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How to incorporate Kia and Kaabi in a threeback system?

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    How to incorporate Kia and Kaabi in a threeback system?

    nice to have F+ back, and also nice to be a member of it. Thanks to PFDC management and all the good work!

    As a first start, I would like to kick off with the first thread!

    How to incorporate Kia and Kaabi in a 3 back system?

    You may simply say play 4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1 with Kaabi as right fullback as we played under Ivankovic. But there is a factor to remember that playing against the likes of Australia, South Korea, and Japan who play without doubt faster than our players in midfield we need to think of a "larger" mid-filed to take the speed away from them.
    I do not say, we should entirely play 3-5-2 (like we do now under Ghalenoie) but that system may be also vital.
    So, if we happen to play 3-5-2 or with a 3 back defence for that matter where shall we incorporat Kaabi? Surely, one might say Mahdavika is there anyway with more experience. I say Kaabi needs to play in that tournament to add more experience as he develops slowly to an asset for TM. Also I like to see speedy players in mid-field.

    based on that, I came to the following line up - feel free to criticize, add comments:







    *pls note the selection of other players there is just for example purposes. Who plays and why there is not the topic of this thread's discussion

    we could even afford to let Teymoorian as the lonely DFM and Nekoonam more into the center as playmaker. But thats not the purpose of this topic.
    What I am saying is BOTH Mahdavikia and Kaabi on the right wing will be dangerous weapons. They should rotate positions frequently, Why?

    - Both Kia and Kaabi have had Right Fullback experiences. Kia at HSV last season. Kaabi 4 years in TM under Ivankovic.
    - Both have also played classic right wing. Kia at HSV and TM. Kaabi now at Perspolis
    - Both have even played as "semi-forward" Kia at TM in his early years under Mayeli Kohan and Viera. Kaabi to some extend, if I re-call correctly, as a younger player.

    The point is both of them have the experience to play the entire right side be it defence, wing, semi forward, both are speedy. One got experience the other is agil! If we could incoperate them together there with a rotation system (once Kia back kaabi infront and the other way) we will confuse the left defence of the opponent and could have a very dangerous weapon.

    what do you think?

    Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!

    Excellent question and great re-start thread for F+.

    I have also thought about this, and wrote a suggestion in recent editorial in My suggestion would be to put Kaabi next to Hashemian and keep the rest of the team the same.

    Also, with your line up you probably meant to say in "3 back" system, not 3-5-2 because that line up looks more like 3-4-3 or 3-4-2-1.

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      thank you.. indeed, I should have called it "3-back"!

      BTW your suggestion is actually very good, Kaabi needs to train more shooting and scoring I would guess.

      Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


        Originally posted by Mansoor
        My suggestion would be to put Kaabi next to Hashemian and keep the rest of the team the same.
        I agree. Kaabi can be a great complement to Hashemian.

        Kaabi has lightening speed and good crosses while Hashemian has strength, aerial ability and technique. Both players are unselfish and provide good assists. Together, they'll make a deadly striking force.


          Since our coach insists on using a 3-back system. a 3-4-3 as suggested by agha Adesor seems to be the only way we can have both Kaebi and Kia.

          However, This system does not have a playmaker behind the strikers in the midfield unless Nekounam comes forward and the midfield takes a diamond shape. Or we can have Zandi as the Playmaker in the Midfield and Keep Ando on the bench.
          Also I don't think Madanchi does not have enough defensive skills, I will put Nikbakht there.

          so the midfield becomes







          Edit: Sorry Adesor, I did not read your notes beneath the lineup for Player selection.
          I agree with you 100% about Kaebi and Mehdi


            First of all, the 3 defense system is outdated and historic. It will eventually hurt TM for using it.

            But it is hard to incorporate BOTH Kia and Kaebi in the 3-5-2.

            What our members have posted above is more of a 3-6-1 with a three level midfield. That can work, since we dont have any suitable striker to start alongside Vahid.


              i will combine Mr.good & farhads formation and go with:

              1)playing a winger in a 3-5-2 position requires a lot of stamina, which definitely kia has more than kaabi
              2)kia is smarter and more experienced which is very important in defense. we cant afford kaabi and his hot head to give away crucial fouls/penalties or wrong passes or turnovers in our field like he has done many times the 2 most crucial ones being in worldcup 2006 against mexcio and in omid team against australia a few days back. so its better to keep more of the defensie work to kia.
              3)kaabi has a higher accelaration and even speed, he is better off helping hashemian who is our only other striker and because we will be outnumbered by the opponents defense in their field, a quick tecknicki player like kaabi can help overcome their crowded defense.
              4)usually the 2 wingers in a 3-5-2 are the ones who make the most crosses and kia definitely has better crosses than kaabi, so again, kia on right wing would be better in my opinion.

              i also agree with mr. good, im "do del" about the use of ando as our 5th midfielder or zandi. zandi gives us more offensive options which we saw can be very helpful for TM in the dubai tournament against hsv and stuttgart.
              as far as i recall, fielding teymourian and nekounam together has always reduced our offensive potence (which is already weak) noticeably...
              with zandi, we can switch between 3-5-2 and 3-4-3 very nicely...
              rajabzadeh is a good option isntead of zandi too although i would prefer a classical professional left footer like zandi over rajabzadeh but still...

