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What needs to be done to avoid such tragedy in future?

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    What needs to be done to avoid such tragedy in future?

    I beleive there are two major tournaments that all asians ( at least Iran ) shd take very seriously. one is asia cup , the other WC ( & its qualifiers ).

    as soon as one is over, we shd set our sight on the next one with proper planning, investment and methodical implementation.

    now that a major tourney is over and the WCQ's are some time off, I really hope the IFF with help of clubs start taking the dangerous issue of "lack of strikers" in Iran seriously and start investing in home-grown talent.
    ( to soem degree, GK's also ).

    I'd like to see a ban on importing foreign strikers and GK's for the next 2 years.

    we have to set our sights correctly. we NEED reliable goal scorers.
    VH today showed this much trust in him is wrong. he is not reliable ... certainly not as a fixed forward.
    enayati is too old and useless for the WC.
    so is khatibi, whose mental stability will be hit pretty badly.

    what and who are we left with?
    kaz is NOT an out & out striker.
    Samereh isnt such a big option, especially since he foolishly put his own personal grudges above the needs of his country and TM.
    rajabzadeh is old too and is waste of investment.

    of the younger generation, we have oladi, khorsandi, shafi'ee, borhani, Amraei, ... .
    some of these have been given plenty of chances but have failed to impress.
    borhani, & oladi are among such names.
    if they havent regressed, the certainly havent progressed either and cant be relied upon as TM's MAIN option for strikers.

    Shafi'ee seems to be a bit unreliable also as Luka threw him otu of sepahan.

    Amraei, despite his good games lately, is not tested and needs to be tested seriously before we pin our hopes on him as the next TM goal getter.

    that's why I think IFF shd force all clubs to make sure they have at least one or two young strikers in their line ups in the league, grooming them.
    so TM's staff can have some options for the vital WCQ's.


    same thing shd be done for GK's.
    altho' this post is not as DIRE as the strikers, since GK's can be of advanced age of 30 and slightly above as well.
    with return of mirza, plus roudi and talebloo and injection of guys like U-23's Makani and ... I feel we have a good chance at getting it right by then.

    I wont go over the other posts as we have good enough players in Iran and outside to supply the needed fresh faces & blood to the team.

    but of utmost URGENCY is the striker's post.


    what I'd like to see is TM uses almost 95% home-grown and IPL players with not many call ups from europe or uae.
    I say to hell with the ranking.
    I say to hell with a few losses on the way.
    as long as we select the hopefuls and give them enough chances to establish themselves, we'd be able to compensate for loss in ranking or other less consequential things.

    look what ranking got us today: NOWHERE.
    so lets not break our heads too much over fifa ranking.
    lets get our priorities correctly : forming & preparing a good team for the WCQ's.

    nothing else shd matter now.
    I'd venture if we used the bulk of our U-23, it's be a good step in the right direction.
    injection of experinece can be done for the qualifiers with call up of some legioners.
    but the bulk of TM will be ( and shd be ) from IRAN.

    DD jan, as much as I appreciate your knowledge and the wise observations and suggestions you have made, you have to realize that under the current system/regime we can never achieve most of the points you have mentioned.
    That's the reality of thing in Iran right now, just like many other aspect of life, Football and sports in general are being sacrifized and despite having more than 30 million young people in Iran, of whom many are good athletes, we must realize that I.R.'s priorties are elsewhere.
    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


      Originally posted by The-Red View Post
      DD jan, as much as I appreciate your knowledge and the wise observations and suggestions you have made, you have to realize that under the current system/regime we can never achieve most of the points you have mentioned.
      That's the reality of thing in Iran right now, just like many other aspect of life, Football and sports in general are being sacrifized and despite having more than 30 million young people in Iran, of whom many are good athletes, we must realize that I.R.'s priorties are elsewhere.
      Well said ..


        I'm dreaming here but here is what I think should be done.
        !- Stop Tarbiat badani from controlling IFF.
        2- Set up free elections under FIFA observation for all positions of IFF.
        3- set up near term and far term goals.
        4- higher a good coach for TM (WCQ are a couple of months ahead) and remove the media off his neck.
        5-Every IPL team should have a youth development program and create a youth league.


          I think the proposed banning of foreign players is a mistake. Instead of creating an environment in which the players have to improve under competition, you simply weaken the IPL sides and cut off the complete competition.

          This is bad for the league and bad for the development of our players.


            Armin jan, at least I think I didnt propose lofty or un-attainable goals there.

