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Can Ghotbi be a second Mohajerani of Iran?

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    Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
    , charkh la sang andakhtan,

    Bahram Jaan,

    Farseet ham panchar shoodeh dadash, as I remember it was Choob laye chark gozashtan, but no human can put a charkh laye sang!!
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


      I think he just "combined" sang andaakhtan & choob laye charkh gozashtan !
      to EMPHASIZE his point.

      sang moft o , two in the bush.


        Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
        I say again,and repeat are thinking in absolute !!
        If, you are aware of what is going on in Iran, and if you are considerate of Iran,and if you are an need to push for change of regim !, not IFF, and fundemetal change in Football.......
        My frind, they go together, in case you did not know !!
        This is what you need to go after,if you realy, realy think about foundations,and do not want to settle with what is at hand.

        you can repeat yourself as many times as tyou want, but unless you think out of the box you wont see the matrix!
        obviously change of regime is very important. I have sai that many times, if you look at my threads you will find this out! ON THIS GROUND means within IRI and its fesad...

        we get a democratic regime that cares for the peole ofcourse it would be easier to move football on that ground...what does this have to do with your arguments about this coach or that coach!!?

        thinking out of the box is this:
        granted a revolutiona nd change of gov would be great, not only for football but also for much more imoprtant stuff provided that this regime change is in teh rite direction, but we are talking football here and without revolution there are things taht we could all agree on and demand

        my point is to educate the masses to see that khar hamoon khare paloonesh aavaz shde hala chera ta sob hanjere jer meeded ke gn bere hiddink biyad!
        deerooz, emrooz, farda
        The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
        Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


          Originally posted by perspolees View Post
          you can repeat yourself as many times as tyou want, but unless you think out of the box you wont see the matrix!
          obviously change of regime is very important. I have sai that many times, if you look at my threads you will find this out! ON THIS GROUND means within IRI and its fesad...
          we get a democratic regime that cares for the peole ofcourse it would be easier to move football on that ground...what does this have to do with your arguments about this coach or that coach!!?
          thinking out of the box is this:
          granted a revolutiona nd change of gov would be great, not only for football but also for much more imoprtant stuff provided that this regime change is in teh rite direction, but we are talking football here and without revolution there are things taht we could all agree on and demand
          my point is to educate the masses to see that khar hamoon khare paloonesh aavaz shde hala chera ta sob hanjere jer meeded ke gn bere hiddink biyad!
          Perspolees Jaan, would you be kind,and comment on my other post also,?
          The post # 29.................
          Your above post seems contradictory !!!, In one hand, you say, we can not wait for governement,to be corrected,and we need to be realistic,..and in other hand, you say, we need foundemental change......


            Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
            Bahram Jaan,
            Farseet ham panchar shoodeh dadash, as I remember it was Choob laye chark gozashtan, but no human can put a charkh laye sang!!
            You see !!! , there new Sangs that you have not seen !!, and if you put charkh inside them, they are no longer stationery,and become mobile !!


              Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
              You see !!! , there new Sangs that you have not seen !!, and if you put charkh inside them, they are no longer stationery,and become mobile !!

              baba eyval !


                Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                Payman jaan.....Perspolees Jaan..........
                Let me assume, you guys have not been in Iran lately.
                1-You go to buy Bread.....the guy uses his fingers that was just in his nose,and fixes the KHAMIR ..........Do you think, you can dare to say something ?....he will throw you out of his shop.
                2-You go to bank........there are 30 bank employees, which 26 of which are on the other side of the counter,behind thier personal tables,some have computer,some going through stamping some papers, and most tables ,the guy is not at his table,in other tables,the employees are getting together and haveing tea together,and other tables,there is no one behind it, and God knows where he is.........and more than 50 to 60 people are in 4 lines ( not a civilized line ),some pushing over the counter to pass others,and some begging the 4 tellers ,for faivor to take care of want balance on your account, you wait,half an hour, then write you info and sign and date a form...then, go to another teller wait for 10 more minutes, and give it to him...them he says, come tommorow,to get your print-out...........( Believe me,I am not exadurating )
                3-You go to Shahrdari, to prepare papers to sell your house........ , There is not enough space here for me to explain to you what happened to me,during 10 consacetive days,and crying and begging, and bribbing, and HERAST,and darboon, etc,etc,etc.........the most heard comment,is " COME BACK NEXT WEEK " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                4-you go to streets, there are thousands of thousands,unfinished projects, ..form asphalts to pipes,to electricity, to water, to side walk, to abandened buildings,etc,etc,etc.
                the country is ****ED UP!!
                The organizations are totaly redicules.....the manegment, is worse than, non-existance...........Bribery,theft, charkh la sang andakhtan, non-attendance of employees,non-accountabilities, party bazi, famil Bazi, no production, etc,etc,etc,..............................
                Perspolees Jaan, THE IFF, may be the best maneged,best founded, best organized, organization there is in IRAN.
                Some body told me, with the traffic in tehran...if there was any corporate manaegment in Iran......70% of traffic would have been, these 70%,are people who are going to places for thier 10 TH or 20 th time, for something you and I do with 2 minutes telephone call,in Europe or USA.
                zzjan, you asked me to comment on this post...
                we all agree on these! or at least I do!
                but what to do?
                zendooniya to zendan bemmeran?
                kajraftari bemoone?
                dozdi bemoone?
                how would you suggest to change it!?
                by bringing chiraque to Iran?
                or how about clinton!!? or this or that other great leader of teh free world!!?
                then why is it that we think that bringing hiddink will solve or do anything for us!!?

                by bringing a new king or Molla ahead of this team called Iran!!?

                or by EDUCATION, EDUCATION, EDUCATION to show that it is not the guy that all of sudden is put atop it is US who should know better...the guy could be great but what can he do if we dig to shit in mostarahe irani!!?

                the same thing with tm!!

                bring murrhinio and nikbakht and karimi will still have their finger up their nose!!

                we were talki about a remedy for our football, and all I always voice is that IT HAS NEVER BEEN, IT IS NOT NOW AND WILL NOT BE FOR A LOOOOONG TIME BEFORE THIS COACH OR THAT would be the main issue for our uprise and sparks and downfalls of football...

                thats what I think is thinking out of the box

                you cant sit and say OK I am bent over and will not do anything because iri is as such...see the examples in volleyball and basketball and how they succeede? they did that within this regime....

                I see it stupid and fundamentally wrong to go and spend shiit load of money on coaches that come and go but we do not have lighted stadiums and a calander yet!!

                so what is there to do or suggest?

                education and improvement of gray mattter is the only way from politics, to football to this to that! as such I find it exceptionally narrow mindedness to feel and believe that one man can come and make all of these thngs over noght change and get better!
                deerooz, emrooz, farda
                The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                Future of true professional football if any in Iran!