              3-5-2 (with zandi/rajabzadeh)
              notice how in this formation, we have our deadly triangle of kai-karimi-kaabi and at the same time, use 2 good left footers for our left side of the field, namely nikki and zandi who can form a good pair..

              this formation can easily change to 3-4-3:

              also, remember guys, in the absence of daei(and mobali and kazemian), we dont have anyone who can take good direct freekicks for us. the use of zandi and/or rajabzadeh helps us this department as well.

              P.S. i would play nosrati as my sweeper, not rezai.
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                Hi everyone,

                Good to have F+ back.

                The subject of this thread is about using Kia and Kaabi in the same formation, and on that I agree with Yashar jaan and others that Kaabi can be more interesting to play forward than Kia, he is much faster than Kia and has a better offensive abilities.

                But regarding the left side of our team, although being a Perspolisi, but I do not think that we should give the starter position to neither Nikki or Madanchi, none of them were consistent this season and they have been both rather messy, this being said I do not have the ideal solution for the position either. I think Rajabzadeh or Zandi can be good elements, but the firsts good shape and skill fell lately and not sure how good the later is playing right now.


                  for quite a considerable period, Kia WAS the winger in such a formation, and I doubt we'd have much difficulty with him settling in.

                  But that means leaving out Kaabi, as Kia would be the right def/winger.

                  seeing kaabi perform adequately up front, I wouldnt mind seeing him paired with a tall/tough center forward type like VH. in form of complimentary forward who brings in speed and ground play to the aerial and combative nature of VH.


                    Originally posted by eshgheiran
                    Hi everyone,

                    Good to have F+ back.

                    The subject of this thread is about using Kia and Kaabi in the same formation, and on that I agree with Yashar jaan and others that Kaabi can be more interesting to play forward than Kia, he is much faster than Kia and has a better offensive abilities.

                    But regarding the left side of our team, although being a Perspolisi, but I do not think that we should give the starter position to neither Nikki or Madanchi, none of them were consistent this season and they have been both rather messy, this being said I do not have the ideal solution for the position either. I think Rajabzadeh or Zandi can be good elements, but the firsts good shape and skill fell lately and not sure how good the later is playing right now.
                    nice to see u back afshin jan
                    hope everything is fine on ur side now!
                    Originally posted by siavasharian

                    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                      wow awesome observations by you all.
                      great restart of this forum.
                      Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                        I've been advocating the versatile and balanced 3-4-3 for tm for years.

                        Mahdavikia is a much better presence in the box and Kaebi at this point is faster of the two, which makes him better suited to moving up and down the flank. Ideally however, the two would be interchangeable in game situations. Also of importance is the fact that this lineup reunites the three main offensive forces of tm (Kaebi, Mahdavikia and Karimi), and provides adequate support for Hashemian at the same time.




                        The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


                          Right now, I doubt we have any other striker other than Hashemian who deserves a regular spot in our lineup. So I would play a single target man upfront instead of forcing Hashemian to run to the flanks.

                          Now behind him, we can use Mahdavikia, Zandi, Madanchi and other attacking midfielders.

                          So here it is, how it can look like:



                            As someone has already said the 3 men defense is outdated and risky in today's football. Unfortunately under a 4 men defense, Kaebi will have no ideal position to play in since Mahdavikia will have taken his only viable position.

                            I shy away from playing Kaebi as a forward due to his physical weakness and relative inexperience in that area.

                            Under a 3 men defense system though I'd go with Adesor Vafaseya's suggestion (just replace Madanchi with Zandi)


                              It's basically the system Branko used when we had to deal with many suspensions last Asian Cup.

                              Back then he used


                              and it worked quite well, so nothing speaks against your suggestion, although I think a fourback simply is the superior system. But I don't think a threeback is completely outdated, it still has advantages in certain situations.

                              Btw, I edited the topic name.

                              Originally posted by Hadi

                              I like this apart from Zandi. I like him as player, but he is simply unfortunately not suitable for a wing position - especially not when he has no defensive backup behind him on the wing. He simply is too slow to cover a wing position and in this case it would not only weaken our attack, it would also prove costly in defense if the opposition has a fast rightwinger, which is rather usual.
                              Last edited by Martin-Reza; 05-19-2007, 04:14 PM.

