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What Soltan thinks

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    What Soltan thinks

    But I say screw that lets bring on blue eyes and blond hair

    مدير فنى* تيم* فوتبال* استيل* آذين* گفت: فوتبال* ما زمانى* پيشرفت* مى*کند که* فوتبال* پايه* را جدى* بگيريم.
    على* پروين* گفت: عمده* مشکل* ما در فوتبال، جدى* نگرفتن* تيمهاى* پايه* است* و تا زمانى* که* در اين* رده* سنى* سرمايه*گذارى* نکنيم، قهرمانى* در آسيا دور از انتظار است.
    وى* ادامه* داد: زمانى* که* با تيم*ملى* در پکن* قهرمان* شديم، به* مسئولان* فدراسيون* گفتم* اگر فکر اساسى* براى* پايه*هاى* فوتبال* صورت* نگيرد، در آينده* به* مشکل* مى*خوريم.
    مدير فنى* تيم* فوتبال* استيل* آذين* تصريح* کرد: در تيم* استيل* آذين* سعى* داريم* که* فوتبال* پايه* را جدى* بگيريم* و در سالهاى* آينده* از داشته*هاى* خودمان* استفاده* کنيم.
    پروين* خاطرنشان* کرد: براى* اينکه* تيمهاى* پايه* قوى* داشته* باشيم، مسئوليت* آن* را در استيل* آذين* به* حشمت* مهاجرانى* واگذار کرده*ام* تا با دانش* و تجربه* او به* موفقيت* برسيم.
    deerooz, emrooz, farda
    The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
    Future of true professional football if any in Iran!

    Originally posted by perspolees View Post
    But I say screw that lets bring on blue eyes and blond hair
    مدير فنى* تيم* فوتبال* استيل* آذين* گفت: فوتبال* ما زمانى* پيشرفت* مى*کند که* فوتبال* پايه* را جدى* بگيريم.
    على* پروين* گفت: عمده* مشکل* ما در فوتبال، جدى* نگرفتن* تيمهاى* پايه* است* و تا زمانى* که* در اين* رده* سنى* سرمايه*گذارى* نکنيم، قهرمانى* در آسيا دور از انتظار است.
    وى* ادامه* داد: زمانى* که* با تيم*ملى* در پکن* قهرمان* شديم، به* مسئولان* فدراسيون* گفتم* اگر فکر اساسى* براى* پايه*هاى* فوتبال* صورت* نگيرد، در آينده* به* مشکل* مى*خوريم.
    مدير فنى* تيم* فوتبال* استيل* آذين* تصريح* کرد: در تيم* استيل* آذين* سعى* داريم* که* فوتبال* پايه* را جدى* بگيريم* و در سالهاى* آينده* از داشته*هاى* خودمان* استفاده* کنيم.
    پروين* خاطرنشان* کرد: براى* اينکه* تيمهاى* پايه* قوى* داشته* باشيم، مسئوليت* آن* را در استيل* آذين* به* حشمت* مهاجرانى* واگذار کرده*ام* تا با دانش* و تجربه* او به* موفقيت* برسيم.
    Perspolees jaan........................
    these are all nice words, but don't believe,he believes in it !!
    parvin is only saying these, to not get citisized,for his upcommeing losses !


      very good attitude.
      I commend parvin for wanting the right thing.

      seems he has changed his attitude towards infrastructural needs of our football and now values the fundamental build up very well.
      ( he certainly didnt practice this while he was at PP. so maybe a couple of years away has made him wiser )
      I agree with him totally.


        Sure, that's why he is buying IPL players left and right... he is working on the Football-eh Payeh.. I also remember perspolees's team-eh payeh too, all the years he was there.

        don't get me wrong, I like Parvin.. but he TOO, can't help show some hypocrisy from time to time, but hey, he is the Sultan and he can do that.

        the sad truth is that our "bozorgtarha" poem ziad migan..


          ^repped for that


            what he said is totally true! I refer ONLY to what he said there.

            I hope his actions also reflect his thoughts.

            Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


              Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
              Perspolees jaan........................
              these are all nice words, but don't believe,he believes in it !!
              parvin is only saying these, to not get citisized,for his upcommeing losses !

              I think he does. he has always said that nothin new there!
              After spending all of this money he does not need to toy around
              plus he is actually known forone that does what he says...building infrastructure in any amount by anyone should just be praised..
              deerooz, emrooz, farda
              The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
              Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                Originally posted by perspolees View Post
                I think he does. he has always said that nothin new there!
                After spending all of this money he does not need to toy around
                plus he is actually known forone that does what he says...building infrastructure in any amount by anyone should just be praised..
                I can not argue with """ building infrastruture in any amount by anyone should be praised ""........very well said.....
                But I wonder, where has Parvin been ,for the last 35 years ?.... a sudden knowledge !!!


                  Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
                  Sure, that's why he is buying IPL players left and right... he is working on the Football-eh Payeh.. I also remember perspolees's team-eh payeh too, all the years he was there.

                  don't get me wrong, I like Parvin.. but he TOO, can't help show some hypocrisy from time to time, but hey, he is the Sultan and he can do that.

                  the sad truth is that our "bozorgtarha" poem ziad migan..
                  azizjan persepolis is different!
                  persepolis cant just go out and not have bought players that would not at least on paper make them contenders.
                  Thats jsutthe way it is. I wish that persepolis could go thru that kind of rebuilding but in Iran it is impossible, let alone that teams with large fan bases int he world also end up buying a lot more than dipping in their own back ground....

                  as far as poem, etc...i think that there are two different issues:

                  1. Is the belief and the fact the diagnosis that we do nothave infrastructure hence we suck

                  2. Is being able to do something about it and actually take action upon words.

                  Unfortunately number one is not real;ized by many and in fact there are more arguments about our next coaches nationality than just realizing where the defect is. So the fact that Soltan realizes that and says it out loud specially that he has lots of spectators and listners that come from roots of our nation is a great thing for our football.

                  As far as actually doing it I am not sure if he will ever achieve this because the system is so sick that essentially getting shit done is almost impossible..
                  imagine an ambulance getting within 10-15 minutes of time necessary to save a patients life from vanak to valiahd square!! it is impossible, this one is sort of liketht as well but we should take what we can and just hope luck for the likes of Parvin..
                  deerooz, emrooz, farda
                  The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                  Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                    Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
                    Sure, that's why he is buying IPL players left and right... he is working on the Football-eh Payeh.. I also remember perspolees's team-eh payeh too, all the years he was there.

                    don't get me wrong, I like Parvin.. but he TOO, can't help show some hypocrisy from time to time, but hey, he is the Sultan and he can do that.

                    the sad truth is that our "bozorgtarha" poem ziad migan..
                    Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                    I can not argue with """ building infrastruture in any amount by anyone should be praised ""........very well said.....
                    But I wonder, where has Parvin been ,for the last 35 years ?.... a sudden knowledge !!!

                    winning championships for Persepolis! and TM
                    its not a sudden knowledge either
                    you can read his interviews fro years back that says the same thing
                    but persepolis's situation has always been different.
                    deerooz, emrooz, farda
                    The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                    Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                      very good attitude.
                      I commend parvin for wanting the right thing.

                      seems he has changed his attitude towards infrastructural needs of our football and now values the fundamental build up very well.
                      ( he certainly didnt practice this while he was at PP. so maybe a couple of years away has made him wiser )
                      I agree with him totally.

                      DDjan his claim was that at persepolis and under those conditions that he was dealing with first hand infrastructural work was impossible, and frankly I would go with his analysis rahter than yours or mine from many miles away.
                      How can a team that has been run down and in debt think aboutinfrastructural needs?

                      to be honest I do not know if he could actually take his words to action in a country called Iran!!even if you are Soltan and with the fan base that you have...which is always a good marketing tool and its good to put it to use for the good of our football but in mamlekat as bonyan kharabe...
                      deerooz, emrooz, farda
                      The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                      Future of true professional football if any in Iran!

