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What a season it's turning out to be !!!!!!!!!

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    What a season it's turning out to be !!!!!!!!!

    ... and what an ending for this strange season !!
    couldnt ask for more excitement.

    it's gonna go right down to the wire.
    just like the dutch league.

    paas feels the threat of relegation, so they'll fight tooth and nail.
    and thay have 2 games against 2 contenders; saipa & ss-T
    pass' games are the most crucial in the race in so many ways.
    they have the players and set up. sadly, the coach isnt all that good ( I wonder what pass was thinking when they replaced jalali with shahrokhi !! THIS is the result of that flawed thinking )

    then we have the last derby of the season.
    ss-A wants the championship.
    Foolad wants to stay in the league and end this shameful season less disastrously.
    anything can happen.
    thank god no-one can accuse any team of cheating as the stakes are so bloody enormous for each team.

    for all these teams, foolad, ss-A, ss-T, saipa, paas, it takes nerves of steel to control themselves and stay rational during the games.
    I dont wanna be in any of the players' or coaches' shoes !

    Mess games are just fillers, barring some extraordinary events.
    simply becoz as a newly promoted team, they have achieved their primary goal of staying in the top league. and they are mid table and no threat faces them either.
    so player motivation and incentive comes to question here.

    then we have this aspect:
    malavan and paas, traditional powers in Iran football + foolad, IPL champions of 2 seasons back + saba champs of hazfi cup , fight to stay alive !!!

    while ss-A, which was usually living in the bottom or at best, midtable, season after season ( that is when they were not playing in the lower league, in between ) , are vying to take the crown.
    talk about topsy-turvy !!!!

    exciting times indeed.
    lovely way to end a season of football, ... anywhere in the world.

    it sure has a good ending, both up and down the table.
    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


      The only thing that worries me is the Foolad-Sepahan incident that can spoil things up, both in top and bottom of table.

      First, what Sepahan did was wrong. In reality, they were looking for a way to postpone that match. They officially requested that from the league but their quest was rightfully rejected. As if there is any more time left for anything. After they didn't get that, heaven came to them and the flight was delayed for couple of hours. Good enough I suppose to head home and never look back!

      Now, Foolad and Malavan are in boxing match about this. Malavan first threatened that they will withdraw if the match is not replayed. Foolad management says they don't wanna play against EstA until the Sepahan match gets cleared. They protest to the fact that the plane was only 2 hours delayed, and other officials made it to Ahvaz but not Sepahan. They want the 3-0 victory by default which will be very cruical 3 point for them.

      Disciplinary committee rejected that and decided on re-match. Foolad have taken that to higher court. Are we about to see Sanat Naft part 2? Perhaps.

      If Foolad withdraws, EstA as well as Pas will benefit from it. Therefore, efffecting several other matches that Peyman jaan mentioned. What a terrible scheduling to congest so many great games to be played within the next few days and then this!

      Latest news: The higher court is scheduled to meet today. If the match is decided for replay, then it will be scheduled for Friday! Sepahan is playing Wednesday in ACL. And has a match on Sunday that at most can be postponed to Monday since they also have Hazfi match the Friday after!
      Last edited by Mansoor; 05-22-2007, 06:55 AM.
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
      Go IRAN!


        رأي شوراي استيناف درخصوص ديدار فولاد و سپاهان امروز اعلام مي‌شود
        شوراي عالي استيناف فدراسيون فوتبال طي جلسه‌اي امروز بعدازظهر تكليف ديدار تيم‌هاي فولاد و سپاهان را مشخص خواهد كرد.
        به گزارش گروه فوتبال خبرگزاري ورزش ايران (ايپنا)؛ پس از عدم سفر سپاهاني‌ها به اهواز به دليل وضعيت نامناسب جوي، كميته انضباطي فدراسيون فوتبال كشورمان با صدور حكمي رأي به تجديد ديدار داد كه اين رأي مورد قبول فولادي‌ها قرار نگرفت و جهت بررسي بيشتر به شوراي عالي استيناف فرستاده شد.

