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Parveen, Steel Azin, infrastructure, etc.

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    Parveen, Steel Azin, infrastructure, etc.

    I am not sure if you guys are following up the news on this but these guys are the shiit these days!
    I mean a second division iranina team is in on Spain's national team campus!!
    set to play with khetafe and Atletico Madrid..

    Parvin has named Kallani whom I personally know as the supervisor of teh team, Mohajerani has opened and running all youth level teams for teh club and they have contracted to build a stadium.
    On the marketting end they are planning to give away gifts and a car each game and the thought is that they will gather that much spectators that they will eventually contract Azadi for their games..
    All in all rock solid plannig and execution...I personally hope that this does not stay as a spark and finds enough capital and return of money for them for the entity to survive and literally open up doors for much bigger and better things to happen...

    I mean hands down eyval!
    deerooz, emrooz, farda
    The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
    Future of true professional football if any in Iran!

    I heard the trip to Spain went down the drain, I think it was Khabar Varzeshi or Iran Varzeshi quoting Parvin as "Maah e ramezoon ro vel nemikonim ke berim Espania". So I think they decided not to go after all.


      pretty loud noise for a second div club.
      it sounds pretty good to me that they are planning for good youth system, their own stadium, .... .
      But where is all the money coming from?
      and how long will it last?

      the name of parvin, by itself, will pull in thousands to the stadium. plus, if the team plays well, the audience will grow too.
      and lets just assume they play so well and finally get promoted to IPL. I'm sure the spectators will increase even more.
      something that may even get close to ss or pp. NEAR, I said . not equal.

      BUT here's the point: until when they can offer a car and gifts to ppl ?
      every week of the season?
      on what budget?
      it certainly cant be the revenues of the second div ticket sales which are abysmal.
      TV revenues are chicken-shiit and they wont cover jack for clubs like these.

      so lets just assume there's a big name behind their funding.
      and that big name is supplying the funds .
      till when will he do so?
      where is it coming from?
      is it gov't?
      private? we know there's no such thing as a super-rich "private" financier in Iran. becoz if you're that rich, then you're connected to someone high up.
      sustainability ?
      dont know and cant guess. coz if it's a gov't entity, then there's no guarantee it will remain tied and will continue to fund.

      and finally lets really stretch our imagination and assume they last a couple of season this way. does that mean clubs like fajr, malavan, ... will automatically get such super-rich backers?
      they havent got it till now.
      who's to say they will, after one club ( given its famous founder and ... ) ?


        It is really great to see enterprise and private investors go into action even in a risky venture such as running a professional club in Iranian league.

        I do hope that parvin , Kalani and the other investors get a return on investment. I must admit that what has been said about their expenditure is something that does not make economical sense.

        Which club in its right sense will draw lots for a motor car in every match ?
        Building a private stadium in Iran . is of course very nice idea, but what is the return and how long ?????

        The subject of this steel Azin club was mentioned by the reporters in Malaysia during the Asian Cup and all sort of theories were discussed including laundering !!!!!! However , take the Iranian reporters with a pinch of salt.

        Most of the wealthy Iranians invest their money outside Iran (not that one blames them) ...Kudos to Kalani , Parvin & co for investing locally.



          Obviously as I voiced too, theres got to be a return on this, but did chelsea get a return back?!
          financials of eh club per their reps shows otherwise...

          all in all I have serious concerns about this whole gig and am wondering if this can carry on but every single angle that you look at this is flawless!! they have done everything so far right with short term planning and having enough experienced players to come to firs to ipl and all te way to youth levels...

          I mean these guys are in Spains national team camp!! setting up games with atletico madrid etc..will this last?

          I sure hope so tho I have my doubts as to just :

          ba ye gol bahar nemeeshe..

          the whole bed ad system should be right for these to succed...

          one thing is good:
          a big bang and a first success story will hopefully open up doors, it does happen a t times like what chelsea diod for the epl and sales and brought in others..
          deerooz, emrooz, farda
          The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
          Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


            persi jan, with all due respect my friend, surely you are NOT comparing chelsea's situation with a second div ( or even a top IPL ) club in Iran !

            chelsea gets plenty of revenues that even the most popular club/team in Iran, pp, can only DREAM OF :

            sales of tickets ( season and the rest )
            sales of merchandise
            EPL TV rights
            EPL prize money ( based on ranking )

            then they have their european comp's which fetches them handsome amounts of money . the champs league games are quite rewarding, and with each advancement in stages, the money is many times folded.
            ( notice I'm leaving out the massive amount of money - some black - being pumped in from russia )
            do they get the return on their investments?
            HELL YEAH ! maybe not immediately, but they get it within a couple of years.

            now, which club in Iran gets anything near a FRACTION of this for you to draw parallels between chelsea and steel azin?


            oh, I forgot. btw, didnt parvin hire a FOREIGN coach ( dutch. Jong , I think ) for this team too ?


