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Ghalenoei: Team Melli has three main problems

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    Ghalenoei: Team Melli has three main problems

    another problem was more due to the fact that 3-5-2 was not able to transform quickly to 4-4-2 for defensive play and 4-3-3 for offensive play -there fore adoption of 3-5-2 against Mexico with the players we had was an error.

    The second problem he addressed was that the Team Melli players needed to pressurize the opponent more. He sited the example of Iman Mobali who is considered a "fantasy" type of player but tackled only seven times in the entire game.
    i respectfully disagree, that was one thing they had to do best as most midfield efforts was spent on defending and pressrinsing the opponent so much so ,their job to set the ball for front line was severely hampered.

    Lastly, Ghalenoei felt that Iran's third major problem was the huge gap between the three lines of the team, namely defense, midfield and offense. He stated that he would try his best to reduce the gap between the defense and offense line to 45 meters.

    I totally agree with this part, we had our players spread apart as if our passes had laser guiding targeting system and we could make 95% of passes on target, but in reality due to opppent's pressure most of our passes were made in haste and inaccurate and we could not keep the ball more than three passes, so to correct this most coaches and players would get their deffence-midfied and forwards closer to each other to keep possesion-this never was attempted during the entire game which caused more frustration and exhaustion of players not to mention total humiliation---this is not just about lack of play time between these players......

    what ghalenoie failed to metion is that our B team SUCKS. and should have never played against Mexico.

    Team meli has 3 main problems...
    Excuse me call the team you took to mexico team meli?

    thanx for the comments iraj khan...

    he said that around 50% to 60% of this team comprised of original TM...

    i personally dont recall our players pressurizing them too much, thats why they could so easily break our midfield and defense. ofcourse, they were quicker and faster than us and ran more than us which also helps, but i think mexico pressed on our players much more than we pressed on them. thats why we could hardly string a few passes together, although ye,s it seems our players dont know how to play without the ball and create space and chances for themselves and their team mates unless they move to europe first and learn it over there.
    our players just pass the ball and stand there observing wat his team mate can do. thats why we cant even see a simple "1-2" passing combo which maelli kohan was talking about after the worldcup.

    i forgot to add in that article, ghalenoi also mentioned mohammad nouri migt play as well but still didnt mention massoud shojaei.
    and sorry if there are any spelling mistakes like "siting" instead of "citing" (i think citing is correct, right? )
    Originally posted by siavasharian

    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


      well, GN seems to do all that he can as much as we might not like him, and that his best will probably not enough to bring home the cup...

      man I still can't believe someone like Nasser Ibrahimi is assistant coach of TM !!!only in Iran.
      Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


        I agree with most of your commentary except the fact that we never should have played Mexico with our B-team.

        In fact, I think the team we fielded was an excellent choice. Let's face it, Karimi, Hashemian, Teymourian, Kia and so on and so forth are all going to be starters regardless how they perform in a friendly against Mexico. Now many will bring up the fact that the team needs to "practice" together, but I think at this point, our european based players know each other quite well, having played together for quite some time.

        It was the best experience for us to see what the Mobalis, the Kazemians, and the Enayatis can do against a great team away from home - something we'll have to deal with in the AC, and quite clearly, they were not up to par with some minor exceptions (such as Zandi).

        Hopefully, this time, Ghalenoei can use his observations from the Mexico game and field a side he thinks can function as a unit in the AC (first team players + those who performed well against mexico in those remaining few starting spots) against Ghana for the first half - 60 minutes, and then make the same experimental substitutions for those few remaining spots so he can have a good sense of the starting 11. He might also want to try some tactical variations when it comes to his formation and perhaps fit in Kaebi somewhere in a 4 back, just to see how comfortable we are and how fit we are to have the right and left backs constantly making the overlap.
        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