        گفتني است در صورت اعلام نظر نهايي شوراي عالي استيناف، اگر قرار باشد اين 2 تيم يك بار ديگر رودرروي هم حاضر شود، روز جمعه اين هفته خواهد بود تا رقابت‌هاي ششمين دوره ليگ در همان تاريخ 7 خردادماه به پايان برسد.
        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
        Go IRAN!


          interesting khabar varzeshi article today which said, none of these teams deserve to be IPL champions..esteghlal, ahvaz, saipa & perspolise none of them!

          unfortunately, is giving me "SERVICE UNAVAILABLE" now, dunno if its for others as well but it was a nice article.

          also, it said that hejazi will most probably be replacing ghalenoi as the manager or watever that post was in esteghlal and fatollahzadeh had said whether esteghlal wins trophy or not, marfavi will stay!!
          Originally posted by siavasharian

          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


            فدراسيون فوتبال بايد ديدارهاي ملوان و فولاد را همزمان برگزار كند
            سرمربي تيم فوتبال ملوان گفت: برگزاري ديدار سپاهان و فولاد در هر تاريخي مي‌تواند شائبه برانگيز باشد و ما پيشنهاد مي‌كنيم فدراسيون ديدارهاي ما و فولاد را همزمان برگزار كند.

            "محمد احمدزاده" در گفت و گو با گروه فوتبال خبرگزاري ورزش ايران (ايپنا)؛ خاطرنشان كرد: اينكه سپاهان در فاصله 2 روز بعد از ديدار مقابل الشباب با فولاد بازي كند، نمي‌تواند معقولانه باشد چون سپاهان خسته است و براي كسب پيروزي تلاش نمي‌كند. از طرف ديگر اگر اين بازي را به پايان مسابقات ليگ برتر و بعد از هفته سي‌ام موكول كنند، باز هم جاي حرف و حديث باقي مي‌ماند كه در هر صورت باشگاه از حق قانوني خود دفاع و از اين جريان شكايت مي‌كند.

            وي ادامه داد: اگر بازي بعد از هفته سي‌ام برگزار شود، نمي‌توان انتظار يك بازي سالم را داشت، بنابراين فدراسيون فوتبال براي اينكه جلوي تمام حرف و حديث‌ها را بگيرد بايد ديدار فولاد ـ سپاهان و ملوان ـ برق شيراز را همزمان برگزار كند.

            احمدزاده گفت: چه اشكالي دارد كه ديدار اين 2 تيم بعد از پايان هفته سي‌ام برگزار شود؟ به هر حال ما و فولاد مدعي سقوط هستيم و بايد براي اينكه جلوي تباني و حرف و حديث گرفته شود، كاري كرد.

            سرمربي ملوان اذعان داشت: حكم كميته انضباطي درخصوص ديدار سپاهان و فولاد كاملا منطقي بود كه اگر چيزي غير از اين بود، جاي تعجب و اعتراض باقي مي‌ماند. كميته انضباطي جانب حق را گرفت و تكرار بازي بهترين تصميم ممكن بود.
            We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
            Go IRAN!


              Good to see Farhad Kazemi motivated to effect the championship with his team, Mes:

              سرنوشت قهرمان ليگ 85 را ما تعيين مي کنيم

              سرمربي تيم فوتبال مس كرمان گفت: در دو بازي بعد مقابل تيم هاي استقلال اهواز و سايپا عملكرد بهتري را از خود به نمايش خواهيم گذاشت.
              به گزارش گروه فوتبال خبرگزاري ورزش ايران (ايپنا) و به نقل از سايت رسمي سازمان تربيت بدني فرهاد كاظمي عنوان کرد: بازي خوبي مقابل پيكان ارائه كرديم اما نتوانستيم از موقعيت هاي خود به خوبي استفاده كنيم.

              وي با ابراز خشنودي از بازگشت ابراهيم تقي پور و رهايي اين بازيكن از بند مصدوميت گفت: در ديدار مقابل پيكان بازيكنان ما با جسارت هرچه تمامتر به ميدان آمدند و با استفاده از سه مهاجم بازي هجومي را در دستور كار خود قرار داديم.

              كاظمي ياد آور شد: در اين ديدار با استفاده از سيستم جديد توانستيم راه هاي نفوذ تيم پيكان را ببنديم و براي بازي هاي حساس و سخت آتي تمرين مناسبي داشته باشيم.

