengeful instigator"?
                          The light it sheds is that someone is trying to bring excuses rather than
                          face the facts. Dog ate my homework is not a good excuse. Who is Melateh
                          Shareef Iran? This is between FIFA and IFF, why is this letter addressed to
                          Melateh SHareefeh Iran? Why is it not signed? Who wrote it? (Ravabeteh
                          Omomi? my .....)

                          Our football is falling apart very quickly. Simoez is saying the U23 moral is
                          real low, and his future in Iran will be decided by Monday. All this finger
                          pointing instead of owning up to issues is the real root cause if you all searching
                          for one.

                          So much hope and finanacial investment and hope will evaporte because of
                          incompetance and lack of accountibility ... this is fast becoming the
                          saddest time in our sports history and those who should care seem clueless.

