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Speed & Set plays

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    Speed & Set plays

    I know,I know....we have already talked too much about Iranian coaches and forign coaches.......But I like to ask you to pay attention to the game we just palyed against Hamburg......and pay special attention to
    1-Speed of TM
    3-hamburg's secound gole.
    Am I too pasimistic, or it is true that the TM game strategies was non-existancial....and TM played a very elementary game plan,one you may find in bangaladesh !!!............there was absolutly no speed.......and no set plays...
    and in acctuality, what constitutes speed ,is not that players run faster,rather haveing previously practiced set game plans would speed up the game....
    take the hamburg's secound gole,for was not such big deal in today's football,but it is something we do not have,and had not have with domestic coaches......the three player "set play ",was obviously previously practised,and TM defense was clueless.....
    IS " going from the corners and crossing the ball toward the box ",count as game plan, a plan sufficient to win with in upcomming Asian Cup ?
    Do, Iranian coaches realy have much to say,as far as "set plays " and speed ?........
    The secound half,was just desperate rush,and abundaning the defense that came when khatibi scored our gole,and other attcks, ..they were 6 to 7 player attacking plays.........................
    These handicap outdated plays ,are no longer sufficient,and our football deserves a more advanced game plans..and more advanced coaches !!
    In today's football, triangular short passing set up games are used ,either to advance the ball to the opponants side of the file or to score gole ........ not leting the kids out to the field and hope for the best !!

    About this "gameplan" issue, here my comment on it from Football Forum.

    I really don't understand that often quoted gameplan concept. As if it would be useful to have some plan which can easily been analyzed quickly and easily denied by any opposition.

    A football team lives of it's creative players on the field which make the game unpredictable for the opposition and therefore hard to defend. The more creativity you have on the field the better.

    Of course depending on the team's strength and the tactical formation there will be certain favoured attacking schemes, but a fixed gameplan is surely nothing which improves a team's chances to win.


      Here are things that some times may get mixed up............
      1- Game plan.
      2- strategy.
      Individual skils are supposted to be just Iceing on the cake, and should be less counted on by a good coach......

      A game plan,may be set based on the weather, streangh of the opposition at certain posts,and weakness of opponants as well as one's own team.

      Strategies may include the set up of line,that is 4-3-3..for example or weather plan mostly on the ground on the air...and speed of the game.

      Tactics, may include...the triangular set ups at some areas, deception plays , such as pretending to go deep at a corner, fooling the defense to vacate a part of the field for attacking attemps by pre-arranged advances, and so on.........

      In all areas, our domestic coaches have very elementary understanding of high level international norms.


        Originally posted by Martin-Reza
        About this "gameplan" issue, here my comment on it from Football Forum.
        I really don't understand that often quoted gameplan concept. As if it would be useful to have some plan which can easily been analyzed quickly and easily denied by any opposition.
        A football team lives of it's creative players on the field which make the game unpredictable for the opposition and therefore hard to defend. The more creativity you have on the field the better.
        Of course depending on the team's strength and the tactical formation there will be certain favoured attacking schemes, but a fixed gameplan is surely nothing which improves a team's chances to win.
        no, not a fixed game plan MR, but a coach needs to analyze the oponent, spot their weak spot, and take advantage out of that, through ; a gameplan
        Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
        O.G from '97 & still here

