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Yeh Kilo News!

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    Yeh Kilo News!

    There are so much IPL news going around that it is hard to catch up. Sport newspaper sales in Iran should be in highest level. Here are some of the important ones. If I see any more,I'll post them:

    - Disciplinary committee just finished their meeting and voted against Esteghlal for week 30. Due to unrest in the stadium, Esteghlal-Pas match will be held without spectators .....
    (^This decision was over ruled by IPL)

    *** hold on blue fans, this would be actually a reward for the team. With all the chaos going on right now, and different "fronts" pushing their agenda to take over Esteghlal, it would be very beneficial for the team to play in a quiet stadium free from stress, and focus on their game. ***
    *** I thought things were worse in Ahvaz with Est A fans chasing the assist refs and else. How come no same decision there? Well, there is a technical problem: without ref's report, they can't make decision. They yet to recieve full report from all sides. I think Shafei is paying the postman as we speak to delay ***

    - More bad news for blue fans: Ansarian is hurt and out for a week. He will not be in the match. Is this all? Nop. Talebloo recieved his third yellow card in Peykan match and is suspended. No Talebloo, no Ansarian for this one. Any good news? Pas will also miss Manei for suspension (3 card). Also Nosrati and Shirzad still are in injured list.
    ^Talebloo is cleared to play. Yavarzadeh is suspended for 3 cards

    - Akbarpour's case also is being reviewed in the disciplinary committee. He might get suspended for going to the fans after the goal and use profanity. The case will be reviewed tomorrow.

    - Borhani promises to win the match against Esteghlal. He prediceted his ex-coach's team, Perspolis to win IPL.

    - Daei has taken his team to the camp in Karaj for 3 days. What is Kazemi doing? He has taken his team to the camp in Tehran for 4 days!

    - Parvin said Perspolis has 30% chance to win the championship. Statiticians are still working on how in the world he came up with that particular scientific number. Abedzadeh referred to Perspolis championship as a "dream".

    - Esteghlal Ahvaz team supervisor as well as the one and only Firooz Karimi have already congratulate Saipa for championship. They complained about "unknown hands" delivering the result for them last week.

    - Mes management promises to do the same to Saipa as they did to Est A, and have impact on championship.

    - Rezaeian said Foolad Esteghlal Ahvaz match won't have a tie. We have to win and hope for Malavan not to get a point in Shiraz.
    **Someone needs to explain to him about the goal difference advantage they have.

    - Foolad coach is pissed at his Brazilian forward to be late to join the team and has taken his name out of the list for Monday match. A portugees bluff? We'll see about that ...
    Last edited by Mansoor; 05-27-2007, 05:44 AM.
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
    Go IRAN!

    This one just in too:

    IFF has just confirmed the Hazfi cup schedule to stay as before. So here it is:

    Friday, June 1st
    16:30 local time
    Perspolis vs Sepahan
    Saba vs Peykan

    So the football mania continues. Sunday, Perspolis match, Monday other IPL matches, Friday Hazfi matches, and Saturday Iran-Mexico match .... Please take Tylenol if the football fever continues to run high in your system ...
    Last edited by Mansoor; 05-26-2007, 10:46 AM.
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
    Go IRAN!


      Thanks for the news Mansoor Jaan,

      Esteghlal is lucky to not have fans for their last game. Now they might have a chance for championship.


        Thank you Mansoor Jan.

        Originally posted by Mansoor
        - Disciplinary committee just finished their meeting and voted against Esteghlal for week 30. Due to unrest in the stadium, Esteghlal-Pas match will be held without spectators .....
        I agree. This decision will be very beneficial for Esteghlal.

        - More bad news for blue fans: Ansarian is hurt and out for a week. He will not be in the match. Is this all? Nop. Talebloo recieved his third yellow card in Peykan match and is suspended. No Talebloo, no Ansarian for this one. Any good news? Pas will also miss Manei for suspension (3 card). Also Nosrati and Shirzad still are in injured list.
        Talebloo's yellow card suspension is a big blow for us. Let's hope we will still pull out with the win.

        - Akbarpour's case also is being reviewed in the disciplinary committee. He might get suspended for going to the fans after the goal and use profanity. The case will be reviewed tomorrow.
        I read somewhere that he will not be suspended for Monday? Is that right?

        - Borhani promises to win the match against Esteghlal. He prediceted his ex-coach's team, Perspolis to win IPL.
        Hala bebinim o tareef koneem

        - Parvin said Perspolis has 30% chance to win the championship. Statiticians are still working on how in the world he came up with that particular scientific number. Abedzadeh referred to Perspolis championship as a "dream".


          Originally posted by Mansoor
          This one just in too:
          IFF has just confirmed the Hazfi cup schedule to stay as before. So here it is:
          Friday, June 1st
          16:30 local time
          Perspolis vs Sepahan
          Saba vs Peykan
          So the football mania continues. Sunday, Perspolis match, Monday other IPL matches, Friday Hazfi matches, and Saturday Iran-Mexico match .... Please take Tylenol if the football fever continues to run high in your system ...
          I would like to add that the final is on June 8/ 18 Khordad.


          And also, Referee's for the final round of IPL have been anounced:


            Thanks for the news.

            BTW, why do they use Azadi for a match without spectators? To save its pitch it would be better to play the match in Dastgerdi.


              thanx for the news mansoor khan, according to my scientific calculations, it was 2 kg of news
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده



                More news:

                IPL league committee overturned the ruling on Esteghlal as they are not the host for Pas match. So the match will be held with spectators.

                Also Esteghlal Ahvaz got the same ruling but also is not the host for Foolad match and that match will also will be held with spectators. Following this news, the ref for the match, Mohsen Torki, suddenly became sick and won't (dare to) go to Ahvaz. The ref is changed.

                Talebloo suspension was a mistake. IPL league cleared him for Pas match as he did not have 3 cards. Yavarzadeh has 3 cards, and him along with Ansarian and Morteza Ebrahimi will miss Pas match. Fekri should be back in the line up for Pas match.

                Yes, Mohammad jaan, investigating the incident about Akbarpour is postponed to after Pas match.

                Inam nim kilo ezafi Yashar jaan.
                We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                Go IRAN!


                  Originally posted by Mansoor
                  More news:
                  IPL league committee overturned the ruling on Esteghlal as they are not the host for Pas match. So the match will be held with spectators.
                  Also Esteghlal Ahvaz got the same ruling but also is not the host for Foolad match and that match will also will be held with spectators. Following this news, the ref for the match, Mohsen Torki, suddenly became sick and won't (dare to) go to Ahvaz. The ref is changed.
                  Talebloo suspension was a mistake. IPL league cleared him for Pas match as he did not have 3 cards. Yavarzadeh has 3 cards, and him along with Ansarian and Morteza Ebrahimi will miss Pas match. Fekri should be back in the line up for Pas match.
                  Yes, Mohammad jaan, investigating the incident about Akbarpour is postponed to after Pas match.
                  Inam nim kilo ezafi Yashar jaan.
                  merci mansoor khan, baz in nim kilo khabar bishtar chaspid be man ta un 1 kilo ghabli
                  faghat kashke ansarian masdum nemishod
                  Originally posted by siavasharian

                  بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                  بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                    ^ Knowing Ansarian, don't be surprised if you see him tomorrow with a protection over his nose and playing ....
                    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                    Go IRAN!


                      LOL at the heading.

                      OOOwaaahhhh. cheghadr news.

