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Hashemian and redicules " EDDEAA " !!!

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    dear smanhoobi...
    I realy am trying to be realistic here...and not illusional....
    I know, the reason ZANDI joined TM was to get some exposure ..and not out love of Iran....
    I know, most TM players love the exposure,so it would asure thier future...which even,Arab team would give them a atleast $300,000...and up to one and half million Euro a year, for mediocare players...and Europe means above 2 to 3 million Euro a year.....
    These moneys are huge....for a little boy out of getto, playing without shoes......most of these guys have not finished high school..and may not even be able to read correctly., these guys do not even know what to do with this money...........
    So, what am saying, is not that they do not deserve these money, as many players from other countries may be even in worse case.....
    what I am saying, is " Get your money and have fun with your life.....and enjoy the chance your country has provided for do not even have to come back to Iran, you do not even have to give a penny to Iran.....
    But, " Asking fans to worship you, and be very greatful for your participation ??".............thats too much, I say , If hashemian asks that...some one needs to tell him to " SHOT THE,....., UP ".


      Originally posted by zzgloo
      dear smanhoobi...
      I realy am trying to be realistic here...and not illusional....
      I know, the reason ZANDI joined TM was to get some exposure ..and not out love of Iran....
      I know, most TM players love the exposure,so it would asure thier future...which even,Arab team would give them a atleast $300,000...and up to one and half million Euro a year, for mediocare players...and Europe means above 2 to 3 million Euro a year.....
      These moneys are huge....for a little boy out of getto, playing without shoes......most of these guys have not finished high school..and may not even be able to read correctly., these guys do not even know what to do with this money...........
      So, what am saying, is not that they do not deserve these money, as many players from other countries may be even in worse case.....
      what I am saying, is " Get your money and have fun with your life.....and enjoy the chance your country has provided for do not even have to come back to Iran, you do not even have to give a penny to Iran.....
      But, " Asking fans to worship you, and be very greatful for your participation ??".............thats too much, I say , If hashemian asks that...some one needs to tell him to " SHOT THE,....., UP ".
      I do understand your point and frankly there is nothing I would disagree.

      The point is our approach to such issues. You see zz jaan, It has become our tradition to put peeple high up in the sky for some ridiculous reasons and very arbitrary assumptions.

      Take the World Cup for example. I do agree that its not even ou right, but we may be within the top 4 in the AFC zone to get to every world cup. But, we absolutely have nothing that is required to get us any further than that. Yet, we claim we should.

      When such empty expectations exist. players like Hashemian look for the same reactions when they get their foot to a famous club. They get there and its good, but they expect to get better without special requirements. As if, what has made them go there (other than occasional self provocation and motivation and work), should be enough to let them progress further. When that factor stops, they start to realise the defect and they blame others for it. Karimi is another of them. In a worse way ofcourse.

      Now, every player in Iran sees that. They see that for them to get somewhere, they need our support. And that is enough for them. What they dont realize is that what get them there, can not and will not keep them there.

      What I am saying is this. Our approach to such players is wrong. Its wrong for the future of football in this country.

      Where we should symbolize people like Ali Daei ( I started to hate it when I have to use his name which makes me look like a worshipper !!!!) and support his efforts, we go to wrong places. We put Daei down and prefer Karimi and alike over him.

      Thats why I say, its not hashemian. We are the creators of people like Hashemian and we are the destroyers of people who really deserve a good spot in our minds and hearts.
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


        Originally posted by smanhoobi
        I do understand your point and frankly there is nothing I would disagree.
        The point is our approach to such issues. You see zz jaan, It has become our tradition to put peeple high up in the sky for some ridiculous reasons and very arbitrary assumptions.
        Take the World Cup for example. I do agree that its not even ou right, but we may be within the top 4 in the AFC zone to get to every world cup. But, we absolutely have nothing that is required to get us any further than that. Yet, we claim we should.
        When such empty expectations exist. players like Hashemian look for the same reactions when they get their foot to a famous club. They get there and its good, but they expect to get better without special requirements. As if, what has made them go there (other than occasional self provocation and motivation and work), should be enough to let them progress further. When that factor stops, they start to realise the defect and they blame others for it. Karimi is another of them. In a worse way ofcourse.
        Now, every player in Iran sees that. They see that for them to get somewhere, they need our support. And that is enough for them. What they dont realize is that what get them there, can not and will not keep them there.
        What I am saying is this. Our approach to such players is wrong. Its wrong for the future of football in this country.
        Where we should symbolize people like Ali Daei ( I started to hate it when I have to use his name which makes me look like a worshipper !!!!) and support his efforts, we go to wrong places. We put Daei down and prefer Karimi and alike over him.
        Thats why I say, its not hashemian. We are the creators of people like Hashemian and we are the destroyers of people who really deserve a good spot in our minds and hearts.
        Smanhoobi jaan,...Now,I understand what you are talking about, and indeed it is a profound issue........
        Take these examples, and let me know what you think .....

        1- Why Karimi, would wait so long to go to Europe ? if he kew something we did not know.....

        2- why ,mahdavikia, Had spent all his intire careier ,in one team, and never test the water with other teams ,and advanicing,and leaning new things ?so much so, he is now the captain in hamburg,because of senioerarety ?as all his team mates have moved on .

        3-Why, Nikbakht,is content to stay in Iran ?

        4-Why, those other Iranian player in Europe, ( Including daei ), had regresing careiers,and either not moved better places ,or handed down to worse teams ?

