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Ahmadinejad has weakened our football so much

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    Ahmadinejad has weakened our football so much

    Since AhmadiNejad has been in office, and with his stupid remarks about Israel all the time, he has done nothing but hinder our progress in the international football scene.

    Now national teams are afraid to play us because of the comments AhmadiNejad makes and very few times are prepared to come to Tehran to play a friendly match vs TM.

    I feel bad for us, I feel bad for TM, I feel bad that we all have to suffer due to AhmadiNejad's stupidity and we will see the direct result in our performance in the World Cup.

    Perhaps it is not for me to decide if a guy like Ahmadinejad should be the president of Iran , but let us face it , the majority of the Iranian voters think he is the right man to lead the nation. So , what he says represents people opinion and way of thinking ( not all the people but the majority)

    Apart from his attire and his looks, which is extremely despicable and an insult to the civilized nation (remember he represents not only himself but 70 million Iranians) his mentality is way beyond the acceptable in international political arena , but that is a topic that is not suitable for our forums.

    BUT…Ahmadinejad is NOT the only culprit. If the world thinks that Team Melli should not be in the World Cup, then there is a fundamental and serious imbalance in the mentality of those people which will breed hatred and only anarchist will benefit and thrive from such situation…..I fear for world peace and stability if the west is going down that avenue….seriously.

    Thanks God for Joseph Blatter….



      The question is if the people knew what would come at the time they were voting and if they now get accurate information at all in order to understand the political situation Ahmdinejad maneuvered Iran into.

      Anyway, we will still get some friendlies somehow - respect to IFF for setting the Ukraine match.


        Fisrt of all let me assure you that almost 50% of Iranians didnt vote.
        And in the end only 18 million voted for AN (thats less than a third)

        Secondly, His election was a big fraud. It was obvious that People like KAroobi and Hashemi were way ahead of him but they cheated on the results. But as Majid pointed out, this forum is not the place to discuss these issues.

        Anyway, he is the president and I agree with Kasra that he has had a huge negative effect on our international prestige (including football)

        In 1998, Khatami had a very positive effect on everything including football but now its the exact opposite. The country is moving towards all sorts of problems.

        I am sure if it was not for Ahmadinejad, we would have picked up some decent friendlies already.


          Originally posted by Hadi
          Fisrt of all let me assure you that almost 50% of Iranians didnt vote.
          And in the end only 18 million voted for AN (thats less than a third)
          Secondly, His election was a big fraud. It was obvious that People like KAroobi and Hashemi were way ahead of him but they cheated on the results..

          ghorboone dahanet


            The way it is going, I am afraid a lot more than just football will be at stake for Iran. The latest news is that AhmadiNejad wants to hold a conference on Holocaust. I am not sure where all of this is going, but seems like we will have a world wide confrontation.

            Think about it, not a signle country can defend this type of rhetoric. In his
            U.N appearnce, Ahmadji Nejad could have focused on most of European countries role in Iran-Iraq war and their support for Saddam. He could have
            focused on saying we have no intention of building Nuclear Weapn but even
            if we did, if U.S was right for dropping atomic bomb on Japan to save U.S lives
            why are we not justified for having Peaceful Nuclear program? Which country
            have Iran attacked in the past 30 years?

            However that is not the path he is taking. In the year 1980-1988 you heard
            very little about Iranian football, because we were being bombed and noone
            was concerned about football.

            I amafraid and I hope someone with some sense with avert this, but it is not
            looking very good for Irans future. Remember, just being defient will not
            cut it. Saddam was very defient and now the whole Iraq is paying the price.

            Bush have learned a lot from Iraq war and is trying to get the whole world against Iran this time and Ahmadi Nejad is just paving the way and helping Bush best way he can!

            Also, I know what FIFA has said about Iran and WC, but U.N has a lot of
            influence to change their mind, remember it is all about money and power
            and Iran has comperatively very little of either.


              its not as if we're not getting friendlies NOW, just because ahmadinejad is in power. its been like this for years. his comments have just reminded the world why they were anti iran, right when it seemed they were beginning to forget...


                Originally posted by ramingeles2000
                its not as if we're not getting friendlies NOW, just because ahmadinejad is in power. its been like this for years. his comments have just reminded the world why they were anti iran, right when it seemed they were beginning to forget...
                True, but it surely didn't improve the situation. As WC participants it would have been slightly easier for us to get decent friendlies than eg. 4 years ago, but that advantage immediately vanished thanks to Ahmadinejad's diplomacy.


                  Originally posted by Martin-Reza
                  The question is if the people knew what would come at the time they were voting and if they now get accurate information at all in order to understand the political situation Ahmdinejad maneuvered Iran into.
                  Anyway, we will still get some friendlies somehow - respect to IFF for setting the Ukraine match.

                  true! i really hope we will play at least one top10 country
                  Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
                  O.G from '97 & still here

