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How asia & AFC "treated" the aussies ?

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    How asia & AFC "treated" the aussies ?


    I gotta share this with y'all.
    it's just too delicious to keep to myself.

    انتقادات* توهين*آميز ملى*پوش* استراليا از آسيايى*ها
    وينسه* گرلا هافبک* تيم*ملى* استراليا که* در ديدار مرحله* يک*چهارم* نهايى* رقابت*هاى* جام* ملت*هاى* آسيا که* به* حذف* استراليا مقابل* ژاپن* انجاميد، از زمين* مسابقه* اخراج* شده* بود، رفتار تيم*هاى* آسيايى* را زير سؤ*ال* برد وگفت: تيم*هاى* آسيايى* و کنفدراسيون* فوتبال* آسيا در طى* برگزارى* جام* ملت*ها به* گونه*اى* با ما رفتار کردند که* از لحاظ* روحى* تأ*ثير بسيار منفى* روى* تيم* ما گذاشت.
    بازيکن* تيم* تورينو ايتاليا با لحن* توهين*آميزى* گفت: ما رفتار ناشايست* تيم*هاى* عراق، تايلند، ژاپن* و عمان* را فراموش* نمى*کنيم* و قطعاً* زمانى* که* آنها در استراليا حضور پيدا کنند، پاسخ* رفتار آنها را خواهيم* داد. وى* با غيرطبيعى* خواندن* اتفاقات* ديدار با آسيايى*ها گفت: عراقى*ها پس* از گلزنى* به* ما مثل* کانگورو بالا و پايين* مى*پريدند و عمانى*ها مى*رقصيدند، در مصاف* با ژاپن* نيز پس* از برخورد من* با تاکاهارا اين* بازيکن* به*طور ناجوانمردانه*اى* داور را فريب* داد و منجر به* اخراج* من* شد، رفتار عجيب* او حتى* من* را هم* به* شک* انداخت* که* شايد واقعاً* پايش* را شکسته* باشم. اين* ملى*پوش* استراليايى* با لحنى* عصبى* ادامه* داد: ما براى* تک*تک* رفتار آسيايى*ها پاسخ* خواهيم* داشت. ما توقع* داشتيم* در اولين* حضورمان* بين* آنها با احترام* مواجه* شويم، ولى* نه*تنها تيم*ها با ما رفتار خوبى* نداشتند بلکه*AFC هم* تيم*ملى* استراليا را ناديده* گر

    yeah ... as if you guys treat others so well !

    all I can say is " WELCOME TO ASIA , BABY "
    and "you aint seen nothing yet" as you yet have to face teams like bahrain & qatar !
    I wonder what you'd say after these games !!

    they will bid for 2015 and I am sure they will get it...they can for sure payback as we know how aussi fans can be.
    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


      What the Iraqi's did (jumping like the Kangaroos) was offensive and low class!

      other than that, I think the Aussies are whining too much and they got what they deserved.. they really showed nothing.. Iraq beat them clean, fair and square.. I still don't think they know what hit them..


        Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
        What the Iraqi's did (jumping like the Kangaroos) was offensive and low class!
        other than that, I think the Aussies are whining too much and they got what they deserved.. they really showed nothing.. Iraq beat them clean, fair and square.. I still don't think they know what hit them..
        Iraqies ,jumped up and down,after they beat the saudi's also, is thier Iraqie culture...........had nothing to do with Aussies.
        It is a white color racism, should have heard,these british broadcaters with the setanta cable channell............They pulled so much for the Assusies, and got mad when they lost.


          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
          It is a white color racism, should have heard,these british broadcaters with the setanta cable channell............They pulled so much for the Assusies, and got mad when they lost.

          OOoooo, I LOVE it when these brits get it up their arses.
          their commentary is so one sided. and they always make a big deal out of anyone british or even slightly connected to their isle.
          it's enough to steer away any neutral fan watching the games !!

          so I REALLY enjoy those games they talk so much one sided trash and end up losing.
          I wish I'd heard the games you mentioned.


            Part of this is whinning, but I think the guy has a point about acting up and grassrolling of Asian players.

            I watched a live dobule headers of three European teams and a Mexican team in Chicago yesterday.
            Really hard challenges, hard tackles and none of the grassrolling you see in Iran or AFC cup. No need for the magic water by the trainer nothing. Part of the what he is complaining about Takahara is justified I think. As Asian football get more professioanl hopefully we see less of this.
            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


              well the question now is what happens if Australia does not qualify for WC?

              well I dont think this happens and believe they will qualify; cause now they will look different at Asia and take the teams more serious. still if they play with their full strenght they are very strong. But as you know anything can happen in WC qualifications in Asia, so lets see how Aussies scope with it...

              Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                DD jaan,.....I realy think,they now, wish,they had stayed with thier half point desegnation in WC,and still played with , FIJI, and those little island !
                With the old system, it was %100 chance for the to be assigned for the right to play only one game , to qualify for, not only,they have to be good,but also,they have to consistantly perform....and still even then, it will not be, they may need luck as well.
                But, aside from this issue, one thing puzzels me.....and that is,as I just saw,in FIFA site, for WC qualification, after the addition of Australia, they still are awarding ASIA only 4 and 1/2, spots for the WC..........was not it supposed to be 5 ?......with the addition of Oceania ?


                  actually brits (mostly english) and aussies HATE each other with a passion fyi
                  and we have already played (and won) against bahrain here in sydney last year.

