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Higher court approves Discip. com. decision on Foolad-Sepahan

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    Higher court approves Discip. com. decision on Foolad-Sepahan

    Hours ago, higher court approved Disciplinary Committee's decision on holding Foolad-Sepahan match at later date rather than granting 3-0 victory to Foolad.

    Meanwhile, League committee has suggested Friday, two days after Sepahan's Wednesday match in ACL, as the day to hold this postponed match. Sepahan also has a match scheduled for Sunday and Friday after. Sunday match may get postponed to Monday.

    Rezaeean, Foolad boss, said they will play on Friday, but only on Friday. If they postpone the match to after the 30th week, they'll refuse.

    Sepahan has requested to postpone to another day.

    Malavan coach, Ahmadzadeh, has requested to hold Foolad-Sepahan, and Malavan-Bargh to be held at the same time and date.

    Kholaseh shahr sholoogheh
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
    Go IRAN!

    it's such a mess.

    sepahan cannot be destroyed over the next 2-3 weeks just becoz IFF's planning is so disastrous !

    do they expect sepahan to play one tough ( and crucial ) game after another , every 3-4 days?
    consider the travel time for the team and players too.
    now consider they've been doing this for sometime now, since they're the ONLY iranian team ( gooz be reesh-e ss baa oon dast-e goleshoon !! ) that is playing in asia, in IPL and hazfi.
    the most prominent one is the asian part.
    not for them only. but for all Iranians

    what does IFF want?
    wed , vs alshabab (ACL )
    friday vs foolad (league )
    next tue or wed against .... ( league )
    next friday pp ( hazfi )

    rubbish !
    IFF shd answer for any inconveniences caused to any team like foolad or malavan or ... becoz it was IFF's pathetic planning and scheduling that has brought this mess on today.
    not sepahan.

    THIS is how they support the SOLE ( ss fans , anywhere? - Oohhh yes, it's gonna haunt you for many many months. so get used to it ) representative of Iran in asia?

    If it were ss or pp, they'd be bending backward to satisfy and pacify the two sogolis !!! ( as they've done for decades )


      Here is the funny part Peyman jaan. With this master piece scheduling and always short in time, they are now expanding league to 18 team .... A good example of Moosh too soorakh nemiraft ...
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
      Go IRAN!


        Originally posted by Mansoor
        Hours ago, higher court approved Disciplinary Committee's decision on holding Foolad-Sepahan match at later date rather than granting 3-0 victory to Foolad.
        Meanwhile, League committee has suggested Friday, two days after Sepahan's Wednesday match in ACL, as the day to hold this postponed match. Sepahan also has a match scheduled for Sunday and Friday after. Sunday match may get postponed to Monday.
        Rezaeean, Foolad boss, said they will play on Friday, but only on Friday. If they postpone the match to after the 30th week, they'll refuse.
        Sepahan has requested to postpone to another day.
        Malavan coach, Ahmadzadeh, has requested to hold Foolad-Sepahan, and Malavan-Bargh to be held at the same time and date.
        Kholaseh shahr sholoogheh
        As much as it is tough, I think it is the only solution. Teams in Europe play every 3-4 days and if our football claims they want to be a true pro that is what they have to get used to. What would you do if you were in these guys shoes?

        In Iran clubs don't have private stadiums and facilities and no matter who is in charge, organizing the leauge is a nightmare. The root cause of this crap was postponding the leauge for Omid game in Australia. Rather than sending the EsEs Ahwaz players a day or two later to Australia.
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          Originally posted by Ali Chicago
          As much as it is tough, I think it is the only solution. Teams in Europe play every 3-4 days and if our football claims they want to be a true pro that is what they have to get used to. What would you do if you were in these guys shoes?
          The point is I would never be in their shoes because I don't think I would let things go this far to begin with. Too much time gets wasted through the year while they know when Asian Cup will begin and how much time TM needs to prepare. Exact same problem as last year that caused problem for TM.

          The problem is their "dynamic" or "real time" scheduling. They don't set the schedule ahead and as things get pushed this far, of course if something unpredictable like the weather in Ahvaz happens, then this mess happens. As famous quote says "if something can go wrong, will go wrong", they should have left enough space for surprises. Your Omid example is a very good example of how badly they wasted time to get here.

          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
          Go IRAN!

