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What have we done for the Asian Cup?

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    What have we done for the Asian Cup?

    what have we done?

    set up friendlies for the next 4 months ? NO!--[Argentina is on the way, they are on their way...on the same plane as Portugal and Brazil.]

    planned short term/long term camps in any of the nations similar to conditions in south east asia? NO...[hey, as long the Kish island is always there, who needs to plan anything]

    We have coaches/analysists to watch and follow and analys our opponents preprations within the next 4 months! somewhat,[only as far as watching some of them in friendlies]

    There are bunch of idiots running our country, they have their puppets run our sports, short; don't have high hopes this summer people...just think of the previous 6-7 editions of the tournement, we'll go through a very similar experience.

    i was going to see what the members here think, 'cause members in the main forum will all vote for iran wining the cup, most of them being very passionate fans, and naive, even though, I am not ruling that out, personally I think we do not have a realistic chance...

    another point I wanted to bring out is that realistically, and with all due respect to our players, players like Nekunam, Kia, Grando lately haven't perform at the same level in TM matches, that's just the way I've seen it, I might be wrong.
    Group Stage!

    The poll is expired.

    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.

    what have we done? nothing. And its a shame because talent wise, we should be the champions. I seriously believe that iranian is the best team in asia. But if things continue the way they are then i think people should take your bolded statement to heart.


      Originally posted by nypimpofpersia34
      what have we done? nothing. And its a shame because talent wise, we should be the champions. I seriously believe that iranian is the best team in asia. But if things continue the way they are then i think people should take your bolded statement to heart.
      as 11 individuals, we probably are, but as a team, we probably not even top 5, just my opinion.
      Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


        Champions, Am Allwaiz behind this team. and Any sane person and every commentater that commented Iran in Asian Cup 2004 knew...
        Even the Swedish commentater said it....This was not a fair Asian Cup...

        Iran was the rightful champions of Asian Cup 2004,

        But forget about that..China will get their paypack in the groupstages for their cheating in 2004, This time we will show no mercy....

        I have no doubt with Australia or without Australia we will show our real might.!!

        I allwaiz have faith in this team and i will not get dissepointed.!!

        Iran will get what they deserved in 2004 and that was a Championship, This time we have a even better squad and a more thirsty team


          Originally posted by karimi_nr1
          Champions, Am Allwaiz behind this team. and Any sane person and every commentater that commented Iran in Asian Cup 2004 knew...
          Even the Swedish commentater said it....This was not a fair Asian Cup...
          Iran was the rightful champions of Asian Cup 2004,
          But forget about that..China will get their paypack in the groupstages for their cheating in 2004, This time we will show no mercy....
          I have no doubt with Australia or without Australia we will show our real might.!!
          I allwaiz have faith in this team and i will not get dissepointed.!!
          Iran will get what they deserved in 2004 and that was a Championship, This time we have a even better squad and a more thirsty team

          of course we all do have faith in our team and will stay behind the team, but karimi_nr1 jan, we are not creating the right conditions and as for asian 2004, Japan was the true champion of the asian cup, we lost to china, they beat china,,,it's a simple game if you put the ball in the back of the net. There is no excuse for that, even if ref doesn't always call in our favor aziz.

          I see South Korea and Australia as the top choices to win, then Japan, us and perhaps the Saudis have a chance as well.
          Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


            i think we will qualify from group stages, in quarter finals we are facing either south korea or saudi arabia...
            once that is over, we will have to face the other strong teams from the other 2 groups for semis, and if we win that, we might face south korea or saudi again or maybe even australia or japan from the first 2 groups..

            in short, we have no chance to mess up, except the first 3 group games. like always, iran usually uses the first 3 games as friendlies ande gains momentum gradually.

            only thing that worries me is that our most important player, ali karimi, hasnt even been playing the past few months.
            however good our other players are, without karimis dribbling, our chances of scoring are very little..

            it really depends on how well karimi is doing...

            btw..we will be playing with 2 DMs, nekounam and teymourian, which can be good and bad at the same time

            my prediction, we will get knocked out at quarter finals like asian cup 2000 considering the current form of TM.
            Originally posted by siavasharian

            بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
            بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


              Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia
              my prediction, we will get knocked out at quarter finals like asian cup 2000 considering the current form of TM.
              that was my thought too, even though, again, hopefully we're wrong
              Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                People always claim that we are better than we actually are. I am an optimistic football lover as well, and therefor I wish to believe this phenomenon 9 times out of 10. The real problem here is not the quality of our players. It has been proven that many of them posses talent (Karimi, Mahdavikia, Nekounam, Rezaei etc). The main problem is the structure (or lack of structure I should say) of the football federation and the lack of knowledge among the current TM staff coaches. When one of our best and most influental players confirm this, even I, an optimistic football lover lose faith.

                Asian Cup is not the most demanding and difficult tournament, we can all agree on that. The problem is that our opponents are given much better opportunities and help from their own federations in order to prepare for the tournament and to seriously challenge for the first place. Our federation plans visits to Hassan Khomeini's house before important tournaments instead of arranging some friendlies which could be of help in the team's preparation work.
                We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

                "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
                And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."



