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Daei; with dignity and valor

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    Daei; with dignity and valor

    The mark of a great man is how he faces adversity, deals with it and comes up a winner.

    We have many who fell by the way side when attacked with such ferocity that Ali Daei was. But we know the nature of him and his steel will keep him from crumbling and forces him to withstand and then defeat his foe.

    Ali Daei is a proud man. He has reason to be proud.
    I am not going to rehash the already threaded path of his past glories and honors.
    I am going to speak about how a man, great or not, would like to finish that glorious phase and begin a new phase of life.

    No-one would like to finish such a stellar and dynamic career as a football player with calls for retirement and resignation by others.
    Daei is no exception.
    Any player needs to see his efforts and exploits appreciated and honored at the time of him hanging up his boots. ANY player, no matter how insignificant his deeds and conquests.
    Now, put yourself in Ali Daei’s shoes. The player who had effectively put IRAN on the world’s footballing map. Who introduced our football to the rest of the world. Given his accomplishments, it is but natural for him to want a fitting end to his footballing career as a player.

    But he was denied of this and many people are responsible for this.
    He, himself is not bereft of responsibility. But such matters needed to be handled with care and intelligence which was absent.
    I can understand Daei’s ambition to end his career after a high such as a World Cup appearance , and maybe a goal, which would be any player’s dream. So he bore the catcalls. He endured the snide remarks . And in return, he trained and kept himself in shape for his “ideal” finish.

    Branko, Iran’s coach, due to his insecurities and short-sightedness, insisted on playing Daei for any and all games, be it a competitive one, or an insignificant friendly against weak oppositions! This insistence, coupled with the fact that rarely did Branko sub Daei out, even in those meaningless games, to allow other players be tested and subsequently, reduce the mounting media and fan pressure on the aging Daei, made matters worse and incited fans' ire even more than before.
    Persistence with this irrationality resulted in multitude of problems at the most inopportune of times; the World Cup games! Without going through the other aspects of this terrible decision-making, we recall Daei’s sub-par performances that didn’t help things at all.

    On his return to Iran, he was greeted with even more animosity and aggression, not to mention the ridicule and finger-pointing by fans who absurdly blamed the World Cup fiasco on Daei! Yes, we are that petty and fickle, I’m afraid!
    Once a legendary hero to the people of Iran, he had turned to the object of hate and mock by many fans and media!

    If we notice, the man was not given a chance to redeem himself and certainly not an opportunity to retire with dignity and style that befitted his years of contribution to our football.
    So what does he do? What any great man does when he is cornered. He fights back.
    And given his immense determination and maturity, rather than getting into petty squabbles with the media or other personalities, he does it in style and where it makes the biggest statement; on the football field.

    Scoring 10 goals while frequently sitting on the bench, coaching a team, rather than playing on the pitch, at such an age, is to be admired and acknowledged. But his coup’ de tate was when he coached his team to victory over all others and claim the championship on his very first stint as a coach. Well, the final goal that sealed his claim to the throne must have been a sweet icing on the already magnificent cake and a slap in the face of all those who berated him.

    THIS, provided the fitting finale’ he was always after, to end a career so stellar that is not paralleled by any other Iranian player yet. This was a dignified farewell that he deserved, where fans clamored to hug him and kiss him, to press his hands and congratulate him on his unexpected victory. Where he was hoisted over the champion players’ shoulders and hailed as their HERO.

    Ali Daei didn’t ask for much and didn’t expect the world.
    Ali Daei wanted to go out on a high that deservedly reflected his conquests, with dignity and while people called him a “hero”.

    I am thankful to God that he got it.

    DD Jaan, you should consider writeing for Iran varzeshi,or sport illestrated !

    Nice work !

    In addition to all you wrote,which I completly agree, I like to mention something very little,yet,very important !!!

    "The Goal scored by Daei "....I do not know if any body noticed how it was scored............
    Ali daei scored in such manner that the ball was kicked in a very goofy manner,and the ball was rolled in to the goal.......but,I liked that far better than tough hard kickes that heat " TAGH E DARVAZEH "........
    WHY !!??.....because,the professional striker that he is, he does what works, ...God, know, how many times,our other forwards, waist important secounds,when they get a chance,to make sure,the ball fit thier foot is that split secound that ,seperates great ones from ordinary ones...........only,hashemianmay have had that presense of mind....
    .................Daei, carries with him, " The most influnesing player in Iranian football History " with him .....a title, that will not be broken in near future.