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

              now, which club in Iran gets anything near a FRACTION of this for you to draw parallels between chelsea and steel azin?
              IRIB , as far as I know until now , refuses to pay any league club the TV broadcast rights and they have the audacity to claim that the clubs should pay them!!!!

              Match Ticket prices in Iran is amongst the cheapest in the world. yet you still see fans jumping through the fences trying to get a free ride !!!

              Sales of merchandise in IRAN !!!???" Huh......people out there thrive in trade mark violation and think that copy right protection is an imperialist plot against the Islamic republic. I seriously doubt that PP or SS would make any money selling their own high quality merchandise while street vendors in their thousands sell fake or unauthorized materials and selling them so cheaply ( in quality and price , I must stress). I once bought a flag from one of the street vendors before entering Azadi. This Flag was the most decent looking memorabilia amongst hundreds of cheap quality stuff...I ended up cutting my hands waving the this flag ....and started bleeding....F**(*&^& !!! There goes the quality product.

              So, where is the revenue that covers such expenses is going to come from ???

              NO....NO ...NO.. it will take several generations before Iran's football becomes anywhere near what we see in Europe...But then again by that time , I would not even dare to think what the Europeans would have done with professional football ...........



                it's certainly great to see these kind of ventures in Iran, but I , too, am very doubtful that these type of investments will survive when I look at the sate of "football business" in our country.

                I am sure the rich men who own Esteel Azeen or SSA are very smart business men.. they had to be to become so rich in the first place, right?... but why would they make these decisions to buy, operate and own football clubs in Iran???

                considering the Business conditions of Iranian football, it is obvious that those smart and rich men knew that there is no money coming back.. maybe ever.. so why do they do that??


                but love, mixed with business, usually doesn't las long.... You cant keep losing millions every year for the rest of you life, just for the love of it..

                however, if the Laws of Copy Right, Production Rights, Trade Marks and Registered names, start to mean something and become enforceable by a strong backing of the Judiciary branch and Justice department, THEN, we can see a lot of rich Iranians , with a lot of great Ideas who can take this mess and turn it into a multi million dollar industry that not only leaves no expenses on gov's hand, but it pays millions in taxes every year and creates thousands of jobs for their countrymen, and meanwhile take our football to the top...

                Are we good enough to reach that day?? are the leaders of the country good enough to lay the ground work??

                one thing is certain, the ideal is far far away...


                  I really doubt that Steel Azin will become a high profiled club in Iran. Untill when do they wanna give out gifts and cars?

                  And who'z financing them? How much money does Ali Parvin have?

                  There are some reasons I dont see them becoming big


                    I'm afraid, when we rule out the mixture of "love & business" ( read behzad's post ), we're left with only one option:
                    money laundry !!???

                    lets hope not.


                      its all financialy derived. Coach, stadium, freindlies etc... so long a the money is there, they are gonna go up... if the money is only short term budgeted, they won't get too far.
                      CHECK OUT OUR FORUM RULES HERE:

                      Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                        persi jan, with all due respect my friend, surely you are NOT comparing chelsea's situation with a second div ( or even a top IPL ) club in Iran !

                        chelsea gets plenty of revenues that even the most popular club/team in Iran, pp, can only DREAM OF :

                        sales of tickets ( season and the rest )
                        sales of merchandise
                        EPL TV rights
                        EPL prize money ( based on ranking )

                        then they have their european comp's which fetches them handsome amounts of money . the champs league games are quite rewarding, and with each advancement in stages, the money is many times folded.
                        ( notice I'm leaving out the massive amount of money - some black - being pumped in from russia )
                        do they get the return on their investments?
                        HELL YEAH ! maybe not immediately, but they get it within a couple of years.

                        now, which club in Iran gets anything near a FRACTION of this for you to draw parallels between chelsea and steel azin?


                        oh, I forgot. btw, didnt parvin hire a FOREIGN coach ( dutch. Jong , I think ) for this team too ?

                        the draw is simple:

                        I donno whether you understood it or not but what I said above is that I hope and for this to work there has to be ROI...but then again there are plenty of examples where there was no ROI in world footballing events for instance Chesea eneded up in red ( overall) after what it same may happen to steel azin and they still have made a big noise and will bring spark and locomotion to the division which is all good...thats all I am not comparing the two there's nothing to compare..

                        I have always been pro foreigners that are reasonably priced to teach our lads in YOUTH level CLUB OR TM DOS NOT MATTER BUT YOUTH IS IMPORTANT, I am not against foreigners and coaches at all, I am not sure what jung could teach career end approaching players of steel azin!!?

                        remember THO, I always believe in what coach for what team to achieve what goal and for how much are teh questions that we need to answer, I guess if Parvin is think tank he should have thought of the above and the answer for him was to go with jung...this is not comparable with our tm situation where we want to go get hiddink for xillion dollars for a year to come and go and tm play exactly like wha tthey did with gn or branko!!!
                        deerooz, emrooz, farda
                        The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                        Future of true professional football if any in Iran!