          GN's interview :
          محور تمرينات به چه شكلى خواهد بود؟
          <ببينيد! ۳ محور اصلى را در دستور كار قرار داديم. هدف ما اين است كه بازيكنان را از نظر جسمانى به شرايط مطلوب برسانيم؛ محور بعدى بازى درگيرانه و پرتحرك است و در نهايت بايد سرعت بازيكنان را بالا ببريم. براى رسيدن به اين ۳ محور، تمرينات منظمى را در زمينه بدنسازى و كارهاى تاكتيكى تا اعزام به مالزى در برنامه داريم

          so he is setting to work on these areas.
          at least he has the correct idea & approach. which is good.
          how far and in what capacity his staff will deliver is debatable, though.

          btw, faraz jan, it was a seriously ILL-timed match.
          the match up is great if our players ( even the IPL/uae fellows w/o legioners ) had the right camp and time to get to know eahc others game and practice. also when they had some amount of rest after the long IPL season.

          this game didnt reveal anything in terms of TM's strength or capability.
          this game didnt reveal anything in terms of team tactics and movement either.
          this game didnt reveal anything in terms of players' stamina and abilities against top teams
          and despite what GN tries to claim, this game didnt reveal anything in terms of players performing under pressure and in a hostile atmosphere either, coz as it was, the players were ALREADY UNDER PRESSURE FROM ELSEWHERE; dead tired, jet-lag, and without minimum practice.

          it proves not a single thing !
          ILL-TIMED opportunity. wasted !
          either just to show he has guts to face off against huge teams, or as Iran's pre-ordained obligation to the mexican fed'n regrading this game!
          this game shdnt have happened at this time or stage.

          I think much more is discussed in the other thread focusing on mansoor jan's article.
          we may refer to that or even join this thread to that one as it is a continuation of that.


            Originally posted by faraz

            Hopefully, this time, Ghalenoei can use his observations from the Mexico game and field a side he thinks can function as a unit in the AC (first team players + those who performed well against mexico in those remaining few starting spots) against Ghana for the first half - 60 minutes, ...
            Liked your post. However, a question. Is the game with Ghana now finalized, since you mentioned it in your post?
            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


              Originally posted by Ali Chicago
              Liked your post. However, a question. Is the game with Ghana now finalized, since you mentioned it in your post?
              It has been finalized in several places and there is a thread floating around in the football forum with several decent sources claiming the match is on. The thread is called "Ghana is official" I believe.
              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM

                btw, faraz jan, it was a seriously ILL-timed match.
                the match up is great if our players ( even the IPL/uae fellows w/o legioners ) had the right camp and time to get to know eahc others game and practice. also when they had some amount of rest after the long IPL season.
                Peyman Jan, look at our organization. How much luck have we had bagging decent friendlies? You mean to tell me we should have declined an invitation to play Mexico because we didn't have time to practice???

                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                this game didnt reveal anything in terms of TM's strength or capability.
                this game didnt reveal anything in terms of team tactics and movement either.
                this game didnt reveal anything in terms of players' stamina and abilities against top teams
                and despite what GN tries to claim, this game didnt reveal anything in terms of players performing under pressure and in a hostile atmosphere either, coz as it was, the players were ALREADY UNDER PRESSURE FROM ELSEWHERE; dead tired, jet-lag, and without minimum practice.
                All of the above is debatable. Perhaps you weren't able to catch too much, but GN sure sounds like he learned a good bit, and I would hate to bring the "he's a professional coach and your not" debate back again

                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                it proves not a single thing !
                ILL-TIMED opportunity. wasted !
                either just to show he has guts to face off against huge teams, or as Iran's pre-ordained obligation to the mexican fed'n regrading this game!
                this game shdnt have happened at this time or stage.
                How about experience itself! To go into a hostile environment as you mention, and play against a great team!? Doesn't that count for anything? How many of our B-team players will ever have a chance to experience that again, given IFF planning, the return of the European based stars, and so on and so forth.
                We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                  Originally posted by faraz
                  Peyman Jan, look at our organization. How much luck have we had bagging decent friendlies? You mean to tell me we should have declined an invitation to play Mexico because we didn't have time to practice???
                  Good Question. I really would like people who have good point when saying timing wasn't good (which I think they have a point btw) to seriously answer this question? Options would have been say yes and play or say no. If nothing else for 300K or whatever Iran got, plus players playing against a very good team, I think overall it was good. Down side was, Iran lost some practice camp time which isnt' as crucial at this stage (we staill have a month).

