zz jan,
branko can do whatever he freaking likes, but that does NOT automatically mean nosrati on the left is better than nosrati in center and other more suited for the left , left out !
he wants to take nosrati to that one-horse league.
well, at least nosrati will be guaranteed championships since there's only ONE team in that whole league.
good for him.
on offense vs defense:
my point was when you said "ALWAYS".
in ur last post u were referring to the present time, which we all know IRAN is going throuhg a drought of good strikers.
but that doesnt make it a traditional weak point .... and certainly doesnt make defense a traditional strength.
I think others can express their opinion on the traditional strength of TM, too.
faraz jan, "names" dont play football.
players do.
KIA is kia because of his exploits on the RIGHT side.
I doubt he'd be as effective on the left, and certainly not as much as a player who is USED TO ( specialized ) the left side.
same mistake of playing "names" was commited by branko without having enough idea of the capabilities of the players. ( no wonder I see many branko fans still arrange players the same way .... inspite of being shown the results of this ... !! )
yes, we do see some coaches switch players to different roles.
but how many of these experiments result in improvements?
not many.
kia playing in defense instead of originally a striker ( at rah ahan ) and then winger ( under MK ) is one of the rare experiments that did result positively.
but remember, it is still on the same side.
he may do ok and acceptable on the left. no doubt.
but that'll deny the right of a superb winger, and give the left an ordinary winger !
if we want ordinary, we already HAVE ordinary, in many players who may even outdo it and do well. Niki, madanchi, mani'ee, .... .
same thing can be applied to nosrati on the left issue.
branko can do whatever he freaking likes, but that does NOT automatically mean nosrati on the left is better than nosrati in center and other more suited for the left , left out !
he wants to take nosrati to that one-horse league.
well, at least nosrati will be guaranteed championships since there's only ONE team in that whole league.
good for him.
on offense vs defense:
my point was when you said "ALWAYS".
in ur last post u were referring to the present time, which we all know IRAN is going throuhg a drought of good strikers.
but that doesnt make it a traditional weak point .... and certainly doesnt make defense a traditional strength.
I think others can express their opinion on the traditional strength of TM, too.
faraz jan, "names" dont play football.
players do.
KIA is kia because of his exploits on the RIGHT side.
I doubt he'd be as effective on the left, and certainly not as much as a player who is USED TO ( specialized ) the left side.
same mistake of playing "names" was commited by branko without having enough idea of the capabilities of the players. ( no wonder I see many branko fans still arrange players the same way .... inspite of being shown the results of this ... !! )
yes, we do see some coaches switch players to different roles.
but how many of these experiments result in improvements?
not many.
kia playing in defense instead of originally a striker ( at rah ahan ) and then winger ( under MK ) is one of the rare experiments that did result positively.
but remember, it is still on the same side.
he may do ok and acceptable on the left. no doubt.
but that'll deny the right of a superb winger, and give the left an ordinary winger !
if we want ordinary, we already HAVE ordinary, in many players who may even outdo it and do well. Niki, madanchi, mani'ee, .... .
same thing can be applied to nosrati on the left issue.