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Omid team,generaly, was acceptable !!

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    Omid team,generaly, was acceptable !!

    Looking at the recent game with, begins to see the structure of TM of future !!
    Will we have good replacement,or even improvements to existing squad ?
    The Omid team,bright sides and concerns may be as follow

    1- Gole keeper..................
    Sosha McCani ( Sounds Irish ) seems to be a good prospect for future
    his hight,his intelegence was a plus.

    2- defense ......................
    A= Karimi ........,seemed overvelmed,little too aggresive,and not much confidense.
    B=Nazifkar,....... played with confidense, good hight..needs some body building.
    C=Hamidi.......needs more exxperince, but has good future.
    D=Pooladi......same as hamidi.

    3- midfield.....................
    Kolahkaj.......may be the best player...has brightest future.
    Ravankhah......not too effective.
    Hamoudi.........not too effective.
    Kabie............Good,but misplaced..he is too short to play that position,right halfback,or right back is more natural for him.

    4- Offense....................
    maydavoudi......needs more experince..but has talent.
    Oladi........another ali karimi, good dribles,but selfish,and low understanding of passing football.
    Goodarzi......talented, little too short.
    Coaching.......not too avangard.....we could use a coach, who is more of a teacher than club coach.

    .....all in all......This Omid team, although ,it could use more hight ,and experince, it was not disappointing at all !!

    kolahkaj, damesh garm


      I disagree, with your assessment of Kaebi. He was easily the best player on the team, and exhibited a dominating performance.
      The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


        Originally posted by khabalood
        I disagree, with your assessment of Kaebi. He was easily the best player on the team, and exhibited a dominating performance.
        I respect your opinion....however, did you notice, he once by the gole post missed the head,that could have been a 100% gole, only because he was little too short.....and on mid field, the air belonged to the australians, specialy when kabei was involved........he is the most experinced in that team, and his presence is a must, but, in my opinion, not in center mid field, nor in center offensive line.... ....


          He is not suited to play the center positions, you are correct. However, his ability to control both flanks on the pitch as a utility player is an extremely strong contribution to the team, and one that the other players have not made as of yet. In addition, although not well suited for a forward position, his shots on goal paralleled or were better than those of our other forwards.
          The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


            Kaebi can play his best in the position Kia plays. Maybe behind him when both are on the field (assuming this is a TM game).



              If I had to pick 5 that will defenetly be in TM of future.....

              1- McCany.


                You guys dnt kno how to spell the goalkeepers name and u make it sound Scottish...

                His name IS

                Sosha Makani