              وي افزود: در ديدار مقابل تيم هاي استقلال اهواز و پيكان با استرس كمتري به ميدان مي رويم كه اين مي تواند ابزار مناسبي براي ما باشد. تيم هاي صدرنشين ليگ برتر با استرس ناشي از كسب سه امتياز بازي مقابل ما صف آرايي مي كنند كه ما مي توانيم با آرامش به نتايج دلخواه مقابل اين تيم ها دست يابيم.

              سرمربي مس كرمان گفت: هر چند در دو ديدار آتي در خارج از خانه بازي مي كنيم اما در بازي هاي خارج از خانه راحت تر بوده و انگيزه بيشتري براي متوقف كردن تيم هاي بالاي جدول داريم تا به نوعي در تعيين قهرمان اين دوره از ليگ برتر سهيم باشيم.
              Last edited by Mansoor; 05-22-2007, 07:13 AM.
              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
              Go IRAN!


                مخالفت سپاهان با تاريخ جديد اعلام شده از سوي فدراسيون


                خبرگزاري فوتبال ايران - باشگاه سپاهان پس از امتناع از بازي مقابل فولاد در هفته گذشته اين بار نيز با برگزاري بازي مقابل فولاد در جمعه مخالفت كرد.
                به گزارش خبرگزاري فوتبال ايران پس از رأي كميته انضباطي سازمان ليگ‌برتر تاريخ جديد بازي دو تيم فولاد و سپاهان را جمعه هفته جاري اعلام كرد كه اين تاريخ با مخالفت جديد مسئولان سپاهان مواجه گرديد مسئولان سپاهان دلايل مخالفت خود را انجام بازي با الشباب در روز چهارشنبه (فردا) مقابل الشباب و فاصله كم و دو روزه آن با تاريخ جديد اعلام شده بيان كرده‌اند.
                We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                Go IRAN!


                  كاظمي:تاريخ اعلام شده فقط پيشنهادي بود
                  زمان دقيق را به صورت قطعي اعلام نكرديم


                  خبرگزاري فوتبال ايران - رئيس سازمان ليگ برتر از خبر مخالفت سپاهان با برگزاري بازي در روز جمعه اظهار تعجب كرد.
                  علي كاظمي مسئول سازمان ليگ‌برتر در گفت‌وگو با خبرگزاري فوتبال ايران اظهار داشت:واقعاً تعجب مي‌كنم چون ما زمان قطعي بازي دو تيم فولاد و سپاهان را به طور قطعي در روز جمعه اعلام نكرديم و تاريخ جديد بازي در روز جمعه تنها جنبه پيشنهادي داشت.
                  وي در ادامه افزود: تا زماني كه شوراي عالي استيناف حكمي در خصوص شكايت سپاهان ندهد ما نمي‌توانيم در خصوص تاريخ جديد تصميم‌گيري نماييم.
                  كاظمي تصريح كرد: با توجه به محدوديت زماني، برنامه فشرده ليگ و جام حذفي و سفر تيم ملي به مكزيك پس از رأي شوراي استيناف در نشستي با مسئولان فدراسيون تاريخ جديد را مشخص خواهيم كرد.
                  We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                  Go IRAN!


                    LOL @ farhad kazemi's move.

                    mansoor jan, words are one thing, but I still believe mass will be hard pressed to get motivated to such levels that kazemi boasts.

                    dont mistake me, I do like kazemi .... a lot.
                    but I think this resembles a kid left out of an argument between a bunch of his friends, and suddenly he jumps and makes some noise , just to say "hey, I'm here. I'm also important & cant be ignored. talk to me and about ME too" !! ( and everyone goes "ok, buddy. sure will. ...sigh! ............Now. where were we?"
                    I really doubt they'd have the motivation nor the strength after this crummy league scheduling to effect anything serious.

                    I'm even inclined to think kazemi may even be serious. but the players part is a whole different ball game and as I said, they basically have achieved their primary goal.
                    so .....


                    as for sepahan issue, here's my view ( dont want to use up unnecessary space ) :


                      Another dimention to this the " Coaching ".!!

                      I think, the real competition was among the coaches ....

                      The Ali daei's new year, and coming back to the top of saipa,with not much talent on his team....

                      Aziz, also,new coach, with very little talent,yet,stablishing a fighting spirit,and high scoring games..with little support.

                      Denizeli, always good,yet may be little under-achiver,with so much talent,and fans.

                      karimi, Esteghlale ahvaz, had fantastic coaching,and surprizing many.

                      Luka Bonacic, my faivorit....Sepahan..may be coached better than any team in Iran.
                      And,at the end, is Galenoee,any better than these top 5 coaches ?


                        zz jan, I agree.
                        it MOSTLY comes down to coaching, which is true in leagues all over.

                        But a couple of points.
                        1- in one case I think the coach factor had nothing to do with the team's rank and standing in the table.
                        this team hardly played good football. maybe just a handful of good games in the whole season, but they are way up the list.
                        their coach also is no great shakes and at times, absolutely horrific .
                        yet somehow, by hook or crook, this team is up there among the contenders !!!!
                        go figure !
                        luck and crazy incidents combined with a few ...ummm... "friendly glances" from refs have more to do with this rank than the coach.

                        hala shoma peyda konid portughal foroosh ra .... .
                        and if you cant, aghalan esme een team ra peyda konid heeheehee


                        2- Firooz Karimi:
                        his success is not so much of a surprise many make it out to be.
                        the guy has proven his mettle by winning the asian club champs with paas in 92.
                        he has been extremely active in lower league, year after year turning out promoting teams to the higher leagues and IPL.
                        I believe he was the victim of some military mafia in Iran that impeded his progress and career and he was forced to lay low most of the time, busying himself with second div teams .
                        always the journey-man, I remember each year he succeeded in promoting a team to IPL, he either resigned or left early into the top division season.
                        only this season he has persisted and resisted and we see the results.
                        of course, it helps that the team is not gov't supported and is privately owned and naturally, he is given a more free hand and control.

                        sadly, he is set to leave , again, after this season.
                        this journey man has earned everyone's respect . some ppl far earlier, some recently have started to appreciate his prowess.

                        maybe one day he will get his due.
                        I still hope he gets the crown this year, coz before ss-A deserving it ( which they certainly do , considering where they usually were in previous seasons ), it is Firooz Karimi who deserves it the most.


                        3- denizli, considering the absolute shocking lack of a proper "goal scorer" in pp, has done well.
                        compare the style of football under him and ANY of the pp's in the past decade.
                        he is basically a victim of the fact that Haan selected the roster for pp for this season, and the guy never really hired any talented goal scorer.
                        fatemi & reza'eian were the strikers chosen by Haan !!!!!!!!!!
                        from here you can make out the pathetic conditions at pp.

                        If you watch their games, the first thing you notice is the number of chances and dangerous opportunities they create in each game.
                        it is just there is no-1 to apply the final touch !

                        no wonder he had to push midfielders like badamaki, niki, madanchi, ... to forward position to somehow make do !!
                        if PP had one ... just one, Enayati, they'd have won the league by now


                          this after week 29:

                          HOT DAMN !!!!!
                          WTF was that?

                          I still cant believe my eyes seeing the scores.
                          My god what drama near the end of the games.
                          ss-A leading and relinquishing the much-wanted 3 points at last moments !!
                          ( I put it down to inexperience and lack of championship mentality among the players)
                          I cant imagine what is going on in karimi's mind !
                          and I certainly dont want to be in the shoes of those who f**ked up !

                          SS-T chokes again!
                          what can I say?
                          somewhere, somehow somebody ought to change things around for them.
                          but it certainly cant be the inexperienced marfavi whose technical and tactical knowledge is found wanting in such dire stages.

                          Paas coming back to life and actually scoring goals against Saipa?
                          what more drama can anyone ask for?

                          and PP still in with a chance.
                          and I must add, with a BIGGER chance than what they had this time yesterday !!
                          I cant imagine what combinations and probabilities are running through pp fans, players and staff.

                          I guess "going right down to the wire" is fast becoming an understatement.
                          dutch league finish?
                          you bet yer arse.

                          now, it's all about who can maintain their nerves and composure.
                          more than who is worthy or technically / tactically superior.

                          it's going be wild.
                          it's gonna be hectic and chaotic.
                          technique or tactics is out the window.
                          it's all about


                            Good read Peyman jaan. Indeed an exciting finish.

                            As for Est A, I think they have already won! This young team with so many players from Omid and youth teams is set to go no where but higher. They have become what Foolad was few years ago. The difference is their ownership is private so no changes from top would effect their progress as it did for Foolad. Players like Meidavoudi, Hamoudi, Chahjoeei, Taheri, Ale Nameh, all from national team U23, are here to stay, and hopefully progress to superstar status. In particular, I see good future in Hamoudi if he continues to improve.

                            In this race, obviously Saipa has the higher chance but with the things going the way they have, anything is possible:

                            - With two back to back loses by Esteghlal Tehran, I don't see momentum in their side. In fact, from their last four games they have lost 3 and tied once. Their internal chaos from management to coaching to players and fans, have a lot to do with it.

                            -Esteghlal Ahvaz had the golden opportunity to rap things up this week and couldn't. With the way Foolad is playing, they will have much tougher time defeating them than Mes. Foolad still has to play Sepahan tomorrow but fatigue factor would be in their side against Sepahan. And equally, the fatigue would be against them Monday since they would have to play a day after Est A's match today, and just 3 days before their next game. Two back to back tough games for Foolad can run them down.

                            -Saipa vs Mes destiny will all tie to the benches. Daei vs Kazemi would be interesting chess match to watch. As I said in earlier posts, Kazemi promised to have effect in championship. They did today as they fought to last minute to score. We'll see if it is the case against Saipa as well. Both teams should be very tired from today's marathons and we may see a slower game Monday. That is where the subs come into the game to win the game for either one (or for others!). And that puts the championship destiny in hands of Kazemi and Daei.

                            -Perspolis has the easiest day of all of them. With Korbkandi having pink slip in his hand already, and see the "havoos" in the club every other day, I doubt there would be any motivation but a good finish for him. I don't see any fire in Zobahan to fight back against Perspolis in Azadi. Perspolis easy day will be leveled, however, by toughest possiblity to win IPL. That would be the most "Napeleoni" championship win I have ever seen. They pulled one in first IPL, but that was only against one team, Esteghlal. This time it is against three teams. Denizli would have to kiss Kaabi's feet if they win IPL!

                            Here is the status for last week of IPL:

                            Standing with goal scored, conceded, and goal difference:
                            Saipa 53 pts, 43-11, +12
                            Est A 53 pts, 33-28, +5
                            Est T 51 pts, 38-29, +9
                            Perspolis 50 pts, 46-32, +14

                            Monday May 28th
                            Saipa vs Mes in Karaj
                            Est A vs Foolad in Ahvaz
                            Est T vs Pas in Azadi or Takhti stadium
                            Perspolis vs Zobahan in Azadi or Takhti stadium

                            For Saipa to win IPL:
                            If Saipa wins, they'll win the IPL unless Est A wins with 8 more goal difference than Saipa.
                            If Saipa ties, then needs to see Est A to at least tie, and Est T not to win with 4 or more goal margin.
                            If Saipa loses, then need to see Est A to lose and Est T& Perspolis not to win.

                            For Est A to win IPL:
                            If Est A wins, then need to see Saipa not to win or else have to score with 8 more goal margin than Saipa.
                            If Est A ties, then need to see Saipa loses, and Est T not to win.
                            If Est A loses, then won't win IPL unless Saipa loses by 8 goal margin to Mes and Est T & Perspolis not to win.

                            For Est T to win IPL:
                            Est T has to win and neither Saipa or Est A not to win to have a chance:
                            With a win, If Saipa & Est A both lose, they'll win IPL.
                            If Saipa ties and Est A don't win(tie or loss), then Est T has to win with 4 goal margin.
                            If Est A ties and Saipa loses, then Est T victory with any margin would win them IPL.

                            For Perspolis to win IPL:
                            Perspolis has to win and all other three not to win to have a chance:
                            If Perspolis wins, Est T doesn't win(tie or loss) and both Saipa & Est A lose, then they will win IPL

                            Last edited by Mansoor; 05-24-2007, 10:24 AM.
                            We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                            Go IRAN!


                              This Championship is for Saipa to lose, if they concentrate and plan the game right, then it should be easy picking for them. Mes doesn't have any incentive to win. On the contrary Foolad is in a must win situation to escape relegation, even if Foolad Manages to win against sepahan, they will be tied in points with Malavan and they will be very tired for the game against EST-A and also in the danger of relegation.

