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A NEW COACH . What are we afraid of ?

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    A NEW COACH . What are we afraid of ?

    1- Dr zolfagharnasab
    2- Jalali
    - Mayelikohan: - Dr. Zolfagharnasab:- Jalali:international coach and not a vatani.

    But bear in mind, with a change in coach, we get another HUGE plusALL TEAM that shd take the priority, not any person, no matter what he has done or who he may be.

    Ali Reza Nasseri , the highest qualified Iranian football Coach in the world isn't coaching any teams at the moment and he has strong ambitions to coach Iran.
    Please join and support Iran Rugby on Facebook.


      Back when I use to train as a wrestler, I and the rest of the team always maintained the belief that if you are not constantly getting better you are getting worse.

      Now it has been a very very very long time since we saw any improvement in this team. In fact the teams level of play has degraded almost to amatuer status. All we need to do is invite guam next week and have a game against them.

      That said CHANGE IS A REQUIRED to get this team out of the slump they are in and back to improving their level of play for the world cup.

      We should not fear because we have nothing to lose, baring Guam actually does play us at home prior to getting a new coach and management. I for one would fear that game.

      Change is neccessary, or we will face almost gauranteed humiliation in a few months with our current level of play.
      The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


        if a club in dire financial trouble can bring a world cup third placed HEAD coach ( contrast it against an assistant ) , then shdnt we accept that even IFF can bring in one such coach ?

        all those who said we wont get good coaches to come to TM, and appear at the WC :
        khab didin, kheir basheh.
        a club can bring such coaches.
        now, you think a good coach would pass on a WC appearance?


          i myself am afraid that there is not enough time to get a new coach to be introduced to the iranian system and how things work in Iran. Even if we bring the best coaches, they might not be able to handle iran, the media or even their environment. Most would be coming from plush and free european countries to iran which european living is a hard commodity to find.

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            I've never heard of any coutry to fire a coach after qualifying his team to WC.


              Originally posted by Behrooz
              I've never heard of any coutry to fire a coach after qualifying his team to WC.
              the most recent was saudi arabia. Korea also fired their coach after qualifying.
              The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


                I think branko has done all he can for TM and now it's time for a breath of fresh air. Sometimes it helps a lot when you are the observer and you see some things that the person in the senario is blind to, and bring new idea that the existing coach wouldn't be able to see. Dr. Zolfagharnasab sounds like a good match for TM. Hopefully if they are set on changing Branko, they should choose him.


                  Originally posted by Behrooz
                  I've never heard of any coutry to fire a coach after qualifying his team to WC.
                  then I'll tell 2 of them s.korea & k.s.a. just this year now you know of 2 so if they can do it we can to BY the way s.korea had a win over us with their new coach. now you know that too.
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                    I say we should bring in a coach from brazil right a way we need one they will understand us and they will understand the teams we are playing.
           ( saving people money on essential services. )

