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4 men and destiny

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    4 men and destiny

    The final week of the most exciting season of IPL is at hand. And it is to a fan’s delight that even now, there is no clear winner or even favorite for the crown.

    It’ll depend on each coach’s ability to first maintain his own composure, THEN be an adept psychologist and a source of mental strength for the players.

    I believe tactics will not have any palpable effect, given our semi-pro (at best) players & attitude. So I doubt devising complex tactics & game strategies is going to bear ANY fruit with our players at this particular stage. Hence, formations, game-plans and strategies are more or less out the window.

    My guess is the experience, leadership quality, and personal relationship of the coaches will have far greater impact on how each team plays its final game.

    Lets go over all the four coaches with a chance to win it all:

    1- ALI DAEI.
    This man has been one of the most influential and high profile personalities of our football ever.
    Forget those issues of TM & the WC and … . What matters is whether HIS OWN players respect him & heed him. And I’d like to think they do.

    Daei, personally, is a more level-headed person than most people in our football. His exposure to the professional side of the game & his own inherent resolve, dedication and determination will be a great asset here.
    But his inexperience as a COACH is going to weigh heavily on him.

    His determination to prove many things to a lot of people is a double edged sword, which may lead to some rash decisions.
    But I think his team are his soldiers who will go to war at behest of their charismatic general and fight FOR HIM, no matter what.

    Karimi has long proven to be a very good vatani coach who can work well with lesser teams or teams with no super-stars. He is shrewd and very cunning. Given the right tools, he’ll make complacency pay. His Asian club championship win with Paas (1992) provides ample proof of his cunning and coaching skills.

    But it has been quite a while since he was in a position to win Iran’s premier league’s trophy. How will he react? Especially since he is rumored to be leaving the club! This, again, becomes a double edged sword for him and his players. He will want to finish on a high note. But we cant deny the psychological impact on the players on departure of the single coach who has brought the club to this unprecedented height and opportunity of actually vying for the title.

    Will he be able to rally his troops and boost them psychologically after their last game against Mess-Kerman, where they traded the much wanted 3 points with a single one at the dying minutes of the game? Surely this will have repercussions on the morale of the team and staff.

    When Ghale-Noei left Esteghlal to lead the TM, hardly anyone gave Marfavi a chance at repeating the championship win. But here we are and the team is way up there and until a week ago, had greatest chance of defending the trophy.
    But as they say, there’s many a slip between the cup and the lip.
    The loss against their closest rivals, Saipa brought forth the dirtier side of their fans, football politics and all that only disturbs the mind for the players and their young and inexperienced coach.

    Rumors of Hejazi’s return ( for the 16th time, or 17th ?? Have lost count! ) to the blues, that too just prior to the crucial game against Peykan had nothing but disaster and stress written in the script.
    And Voila!! Apparently lightning DOES strike twice! They lost to Peykan again!

    2 major losses in as many games means a mountain of pressure on the young coach and his players. it will be asking too much from a coach who himself is under such tremendous pressure to portray and convey calm and control onto his team!
    Already there is talk of Esteghlal being “chokers” based on instances, seasons past, that they did choke and fail at the last hurdle.

    Will Marfavi be in a position to pull them together and breath a new life into the team, and effect a convincing AND high scoring win (as they lag behind in goal difference also, apart from the 2 points shortage), … all the while resisting the pressure from the management and looming presence of the charismatic Hejazi?

    The effendi may be the most experienced and tactically superior to his rivals here. He certainly has tasted success in the superior European football, and is no stranger to championships, which automatically makes him a formidable coach.

    But he, too, has his problems. First & foremost is the 3 points shortage, which gives them only a slight chance of winning. In the shape of losses for both Saipa & Esteghlal-Ahvaz and a no win game by the blues.
    Anywhere in the world, such a situation demands great coaching ability and morale management to sustain the adrenaline within the team and maintain the winning streak, while your mind and attention is drawn elsewhere(s), strewn about all over the country. One side, Karaj. The other, Tehran. And then, Ahvaz.
    But after going over the events of the second half of the season, I would not dismiss anyone who harbors a hope for the red team. Anything can happen to any and all those teams.
    Will Denizli be able to sustain that aggression seen in most Persepolis games this season? Will his unknown future at the club and recent management shuffles and reshuffles take its toll on the team?
    Does he still command an unconditional service of his players?