      Just Beautiful Peyman jaan. Merci.
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
      Go IRAN!


        Daie is very determined and all the success to him. But let's dont' forget the same determination to play in the TM backfired and caused a lot of damage to his own persona.

        Point is not to undermine his attributes, but let's dont' over exaggerate them either. The same good attribute persistance in Daie (despite the tremendous opposition against him), could turn into blind insistance and not listening to fair criticizem (which in my opinion led him to play that late in TM).

        We as a nation tend to react in extermes. At one time, Daie was the cause of every problem, and now after his team winning one title, he is getting kudoos left and right.

        Anyhow, again this is by no means undermining his acheivements which speak for itself. But the guy aint' a god or an ANGLE (by any means).
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          thanks mansoor jan.
          I'm glad u liked it


          Zz jan, I don’t know if I shd feel insulted or complemented !
          What was that about IV or sports ill’ed ?

          Maybe I’ll feel both insulted and exalted! Talk about confusion
          Btw, a very good point on how he scored and how younger, inexperienced players react.
          I agree absolutely.


          Ali jan,
          I haven’t given him undue credit for any such characteristics.
          But I believe majority of ppl agree on his determination, ambitious nature, & hardworking attitude.
          In fact I did point to his insatiable nature which prompted him to have another go at another WC, which clouded his judgment on his effectiveness. It is natural for any man to want just a little bit more than what he’s got. At least highly ambitious men do that.
          I put his mistimed ( and delayed ) retirement plans down to the above set of traits.

          Ziadeh-khah w/ regards to the WC ? Definitely.
          But that’s always been clear.
          I did say : He, himself is not bereft of responsibility & blame in this matter.

          so he's definitely not god or angel.
          NO way, coz he sometimes sounds a bit vindictive also.
          but he can be a fan's "hero" when the fan considers all his deeds for TM and Iran.


            DD jaan......I only meant well !!


            Dear Ali......who,in our future is going to have the best scoring title in the world ?......Who would single hadedly help us as much as he has.....a short period of stuburnness ,and dragging his playing time, ( although he was asked ), should not by any means deminish his record.


              Great piece.

              He still has not gotten the nod from the fans do not forget that. He is famous but not mass beloved.

              In my eyes he has always been the mecca of determination and solid hardwork, those have always been his strengths and even in his booings I believe no one would dare to say anything but that. I think whats just great for him and I am really happy about it is that he gets to retire as his first and last number one finish in Iraninan thats a great and a suiting way to go out for the shariar.
              deerooz, emrooz, farda
              The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
              Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                Originally posted by Ali Chicago
                Daie is very determined and all the success to him. But let's dont' forget the same determination to play in the TM backfired and caused a lot of damage to his own persona.

                Determination , can become an easy tool for greed. right or wrong, a lot of people feel certain that Daie took advantage of our weak system at the end.. but this too will pass.. as it seems it already has.. we forgive and forget, specially when it comes to people that we have loved in the past for so long..

                Coach daie will be judged anew. Daie's past indicates that he will be successful... his present is a testimony to that.. He has one championship already as a coach/player.. now his new career has started.. his attitude has to adjust and it will.. His comments on TV a few days ago sound like he too has acknowledged that..


                Nice work Peyman!


                  thank you all.

                  a note to behzad jan:
                  Greed per se is not such a horrible thing.
                  in my books, a little greed is actually necessary.
                  too much humility , in this day and age, will mean one getting swallowed up by the competition.

                  too much greed is not correct. but Daei certainly has greed. lets hope he can contain it within limits.






                        I tend to agree with Ali and Behzad. Daei, for as great as he was scoring those goals, did not PUT us anywhere on the map. At one time he was our best player as there have been others. But with Daei we never won anything of note and some of the players that have surrounded him have been better footballers for us than he was.

                        Whilst we shouldn't shun him completely, his own doing in the past few years have hindered us greatly. This is a man who was not only disliked by a large proportion of the public, but by people in his own team.

                        Ali Daei is a strong character, and as said by others, sometimes that has been the cause of so many fractures and troubles. I don't think Daei is any braver than any other player and I don't think he is anymore dignified than any other player. He was who he was for us, one of the lights that lit this dark era in our football. But I believe we had better players in the past and even when he was playing, but will also have in the future.

                        I'm of the crowd that will acknowledge his great achievements and thank him for his efforts. But other than that Daei is not anymore that special figure he used to be.

