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Daei takes Branko and Marfavi to school

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    Daei takes Branko and Marfavi to school

    What a great match this was! From the entertaining aspect of the game, to the championship excitement, and mainly to the chess game on the bench, this match was a highlight of this IPL season.

    Two important points that I noticed from the chess part of the game:

    1. Daei showed Branko how he should have used Daei in WC; Last 20 minute of the match, the most critical part of the match, is when Daei should have been used.

    Being as old as Daei is, when he comes in toward the last part of the game, especially a fast pace match like this, the tireness of other players makes up for his old age. Plus, when he comes in, he brings in the much needed emotional booster toward the end. With players tired and emotionally drained, Daei is very good on injecting fighting spirit.

    Of course, he is now too old for TM, and perhaps even too old last year, but if there was a persistancy and a way to use Daei in TM, this was the only way that would have worked. Branko's mistake on this issue damaged his career as well as Daei's career among Iranian football fans.

    I could see things are about to change when I saw Daei's face warming up. So Daei comes in, and previously frustrated Saipa players change the outcome of the match, and subsequently, the outcome of the IPL championship.

    With Esteghlal's victory, Esteghlal could have closed the season with two relatively easier matches ahead. But, as soon as Daei comes in, a 1-0 victory changes to 2-1 for Saipa to take them to top of IPL, and put them in driver's seat for championship. Co-incident you might say? That brings us to part two:

    2. Daei took Marfavi to school with his sub. How? From the start, Esteghlal was playing with 3 defenders against 2 forwards. Already with the players in from the start and their match up in Esteghlal's part of the field, Saipa had the upper hand with several runs through Esteghlal defense (which Saipa wasted due to horrible finishes). So, to take advantage of this weakness and capitalize, Daei shocks everyone with his sub. He takes out midfielder Sadeghi and comes in as a forward.

    With this change, Saipa switched to 4-3-3; Three forwards, against 3 already weak and insecure Esteghlal defenders. This is a standard strategy in football: You have to defend with 4 defenders against 3 forwards, unless your team is superior in class, or has 3 world class defenders. Even in such cases, you would take chances for possible upset.

    So Daei comes in, adds to forward line, takes advantage of huge hole in the middle, and Saipa scores within minutes, back to back. Coincident? I don't think so.

    And what does Marfavi do when Daei is about to come in? Instead of waiting to see what Daei does with his sub to "possibly" adjust against it, he takes the opponent and Daei (as the coach) not seriously, acts emotional and without logic, and sends in Alizadeh for Quickeh(spell?) at the same time!? How terrible that sub was in itself was self-explanatory by referring to the rest of the match with terrible waste of scoring opportunities by Alizadeh, and taking the quickness of Quickeh out of the match. But the most critical move, and consequent mistake was with Daei's sub.

    The school continued as Marfavi reacted with taking Fekri out and Navazi in to switch to 4 men defense and increase the offense from the wing, but less than 10 min before the end. Too late! By the time Marfavi reacted, Daei had already implemented his plan, scored two goals, and switched back to 4-5-1 to finish the game! He took Momenzadeh out, brought in a midfielder, and he himself moved back one step to top of midfield as the distrupting player to effect each position of Esteghlal. Now, he had the upper hand in midfield with 5 against 4, distrupting Esteghlal's midfield, and taking away the ball with superiority in midfield to control the match in last ten minute and protect the 2-1 advantage.

    Well done by Daei in this chess match, great game by both teams to display exciting football.
    Last edited by Mansoor; 05-21-2007, 08:12 AM.
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
    Go IRAN!

    Seems that Talebloo agrees with you:
    2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


      Daei showed to everyone today the problems with 3-man defense. From the start of the game, Saipa strikers were using the gaps on the sides of Esteghlal defense, adding to that, using the OLD and slow Fekry as the sweeper did not help Esteghlal a bit. However, the young Saipa strikers had trouble finishing and did not have enough support from the midfield, even though they created so many good chances, a good striker would had converted at least half of them.

      When Daei came in and Saipa started playing 4-3-3, Esteghlal defense got totaly disoriented. Daei did not have much ball contact, but he stayed in the gap between Esteghlal's defense and its midfield (which was huge due to slowness of Fekry). This gave the other two strikers acres on the sides. Basically the man marking defenders did not know who to mark, and Fekry is too slow to sweep behind them.

      The game should be replayed shortly, please watch how the two teams are playing.


        One More thing,
        Who said Iranian teams cannot play 4-man defense. see how Saipa is implementing it, and they don't have the best players in the league. Their defense was solid and gave the opponent little space to maneuver. furthermore, they were implementing the offside trap with high success.
        Esteghlal for example can easily implement 4-man defense if the kick Fekry out. They have young defenders that can play central defense and wings. Take Yavarzadeh for example, or Sadeghi.


          One note: I'm sure Daei's view on how to use Daei didn't differ from Branko's view how to use Daei a year back. The coach and the veteran skipper surely talked about lineup and tactics and if Daei would have thought it would be better for him to come on late he would have told Ivankovic so and I doubt the coach would have let him start against his will.

          Also this reminds me of that nice football-saying that is used when a coach is praised for subbing the right player in:
          Mostly it's not the case that the coach subbed in correctly, but rather the coach lined up incorrectly
          Last edited by Martin-Reza; 05-20-2007, 02:51 PM.


            ^ well the title is a bit strong to draw attention but in reality no matter what Daei thought last year, this game and what he did was a good indication of how he should have been used. Branko's persistance to start him was arguably his biggest mistake.

            Merci Jamshid khan for the Fars article. Also, Fatolahzadeh said the same thing. He said Esteghlal lost in coaches half, and Saipa did better in his subs.

            Good observation MG jaan.
            Last edited by Mansoor; 05-20-2007, 03:29 PM.
            We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
            Go IRAN!


              true that
              deerooz, emrooz, farda
              The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
              Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                Originally posted by Martin-Reza
                One note: I'm sure Daei's view on how to use Daei didn't differ from Branko's view how to use Daei a year back. The coach and the veteran skipper surely talked about lineup and tactics and if Daei would have thought it would be better for him to come on late he would have told Ivankovic so and I doubt the coach would have let him start against his will.
                Also this reminds me of that nice football-saying that is used when a coach is praised for subbing the right player in:
                Mostly it's not the case that the coach subbed in correctly, but rather the coach lined up incorrectly
                so are you saying he did not see himself as such last year therefor he never asked branko?and if so are you saying you prefer that daei a year ago to asub in and last 20 minute man?
                deerooz, emrooz, farda
                The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                  esteghlal made the same mistake as sepahan did in ACL against al - ain, play with 3 defenders against 3 forwards...

                  come to think of it, had the esteghlal-peykan match not be postponed, maybe yesterday amir hossein sadegho would have been playing instead of fekri

                  but oh well...these things happen, specially in our football..
                  Originally posted by siavasharian

                  بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                  بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                    Originally posted by Mansoor
                    What a great match it was today. From the entertaining aspect of the game, to the championship excitement, and mainly to the chess game on the bench, this match was ............
                    absolutely agreed.
                    very good post mansoor jan.

                    as for the correct use of daei , well , some fellows have been saying the very thing from mid 2005 .
                    but koo gooshe shenava at TM ?
                    koo ye gheroon fahm at TM ?


                    and martin jan
                    , it SHOULD NOT be based on what the player thinks or claims , whether he can pull on for 90 or 40 or 10 .
                    what SHOULD matter is the coach and his ability to deduct in regards to any player's abilities.
                    especially those that are over-age, this assessment shd be done even more wisely.
                    not just becoz the player "says" he can play for 90 min's !!
                    we DID see him play 90 min's ... but what about efficiency?

                    it was this lack of insight and, I dare say, basic common sense on part of the coach and staff that made up ONE of the many reasons we had an under-performance at the WC.

                    But I am happy Daei is more intelligent and wiser as a coach.
                    and he dealt a master stroke in this game. on so many levels.


                      I certainly hope, TM under GN will not play 3 man defence or at least has the
                      plan to switch to 4 back as the game goes on. This has been ESES bread
                      and butter all season long, but IMHO only because coaches have not been
                      adjusting to it properly.

                      Both Japan and Australia have deadly and efficient finishers and having studied
                      GN's previous game plan, it will be just easy for them to score one or two and
                      sit back.


                        Great post!!! Thanks

                        Love, Peace & Unity
                        ZenDe BAd IRaaN, ZenDe BAd AzAdi, va ZenDe BAd TeaMe MeLLi