    One thing is for sure. This final set of games is not for the weak minded and faint of heart. It will be grueling for the players and cruel for the coaches.
    I think the deciding factor is not the formations or style of training or football. It’ll be the NERVES & GUTS of the coaches and how they prepare their warriors for the battle MENTALLY.

    One can be pardoned to imagine oneself among the throes of screaming Romans at the Colosseum, awaiting the gladiators.
    Let the games begin and let the brave win.

    Thanks, good read.

    Out of the four, Denizli will have the easiest day as his team is coming out of no where, they are not under pressure, and still count on Hazfi cup as the main target to attend ACL. That should keep his team relaxed enough.

    The main battle will remain for Daei vs Kazemi. I think Daei will do well for his players to get them ready, but how well would he do against Kazemi is another question, remained to be answered on Monday.

    I doubt Est A would survive Foolad, and I doubt Est T would snap out of internal chaos.
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
    Go IRAN!


      Great Analysis.

      I agree with Mansoor jaan, I think that Ali Daei will be the big winner of the last day. Because they are well placed, and because Daie has more experience of pressure than others. He will know how to deal with the situation.

      That was a great IPL that we had, very exciting, hopefully next season it will be the same with 18 teams.

      But, am I the only one who is appalled of seeing Perspolis playing one day before everyone else? That is so unprofessional of IFF.


        Concise...DD Jan....I also think ali Daei has the right stuff at this moment....
        How ever, if experince is the difference,,,,esteghlal Tehran's players have been here and done that more often.....
        It is up to experince and motivation now.....and Daei has it.


          Great analysis. I have to say after Saipa-Esteghlal match, I was sure that Daei will wrap things up against Pas now I think the pressure took its toll on Saipa players (Although Saipa had the hardest challeneg among the top 3).

          Playing against Mes in Tehran will be much easier than playing against either Foolad or Pas. I think Daei can manage to get the result, the question is if the players will be able to cope with the mounting pressure.


            good post

            I hope no matter what Denizli stay in Iran
            Daie to get some international experience and Marfavi to work under a foriegn coach for a few years, starting next season.
            Firooz Karimi is a good Iranian coach, I like to see him in youth national teams.
            Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


              i think denizli kept kaabi on the bench cos he was expecting to see a tired sepahan in the second half and then use kaabis speed and energy in the second half to finish off sepahan. i guess it backfired. maybe if kaabi had played from the beginning of the game, perspolis could have ended the game in 90 minutes itself.

              on the other hand, im not sure if bonacic and his hashieh sazi and eventual sending off played any role in sepahans victory.

              wat do guys think??
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia
                i think denizli kept kaabi on the bench cos he was expecting to see a tired sepahan in the second half and then use kaabis speed and energy in the second half to finish off sepahan. i guess it backfired. maybe if kaabi had played from the beginning of the game, perspolis could have ended the game in 90 minutes itself.
                on the other hand, im not sure if bonacic and his hashieh sazi and eventual sending off played any role in sepahans victory.
                wat do guys think??

                such interruptions usually aid the team that is under pressure or are playing irrational & emotional football, like iran-australia.

                this space allows them to gather their wits and calm down and think clearly.
                many times teams or coaches try stuff for this purpose oly.
                I think luka probably had thi in mind as they;d just conceded a goal, w/ only 15 to go!
                mighty clever of him.

                such things also disrupt and disturb the attacking team or when they are on top.
                so on one side, momentum is lost , and the other, starts thinking.
                this also provides a short break for tired players.

                if only some TM coaches were quarter as clever, especially after mex's 2nd goal!!!!!

                but then, such acts need 3 things;
                1- brains
                2- guts
                3- priority for the TEAM & not one's own image

                luka and many others have these.
                they are ready to sacrifice their image or rep, on the slim hope that their TEAM may benefit.
                this is very admirable.

                while some other choghondars, sit glued to the bench and go on running their hands thru their hair, looking like a lost little retarded kid !!!!
                or maybe they didnt give a f*ck what's happening to the team, coz they'd finally got what they wanted actually; be in the FCUKING WC !!!!!
                or maybe their stupid reputation & image was more important than the team's fate !
                ( and they ask me why I use the words "slimy wimp" for such worms !)


                  ur right peyman jan. maybe i asked the wrong question. wat i meant was, wat bonacic did, was it on purpose or was he just protesting and being hot tempered, lost his cool and got sent off?
                  because maybe he shouldnt have taken it to an extreme and could have protested to an extent but avoided getting sent off. now he wont be there for next game. know wat i mean?
                  Originally posted by siavasharian

                  بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                  بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده

