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The "I like the fact that/cant believe Ghalehnoyi is..." thread

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    I consider Kia as a complete football player.

    it is not only his pace and attacking prowess, but also his maturity, experience at top class football, versatility in his abilities, ... .

    now, having such a player, I think would be great for any position.

    but now consider our TM.
    in the midfield, his usual post, we DO have more than enough players who have the pace, technique, skills, vision, .... to do the winger's job.
    but in defense, we are traditionally not so strong, and if we have the option of using such an experienced level-headed but skillful player, I'd say defense can benefit greatly from this , not to mention reduce the possibility of errors, than our right mid.

    kaabi is great RB. granted.
    but when compared to Kia, as a football player, kaabi is not on par.
    If it was up to ME, I'd put the better option for the defense, while leaving the right mid to kaabi or kazemian, does NOT reduce our incisive qualities by any means.


      Ok, so , if the issue is : " We have too many strong players at the midfield,and not enough at the other lines ", can think of useing some of the midfielders at the other positions,which this may be what GN is thinking about........and first name that comes to mind is , KIA.....whom in hamburg played RB...and by playing him on defense we will open room to play another midfielder who may otherwise seat on the bench........
      So far, these all sound logical......but the quetion is : " Is Kia's services at midfield less important than of other midfielder's ? "............
      with all due respect to Anderanik and nekunam and karimi,etc.....I do not believe, any of the above is as important as Kia, when it comes to attack !!