        Is it a question of , bad system in Iran...?
        is it a question of , psycology ?
        or is it the question of, Iranian football, as it is, has already developed to its pick,and can no longer grow any fearther,within these circumstances...and what kind of players we have, ..they are not good because ,they are individualy exceptional, ..but, they are good, because they were within a system that has been the best in middle much so, with countries such as Iran......and saudis, etc.....Teams are more developed reletively than individual players .....


          Originally posted by VivaItalia
          I disagree.

          Hashemian doesn't owe anything to the fans. Fans did not do anything good to him before he returned to TM again. So he has a right to complain.

          Plus, if he is a second rated player, please leave him alone and stick with the first rated players like Enayati and Majidi!

          Right on, you took the words out of my mouth Viva.
          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

          "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
          And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."



            Originally posted by behzadb

            Thank God you are not a TM Star, we would have a lot of headless fans in the stands.
            Even worse than that: you wouldn't see anyone on the stands!


              Originally posted by Martin-Reza
              He is a uniquely great striker for Iranian, even Asian standards, but he appears to be very sensitive.
              a bit TOO sensitive


                Originally posted by zzgloo
                One of the Characteristic of us Iranians, is , "" TAVAGHO , and EDDEAA "
                And hashemian's Eddeaa has just been so redicules, ....once not wanting to play for TM and high expectations ,as he wanted to be treated like GOD and be appreciated more, and now claiming " He is only remmembered when he is needed "
                The Guy who is a secound hand player,and hardly gets playing time in germany,just thinks the whole country should worship him !!not knowing not being greatful for Iranian fans ,and TM puting him where he is, makeing 3 million Euro a year,and and worth of 20 million or more.......
                He should be just kicked in the " you know what " and dumped for such arrogance !!
                16 goals in one season doesn't equal a second hand player.

                The fact is, the truth is, the actuality of the situation is, that Hashemian is only remembered when he is needed. After a difficult injury, not one person from the IFF got in touch with him(except Dadkan), until he was needed for the Korea game.

                I don't know how you can extrapolate that he "wants to be treated like a god" from his comments. This is a conclusion which is prematurely developed, in my opinion.
                Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                  Originally posted by RaginG Inferno
                  16 goals in one season doesn't equal a second hand player.
                  The fact is, the truth is, the actuality of the situation is, that Hashemian is only remembered when he is needed. After a difficult injury, not one person from the IFF got in touch with him(except Dadkan), until he was needed for the Korea game.
                  I don't know how you can extrapolate that he "wants to be treated like a god" from his comments. This is a conclusion which is prematurely developed, in my opinion.
                  What you are saying is very fair...but, you do recall ,him, not wanting to play for TM ?..don't you ?..........was that not from EDDEAA ?
                  I believe, he ,right now, is the best we have at that position...but, what does he wants us to do ?...beg him to come to play ?
                  please, note, my respond to smanhoobi, on this issue,and in this thread.....there is also, another side to this issue as well.


                    Originally posted by zzgloo
                    What you are saying is very fair...but, you do recall ,him, not wanting to play for TM ?..don't you ?..........was that not from EDDEAA ?
                    I believe, he ,right now, is the best we have at that position...but, what does he wants us to do ?...beg him to come to play ?
                    please, note, my respond to smanhoobi, on this issue,and in this thread.....there is also, another side to this issue as well.
                    zzgloo jaan, I believe that his gheyrat was broken, and I do accept that it might have been a little because of EDDEAA, but you have to see another problem with know irani culture and the way people inside iran and outside live..when we are selected for something, we are very happy and excited to show our abilities but then are simply broken and dead if we are not treated "good enough" This "good enough" in our culture means that "someone say I atleast did good in training or something"..and as you can see even foreign coaches say "Mr. X has done well in training and I believe that he can achieve a potential and be a great player" This jazz is all said so that the player wont give up and I guess it was in Hash's personality to be sad. I wouldve been sad too if someone called me up for something important and I kicked my own butt to do crazy good and come from another country to help my team and then no one has sympathy for me.

                    Anyways, I agree with Viva and think that he owes nothing to the all.
                    Ma Bishomarim

                    "!خدایا ایستاده مردن را نصبیم کن که از نشسته زیستن در زلت خسته ام"
                    محمد مختاری -

                    "Lord, let me die standing, as I am tired of living in indignity and on my knees"
                    - Mohammad Mokhtari


                      I disagree too,,,he is one of the few players who actually plays the game without expecting much...the guy is so down-to-earth that you rarely see in our players,,,it's clear from his interviews and what other players say about him...
                      I think you have misunderstood his intention in that interview.
                      Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                        Hashemian has done more for the fans, than the fans for him, exactly like Zandi


                          Originally posted by zzgloo
                          What you are saying is very fair...but, you do recall ,him, not wanting to play for TM ?..don't you ?..........was that not from EDDEAA ?
                          I believe, he ,right now, is the best we have at that position...but, what does he wants us to do ?...beg him to come to play ?
                          please, note, my respond to smanhoobi, on this issue,and in this thread.....there is also, another side to this issue as well.
                          I think we both know the environment in which Team melli players have to perform under(davah kardan, etc.) I can understand that Hashemian did not wish to be subjected to this, especially when his services were not even requested(he was on the bench the whole time!).

                          Look at our WC camp and the bitter childish rivalries which eventuated. If you query people who were present(ie houman), you will notice that Vahid Hashemian was one of the only players who kept himself removed from such behaviour, and even confronted Enayati regarding his counterproductive conduct.
                          Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                            raging inferno jaan are right...and I may be reading alittle too much to this.........May be for us Iranians, haveing a little " Tavagho " is normal...and compaire to all of us Iranians....may be he is even a little better........
                            I some times hate that about myself !!!


                              Damet garm zzgloo, you are a rational personal, always a pleasure to discuss issues with you.
                              Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

