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IPL First Half Heros and Zeros

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    IPL First Half Heros and Zeros

    Todays Jahan football had an interesting section about the best and worst players of IPL up till now.

    I think its a good idea to choose the players we think were the best in the IPL. Not only this will give us a fair idea about the stars of IPL in this very important year of WC, but also it might give Branko some hints as to which players truly deserve to be in TM.

    Dream Team according to JF:

    GK:: Vahid Talebloo. He had rivals such as Rodbarian and Ershad Yousefi in this position since they also performed well. Although he is still physically weak but his footwork is great and he has been without a doubt the best keeper in the first half of the season. He joined Esteghlal as a third keeper but he has made an over-rated Rahmati a bench warmer.

    CD:: Bagheri - Fekri . Two generals of Tehrani teams. Both are playing well and there is a hype even about Bagheri joining TM. Bagheri is a man who can add depth to any team (even TM) and Fekri has made Esteghlals disasterous defense into the best in the league

    DR::Sepehr Heydari - This guy is truly a rival for Kabi. Although he was suspended from international football, he is back with full force and has been the best full back of IPL. It is interesting to see him not invited to TM when Kabi is not on form.

    DL::Pejman Montazeri. He has been the sensation in Foolad in the past 1.5 years. He is 22 and proved to be the best Left back in Iran. Even better than rivals Zare and Manie.

    DM::Maziar Zareh from Malavan. He played in the recent west asian games and showed that he is the second Nekonam.
    Jabari also had a chance to get this spot but he was absent in some league matches due to injury.

    ML:: Jalal Akbari. Probably the most unknown player in the dream team. Plays reasonably well for Sepahan and has been consistant throughout the season.

    AM::Masoud Shojaie. Iran's hottest talent together with Jabari and Oladi these days. He has the skills to become the next Karimi and plays one class higher than our IPL. Definately an option for the WC.

    ST::Akbarpor and Fazli. Fazli was IPLs best scorer and Akbarpor, although not a cclassic striker, showed just how good he is by providing goals and assists for Esteghlal. He has once again returned to his former form and is looking great and a threat to the likes of Borhani and Daie.

    Worst Tean:
    Hadi Tabatabie (Ghandi)-
    Davod Mahabadi (RahAhan)-
    Hadi Tamini (Mlavan)-
    Mehdi Eyni (Bargh)-
    Ahmad Mohamadpor(Sepahan) (Although Nosrati wasnt far behind)

    Mohamad Matori (Bargh)
    Amir Yousefi (Saba)
    Reza Jabari (Aboomolsem)
    Madanchi/nikbakht(PP and SS)
    Entezari (PP)
    Younes Gerayoli (Aboomoslem)

    It is sad to see Nikbakht, Madanchi Yousefi and Tabatabie in the list. These people should logically have the least chance to play for TM. But will they?
    Last edited by Hadi; 12-29-2005, 01:03 PM.

    Thanks for the great informative post Hadi jan. It is very sad to see Nikbakht in there, if he is among the worst players in the IPL this season, then how in the world is he playing for TM?

    And Heydari and Montazeri should both get TM invites.



      Are all players that should be in team melli now...

      Thank for this great article..
      And i really hope Branko gets some sense into himself ahead of the new list of players


        Thanks for the post, to me the list looks good, but I doubt any of these guys are going to get call ups, or that some of them are going to fall very badly.


          Interestingly no TM player appeared in the dream team. Objective choice or another political statement by JF?


            thanx for stating that Martin.......I wonder if Branko is watching IPL or something else?!?!?

            Other than Talebloo who has been called up and rarely given a chance to prove anything none of those players even got invited? I think there must be a logic behind this?!?! can we ask human or something? maybe he can tell us in simple words why each and every one of those player are not invited, explanation is required one by one i believe!


              funny we dont see the regular FIXED players at TM dont even come close to various selections by various papers and experts .

              name slike zareh, nosrati, yahya, ... miss in each and every list, no matter which paper or individual picks it.

              even JF, who is among the few papers who still support branko's methods, propose such line ups !

              hmmm...... either the whole of Iran cant see the obvious and have absolutely NO idea about football .... or there is something wrong elsewhere !


                Martin jan,

                First we have to agree that JF is the only paper wortrh reading. It has many informative and professionaly written artciles.