                  Originally posted by Haf3z
                  People always claim that we are better than we actually are. I am an optimistic football lover as well, and therefor I wish to believe this phenomenon 9 times out of 10. The real problem here is not the quality of our players. It has been proven that many of them posses talent (Karimi, Mahdavikia, Nekounam, Rezaei etc). The main problem is the structure (or lack of structure I should say) of the football federation and the lack of knowledge among the current TM staff coaches. When one of our best and most influental players confirm this, even I, an optimistic football lover lose faith.

                  Asian Cup is not the most demanding and difficult tournament, we can all agree on that. The problem is that our opponents are given much better opportunities and help from their own federations in order to prepare for the tournament and to seriously challenge for the first place. Our federation plans visits to Hassan Khomeini's house before important tournaments instead of arranging some friendlies which could be of help in the team's preparation work.

                  i really looked hard to find something to disagree with, but I couldn't.

                  i feel bad for this talented team that will go to waste, a team like this, with the combination of youth and experience that we have now, might not come around for years and years.
                  Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                    Originally posted by The-Red
                    i really looked hard to find something to disagree with, but I couldn't.
                    i feel bad for this talented team that will go to waste, a team like this, with the combination of youth and experience that we have now, might not come around for years and years.
                    This is no biggie my friend. Brazil has probably the most talented squad on earth but they still didn't manage to win the world cup. I'm not saying that the Italian players lack talent, but there were more tactical factors involved in their case.

                    If we only had a tactically skilled and talented coach we could turn all the negative things surrounding our football into something positive. If all players are brought to work and struggle to reach a common goal collectively we could be successful not only in the Asian cup but also in the world cup.

                    A great leader is actually something very important, something underrated in my opinion. The players should of course be able to play without constant supervision, but we all know that this is not possible in professional football. At least one front figure is needed.
                    And regarding the need for a talented coach for our team in order to challenge internationally;This coach must not necessarily be a foreigner. The problem is though that the current Iranian coaches with some experience are weak internationally. Maybe Majid Jalali could be good, but the others? Mayeli Kohan? Parvin? Nope. Never!

                    These gentlemen are experienced indeed, but they haven't seen much of professional football internationally, and I'm not just talking about watching games on IRIB 3. They don't know much about the organization, the structure, the atmosphere of true professional football.

                    The way I see it we must wait till players (or former players) like Vahid Hashemian, Mehdi Mahdavikia, Rahman Rezaei, Hamid Estili, Ai Daei and Khodadad Azizi become more experienced as coaches so that they can start the work on pushing our football into the 21st century. They have all seen and experienced international football on a very high level for several years, and they have in my opinion what it takes to develop our football.

                    Remember that now that Nekounam and Teymourian have found their way to Spain and the UK, there might be a chance that more Iranian players do the same thing DIRECTLY from Iran. We have all seen how Bundesliga has been the main "residence" for our legionners the latest 10-15 years. Javad's recent success and the positive comments about Ando over in UK could help to create interest for more of our talented players Let's face it, they won't reach far from IPL. They need to get to Europe and to develop under real organizations. That's the only (and most difficult) way .

                    It's time to push our future and our football towards professionalism and success, not towards Dubai and dollar bills.
                    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

                    "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
                    And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."



                      Originally posted by The-Red
                      of course we all do have faith in our team and will stay behind the team, but karimi_nr1 jan, we are not creating the right conditions and as for asian 2004, Japan was the true champion of the asian cup, we lost to china, they beat china,,,it's a simple game if you put the ball in the back of the net. There is no excuse for that, even if ref doesn't always call in our favor aziz.
                      I see South Korea and Australia as the top choices to win, then Japan, us and perhaps the Saudis have a chance as well.
                      No mate...We were the real champions of Asian Cup..

                      Seems like you didnt watch the China match did you.!! Baradare Aziz are you seriously sayying we deserved to lose agasint China.

                      The referee was the most biased referee every,

                      Karimi dribbling 2 defenders 1 on 1 agasint goalkeeper chinese defender tackles him with the ball not even close.!! got a yellow..

                      U think we deserved to lose to China.?...Go watch the match again and i think you will understand...

                      What about agasint Japan in the groupstage 0-0...The commentater laughed his ass off when Iran for 90 minutes pressured and pressured that in the last 5 minutes Japan became Arabs.!!

                      They became silly little players playing the ball at their back afraid to even go forward becauze the immense pressure we put on them..

                      EUROSPORT commentater said, This is disgraceful soccer from Japan, we are at minute 84 and japan has no intention of continuing to play soccer..

                      FKNG DISGRACEFUL

                      Or maybe u forgot our quarterfinals against S.Korea...They just got out of a world cup finishing 4th

                      We sleept in a fkng Airport the night before the match and quess what,
                      We beat them 4-3...EVERY single time they equalized we hit them again...

                      wAtch it again and you will kno everyone watching Iran that year, every sane proffesionalal expert in the game said Iran was the true Champions...

                      Now you dnt wanna realise we deserved to win that cup over Japan, You are wrong my dear friend....

