Originally posted by zzgloo
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Please read what I posted in my earlier post of what GN said during the interview, I post it again:
يمه اول خيلى بد بازى كرديم... قبول داريد؟
< نيمه اول شروعى فاجعه بار داشتيم و اين مسأله را قبول دارم. گل هايى كه خورديم فاجعه بود چرا كه پيش از مسابقه در جلسه آناليز تأكيد كرده بوديم كه تيم چين چگونه حمله مى كند و دقيقاً مى دانستيم كه اگر گل بخوريم، همين گونه گل مى خوريم اما بازيكنان توصيه هاى كادر فنى را گوش ندادند و دقيقاً از همانجايى كه فكرش را مى كرديم، لطمه خورديم اما با آغاز نيمه دوم و با ورود جواد كاظميان و ايمان مبعلى به بازى مسلط شديم و با توانايى جواد نكونام و درخشش ايمان مبعلى، نتيجه بازى را تغيير داديم و گل دوم را زديم.
He says he in the analysis session before the game he ( I mean coaching staff) specifically mentioned and indentified this method of chinees attack. Now if the players dont' have the focus or dont' listen, he can't have a fire squad and kill them.
Part of this maybe is the fact that I coach, and I am probably biased toward coaches. I spend time of my own, go watch other high school teams and specifically tell my plaeyrs certain points. They go inside the field and do their own shit which is really frustrating. Now in high school level, I dont' expect much from a Junior or sophomore high school kid, but at a national team level one expect more from a player at that level.
The main issue is lack of professionalisem that you see in every aspect of our country. However, everyone is ready to jump at the coach. We did the same to some degree to Branko. Branko left but was teh prbolem solved? Next khar came and still the same shit. Khatibi is giving his card to another staff to pass Malaysian police line and get through. On the surface it is not a big deal, but can you see the lack of respect of rule of law here. This is an issue in our society in all aspects. Whoeer will be in charge will have a tough time, since people who working under him dont' behave in a professional manner.
GN isn't my cousin, we can fire him at this very moment. However, the root cause of the problem won't be sovled.
You ask what are them? Let me enumerate:
-Fans that over estimate their ability to analyze and provide a solution. If it stayed at this level it was ok, then they go and use any manner to underestiamte the coah and player. Player, coach performance has a lot to do with his/her psychology. Negative fans attitude can hamper the team. Many people yesterday were complaining why GN didn't change Mobali with Enayati. IRan is down and they want the coach to bring a mid for a forward. They hate Enayati and want him out. That is what matters to them.
-Over estimating our football level. To most fans, if iran doesn't win with a couple of goals, team didnt' play well.
- Lack of professionalisem. Kazemian and Mobali start to compalin to Salar who is a fan about not getting playign time. Can you beleive that? This is kind of team members coaching staff has to work with.
- GN isn't the best choice. That I accept, but right now this man is the coach for this god damn tournament. This is not the time to settle scores. People should had a sit in in front of the IFF or whatever have a hunger strike to protest against him then. But now this man is the coach. Constantly bashing him for everything he is doing, lowers whatever "granted not much" ability he has. Read the same post game interview he had again. He is naive enough to say to reporters that he played with 4 defenders mainly to get rid of criticizem of reporters can you beleive how naive this man is? This shows the hidden influence of media on this man's psychic.