                  BTW, for those who said, we aren't getting friendlies in the past because of Ahmadinezhads stupid remarks, the guy still is the president and still once in a while make unwise comments and IFF seems to be able to get up to 3 friendlies. I am not trying to extrapolite, leave the judgement to the reader.
                  "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                  Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                  Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                  Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                    1- no faraz jan. you are correct.
                    I absolutely agree that our IFF is incapable of organizing games.
                    so we must grab whatever good ones we get.
                    I just said it is unfortunate that it coincided with such a bad period for IPL and TM !
                    as I said, it was most probably the pre-arranged contract with the mexicans which forced IFF & GN to send "SOME" team named TM to there !

                    I just rue the fact that we could have had this game at a better time and had the advantage of benefitting from this experience.


                    2- that is MY opinion.
                    I also hope GN did take something out of it which helps him at AC.
                    I, personally, cant figure what, though.

                    if the player X who in a normal situation ( with rest, proper training , .... you know all ) would perform at a level 7, he definitely could NOT reach this in this particular situation.
                    so if I were the coach, would I base my selection or method of use of player X on THIS game where he reached only 4? or shd I .... ?
                    this is the reasoning I applied to my opinion.


                    3- yes. I guess the experience of playing against a great team, away from home and in front of a hostile crowd is good for the players, no matter if they are at AC or not.
                    I agree.


                    ali jan. I dont know if I would agree or no.
                    depends on the type of contract and situation.
                    based on what I know, I think they did have a contract. and it is better that we dont develop yet another negative impression among the footballing world for not living up to our promises.

                    also, I'm not sure about the money. but if we did stand to earn that much, well, the best thing is what GN did.
                    he didnt put too much pressure on the legioners.
                    he also didnt compromise sepahan or pp or foolad.
                    ( so he earned the good will of the clubs and legioners this way )
                    he took the least DISRUPTIVE ( key words here ) route possible, which is just a motley bunch of players who could use the experience.

                    and hell yes. if he could better the 3-1 ( by hook or crook ), he'd REALLY take it to town and make some noise w it.
                    if not, so what?
                    I really dont see how it is so damaging to the extent that it is hyped up by many.

                    come on. we lost 5-1 to austria.
                    ..... "AUSTRIA" FFS !
                    7-1 to Roma.
                    and then 5-2 to the same damned CLUB ! ... A FREAKING CLUB !!
                    what about 3-0 to a lousy, second division QPR ?
                    we DO have more terrible defeats.
                    so 4-0 using a bunch of reserves, against the 9th best or 10th best TEAM IN THE WORLD at their home isnt exactly our darkest hour

                    but if you want my technical opinion, I still say it was an ill-timed game.
                    it would have been an ideal match up under other circumstances.


                      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

                      also, I'm not sure about the money. but if we did stand to earn that much, well, the best thing is what GN did.
                      he didnt put too much pressure on the legioners.
                      he also didnt compromise sepahan or pp or foolad.
                      Iran got money from this. As a matter of fact even IFF wasn't the initial contact and a sport company was the original point of contact. Iran got money plus the cost of the trip. If nothing else just for buliding relationship with Mexico football federation, I think this trip was good. Next time, we know a couple of fellas in Mexico football federation that we can call and invite for a friendly.

                      Having said that, you are tottally right, the timing wasn't good at all. But it is like anything else in life I guess. Solution isn't always optimal. Hope one day, we get to the point in the footballing world other countries bend backward for playing against us.
                      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                        Hope one day, we get to the point in the footballing world other countries bend backward for playing against us.
                        hmmm ... "modest", arent we today, ali jan ?

                        hah !
                        mate, I'd settle for good teams simply accepting invitations.
                        that bending backwards, peesh-kesheshoon .