            I could have said I want a top class IFF and top class coaches for all clubs or youth teams or .... .
            But I , like you, know what a mess Iran is and I think I rather curbed my wants.

            banning import of strikers or GK's is NOT a difficult rule to implement. It has been done in UAE in case of GK's. if they can do it, so can we.

            Now, martin jan thinks that will weaken the league, then we can modify the rule slightly.
            we can FORCE all premier clubs to have at least 2 U-21 years registered strikers in their roster with one of them always in the 18 man line up for the games.
            such ruling has been done elsewhere too.

            this forces the clubs to scout for and invest in young strikers. the youngsters will practice w the older established players to gain experience. The clubs , too, will use them as a result of the drought in strikers in our football continues.

            also, armin jan, not calling the legioners for sometime is very much do-able and attainable.
            all it needs is some guts by the officials and TM staff to say : to hell w ranking and a couple of possible losses ... as long as we build a foundation.


              I haven't seen the Korea game yet (still jet lagged), combine that with news of our elimination, so probably my thinking isn't straight but if I want to do a short term doable plan I do two things:

              Hire a high class coach and form a technical committee to oversee his works
              Stop playing the legioners for every freaking game. Lacklaster performance of our legioners had a lot to do with our average performance in this tournament. You guys think I am blaming them to ease the pressure on GN. But honestly, this is not the case. GN critics said, GN's tactic paralyzed our players. Come on man, since when our players are so "Tactic Pazeer). Had anyone killed Karimi or put him in court, if he took the ball and penetrate the space where Enayati was playing?

              Everyone kept saying we play 4-3-3. Well yes and no. Enayati I think was a hoax left wing. In reality he was supposed to join Hashemian and become another CF and that space on left wing was supposed to be left for Karimi. Which never happened. Mobali to some degree did that in China game. Had anyone put a chain on Karimi's foot?

              Kia's performance (with all the respect to him) was at Bundesliga level (again haven't seen Korea game so that game doesn' isn't part of this evaluation).

              I think over reliance on Legioners and playing them no matter what is the disease that hurting us. We need to use them no doubt, but we need to find a middle ground in which without alienating the legioners, the legioners need to understand that if they don't perform, they are not playing.
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                I think the proposed banning of foreign players is a mistake. Instead of creating an environment in which the players have to improve under competition, you simply weaken the IPL sides and cut off the complete competition.

                This is bad for the league and bad for the development of our players.
                I agree. This would be artificially lowering the standards I think.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  I remmember, a kenian marathan runner was once aske, what his strategy was for marathan in the olympics.......and he said : " I look to see who is the most experinced runner, and follow him, and do what ever he does, and toward the end,I will try to beat him too ".
                  I believe, we should forget about Brazil and argentina...... we need to learn from JAPAN....
                  we should forget about World cup, we need to master the asian cup, first.
                  japan, has been the power house in asia in recent years.....they consistantly, invite forign clubs to play with thier domesic clubs, thier national team , on regualr bases plays with good teams, and they have been most consistant in this asian cup also....
                  investing, in thie domestic clubs.
                  hireing best possible forign coaches.
                  spending money.
                  Being all it takes.


                    Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                    I remmember, a kenian marathan runner was once aske, what his strategy was for marathan in the olympics.......and he said : " I look to see who is the most experinced runner, and follow him, and do what ever he does, and toward the end,I will try to beat him too ".
                    I believe, we should forget about Brazil and argentina...... we need to learn from JAPAN....
                    we should forget about World cup, we need to master the asian cup, first.
                    japan, has been the power house in asia in recent years.....they consistantly, invite forign clubs to play with thier domesic clubs, thier national team , on regualr bases plays with good teams, and they have been most consistant in this asian cup also....
                    investing, in thie domestic clubs.
                    hireing best possible forign coaches.
                    spending money.
                    Being all it takes.
                    Iran lost and I am devastated so no haal for long posts. But aziz, it is easy to say copy Japan, but hard to do. U ask me why? Here is it short and breif.

                    In Japan and Korea there are industries that make money. Toshiba, Matishihatue, Honda, Toyata. In Korea the whole god damn coutnry is owned by DAEWOO, SAMSUNG and HUADNDAI. These aren' t giant governement subsidized industrial complexes. They make money. So as a result there is a viable private sectore who is ready to pay for football or pre sport. Then government can say, I give you tax credit or grants or whatever. In Iran thereisnt' an equivalant. All of our good teams right now (Sepahan for foolad in the past) prove the same point. They both are being sponsered by industry. Foolad industry complex when cut the foolad's football club budget you saw what happend to foolad's team this year.