                      China did not deserve the final spot, they were cheaters.!! And it was the most obvious cheating in soccer history to get iran kicked out.!!

                      How about Bahrain taking Japan to penalties in their Semifinal but iran crushed them 4-2 easily in their match....

                      You see....Japan were lucky Iran did not make the final..cuz what japan did in the groupstage will forever be in my mind as a coward act.!!

                      Japan did not deserve it in 2004, simple as that.....

                      U need to realise this brother


                        Originally posted by karimi_nr1

                        aziz deleh baradar, karimi_nr1 jan aziz, bebin, what happend was that we lost the game to china,,,,we played a conservative game, and just like we should have been eliminated in the group stage if the Bahrain ref had red carded Nosrati, [even tho there is no way to conclude that technically], the ref called against us in the china game and we point is, Japan beat China fair and squre, and won the tournament, ref mistakes are part of the game, but you can not tell me if ref haven't made mistakes, we would have won the games....

                        we did not beat Japan, we did not beat China, we did not even beat Oman!
                        Japan did, very simple. They won the tournament and that's all that matters.

                        Iran did not win the tournament, we had the potential, but we never materialized and guess what, japan did.
                        we had one awesome game against Korea, and that is...vs Thailand we only played good enough to win it at the end, for 60 min we played average, if not below that....oman game... , .sry mate, I will not except that we were the true champ if asian 2004, the only true champ of any tournament at the level, is the team that lifts the trophy at the end of the tournament.
                        Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                          Originally posted by The-Red
                          aziz deleh baradar, karimi_nr1 jan aziz, bebin, what happend was that we lost the game to china,,,,we played a conservative game, and just like we should have been eliminated in the group stage if the Bahrain ref had red carded Nosrati, [even tho there is no way to conclude that technically], the ref called against us in the china game and we point is, Japan beat China fair and squre, and won the tournament, ref mistakes are part of the game, but you can not tell me if ref haven't made mistakes, we would have won the games....
                          we did not beat Japan, we did not beat China, we did not even beat Oman!
                          Japan did, very simple. They won the tournament and that's all that matters.
                          Iran did not win the tournament, we had the potential, but we never materialized and guess what, japan did.
                          we had one awesome game against Korea, and that is...vs Thailand we only played good enough to win it at the end, for 60 min we played average, if not below that....oman game... , .sry mate, I will not except that we were the true champ if asian 2004, the only true champ of any tournament at the level, is the team that lifts the trophy at the end of the tournament.
                          Japan did not beat us.!! In a fair and square match we owned the so called champions of the tournament to draw back and for 7 minutes play arab soccer, the commentater was seriously laughing...

                          Japan barely beat Bahrain, Same thing as Iran barely beat Oman.....
                          We got cheated agasint China and it was obvious, What now is we dont need to worry..

                          China will get their penalty in this coming tournament where they are in our group...Well teach them 1 thing or 2....


                            Originally posted by karimi_nr1
                            No mate...We were the real champions of Asian Cup..
                            Seems like you didnt watch the China match did you.!! Baradare Aziz are you seriously sayying we deserved to lose agasint China.
                            The referee was the most biased referee every,
                            Karimi dribbling 2 defenders 1 on 1 agasint goalkeeper chinese defender tackles him with the ball not even close.!! got a yellow..
                            U think we deserved to lose to China.?...Go watch the match again and i think you will understand...
                            What about agasint Japan in the groupstage 0-0...The commentater laughed his ass off when Iran for 90 minutes pressured and pressured that in the last 5 minutes Japan became Arabs.!!
                            They became silly little players playing the ball at their back afraid to even go forward becauze the immense pressure we put on them..
                            EUROSPORT commentater said, This is disgraceful soccer from Japan, we are at minute 84 and japan has no intention of continuing to play soccer..
                            FKNG DISGRACEFUL
                            Or maybe u forgot our quarterfinals against S.Korea...They just got out of a world cup finishing 4th
                            We sleept in a fkng Airport the night before the match and quess what,
                            We beat them 4-3...EVERY single time they equalized we hit them again...
                            wAtch it again and you will kno everyone watching Iran that year, every sane proffesionalal expert in the game said Iran was the true Champions...
                            Now you dnt wanna realise we deserved to win that cup over Japan, You are wrong my dear friend....
                            China did not deserve the final spot, they were cheaters.!! And it was the most obvious cheating in soccer history to get iran kicked out.!!
                            How about Bahrain taking Japan to penalties in their Semifinal but iran crushed them 4-2 easily in their match....
                            You see....Japan were lucky Iran did not make the final..cuz what japan did in the groupstage will forever be in my mind as a coward act.!!
                            Japan did not deserve it in 2004, simple as that.....
                            U need to realise this brother
                            brilliant post. if there was an asian cup iran should have won it was this one


                              Originally posted by Amir
                              brilliant post. if there was an asian cup iran should have won it was this one
                              "should have...could have" don't give us a cup....we also lost in the same manner in 96 to the KSA in PKs while we should have had a PK call for us which wasn't did we won that one too?

                              we don't win games when we have to and our rivals such as Japan and KSA (at least in the asian cup tournament of the last 20 years] do. It's simple.
                              Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.