                        I guess the advertizers and sponsors footed the bill, rather than the mexican fed'n.
                        these things are done regualrly.
                        and makes a lot of sense.
                        the fed'ns dont need money at all, usually.
                        the sponsors just need teams with big names or teams with a lot of support in & around the venue which ensures sale of tickets & subsequently, good advertizing.

                        with a large expat community of Iranians in USA, it is but natural to bring in their national team and make money on the sale of tickets.
                        I'm just surprised it doesnt happen more often.
                        especially in other countries in europe where there exists large communities of Iranians like sweden or england or ... .
                        then again, I guess the political situation isnt exactly conducive !


                          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                          hmmm ... "modest", arent we today, ali jan ?
                          hah !
                          mate, I'd settle for good teams simply accepting invitations.
                          that bending backwards, peesh-kesheshoon .
                          I guess the advertizers and sponsors footed the bill, rather than the mexican fed'n.
                          these things are done regualrly.
                          and makes a lot of sense.
                          the fed'ns dont need money at all, usually.
                          the sponsors just need teams with big names or teams with a lot of support in & around the venue which ensures sale of tickets & subsequently, good advertizing.
                          with a large expat community of Iranians in USA, it is but natural to bring in their national team and make money on the sale of tickets.
                          I'm just surprised it doesnt happen more often.
                          especially in other countries in europe where there exists large communities of Iranians like sweden or england or ... .
                          then again, I guess the political situation isnt exactly conducive !
                          As Martin Luther King (MLK) once said " I have a Dream"
                          You are right advertisers foot the bill. Point was even from Monetray point of view, this trip was good for IFF. If IFF can generate revenue, this will be the main venue to be independent and won't have to beg the governement and Tarbeeyat Badani for funds and the dream of an independent IFF (which will be a NGO) will be a step closer.
                          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                            Originally posted by leviathan View Post

                            Lastly, Ghalenoei felt that Iran's third major problem was the huge gap between the three lines of the team, namely defense, midfield and offense. He stated that he would try his best to reduce the gap between the defense and offense line to 45 meters.

                            This was always our major problem. Actually Branco managed to deal with it prior to the WC06 (but not during the WC ). specialy in our last three games in WCQ we were OK.
                            But apparently these problems always appear with us.
                            Reason is simple. At club level coaches cannot manage to over come this problems, so how can they scope with it at TM level?

                            Having said that with a large space between the defence and midfield, a single mistake in defence can be disastrerous.... best example.... Mexico's goal in WC 06 after the Mirzapoor bad shoot out......

                            On the other hand, I am more optimistic now, with the experience of Nekoonam and Teymoorian in Europe (even it was just one year) they should at their postion conduct the balance with the rest of the team.... I hope!
                            Last edited by Adesor Vafaseya; 06-16-2007, 04:02 AM.
                            CHECK OUT OUR FORUM RULES HERE:

                            Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                              Apology to Scott.

                              My apologies to Mr. Scott (Scooter) (BuckeyeScoot) from BigSoccer

                              I found out that the entire paragraph was originated by him in Bigsoccer board ,and he should have been was sent to me in an e-mail as part of the after game(iran vs mexico) discussions from my son.

                              I used it in my post as I thought it was written by Kevin .(my son)
                              Sorry Scott .

                              Another aspect of our play, which was inexcusable, goes along with the lazy walking. At times, we would string together 3-4 passes because players would happen to be in the right position, but then kick it back due to pressure, or away to Mexico, because no one else would move. Even worse, there were times that TM members who could actually dribble the ball (such as Nekounam) would receive the ball, and the other TM members around him would just stand and watch as he got double teamed! As if they expected him to dribble the rest of the Mexican line and score! All that Nekounam and Shoj needed in those situations was someone to do a “give&go” with. It’s such a basic tactic. Nek or Shoj (or whomever) holds the ball; someone else runs through a passing lane; Nek/Shoj passes them the ball and then makes a run; the person one-touches it back to Nek/Shoj. This is basic, and effective. Too bad we don’t use it nearly often enough!