                    Your point is valid that we need to copy them, but the tools for copying them isnt' available in Iran. Even IRI is focusing higly on privatization, but to be honest, I am not optimisitc, because privatization in Iran just means money will go to importing junk and Dallalee rather than building a viable industry in Iran.
                    Last edited by Ali Chicago; 07-23-2007, 10:49 AM. Reason: corrected export to import
                    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                      Ali jaan, are not the only one who is heart broken and disappointed.
                      The time will how ever pass, and the show will go on !!
                      It was not that bad either....we joined australia,whom also had aspiration for the Cup.....nor did we lose it in an embarresing way.
                      the shit happends, and we need to stand up and learn from mistakes.
                      the future, TM , will have alot more younger players, and may be better luck.
                      On a personal note....where did you go ? that you had the jet lag,and could n't see the game.......most likely, perhaps was for your job, other wise,you would not have missed the game.


                        Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                        Ali jaan, are not the only one who is heart broken and disappointed.
                        The time will how ever pass, and the show will go on !!
                        It was not that bad either....we joined australia,whom also had aspiration for the Cup.....nor did we lose it in an embarresing way.
                        the shit happends, and we need to stand up and learn from mistakes.
                        the future, TM , will have alot more younger players, and may be better luck.
                        On a personal note....where did you go ? that you had the jet lag,and could n't see the game.......most likely, perhaps was for your job, other wise,you would not have missed the game.
                        Thanks for Marhame dard. I was in Sydney and Melburne. Ya it was for work. I am a software consultant and have to travel a lot. This traveling screw up my whole football world. My playing, watching and coaching thing. I had to quit coaching my high school team. I had a young team form U8 that brought them to U10. First season we lost all of our games. But second season we went to 5-5 and after that to 9-1. But because of all my travels, I can't spend much time with them, my two assistant are working with them mostly.

                        Don't know why I babbled about all of this. Anyhow, downloading the game. Can't wait to watch it late night tonight. Probably a good time to watch, because If I want to cry no one is around to be ashamed.
                        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                          Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                          Thanks for Marhame dard. I was in Sydney and Melburne. Ya it was for work. I am a software consultant and have to travel a lot. This traveling screw up my whole football world. My playing, watching and coaching thing. I had to quit coaching my high school team. I had a young team form U8 that brought them to U10. First season we lost all of our games. But second season we went to 5-5 and after that to 9-1. But because of all my travels, I can't spend much time with them, my two assistant are working with them mostly.
                          Don't know why I babbled about all of this. Anyhow, downloading the game. Can't wait to watch it late night tonight. Probably a good time to watch, because If I want to cry no one is around to be ashamed.
                          From loseing all games to 9-1 record, shows how hard worker and good you are in coaching...
                          the game, which you will a battle of if players are just particular action...the game was sole-less !!( if there is such word )....all activities of teams were stoped before 18 ( Box ) of both team.
                          the game plan of Korea was to attck , and the game plan of Iran was to defend..............Koreans did not attck well, but Iran defended well.
                          50%-50% time of possesion, and very little high light.
                          It was all together a borring game !


                            Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                            From loseing all games to 9-1 record, shows how hard worker and good you are in coaching...
                            the game, which you will a battle of if players are just particular action...the game was sole-less !!( if there is such word )....all activities of teams were stoped before 18 ( Box ) of both team.
                            the game plan of Korea was to attck , and the game plan of Iran was to defend..............Koreans did not attck well, but Iran defended well.
                            50%-50% time of possesion, and very little high light.
                            It was all together a borring game !
                            Thanks for the vote of confidence. I guess I am a passionate person. I give a lot of the credit to kids parents (who didnt' quit) and director of coaching who didn't sack me after the first season.

                            Dang, sounds like one of the most boring games I will ever watch.
                            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                              agha man meegam morabi khareji biyareem in etefagh nemeofte
                              joking aside some good points in there ddjan
                              morabiye khareji yadet nare...

                              one word to avoid future tragedies!!!

                              otherwise in khar meere yeki dige miyad...u have heard this from me for the past 4 years on this forum wthout any realistic and sensible improvement in our football...its time man!! let everything else go...only build infrastructure...
                              deerooz, emrooz, farda
                              The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                              Future of true professional football if any in Iran!