                Secondly, this team was chosen according the the points given to the players every week and these guys had the most points. these players earned good amount of points each week and made the Dream Team in the end.

                So taking this into consideration, we can easily see how players like Mirzapor, Kabi, Nosrati, Zare, Nekonam, Borhani and Daie were left out. These players did not impress as much as those mentioned in the league. pure and simple.

                Although players like Rajabzadeh, Teymorian, Jabari, Manie, Enayatri and other TM bench warmers did OK/Good in the league.

                This trend shows us that the regular starters of TM are not the best of IPL, the bench warmers are good league players these days, And those who are excellent, are not invited. Interesting.


                  I am sorry Hadi jaan, but I have to disagree with you. This report has "intention" written all over it. JF has tried with this report to make Branko look bad. That is all.

                  Any report that selects Fazli as the best forward/dream team is SERIOUSLY JOKING! Fazli??!! Cm'n. I can list ten forwards ahead of him in the league. Yep, he has scored some goals but so are others.

                  And not having Jalal Hosseini in that list is another one. He carried Malavan's defense last year as one of the strongest one and has done the same this year with Saipa.

                  And in the "worst list", Vahedi and Madanchi are another serious joke of the list! Yes, Vahedi has not been in his shape or Madanchi is not the super star of the left, but I can list at least 10 "unknown" lefties in the IPL that are worst than these two. Don't you see, they are selected for a purpose. ANYBODY with right state of mind would admit they are NOT the worst left midfielder in the league. Shamooshak, Malavan, Fajr, .... they all have weak lefties .... much much weaker than Madanchi or Vahedi. This last part tells me this is absolutely intentional and subjective with a purpose.


                  p.s. One more note, comparing Heidari and Montazeri to Kaabi and Zareh is another strong indication of level of understanding football by this writter. Heidari and Montazeri in 4-4-2 play central defense (e.g. WAG tournament) and are not a type that can play wing defense (as in the case of Rezaii), Zareh and Kaabi play wing defense and are not a type that can play central defense.
                  Last edited by Mansoor; 12-30-2005, 02:33 PM.
                  We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                  Go IRAN!


                    Thanks for the response.

                    I think that JF has the sole intention of telling Branko to look at the league more closely.
                    If the selection is based on points, Fazli should and must have been selected since everywhere in the world, the striker who scores gets the highest post-game scores.

                    About Hosseini, I agree that he was also a great defender. I guess JF wants to stress the point that Bagheri is TM material but still, it is acceptable that Fekri and Bagheri also were among the top defenders of IPL.

                    The worst list was actually was not based on points. it was all about the biggest disapointemnts if I am not mistaken. Madanchi was the hottest signing of PP and he has been a very weak player. At times I wonder why he became footballer. nikbakht was also Esteghlal's worst player despite being the man who was aiming for a "comeback". But yeah I agree there surely are a couple of worse players in the LW/M position.
                    Overall, Nikbakht and Madanchi failed to deliver the great responsibility which was required of them, and in this aspect, they were the absolute worst left wingers.

                    I agree with your last point except that I am positive Heydari plays 100% as a right Back in the IPL and Zare has been used as a left back more than once in his club so they can be classified as a L/R back.
                    Last edited by Hadi; 12-30-2005, 02:58 PM.


                      btw Zolfagharnasab was chosen as the best coach.
                      Ghalehnoyi was also a candidate was Dr.bijan was chosen because he improved a weak club like Saipa eventhough he was infamous for playing ZEDDE FOOTBALL among some fans.


                        Although I follow IPL on regular basis , I cannot claim or counter what JF says about some players except that such analysis are always flawed to me.

                        For the writer of that article ( I don't mean Hadi Agha), how many times has he seen Maziar Zare playing for Malvan to formulate the opinion that he is one of the best 11 players in IPL ????

                        BUT....I also agree that players like Nikbakht have been great disspointments ( simply because I can watch SS & PP every week )




                          For us it is hard to judge some of those player which we havent seen regularly but apparently JF's analysiors have seen the matches,

                          Anyway it was just the opinion of a news-paper. I am sure different people have different ideas but one thing that is important is that many of our NT players whom we have seen in action in the IPL are not on-form to say the least.


                            Nassir Ibrahimi would top my list of ZEROs.
                            Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.

